Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
OP updated. Does anyone know the measures of Miko, Mai, Mi'dee, Edan and Kirlarwe? Also, am I right in thinking that the Kashima infected crew measures would fall into "Varies"?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
OP updated. Does anyone know the measures of Miko, Mai, Mi'dee, Edan and Kirlarwe?

I actually made a comment back in August for Mi'dee's and Mai's sizes.
What I found ingame regarding Mai's dick:
The bright-furred vixen is packing a clearly-modded member. Most of it retains its natural vulpine shape, but there is no hiding her constantly swollen knot or the horse-like flare at its tip, already glossy with leaky pre-cum. The other woman has a much smaller cock: all of five or six inches long.

From here it seems Mai is either 5-6 inches in length. Her sister Miko on the other hand? I really don't know her size, all I can conclude is she got a horsecock as opposed to Mai so it's pretty much gonna be big, I just don't know exactly HOW big.

Plus there was a quote in that comment bringing up Mi'dee's size too, it said ingame that she has at least 8 inches of cat cock.
Quote from ingame:
You’d love to watch Kiro ravage the woman who so recently ravaged you, but there’s at least eight inches of needy kitty-prick in your mouth demanding attention

I'd quote the entire comment itself but I really dislike the quote system on this new format. My initial comment regarding this is not too far back though, it's at the top of the page, so I'm pretty much repeating myself. Heh. >.<'
Not sure on Edan or Kirlarwe though, I haven't looked those two up on Github yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry for having missed your output. Ironically, I can see it now that forum pages allow for a smaller number of posts per page. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
OP updated. Does anyone know the measures of Miko, Mai, Mi'dee, Edan and Kirlarwe? Also, am I right in thinking that the Kashima infected crew measures would fall into "Varies"?
From what I could dig up:
  • Mai (the dominant sister) has a "five or six inches long" penis, although it is afterwards described to be 6 inches long and the later to swell up to 7 inches.
  • I don't think Miko's measurements are mentioned, only that she is larger than her sister in the "downstairs" department.
  • Mi'dee's penis is 8 inches long.
  • Edan is described to have a "few feet" long horsecock, though, his character data on github says it's 36 inches a.k.a. 3 feet long
  • Kirlarwe's measurments aren't mentioned and he doesn't have character sheet on github.

Also, I don't know if this was a retcon or something but currently both her in-game scenes (mainly her appearance option) and her character data state that her dick is 5 inches long not 4.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Could anyone help me with the newer/newest characters, please?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Could anyone help me with the newer/newest characters, please?
Kane's is 6 inches, but thicker than most other zil.
I couldn't find R.K. Lah's measurements in the text, but hist profile says 6 inchs of canine cock.
Zil hoverflies have 6 inchers according to their profile.
Walt has a 6 inch black, canine cock according to a little pseudo profile in his content
Jerynn's cock is "easily 2 feet long" but the character profile says 36 inches (and 1.6 CockThickness ratio, meaning it shares stats with Edan as the largest fuckable cock in the game)
Lessau's dick is 12 inches, according to his profile
And according to Hugs, Liamme sas an 6.5 incher

Did I miss anyone?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
We forgot to put Riya on the list. Her's is 10 inches long and doesn't lose length while flaccid.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Got Miko's through the bust Trello.
Miko is a red-furred fox-girl with a twelve inch horse-hybrid fox-cock


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i just realized the list is missing the Dryad, who's character sheet says her dick is 15 inches long but the mini-profile thing in her content code says 14 inches.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Now that they are in the game:
Mirrin has two horsedicks, (according to her character profile) one has 16 inches and the other has 12 inched
Chaurnine has an 14 inch and rather thick dick (according to his profile)

we also forgot Victoria from the shower event in the gym, her horsecock is 12 long when erect.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
To add, Chaurmine's is descripted in his intro scene to be at least 3 inches thick. Though his github code says he has a thickness ratio of 1.5, which is 3.5 inches.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While you can't sex her yet, Azra's character stats say 20.4 x 1.2, text description "it can get up to 19 or 20 inches long". The VR lounge owner, Luca, is described as "just an inch shy of being a foot long". Infested zil 7 x 1.75. I can't remember anyone else since this has all been out of chronological order, apologies.

Edit: Chrissy, half-kui on Uveto, is 6 inches. Milodan male 10 in stats, "somewhere around a foot long". Naleen brothers are same as normal naleen. Jerryn, taur, 36.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Does anyone know if SynthSheath gives the same length to every NPC it can be given to?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If what they already have is shorter than 16 inches, yes, the Synthsheath will result in a 16 inch horsecock then.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thank you. Are there any characters that can equip it aside from Penny, Del, Tuuva and Sylvie?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thank you. Are there any characters that can equip it aside from Penny, Del, Tuuva and Sylvie?
Oh I forgot about Sylvie. I think she is an exception to that for some special reason, but can't check because it's still backer content and I'm not a backer.


Aug 8, 2017
Oh I forgot about Sylvie. I think she is an exception to that for some special reason, but can't check because it's still backer content and I'm not a backer.

Going off the description from when you give her the sheath it should be ~30 inches long and super girthy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Going off the description from when you give her the sheath it should be ~30 inches long and super girthy.
Really? At least it fits with the measures centaur-like characters have had so far.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Since we're talking about the sheathe and it's been mentioned of "16 inches", I feel it's important to mention that Penny's size is based on if she's been throbbed before hand or not. I don't have the measurements on hand but I'll get back with them shortly.

Penny no sheathe: 6, 11.5, 18
Penny sheathe: 16 (no dick), 12, 16, 20
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Sylvie's entry ought to be corrected, her synthsheath dong is 30 inched long.
Nonono, i think i read somewhere that that was intentional. Something about her "government issue police nanites" having a bad reaction to it, or something.