Bold of ya to assume I'm mad.

"My evidence is solid"
Says who, you call me the asshole when you're getting all hoity. There's nothing wrong with being wrong man, so chill. :U
No offense but the reaching is so strong I think I felt my arms cramp up without even stretching them out. >.>
This isn't a fucking assumption by the PC Only, doesn't Ivris even notice your funny portal magic air or something? I can't remember who did, but iIt's practically so prominent others notice you're not exactly normal.
The portal magic also explains why you can just stuff yourself with shit and TF so easily without needing to tinker it while everyone else needs either alchemy or potions and whatnot to change as easy as you.
Literally your evidence stems off the portal, not that the PC is some strange god-created entity. If that was the case, I feel like we as the players would've known that from the start in some way or had some ACTUAL hints to it. Because I wouldn't enjoy it as some big twist(tm) as that just feels like a cop-out or something.
Also their ability to learn new skills so easily can be said for every other fucking PC in games ever. Nobody is gonna enjoy GRINDING FOR SKILLS, there's a reason they only take a few days at worse and involve a simple timeskip; nobody got time for that shit, and taking months would throw off the timeline of the game. Hell, even CoC1 had you learn new skills on like, level up that can be super OP if you spam the teas and whatnot for the stats required for shit like double hitting and Regen as early as like level 2 or some shit.
It's why I don't like how pregnancy in TiTS works for instance, everything takes so fucking long and yet the game takes place in the span of a couple months where if you intend on getting the game done in that timeframe you gotta shuck your preg fetish (I don't have it but many here do) out the window for a lot of pregnancies as they're long and time consuming and I'm still begging for a fast-preg option if one hasn't been in the works already.
Similar to CoC2, the game supposedly takes place in only a couple months, icr how many exactly, but do you REALLY think Players would want to grind shit out or suddenly have 30+ days pass for one skill? Shuck your realism out the window for one damn minute and think about gameplay and story segregation like Wolf said. I can't keep my attention on a save file for more than maybe just over 60 days nowadays before trashing it and starting a new one because I don't like doing the hundreds of thousands of days other people do. It just feels unbelievable to keep playing after a point.
TL;DR: Your theory is bad and you should feel bad.
Are you sure you aren't mad? Because you sound like you're mad.
you know what I've taken some time to rethink my response on your comment as well as all the others who have attempted to shoot down my theory.
Now a lot of what you said has nothing to do with what I said at all, but I will address the points that where on topic starting with portal magic "This isn't a fucking assumption by the PC Only, doesn't Ivris even notice your funny portal magic air or something? I can't remember who did, but iIt's practically so prominent
others notice you're not exactly normal." alright I'll give you the benefit of that doubt and say other characters notice something magical going on with the PC. (though you should really find the examples to make that point more believable) I made the point to bring up CoC1 to contrast the two champion. now the champ of the first game is always human at the start and it is explained in that game that humans are highly subject to transformation it's a trait they all have portal or no, so you can't say that it's happened that way before. the champ of the second game CAN start as a human. But they can also start as an orc, lupine, wyld elf, or catfolk, and we know a bit about their properties as far as transformatives go. for them, transforming isn't so easy as they need to use alchemy to concoct potions for it to work. now from there try to come up with examples of ANYONE ELSE who became more easily mutable as a result of going through or interacting with portals. you may have the reference (if you can find it) but you don't have the precedent as it didn't work that way before.
now for the other point. "Hell, even CoC1 had you learn new skills on like, level up that can be super OP if you spam the teas and whatnot for the stats required for shit like double hitting and Regen as early as like level 2 or some shit." you are confusing perks (which are passive bonuses you receive upon level up that help you both in and out of combat like double attack and regen) and skills (which are active abilities you use primarily during combat like spells and archery). so not only are you flat out wrong but you you also shoot yourself in the foot by using higher tier perks as your example which have prerequisite perks and require high stats in order to unlock them which can take weeks if not months ingame depending on RNG. in regards to this you learn spells either from books or NPC's if you meet the stat requirements, but the spell proficiency only goes up as you use them in combat which can take a not inconsiderable number of battles. in the case of archery when start training with the NPC that trains it the PC sucks at it. they gradually get better at as they continue to train across many different sessions across multiple days. by contrast thet champion of CoC2 gains new skills in all of a single day. that's not to mention this abnormal learning trait is refernced by Kiyoko, Cait and Leorah at various points, while it is never referenced once in regards to the PC of the first game.
now the rest of your comment goes off on tangents about skill grinding and TiTS pregnancy and ends with you saying you don't play past 60 days without starting a new file. I don't know what you expect me to do with that so I'll move on.
in regards to the PC's vague past. those you of you responding with gameplay/roleplay mechanics let me give a you a little analogy to explain why that argument doesn't work.
I make a statement
Bees are being killed by pesticides
you respond with
your right but here's why we keep doing it though.
whilst going through all the reasons we keep using pesticides you aren't actually disputing the orginal statement.
Bees are being killed by pesticides - The point still stands
this thread wasn't made to talk about gameplay/roleplay mechanics anyway so lets stay on topic.
as for the the PC wandering into town with no equipment or supplies. saying "anything could have happened on the way there" is basically the same as saying "I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" as if that's a good enough answer and IMO it isn't.