CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
In case you interested plant TF is getting the alraune upgrade in 0.7f.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh Liadri not be such a tease to mod fans :p

0.7f may take still some time to come out and it will only make them been more and more agitated waiting for alraune addition :smugdog:

As if Etna wouldn't catch some of their attention when she come with 0.7e2.
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May 7, 2016
Are we ever gonna see a corrupt plant tf variant?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Are we ever gonna see a corrupt plant tf variant?

Plant is by default a neutral tf. I would like to mention that regardless of weither your pure or not Alraune is all for spreading aphrodisiac polen everywhere seeding unlucky women with tentacle vines and fertilising yourself with mens you trap. As can be expected out of a TF that is born from an offspring of the godess of fertility.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think tentacle vine wings are already corruption part in plant tf. Otherwise it would be just normal vines growing out of PC back. @Zevos So out of curiousity what versions of plant TF bodyparts you would view as been corrupted compared to their more pure counterparts?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ehh i sorta got this image of corrupt plant TF being sorta thorn/tenticley, obvious distortion.  Sorta like the dryad boss from FoE before she calms the fuck down. 

Her skin is green and her wild hair a yet darker green, though you can see pulsing purple veins spreading like a spider web over her lithe form. Her back is a mass of vile, squirming tentacles, spreading out behind her many times her length.

Also, possibly symbeotic parasites along the lines of worms/Eve.  Maybe sex moths.  (disturbing thought, disturbing thought)

Pure version i feel like more or less what it currently is, minus the cockwings and maybe root feet.  Add a stamen to replace the tentacle and maybe berries growing on the armvines/hair and you're golden. 

Also really want to see a more animalistic plant TF variant.  Perhaps some with magic friendly stats?  Perhaps the PC can become the adopted child of some ancient nature pseudo diety that predates Merae by most of eternity.  Mirroring Fenrir mechanically. 

I'm just shitposting now, arn't i?   Enjoy my ramblings. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh more animalistic plant TF? Well maybe it would be something gained from Marae/Ezekiel child... but she would be much like dryad with many flower themed details on her her body mostly. So she may not fit as case of that animalistic plant. Nah you not shitposting at lest I not seen it yet. There is otehr poster on forum that could do that but you're lucky not him.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Meh.  If i get bored, i might go through the stuff for existing plant TFs and put altered version suiting the above suggestions into my gdoc.  Maybe.  What would you think of pure mara fruits also being available from Minerva's Garden and corrupt ones from the corrupt grove?  Random thought: Yggdrasil morph.  Maybe a plant dragon.  Or trent/eagle/dragon form alluding to Veorfolnir/Niohoggr (Perversely twisted irony).  Mechanically speaking, the collar trick with the Fenrir TF, do you think it could apply to any single body part?   A entire form is pretty restrictive, maybe the pivot of the magicness could be in a single part that you would be forced to retain until the next life. 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I just realized if we can add monkey, chicken, and tiger TFs we could do a quest chain based on the eastern zodiac

We would need dragon as well, since the current dragon tf is a western dragon.  This, at least, is already on the list of things that might probably happen eventually. 
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
You mentioned an idea for a male follower. Since someone else brought up Monkey how about that? Sorta like a Journey to the East reference?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
are those question mark button in the camp follower/slave/lover for characters not yet implement or am i just not finding them

Their will be imolemented in future build before mod move to number 0.7f. So you not need to worry their will I recon before end of the year be ingame all three of them. One of them is atm coded in (the one with tooltpi of been so cruel and yet seductive)

the new character and story why the person is making steriods

Maybe I would soon add in spare time something about npc looking like after eating few barrels of steroids. Liadri know about which one npc I talking about and she not into that npc since it not her style of npc's...

@Zevos Well you can write. There shouldn't be much trouble with few more ideas. Aside my time could ends up infuficient to add all without larger delays.

@Kharn Yes it could be monkey too.

On male follower race there was also idea for make it Tanuki. Not sure if many peope would be up to see such npc. Not to meantion Liadir making secretly/semi secretly kitsune girl that when PC get all way to 9 tails can make her come to camp to..."worship" PC ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well she would looks like female version of bodybuilder that overdoses steroids and got a lil too much overgown muscles on most fo the body. Maybe I will not make it as extreme case of muscle grown...dunno still not done any real on this npc aside writing down loose ideas.
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May 29, 2016
I Their will be imolemented in future build before mod move to number 0.7f. So you not need to worry their will I recon before end of the year be ingame all three of them. One of them is atm coded in (the one with tooltpi of been so cruel and yet seductive)

Maybe I would soon add in spare time something about npc looking like after eating few barrels of steroids. Liadri know about which one npc I talking about and she not into that npc since it not her style of npc's...

@Zevos Well you can write. There shouldn't be much trouble with few more ideas. Aside my time could ends up infuficient to add all without larger delays.

@Kharn Yes it could be monkey too.

On male follower race there was also idea for make it Tanuki. Not sure if many peope would be up to see such npc. Not to meantion Liadir making secretly/semi secretly kitsune girl that when PC get all way to 9 tails can make her come to camp to..."worship" PC ;)

will this tanuki have coconut size balls and a dog cock? (I hope he does, I love tanukis, almost as much as flying corgis with laser breath)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd prefer a tanuki with an humanoid penis in a sheath, given that the tanuki TF doesn't give a particular penis. Tanukis must have big balls, for sure, but not so massive, maybe, as you said, coconut sized.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Well she would looks like female version of bodybuilder that overdoses steroids and got a lil too much overgown muscles on most fo the body. Maybe I will not make it as extreme case of muscle grown...dunno still not done any real on this npc aside writing down loose ideas.

I like it. It's like Bro body but female 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fact that raccon TF not giving any penis change can be alwayss changed. Their weren't much noticable ingame as I have hard time to recall if there was any npc of this race and if there were only this item sold somewhere to let PC became tanuki/raccon-morph. On balls matter I not wanna them turn into Kui-Tai of TiTS as I not particular fond of way their were made there. So what would be you all opinion how to change current TF? Mostly in aspect for mae PC on effects to balls/cock like balls max size attainable or type of cock obtainable/how it should looks like.

Yeah Spike it would be probably Bro Body female thout with lil twist. As I keep planning on other female also been more muscular let assume that the female B is looking like Bro Body female. So this one female npc I would call A would be different in such sens how normal npc body style compared to bro body style. So you could say it would be Bro Body up to the square type.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
On male follower race there was also idea for make it Tanuki. Not sure if many peope would be up to see such npc. Not to meantion Liadir making secretly/semi secretly kitsune girl that when PC get all way to 9 tails can make her come to camp to..."worship" PC ;)

Dunno if its been solved yet but if you permed the perk you get from having the nine tails(Non-corrupt) you won't be able to get them in subsequent cycles at least that was how it worked out for me on 7.c or 7.d; just wondering if that would prevent that character from showing up?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Shade of Zurn Liadri creating this kitsune gal on top of writing down changes to kitsune to make them less OP. So that would involve changes to perks gained for been kitsune. For now it's not much of concern since it would take long weeks till I get to this one changes so much could change in this matter. But I do planning to make some changes to kitsune perks making them accesable slight earlier than 9 tails (that may mean need to some adjustment of perk name).
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
To be precise I meant if you permed that perk you could at most only get 8 tails with the pure route. Hope that slight issue gets fixed before or with that character's appearance is all. Dragon+Kitsune is rather fun to play as. :)
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Fact that raccon TF not giving any penis change can be alwayss changed. Their weren't much noticable ingame as I have hard time to recall if there was any npc of this race and if there were only this item sold somewhere to let PC became tanuki/raccon-morph. On balls matter I not wanna them turn into Kui-Tai of TiTS as I not particular fond of way their were made there. So what would be you all opinion how to change current TF? Mostly in aspect for mae PC on effects to balls/cock like balls max size attainable or type of cock obtainable/how it should looks like.

Yeah Spike it would be probably Bro Body female thout with lil twist. As I keep planning on other female also been more muscular let assume that the female B is looking like Bro Body female. So this one female npc I would call A would be different in such sens how normal npc body style compared to bro body style. So you could say it would be Bro Body up to the square type.

ok i get it


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
To get the ninth tail for pure route you need to encounter the kitsune shrine in deepwoods, meditate with a fox gem in your inventory, and have lv10 and 90 intelligence. 
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