Couple of questions


Active Member
Nov 22, 2016
1- Is there an actual mechanical cap on the number of people living on your ship currently?

2- How exactly is "* Cum, Probable Ejaculation:" in Codex Stats calculated?
I tried poking around the source files while they were up, but couldn't locate which file this var was actually in. Obviously can't do that now. Internal testicles seems to cap out around 1/10 what I have right now for external; not really understanding the mechanics there.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
1. It's equal to however many followers manage to get coded before ships are in. This is n. After that the crew size limit will depend on what kind of ship you have, with the starter ship having a limit of n, and all other ships being greater.

2. Depends on testicle size, cum multiplier, perks and status effects, etc. I don't recommend trying to "memorize" the formula since it'll just get changed every now and again, and each run will be different anyway.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2016
My issue with #2 is that I seem to be hitting softcaps, particularly for internal testes; and I'm attempting to identify the limiting factors.
If I knew what file the calculation was made in, I could just look it up myself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For 1 question it's: atm infinity and after other ships would be added then starter one ship will have limit of 3 (including PC so just 2 more) crew members. With possibiliy that some like Celise or Nova my not be treated as crew member but that will be up to been seen at version that will add more ships.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

I think size and multiplier are the two biggest factors.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
1. It's equal to however many followers manage to get coded before ships are in. This is n. After that the crew size limit will depend on what kind of ship you have, with the starter ship having a limit of n, and all other ships being greater.


Current ship has an infinite capacity. As Orm said, it will be capped at 3 when ship mechanics are added. However, I'm hoping we'll have another ship available at or shortly after launch with a crew capacity of n+1.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Since there are already more than 3 followers, and I'm willing to bet there'll be at least one more before ship mechanics get in, will there be an awkward confrontation scene where you kick people off a la game show style?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well given we got atm possible to get...ummm PC+5-8 crew members it mean new one ships may have some like 4/5 and 6/7 crew members sizes.

@Savin Does anything on Celise and Nova status been agreed among devs? I mean if their would count toward crew members count when limits will be finaly put in place?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My issue with #2 is that I seem to be hitting softcaps, particularly for internal testes; and I'm attempting to identify the limiting factors.
If I knew what file the calculation was made in, I could just look it up myself.
Well, the ball count variable is a big part that contributes to your cum out put and with "internal testes" that variable is 0. Not to mention, that all the TF items that increase your ball size only if that variable is >0


I think size and multiplier are the two biggest factors.
Though, size is the sum of ballSizeRaw and ballSizeMod...

Aside from the size and multiplier variables there is also ball count (which I've mentioned above), ball effeciency and I think refractory can contribute a bit


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've noted that your current lust also factors into the calculation as well. In CoC there was a perk that made ejaculations act as if you were always at max lust but I don't know if there is a TiTS equivalent yet. but yeah you'll only be able to cum your maximum output while at max lust if you don't have a perk along those lines.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've noted that your current lust also factors into the calculation as well. In CoC there was a perk that made ejaculations act as if you were always at max lust but I don't know if there is a TiTS equivalent yet. but yeah you'll only be able to cum your maximum output while at max lust if you don't have a perk along those lines.
Ah, yeah, i forgot about current lust, but it is kinda less relevant when discussing "limiting factors". He can't ejaculate much if his capacity is empty.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I suppose since their not know yet if Celise/Nova counts then Siegwulfe also need to wait. My bet is we would know (and their probably too) at the moment we get first build with ships stuff and limits on strting ship crew space.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If we count the pets/goo creatures as non-space taking, then the amount of physical space users is about 4, however if we do count goo/pets then it goes up to a whoping 9 followers! (I may have even missed someone while quickly thinking up everyone in the crew)

So I would hope that when new ships come in, whichever is the highest retains the infinite crew space mechanic, at least until that fabled Capital Ship is finally in game (Sometime in 2020).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think of a companions as someone who will need a sizable amount of space to inhabit your ship. Celise and Nova are...interesting cases because they would still need food but they are able to take up very little space in terms of living. Siegewulfe is a drone so all it needs is to be thrown in a closet when not in use. It wouldn't really count as a companion. Same with the varmint. It could live in your room.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As long devs not tell offifcialy about Celise/Nova/Sieg/Vamit been treated as non-taking crew space we can only theorise. But as least some of those npc's may ends up as not taking crew space. For unlimited space for crew...ummm not I not think their may do this. Eventualy their can do 10 crew space ship or lesser than 9 and then watch how people making threads which waifu more important to keep on ship atm due to lack of big enough ship for all of them :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
There's also the case of the Pexiga, which lives in a cage in the Kitchen, as does incidentally her owner Yammi. If Pexiga doesn't count, should Yammi? I mean they both live in the kitchen and not a room.

Also would Pexiga gaining sapience change anything?

So many questions around something that won't show up till next year at the earliest. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Now I looed on NS list there is also...Hand So. Well anyway when she will get added onboard part making it another one crew memebr that...well would take room since server room can't be hadwaved like...Nova/Sieg been stuffed in locker.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Now I looed on NS list there is also...Hand So. Well anyway when she will get added onboard part making it another one crew memebr that...well would take room since server room can't be hadwaved like...Nova/Sieg been stuffed in locker.

I thought the server room was a retrofitted maintenance closet? Its been a while since I read Hand So's doc.

... Actually, for that matter, when ships are introduced as a thing, whats going to happen in regards to physical changes to the ship? Hand So's room and Sera's quarters both mention retrofitting portions of the Casstech (Server room and dildo wall tentacle arms for So, and setting up a brand new room next to the engine for Sera, if my memory serves), so will the new ships have those changes pre-built, or will the player have to get them installed/transferred?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Personally I would like to know if there will be a way to remove crew members without the depressing break-up scenes, if the reason is a lack of room.


Jul 11, 2016
Anno is clearly more into the relationship thingy than she wants to admit. As is hinted by her share bed scene.

I just decided to look at the [No Sleep W.] and [Sleep With] scenes because I never had the heart to tell her to get out of my bed.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I just decided to look at the [No Sleep W.] and [Sleep With] scenes because I never had the heart to tell her to get out of my bed.

Because of what you just said I had to check out those options again.
...She´s SO CUTE!!!

I honestly don´t have the heart to tell my partners to not sleep in my bed (without reloading my save that is)
I wish there´s gonna be an option to have more waifus sleep in your bed at once.