Favourite game on Fenoxo.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
There are a couple of reasons why there are so many supposed loose ends flapping about:

1. Count how many full-time authors FoE has, compared to say, TiTs.The answer: 0. None of us work full-time on it. Part-time-wise, Alder hasn't written much since the dragon theme room, and he's busy with code; QB and LD have hit a rut, and I am the only author who is churning out extra content at a steady rate. That's right, you have only one author actually working on things right now.

If you want to see things coming out at a faster rate, pick up your keyboard and start writing. We have scenes up for bounty on a forum topic. Go and get them.

2. We respect each other's space; that is, no treading on each others' toes. For example, Momo. QB and LD are slated to do a revamp of her sometime. Could I write stuff for her? Sure. Would that be rude? Hell yes. Momo moves forward at the pace with which her authors actually move.

3. Some things simply cannot move on until other things move on. See: Cveta. Every so often I get questions asking when she will be sexable. The answer is always: act 2. Wait. The content is written. Now is not the time for it to show its face.

4. Writing too much of one thing at a go produces this thing called "burnout". Remember all the declarations of never wanting to see another cow again after New Texas? Yes, that.

TL;DR: Want to see things, write them.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Remember all the declarations of never wanting to see another cow again after New Texas? Yes, that.

I'd write 50 cows if I never had to write an ant again.

Burnout is cyclical. :p  But yeah, hammering our collective faces into the same shit for months is just bad for business. Much less the poor author's mental health.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'd write 50 cows if I never had to write an ant again.

Burnout is cyclical. :p  But yeah, hammering our collective faces into the same shit for months is just bad for business. Much less the poor author's mental health.

You know... You could always just write the Hellhound...


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
There are a couple of reasons why there are so many supposed loose ends flapping about:

1. Count how many full-time authors FoE has, compared to say, TiTs.The answer: 0. None of us work full-time on it. Part-time-wise, Alder hasn't written much since the dragon theme room, and he's busy with code; QB and LD have hit a rut, and I am the only author who is churning out extra content at a steady rate. That's right, you have only one author actually working on things right now.

If you want to see things coming out at a faster rate, pick up your keyboard and start writing. We have scenes up for bounty on a forum topic. Go and get them.

2. We respect each other's space; that is, no treading on each others' toes. For example, Momo. QB and LD are slated to do a revamp of her sometime. Could I write stuff for her? Sure. Would that be rude? Hell yes. Momo moves forward at the pace with which her authors actually move.

3. Some things simply cannot move on until other things move on. See: Cveta. Every so often I get questions asking when she will be sexable. The answer is always: act 2. Wait. The content is written. Now is not the time for it to show its face.

4. Writing too much of one thing at a go produces this thing called "burnout". Remember all the declarations of never wanting to see another cow again after New Texas? Yes, that.

TL;DR: Want to see things, write them.

Sure, I get that, but I'm more into very basic stuff. Example: Enemy rape scenes. I understand you guys have a ton of work and stuff like that, but some of the mobs were first introduced years ago and they still don't have scenes written. It's not really about the amount of work, but prioritising it.

I fully understand a new follower is certainly more interesting to write than a random rape scene, but from a player's perspective, if I decide to try out this FoE thing, beat a random level 1 enemy on the crossroads, and I see that I can't fuck it despite post-battle text implying I should, then I'm like "screw this, this is unfinished". And such a person will never see the plethora of well written, content-heavy characters later in the game. He will see a level 1 enemy that was left unfinished for a year or two.

Look at TiTS/CoC: They don't add new stuff to the game unless it's *somewhat* finished. FoE constantly adds new stuff on and on and on, while some basics are left abandoned for years on end.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Sure, I get that, but I'm more into very basic stuff. Example: Enemy rape scenes. I understand you guys have a ton of work and stuff like that, but some of the mobs were first introduced years ago and they still don't have scenes written. It's not really about the amount of work, but prioritising it.

I fully understand a new follower is certainly more interesting to write than a random rape scene, but from a player's perspective, if I decide to try out this FoE thing, beat a random level 1 enemy on the crossroads, and I see that I can't fuck it despite post-battle text implying I should, then I'm like "screw this, this is unfinished". And such a person will never see the plethora of well written, content-heavy characters later in the game. He will see a level 1 enemy that was left unfinished for a year or two.

Look at TiTS/CoC: They don't add new stuff to the game unless it's *somewhat* finished. FoE constantly adds new stuff on and on and on, while some basics are left abandoned for years on end.

Okay, here's a keyboard.

Get to it, Alder is actually offering payment for scenes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'd have to say it's a tie between TiTS and FoE for first place now, with CoC getting an honorable mention as second.

TiTS is fun to playthrough over and over with enough little details and choices keeping things from getting too repetitive and redundant. It also has consistent growth and change so that it never feels stagnant, the characters are well fleshed out or at least given enough so that they don't feel like placeholder NPCs where applicable. The story itself and the verse it takes place in grow and get background added enough so that you never quite lose the feeling of exploration and discovery when looking through the MCs eyes. The combat system was fine before...and now is even better and makes the "helpers" you have at points feel like they are actually making an impact on the battle beyond basically acting like a second drone.

FoE honestly would have been 3rd awhile ago but as the story has been fleshed out since I started and I actually started playing it and paying attention...I have to say that I find it does as good a job as CoC at hitting certain buttons for me if not better. The premise of a "dimensional dumping ground" is well set up and used but not overused to great effect as a method of bringing in characters and events in  a way that limits the need for backstory but still keeps the various characters from feeling JK level cardboard cutouts. The distinction between Job, Character, and even sexual experience are also something I find adds variety to the game and keeps combat from getting too repetitive. Could it be a bit better? Yes, but it's also running on much more limited resources, so I'm willing to be patient.

CoC. First game I played her and I love a lot of the characters...but I can't say it's my fav. The closest coherent reason I can give is that "it feels like it's fraying at the edges." I tend to play the mod more than CoC proper and even then, it's been months since I really played it for any sake beyond getting to certain scenes.