Favourite game on Fenoxo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What is your favourite Game on Fenoxo?

Is it Corruption of Champions? Is it Trials of Tainted Space? Do you prefer Fall Of Eden by Alder? Or do you people like all games equally?

The choice is yours.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I guess I prefer Tainted Space to Mareth. I like the sci-fi setting a tad more, since it is less black-and-white than most fantasy settings and the actual gameplay is fun and actually quite impressive. I never really got into Fall of Eden, although I tried several times. I guess the story is not my cup of tea. I tend to feel kind of lost, and for whatever reason am missing a real purpose for my characters to fulfill or live up to.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I like TiTS more than the rest because of 2 major reasons, the engine isnt as clunky as CoC, and it's still a work in progress, meaning it'll be more fun to see things roll out. I for one was hyped when i saw New Texas and the Treatment being implemented,  and especially hyped when the male form was getting released. All in all I  feel like I  can get more of a sense of joy when things get implimented. Unlike FoE, which doesn't hole the same hype capabilities, or CoC, which is pretty much over.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
TiTs then CoC then FOE.

I loved CoC's fantasy setting but TiTs has a lot more characters that interest me and a lot more potential for the future. 

Have yet to really be able to get into FoE. I restart every now and then to give it another shot but it's just not for me I guess.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
First is TiTS. It just has more promise for far more expansion, basically having no limits to what can be done.

COC is next, its still fun even though its flaws show when placed next to TiTS

FOE...I cant get into, it lacks direction. Like...where should I go first...anywhere I go I get my ass-kicked no matter what


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I love all three equally. It's easy for me to be up to date with all of them, since a lot of my time has been freed after they killed H visual novels for me. Turns out I like additional interactivity and combat more than I do additional pictures.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
First is TiTS. It just has more promise for far more expansion, basically having no limits to what can be done.

COC is next, its still fun even though its flaws show when placed next to TiTS

FOE...I cant get into, it lacks direction. Like...where should I go first...anywhere I go I get my ass-kicked no matter what

Now I'm honestly curious. The game provides you with a companion who tells you what to do next. Even if you reject said companion, there's a big quest log that tells you in no uncertain details your current main and sub quest lines. Even if you miss that, numerous people in your starting position suggest that you really should go into that big city over yonder. Do people just not bother to read?

Oh wait, even after adding "This is the end of current content" in big, bold letters, people still manage to tell us that they're stuck at that point when they must have seen that message.



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I love both TiTS and CoC. But if I had to choose a favorite it would have to be Trials in Tainted Space. I loved CoCs fantasy setting and got attached to a lot of the characters there, but the same thing goes for the sci-fi setting and the characters of TiTS. The winning factors for TiTS is that the game feels more polished, I love the fact that you have a map you can travel around in, and like Taboo-Sho said, it still has a lot of potential.

I have played a bit of FoE too and found it pretty good, but it currently doesn´t have a lot of content. But it´s still the only other text based game I know of which can be ranked in the same league as TiTS and CoC.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
The problem I have with choosing, is that because FoE is only where it is now, too many placeholders, relative lack of characters, and poor combat balance, I would have to place it at the bottom of the three.

But I think that is a little unfair because as far as potential goes, well, FoE could be something at least twice as good as CoC imho.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
I enjoy Corruption of Champions over Trials in Tainted Space and Fall of Eden.

This is mainly because CoC's setting is more appealing to me than sci-fi space themes, and I'm also fond of how relatively simple it is to begin a new session. Furthermore, the corruption aspect what with demons and such is quite fun--Akbal in particular. While TiTS has a superior engine and aesthetics, the choice of blue and purple for the UI does come across as a little detached/cold over the tans and browns present in CoC. Another point where TiTS doesn't work so well is the character motivation; less of a 'your end goal is this' with a known overall enemy, and more of an open word sexcapade with the snarky cousin nemesis thrown in for questionable effect.

I enjoy FoE to some extent, though it's a big infodump in the beginning and the writing is not always as hot as its Fen-Fen brethren. What's not good is that one of the starting quests urges you to speak to all the townsfolk that may or may not be relevant to your preferred playstyle or interests; I'd much prefer that would be left to the player's own volition than used as an unnecessary checklist. I will, however, give FoE credit for including a bashful elf character as your starting companion, since bossing them around is incredibly satisfying.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Now I'm honestly curious. The game provides you with a companion who tells you what to do next. Even if you reject said companion, there's a big quest log that tells you in no uncertain details your current main and sub quest lines. Even if you miss that, numerous people in your starting position suggest that you really should go into that big city over yonder. Do people just not bother to read?

Oh wait, even after adding "This is the end of current content" in big, bold letters, people still manage to tell us that they're stuck at that point when they must have seen that message.


Ok I shoulda clarified more. I mean, as in what area I should start grinding in first. Any area, EVEN WITH Kia in my team, I get my ass whopped cus everything is just stronger or out-numbers you, unless I get lucky and they keep missing, or there are only 2 of em, as Patrick said, combat isn't balanced yet. And as songbird said, its kinda an Infodumb on you all at once at the start. Shoulda been more breaks between the info.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Love TiTS for the setting, love CoC for the customization, haven't put enough time into FoE to really formulate an overarching conclusion. (Maybe in another year's time I'll sit down with it for a few weeks when there's more content.).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
• FoE 1st if only for meaningful class identity. 1-pc games with fixed classes means everything needs to be able to handle everything- homogenization occurs. Also Cveta is cool and I'm enjoying the setting and the plot so far. Mechanics could use some tuning/possible revision, but its still pretty solid and enjoyable as is. I'm really excited for its future.

• TiTS for some interesting characters and plethora of naughty scenes. Saendra's cool.

• CoC is last cause it's old and busted in comparison with the above. I certainly enjoyed it when I played it though.

In summary: I play FoE to rpg with naughty flavouring, and I play TiTS to fap.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Love TiTS more than CoC, because I'm more into sci-fi than fantasy. Also, having different zones with NPCs and different encounter chances for various enemies is more pleasant than repeatedly hitting the explore button while hoping to meet the monster/waifu/npc you want. I still like CoC, but find TiTS more enjoyable in that respect.

And I haven't really played FoE, couldn't get into it for some reason. Dunno why though.

Recap : TiTS > CoC >> FoE


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
• FoE 1st if only for meaningful class identity. 1-pc games with fixed classes means everything needs to be able to handle everything- homogenization occurs. 

 So much this, even if at first I got a serious FF Tactics vibes. That class tree, man.

It should be noted, however, that TiTS feature at least a handful of out-of-combat class specific options and there are plans for more. I don't remember seeing any in FoE, although I have some catching up to do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It should be noted, however, that TiTS feature at least a handful of out-of-combat class specific options and there are plans for more. I don't remember seeing any in FoE, although I have some catching up to do.

Pretty sure the only current class option in FoE is for mastering Hypnotist; most options so far are stat based. Also, I found the class options in TiTS to be meaningless flavour for the most part: Can you pick this lock? No? That's cool, Anno will let you in anyway in the very next scene. Can you avoid this simple Missile turret fight? Or are you a Merc that is forced to get the exp. Techie getting an unbroken dog-bot is about the only one that has any impact.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Pretty sure the only current class option in FoE is for mastering Hypnotist; most options so far are stat based. Also, I found the class options in TiTS to be meaningless flavour for the most part: Can you pick this lock? No? That's cool, Anno will let you in anyway in the very next scene. Can you avoid this simple Missile turret fight? Or are you a Merc that is forced to get the exp. Techie getting an unbroken dog-bot is about the only one that has any impact.

There are a few options that I can think of off the top of my head.

-Bull tower; having mage will let you set the caravans alight without needing a torch, and rogue will give you an edge against the trapped safe.

-Having Ranger mastered will give you better odds on Outlaws herb collection quests.

-There are a bunch coming up from me, but those are what I have off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hmm I wonder why last option is here since it imply someone here just wander without purpose. Ohhh wait is that? Like some typed blind fenoxo and found this forum thus this option is for him/her/it? Anyway my vote went ofc to FoE. If not it would be CoC and at the end TiTS. Not that TiTS is bad game it's just...it's still so young one compared to those two. Like it have what 1 year only? Probably with time it will be more charming for me but now I see it as some small loli that pretend to be adult to get more attention. Give yourself time to shine nothing forcefully ^^


Nov 28, 2015
CoC: Was the first game I played, it is special for me....[Like in a Scale from 1 to 10: 10 ]

TiTs: I'm trying to play confortable, it is a good game but there is something that give me some sort of insecurity..(just me messing with controls and items)[Like in a Scale from 1 to 10: 9.5 ]

FoE: Third, I played it, like it a lot for all the rpg stuff, but still like more the others....[Like in a Scale from 1 to 10: 9 ]

[Scales are really close]


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015

I'm the kind of person who have a really hard time going back to older games, because I just get annoyed with the less intuitive UIs and stuff when I've seen it done better. I still love CoC but it shows its age in everything except the sex.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Fall of Eden. It has a ton of placeholder stuff (way more than it should have IMO - I really think finalising existing content should be of higher priority than adding new, also unfinished, stuff), but so far the writing is a whole lot better than in CoC/TiTS, the characters are surprisingly lovable, story interesting, and the gameplay has the potential to be really good - At least once it gets finalized.

I'd add CoC as second, due to, well, being the first game, but also having a good set of rather likable characters.

TiTS for me is on the very bottom. There's just something about that game that makes me stay away from it. It's the overabundance of huge-breasted dickgirls running around, lack of genuinely interesting characters, meh art style (combined with a sleep-inducing color scheme), and a ton of other things that just scream "nay" for me. Not that's it's *bad* - The writing is good, some ideas really great (I love the dieselpunkish ant planet), technicals are good, the gameplay is decent... And I did have a good playthrough in it, can't say I didn't enjoy it to a degree - But overall, it just misses my prefferences by a mile. I'd rather play FoE or CoC Revamp (which has its own set of issues, but I preffer that over an abandoned game).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
There were like, half a dozen of these threads that got started on the old forum after TiTS got its first release.  I'll say the same thing I said there, CoC wins with no contest.  CoC is nearly a completed game with too much content for any one person to find it all.  TiTS has grown significantly and does have a much better overall design, but it still doesn't have as much as its predecessor.  When that changes and TiTS is close to finished I'm sure it'll be much better than CoC, until then though it can't compete.  As for FoE, there's too many placeholders and too much grinding needed to even think about comparing it to the other two.  It's like holding up a baby next to an MMA champ and asking who is stronger, it's insane just to ask the question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fall of Eden. It has a ton of placeholder stuff (way more than it should have IMO - I really think finalising existing content should be of higher priority than adding new, also unfinished, stuff), but so far the writing is a whole lot better than in CoC/TiTS, the characters are surprisingly lovable, story interesting, and the gameplay has the potential to be really good - At least once it gets finalized.

On FoE work one person that doesn't getting much money specificaly for doing game faster (he not had patreon for foe since it start unlike TiTS one which give Fen so much dosh he can hire full time others even with all that income). So looking throu this angle I not suprised there is so many placeholders there. On fleshing out unfinished stuff insted adding more unfinished stuff. I think after few months of that many people would start send thunders on Alder for not adding ANYTHING new. It wouldn't count he adding new stuff by fleshing already existing stuff but those poeple would demand new new stuff that would be again need to be not finished unless it would mean each new FoE build coming out around each 2 months not 2 week.

It's like holding up a baby next to an MMA champ and asking who is stronger, it's insane just to ask the question.

You forgetting that this baby is feed normaly with breast milk while that MMA champion was on best synthetic steroid since birth not meantioning all genetic manipulations to make it grown faster. There is not even fair to try compare them. If something You could try compare TiTS and Carnal Souls (when it finaly would be playable) as those two game seems similar to each other in basis they got and then we would say which one of them is baby and which one is MMA champion ;) (but that makes this subject goes beyond games meantioned in thread)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
FoE have great potential, but lacks content and have too much loose ends. And it become worse over time, since developer tends to add new content not finishing existing, and that new becomes another loose end...

TiTS is good in terms of engine, but sci-fi setting... Also, it's story have worst sin open world RPG can do: pre-defined history. While in FoE we know literally nothing about character's past and in CoC we can choose it, TiTS's history forces us to play defined role. And reminds us who we are all the time. Oh, and aliens. Even if based on fantasy creatures, setting forces developers to make them... Alien. Too alien for my taste mostly. it's actually more in monster girl territory rather than furry like CoC. And every damn second character is either shemale with huge boobs or female with huge boobs, who can grow dick on some point. Unless it's herm with huge boobs from start. Stop that cloning factory, FFS!

CoC is mostly finished and overall decent game, but it was developed over 10 years, and sometimes inconsistency in content quality can be seen. Also, it have no damn end! Still, I like it the most for now. Plot isn't shoved into us, and we can just explore world of magic, furries and perverseness. Oh, and this is only one where it is explained why it is full of perverseness.

So... CoC wins, for now. FoE can become better, but it would take years at current development rate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Neither CoC has been in development for over ten years nor every TiTS character is a big breasted shemale, a big breasted female or a big breasted herm. I'd like more variety myself, but I suspect it has to do with a personal bias-just like how you see with characters being alien/monster-like as opposed to furry, when I feel most are just an humanoid with extra stuff. But this is not the place for yet another "not alien enough!" discussion. Now, I think I'm going to spend some time classifying TiTS characters and see if the lack of balance is real.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
CoC is mostly finished and overall decent game, but it was developed over 10 years

lolwhat no. CoC started development in 2011, and p.much ended in 2014. So that's at most about 4 years of dev time, and only about half of that at full time, either.

Now, I think I'm going to spend some time classifying TiTS characters and see if the lack of balance is real.

Here, have a spreadsheet.

It's like 2-3 patches behind but whatever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
lolwhat no. CoC started development in 2011, and p.much ended in 2014. So that's at most about 4 years of dev time, and only about half of that at full time, either.

Hm... Was sure seen this number somewhere at forum.