CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Actually, is Anusol+ for CoC possible? 

Perhaps the next companion could come from a race that lost all females from corruption (like basilisks) and modified themselves for mpreg compatibility to compensate. 

Maybe a dragon variant (i'm fine with it being the eastern dragon race, but at the same time mage races should have multiple genders...) or an orca or dolphin or something.  Really not into fish though.   Maybe theres a untold race of maleherms somewhere in maerth we could make use of :}   Ohh, maybe a tribe of all-male kobolds that seek purity through...  maleness or something.  As opposed to the emberquestt corrupt scamps. 

On that note, whats the chances of anything male-lactation ish coming alone eventually?  With Lactaid Milk Tank, TiTS caters to that fetish pretty well.  In fact, i might make it standard for my future TiTS characters eventually for feeding the parasite suit.


Off topic note for a second here

Assuming that palidan/cleric are actually going to be a thing, is there any chance we could have alternate non-divine prestige classes for these job combinations?  I'm not a divine class person.  Nature-worshiping druids are fine, but i don't like the role of holy man in RPGs. (Sole exception: Paladin past-life feats in DDO)  Particularly RPGs that we play pretty much for the "corrupt" sections. 
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Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos I think with enough work with code it could be eventualy possible to add function same as FoE Anusol+

On male npc. I been thinking: does people are equaly interested in just male npc in camp that would have as each camp member set of interactions or male npc that is sexable no matter what gender PC will be. I suppose making male that would be jsut good bro that would be fun to hang on with PC but without going too deep into fucking (unless PC got female bits) would be easier to come than stricte fuck buddy male npc.

On your second note: well it's all up open. on druids I had thoguths that this could be tied up somehow with alchemist history perk and in general TF effects some like making core idea of this class working around idea of TF body of PC into perfect war machine to beat enemies. May ends up as totaly unfitting idea since it could ends up as: you need pick X and Y mutation as druid to be succesful druid hence limiting free choices when it come to picking mutation effects.
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Oct 17, 2016
Actually, is Anusol+ for CoC possible? 

Perhaps the next companion could come from a race that lost all females from corruption (like basilisks) and modified themselves for mpreg compatibility to compensate. 

Maybe a dragon variant (i'm fine with it being the eastern dragon race, but at the same time mage races should have multiple genders...) or an orca or dolphin or something.  Really not into fish though.   Maybe theres a untold race of maleherms somewhere in maerth we could make use of :}   Ohh, maybe a tribe of all-male kobolds that seek purity through...  maleness or something.  As opposed to the emberquestt corrupt scamps. 

On that note, whats the chances of anything male-lactation ish coming alone eventually?  With Lactaid Milk Tank, TiTS caters to that fetish pretty well.  In fact, i might make it standard for my future TiTS characters eventually for feeding the parasite suit.


Off topic note for a second here

Assuming that palidan/cleric are actually going to be a thing, is there any chance we could have alternate non-divine prestige classes for these job combinations?  I'm not a divine class person.  Nature-worshiping druids are fine, but i don't like the role of holy man in RPGs. (Sole exception: Paladin past-life feats in DDO)  Particularly RPGs that we play pretty much for the "corrupt" sections. 

Pfft everyone knows that Kobolds reproduce by nose rubbing. the internet told me so.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What about a corrupted male dragon who altered himself to be mpregable such that his spawn would be half dragons rather then filthy kobolds.


I have some ideas for alternate guardian/sorcerer, sorcerer/soul cultivator concepts.  I'll put togethor a text file with a bit of brainstorming, guardian/sorc being a defensive magic specalist (charged armor for shield, heal over time, maybe other sustainability stuff), and sorc/soul cultivator being about using soulforce as a resource to enhance regular magic, and possibly a bonus to int based soul moves.


What would you think about putting corrupted libido and friends into a additional job granted by demon factory.  All the existing jobs are (or rather, should be) pure/corrupt neutral, but depending on the result of demon factory, PC gets the direct or implicit blessing of Merae.  This could translate into two additional jobs that have lust management perks (corrupted libido and friends for corrupt champian, pure equivilents for pure champian).  And since the blessing perks can be perm'd, a character can keep them for additional playthroughs with the opposing factory decision. 
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Oct 9, 2016
By default Accuracy starts at a negative value. Your inteligence score as well as some perks will help increase it up to the cap to reduce your miss chance especialy with consecutive shots. It would be possible to add such a perk as a P.Ability wich cause a 1 turn stun with little damage, If we ever add such a move it will likely consume a VERY HIGH amount of fatigue as it is in itself a super move.

Non magic range character is perfectly viable if you have the correct stat to use it. Have you tried centauring it up or at least improving your inteligence/speed beyond 50? What I know right now is an archer can shoot up to 5 time for damages between 400, 500 or even 800 damage prior to ng +. It doesnt look like much but stack that 5 time and you easily can equalise with a sword fighter.

My apologies, I wasn't specific enough. I was referring to the accuracy perk in the perk page, which appears, to me at least, as a static 60% accuracy reduction. This was with 90 speed, 102 intelligence, and 100 bow skill. The accuracy of the shots themselves is fine, I was just curious about the perk itself (sorry for the misunderstanding). Are there any other transformations with decent speed buffs? I'm really not interested in tauring up personally (though if it is the only way to get decent speed for damage, that's just something I'll deal with). I've also added a couple pictures, one with the perk page with the accuracy perk circled, and other with my stats page with my bow skill and speed and intelligence stats circled. I hope that helps specify what I am referring to (might have the opposite effect, if so, I'll apologize now, sorry for being confusing). 




Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Well tbh Soul Cultivators could go either way toward been pure or corrupted. Some along lines or either jsut pursuing power while not trying to be asshole or...trying to show true demons their fail at acting as proper demons and show what is to be demon...demonic soul cultivator ^^ But that disscussion may be too early before I even added actual few let call it clans/sects in soul cultivatoers part of the game for PC to pick where to join (so another thing that would make excuse to play after ascension to try other one cultivators path).

On other ideas you meantioned write it down so when time come I would be looking on changing in perk system would have your ideas to look at. Liadir should be doing similay atm writing her ideas on changes to perks/job perks.

@ExperiencPoints That perk is showing up due to been perk gained from using bows. But during working on 0.7e1 I nerfed accuracy since orginaly PC would be around 200-250% on first shoot. So for this perk desc it is another leftover from that times (actualy penalty value is half of what you see there so for this one bow it was only 30% just as tooltip for item say - so yes for now you can assume perk desc on perk screen lie how large penatly or bonus to acc you have due to always doubling this value but not worry would fix it for e2 release). For taurs and not it was I think Lia meantioning it that taurs giving bonus to max speed thus letting bow users get better dmg. Any race that giving bonus would be good but centaurs/taurs got one of bigger boosts. Uni/Alicorns or Mantises also giving decent bonus to max speed.
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Oct 9, 2016
Oh OK, thanks for clarifying, it's really nice that you willing to put up with all my questions. Also, as an idea for guns, maybe they can focus on status effects instead of straight damage. Though that is dependent on how DoT attacks work in CoC, which I don't really understand.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@ExperiencPoints DoT so far I mostly handle as using status effects. I think even orginal game for Lethice fight had fire dot working as status effect. For sure range weapons other than bows/crossbows wouldn't have benefits from multiple attacks per turn so there will be needed to added something else to mkae them not jsut raw super high stats that costs a hell to buy from shop. So turning toward adding chance to apply some debuffs on enemied like DoT or other types like debuffs to stats would be most natural way to make them different from (cross)bows.

@Liadri Nagh IT does lower accuracy by x% so if it can cause even moving from positive to negative values for accuracy of x shoot in a row (for now it mostly apply for 3rd and next ones mostly). So it not recucing penalties...that would be other one accuracy perk...there is in code two accuracy perks one to lowering and other to increasing accuracy. Looks lIke I would go and adjsut perk names to indicate if it the good one or bad one accuracy perk. Still all bows should have always the bad one acc perk (their compasating it with scaling dmg depending on speed plus manualy aiming in contrast to crossbows assisted aiing would always cause some lost of acc - the more the lower quality bow it is). So to that crossbows would have some small bonus to help better aim thus their got added "th good one" accuracy perk.
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May 7, 2016
View attachment Ideas.txt

Two concepts.  Sorcerer/Guardian has spell armor (alternate means of acquisition), plus a couple of exclusive active defensive buffs.  And a lust/fatigue management skill. 


Sage (or Crystalist, whatever is decided for name as long as it isn't Cleric) gets a skill that enhances magic and defense substantially, at constant substantial soulforce upkeep.  Its costs will probably need to be raised to balance it out.   And a few other odds and ends, things to help the two sub classes interact more. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Quite solid concepts. Well yeah no Cleric for that class you named Sage/Crystalist. As for perk to add spell modifier to sul skills it would be added on top of current soul skills power or replacing it?

WoW an 3500th post of mine ^^
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Oct 17, 2015
I've been getting random erorr messages when using the soulforce skills, and it's widely inconsistent; sometimes it works well, sometimes it's broken. It doesn't crash the game- the eror can be ignored and the actual combat round seems to be unaffected by the error, though the game would stop working if that was the killing blow.

Also, I tried to refuse Evangeline but then couldn't do anything because she would stalk the PC every time I chose the explore option, leaving me with no choice but to accept her lest my character starves to death. Not a bug or anything, but just found that funny.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Trance's bonus would be multiplicative (global when active), clarity of mind and soul's bonus is additive(soul skills only). 

Evangeline isn't really set up to handle the contingency of "no" at the moment.  Hopefully she'll eventually have some other area she can haunt.  Maybe forest. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Soulskills code is main troublemaker here. As I got set up some other bigger things to do atm I not comeback yet to this code to smash him so hard it will start glitching at the game end. Also due to that not made more soulskills since if their would all be bugged it will be even more raging people here on this.

On Eve case. Once she can't handle no since that mean PC other fights would be too hard due to curse. And that I do talked out with Liadri os still too weak explained so PC would choose no not knowing full consequences of that. This thing of making PC clearly understand situation beofre choosing to inv her or reject would be much more clear with e2 release. Plus some other minor changes to make flow of her initial scenes more smooth without PC left in the dark about what is actualy happening. As Liadri pointed PC is told in too veiled way what will happen when Eve offer will be initialy rejected. Almoste out of the context is that she DO have important purpose to be in area where PC decided to make camp, which would be later on revealed with her story line progress.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Bro Rathazul?  Engvaline can take over his alchemy stuff. 

I'm kidding.  Mostly. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Here is a deadly question what is the popular opinion about adding mindflayer playable and encounterable to Corruption of Champion?  

Mindflayer pic 

TF would proceed similarly to MGE where PC has to seek out the mindflayer and keep playing her lewd game until she has proved to be a suitable minion step by step rather then by an item.

Obviously TF would be reversible but I like the idea of pc willingly slutifying herself for power.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Precisely except at least with Akbal PC is aware of being raped.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor Well if you write that in some gdoc and let me see I would be really up to see this.

@Zevos Nagh I not wanna make Rath and Eve are of expertise overal too much. It's already not small pita to try make use of one of new stuff for Vapula in 2 gdocs I found where even her becoming sort of alchemist. If you interest what it mean I can link it here.

@Liadri So it will be not physical volutnari rapes but mentaly rapes for power? Or I lost in middle of understanding how she would act when added in cocverse?
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Nov 2, 2016
I'm not sure if this was intentional or not but if my character has breasts larger than a c-cup it automatically sets my character's cow-morph racial score as 4 and no matter how high some of my other racial scores get (such as a Kitsune score or Dragon score of 7) the game will continue to refer to me as a cow-morph despite not having any bovine body parts. Is there any way to fix this as I prefer characters with large breasts, but being refered to as a cow-morph in every conversation would really break my immersion.

Character Appearance.jpg

Racial Scores.jpg


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@csg608893 It's thing existing even in base version of the game. In short there is list of all reaces in code. So in case PC got high enought race scores for more than one race game checking which one of those races are highest on it list and use this one. So without adding option to allow PC that got more than one race score high enough to choose game will be always picking the one that is highest on that list.

And to relate this to your case: dragon or kitsune race is lower than cow race on this list that game use to determine current PC race so no matter how high you rise those two while still having cow race around 4-5 point it will still claim your PC is cow-morph.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
@csg608893 It's thing existing even in base version of the game. In short there is list of all reaces in code. So in case PC got high enought race scores for more than one race game checking which one of those races are highest on it list and use this one. So without adding option to allow PC that got more than one race score high enough to choose game will be always picking the one that is highest on that list.

And to relate this to your case: dragon or kitsune race is lower than cow race on this list that game use to determine current PC race so no matter how high you rise those two while still having cow race around 4-5 point it will still claim your PC is cow-morph.

Except I've done similar set ups in both the base game and in the revamped mod and I've never had this problem. For example here is a picture of my character appearance for the revamped mod with the same breast size that would cause be to be classified as a cow-morph but I'm still considered a Kitsune.

Revamp appearance.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@csg608893Ohh then my bad for making this assumptions. But I didn't change much in code for displaying race scores. But I looke over code and of those races you listed as having also high enough score to be displayed as race that PC is atm all of them are below cow race on the list game use. And for cow race. it looks you got unlocky with getting this odd combination of triats. If you change face to other type than human it should change. Because human face (from ap desc it seems you got this one type even if it covered with scales but that jsut mean your PC skin is scales not that face is draon face or smth like that). Then due to having 1 point in cow score due to face you getting 2nd point to it for been enough tall (min. heigh needed to be getting point to cow score in your case is 6'1"). Third one point you got for having large enough breasts and last 4th point for PC having vagina. All that lead to having those 4 points in cow score.

So if you want lower in this situation you showed on SS cow score jsut TF your PC face to some other type than human. And for cow score in general I could before more indeep changes to mutations and racial scores come later on increase needed amount of points in cow score for height/having vagina or large enough breast to count as additional points.

On unrelated to my reply to csg: how is all of you evaluate way to deal with Tamani and her brood? Is it easier now to get them under control when PC would or wouldn't encounter them thus reducing annoyiance of cases when she would be chosen by rng as enc in forest/deep forest?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Second scene to mindflayer written down. Now to write the tf scene, tf power, appearance and finaly the few scenes where PC get to mind rape some people.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So Liadri went on creative rampage when I keep sitting and doing QoL changes. Nothing grand or spectacula but at least I should tell I doing something rather than run wild around forum/discord spreading chaos ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So Liadri went on creative rampage when I keep sitting and doing QoL changes. Nothing grand or spectacula but at least I should tell I doing something rather than run wild around forum/discord spreading chaos ^^

I've indeed been working on Mindflayer, a full kitsune feature overhaul featuring having your own personnal attendant and 0.7f racial balance. 
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