Fort marrok locked chest


New Member
Aug 31, 2020
As someone who didn't have a great elementary science background this riddle actually sucked.

Like, I made it even through half of this hint thread without being any the wiser.

Also, "I have a million brothers"? I gotta agree that part threw me off completely. If that were something else I might've come closer to the actual answer.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018


Fort Marrok’s Riddle was ridiculously easy to me. The one in the Cultist Dungeon though had me fumbling a bit before I managed to deduce what would fit in the lock (my initial guesses were on the right track; just had to figure out what word is the right number, lol).

I’ll give a hint to thought process for anyone who’s still clueless though: it’s legit a variant of the river riddle (I.e. runs but can’t walk, has a mouth but can’t talk, etc).

Still no idea?

1) It’s something personified.

2) What is created by the moon upon the sea?

3) What “dies” when it hits land?

Yeah, sorry, not straight up giving the answer out. >;P I’m already spoiling a LOT with these hints. It’s pretty darn easy if you have a very basic knowledge of science. Come on, you can do it! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!

and if you’re REALLY STUMPED, just freaking flip through the letters until something makes sense


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
It was STORM in the version i played.

The wordlock chest in the Sorran Altar has the password of STORM (the one you are referring to). The wordlock chest in Fort Marrok (the one they are referring to), has the password of WAVE (as others were mentioning above).


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
I havn't been able to figure out a single one of these word chests... thankfully you people have.


i had no idea... i have no idea how to even begin to think how to solve these.

A growing part of my soul wants to know how to think in the way that would be able to figure these things out.