their own experiences with Kara and/or Saendra. :shibe:
I guess the Anno parallels come around when she talks about Vic's saucier adventures...
their own experiences with Kara and/or Saendra. :shibe:
I guess the Anno parallels come around when she talks about Vic's saucier adventures...![]()
I guess the Anno parallels come around when she talks about Vic's saucier adventures...![]()
I'd imagine that Anno would come up when we first get to bang dragonmilf. Possibly with a variant for pcs born as half dragons.
lol I could just see Steele questioning their own sanity and what exactly they're trying to prove by bedding all of Vic's old flames one after another. xD
lol I could just see Steele questioning their own sanity and what exactly they're trying to prove by bedding all of Vic's old flames one after another. xD
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She exhales a cloud of smoke and smiles fondly. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Vic mailed me one night and said to meet him near the lithium nebula, said he had a plan that was going to make us filthy rich. Which usually meant we’d be getting shot at, but this had to have been his craziest gig yet.” [/SIZE]
Ah the old "send your enemies into the sun" trick. Classic.
Oldest trick in the book, and the best.
unless your enemies are immune to fire, or are empowered by it.
o/~ Whatchu gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk...I'mma gonna get get get you drunk, get you drunk off my junk. My junk, my junk my junk my junk, my Lenore's junk... (Check it out) o/~
Would you believe me if I said that pun is why I named the shop thusly? That and, well. I couldn't think of any adjectives synonymous with both boobs and spaceships
Geez those airbags get any bigger they'll start poking people's eyes outxD
Geez those airbags get any bigger they'll start poking people's eyes outxD
pffft, she's seven foot tall. It's not that bad.![]()
While I haven't read the actual document to know exactly what's going on here, I will say in real life AND by game standards (even though it's not explicitly stated) that cup size vs mass is relative to the tallness of a person. In game, a 3 ft goblin with same breast rating as 10 foot amazon will both have same cup size.
and really, Lenore's F cups are rather modest compared to the big ol' Q's you can give Vi if thats your thing. I'll readily admit that's excessive even by my standards.
Reminds me of that scene in one of the more recent Superman comics (Superman Unchained, maybe?) where the god Apollo tries to fry Superman with a bolt of sunfire.
Considering the whole "to know Victor Steele is to have fucked (or be fucked by) Victor Steele" running gag, its not to hard to imagine Lenore as the half Gryvain's mother. If nothing else, we have a scaley half sister somewhere.
Considering the whole "to know Victor Steele is to have fucked (or be fucked by) Victor Steele" running gag, its not to hard to imagine Lenore as the half Gryvain's mother. If nothing else, we have a scaley half sister somewhere.
Hahah I'm kinda leaning toward the former, mostly because we haven't seen a Vicship before where he's the "bottom bitch" as it were and because she's a very assertive woman. It wouldn't matter if you're the pope or the president, when you step inside her domain she's indisputably at the top of the world. Walking into the lair of the dragon and all that.
On another note, I haven't been updating lately and there's a reason for that. I was sort of running up against a wall with how to initiate the next scene and I slipped Dark Souls in my console to take a break... it's been eating up most my time since lol.
Shameless necro-bump.
It's not necro if it's an update by the author of the OP.