[Editors neede] Verusha expac


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2017
I'm expanding on Verusha. The expac starts if you've completed all of her talk scenes and fucked her a bunch. She'll leave Tarkus and goes missing for a while, but eventually, you get a message telling you that she's in the medical floor of her company's ship. after visiting her a few times she's released and quits her job as a merc and moves to Tavros. When there you can date her (not that she knows that), fuck her, and convince her to try out some Yoga.

Current sex scenes will be edited to fit tavros and put into an optional menu, and new scenes for when you're her lover which are less focused on domination, and you'll be able to fuck her.


This doc has everything except the dates, and sex which is still to be written.
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New Member
Jun 3, 2020
This appears to be filling the empty cavity in my chest with something..... It appears that this is what I was waiting for this all this time.

That is to say, I cannot wait.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Doots, its been a few years since verusha's contents, so i was wondering is your chance on making verusha a crew-member still no, because I was wondering that after verusha enters a romantic relationship with MC, that maybe she could be convinced to be a crew member since they're in a relationship and everything, or maybe consider preg-content.
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