Dragon throne chapter 1&2&3


Mar 10, 2016
Glad to hear you want to give more background and extend the scenes, your game could become a very surprise.
I wasn't sure to write, because my opinion could seem a bit biased, because I have already written that I searched adult scene in a game, but it was with the better intentions, you are a good author.
When I have seen the first images of the naughty scene I thought of a sapphic scene between Addine and the aunt, but it was so pleasant to follow that I won't have changed for one scene with sex action.
At some point however arrive the moment that needs to deliver and not only because one patron would decide to pay for a specific scene only  if he sees you create good one, but because a game is judged in all the parts.
If you add a minigame and it's so boring that one hates that moment in the game it's better to not put the minigame, at the same point good teasing scenes and poor sex scenes are a bad combination, better avoid completely the sex in that case.
Your image of the future scene of Addine is beautiful, you created goods models, but now also your posing is much better, but the idea that it would be a delusion how the drak-Valeria scene, after a beautiful animation, nearly convinced me to avoid to continue to follow the game.
This is true also for other game elements, if you decides to add something it is to do in the better way, the bad things are remembered more than the good things, doing a sexual example, even if something is very erotic if I end always with blue balls, at some point I quit.


Feb 6, 2016
Glad to hear you want to give more background and extend the scenes, your game could become a very surprise.
I wasn't sure to write, because my opinion could seem a bit biased, because I have already written that I searched adult scene in a game, but it was with the better intentions, you are a good author.
When I have seen the first images of the naughty scene I thought of a sapphic scene between Addine and the aunt, but it was so pleasant to follow that I won't have changed for one scene with sex action.
At some point however arrive the moment that needs to deliver and not only because one patron would decide to pay for a specific scene only  if he sees you create good one, but because a game is judged in all the parts.
If you add a minigame and it's so boring that one hates that moment in the game it's better to not put the minigame, at the same point good teasing scenes and poor sex scenes are a bad combination, better avoid completely the sex in that case.
Your image of the future scene of Addine is beautiful, you created goods models, but now also your posing is much better, but the idea that it would be a delusion how the drak-Valeria scene, after a beautiful animation, nearly convinced me to avoid to continue to follow the game.
This is true also for other game elements, if you decides to add something it is to do in the better way, the bad things are remembered more than the good things, doing a sexual example, even if something is very erotic if I end always with blue balls, at some point I quit.

The choice is yours. I am not forcing anybody to follow. I think you already said too much for single game. If you like more porno games there are other games to follow. But I wouldn't be so fast in making  conclusions what is delusion and what is not. I think there is no point to discuss it further. I am well aware that there is a lot things which need an imporvment. I can't satisfy everybody in the early stage of development.  But I think there is no point to discuss it 100 times over and over again.


Mar 10, 2016
The choice is yours. I am not forcing anybody to follow. I think you already said too much for single game. If you like more porno games there are other games to follow. But I wouldn't be so fast in making  conclusions what is delusion and what is not. I think there is no point to discuss it further. I am well aware that there is a lot things which need an imporvment. I can't satisfy everybody in the early stage of development.  But I think there is no point to discuss it 100 times over and over again.

You have reason, I speak how your game could be a delusion, but for now you have continually improved it and deserve more time before judging, surely it's better than many and not bad, I think that some could even find it one of the better games on Patreon.

Sorry for the words.


Feb 6, 2016
You have reason, I speak how your game could be a delusion, but for now you have continually improved it and deserve more time before judging, surely it's better than many and not bad, I think that some could even find it one of the better games on Patreon.

Sorry for the words.

I shouldn't even probably participate in such discussion. As I said your argument is heard. But since you don't like it. Probably there is not point to post here anymore.


Mar 8, 2016
I shouldn't even probably participate in such discussion. As I said your argument is heard. But since you don't like it. Probably there is not point to post here anymore.

I think that other have said that your game is very interesting and wait for chapter 3. I think that sethxxx wrote much, because he likes your game more that he admits, in last post he said infact that your game is becoming better with ever chapter. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Love the game so far. I enjoyed chapters 1 and 2.
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Mar 10, 2016
The first 2 chapters could be way better, but I can understand because this won't happen, so the true story begin in chapter 3 and it's a great chapter, it is visible that Natali has done a noteworthy job, the ball probably needed much time, complex as how was, only the sex scenes are a bit worst than the rest, even if they are much pleasant and good quality.

After the first play I have felt this and tried to find what she could do to do better but she had already done all in the better way, after that I have understood the "problem". In all the normal scene she adds extra images and discussion to create a better scene, it's great to see the orc show his strength and Jonathan in danger at the end, it's great to see josephine insult Addine several times or see Jonathan speaking "drunk" more than one time and so ahead, in the sex scene Natali make all in the right way but there isn't that extra.

The sex scenes are pleasant, you won't be deluded by them, but after the big job done for all the game a 6 7 extra images and some words put in that scenes and even the sex would have been great like the rest of chapter.
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Mar 8, 2016
The first 2 chapters could be way better, but I can understand because this won't happen, so the true story begin in chapter 3 and it's a great chapter, it is visible that Natali has done a noteworthy job, the ball probably needed much time, complex as how was, only the sex scenes are a bit worst than the rest, even if they are much pleasant and good quality.

After the first play I have felt this and tried to find what she could do to do better but she had already done all in the better way, after that I have understood the "problem". In all the normal scene she adds extra images and discussion to create a better scene, it's great to see the orc show his strength and Jonathan in danger at the end, it's great to see josephine insult Addine several times or see Jonathan speaking "drunk" more than one time and so ahead, in the sex scene Natali make all in the right way but there isn't that extra.

The sex scenes are pleasant, you won't be deluded by them, but after the big job done for all the game a 6 7 extra images and some words put in that scenes and even the sex would have been great like the rest of chapter.

I can agree on something, but the first 2 chapters aren't so ugly, it's only that chapter 3 is very beautiful. And I don't know if you have tried to do a game, but saying some images and words more can seem a brief job, but in reality it can be days and days of work, Natali is doing the game alone and even aaa titles with big budget have some imperfections. Dragon thrones is becoming a greater game with each release. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
If my motivation doesn't run off I will finish next chapter this month.  

great news.

also, i wish there was  a like button. I hate spamming, but on the other hand, I don't want to seem ungrateful. Being able to "like" a post without making a whole post of your own would be ideal (a lot of forums do that)

... and yes, I know this is not the place to make forum software requests, I am just rambling.

Anyways, glad to hear development is continuing apace


Mar 10, 2016
This chapter was short, but one of the better, the story begins to show more and the scenes was interesting, also the adult one, good to see at the end a scene between Addine and Jonathan


Jan 16, 2017
I know this is an old thread, but I've just recently re-downloaded this and now I'm stuck when I have to find Josephine or what's her name.
I have the rose, I've read the thoughts of both Nora and Ana, but I have absolutely no idea how to continue.
I've been running around in that town for ages now.