CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The probability of Anzu getting in and femmenization of Arian aside, are there any developments concerning male followers/potential love interests?  Behemoth, in particular. 

Is the magic relearning ascension perk gonna be a  part of e?

In general, whats your take for the various synthicite stuffs in the later half of my equips gdoc?

Will behemoth cum replace utra;s for white ink in e?

ETA for when we start seeing new special names get implemented. 

What are you thoughts on Foxxling's Hellhound companion.

Anzu will probably be added after Revamp got it too (it was written by Coalsack with the other mod in mind so I would wait for some time before talking with Coalsack about permission to include Anzu here too). For others male followers/crewmembers I got some ideas for this but in near future there will be no work done on this. Unless someone came and show interest in write something. For Behe I waiting how would ends up those plans for Revamp (I think recently someone picked this project there again).

That perk will be part of one of 0.7e builds but not e1 as this one got closed list of changes atm only undergoing polishing/qc of some texts.

I like this ideas. May take some time till I get to working on adding this one ideas from your gdoc.

In 0.7e1

Probably in 0.7e2

As long I could contact Foxxling and know if he ok with me using his work on hellhound companion in Xianxia too I would then add it (Sad to admit I not sure atm if he finished it or still need wirte 1-2 final scenes).

ive been wondering, can arian get pregnant/have kids, or is he sterile or is his one of those place holders that never got filled?

For now Arian in female version can lay egg each 30 days. Other related to pregnancy or kids content isn't existing even. So it would go down to someone writing it (after having green light from LD) or well...most idea scenario if LD himself would write this (but this may be not even possible but who knows).
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Sep 10, 2015
There is also something I would like to add here, I don't think racial perks should be made "permanent" and what not. If memory serves correctly at least...


  • Leave it be
  • Double the costs if the PC is no longer of that race or meets the physical traits necessary that were needed to get the perk and create a new flag that is based off of accession and which perks were inherited adding anew line of text: "You focus and tap into the power of your past." This only seems like common sense to me TBH
  • Remove the option to permify racial perks like foxfire, Though "hell fire" isn't technically racial per-say sense you are able to keep it after you change form.

Also I feel it would be a good Idea to possibly expand the skill trees for each "class" eventually and limit access to only 1 (maybe 2 for the first) of them of them per accession. Wit the way the mode is right now it's just chaotically adding shit and things are kinda getting out of control a bit... I think it would be best to add some order and maybe a bit of realism. If this is done I believe the achievements around perks should also be modified like "you mastered the archer class" or something. Now it's been AWHILE since I played but are the achievements based around a single character or every character that has been made, in some sort of "master file" or something? If this is set that way you might want to make it so that the particular "file" or whatever the proper... terminology for what I am trying to says, deletes itself if tampered with and restores as the the characters files are opened again assuming that they didn't delete them... I think I might be getting a bit out there in my thought process...... xD

Now.. I know you have tried to develop the combat system more and take it to the extremes by taking it to the extremes... Frankly what really broke it was the all the perks and excessive abilities in original and can be displayed in Kitteh's mod more accurately in the higher levels. All of those add up eventually and overlap on another. What frankly needed to be nerfed were the perks themselves. Now I don't know how to code but,..... I can tell this is going to take a bit of work not necessarily in the "over complicated" department but time consuming in trying to hunt the parts of the code down and edit them. I can at least to to monkey around with the editor and get some time and experiment with the perks properly and at least try to give you an estimate to start from. 

There is also the idea of a weaponless fighting style that can be utilized. I mean you see acupressure/acupuncture in a lot of anime, manga, light novels and etc. If this is implemented.... I would suggest it be under a different class along with several other "default fighting styles" that can be implemented and switched among like the double attack options menus. Each one would have a different affect and can only be performed unarmed and would have stat requirements. If you were to use a more forceful style of "martial arts" it would be str and end requirements and maybe have a defensive or a offensive bonus, though I was thinking a small increase over all for all "styles". Probably add some "dogos" or a medical clinic (acupressure) and maybe spark a few quests off them as well. It would be perfect for the city you're making. 

Styles: I would suggest making these more dependent on soul cultivation level

  • acupressure: It would have a high int and speed requirement and cause random small state affects such as fatigue, speed, end, str, and lust. I think it would be best to make the double attack perk unable to affect this and have ti randomly alter stats by 3 times. 
  • Karate: 10% to block blows and a 5% damage increase
  • jujitsu: On a random attack you have a chance to knock over your opponent and stun them or an even (minuscule) smaller chance to put them in a hold and drain away their HP by a small amount for a few turns. Characters with high STR can break free and inflict damage on you int he process. If this were to be implemented I think it should be based off of the thickness of the opponent when it comes to throws. Just add an extra bit of code when it comes to random NPC encounters to randomize their thickness. Should also correlate with the PC's STR a bit.
  • (can't think of anymore)

Keep in mind I am thinking of these in term so UNARMED and they should all have a 10% damage increase to provide mild compensation. 

I would also like to point out at maybe having some drawbacks when it comes to fights... Let's say you had high libido and low int (percentage based) the higher you lust the higher chance you have of your Character giving up and submitting to his fate our of desperation.


Add a daily meditation in with jojo that allows you to remember or "relive" your past lives. Honestly I like the idea of accession but why make it easy for them? :D  I would have the perks they gain back be don at random in 2s and 3s and base it around intellect. 

I noticed how some of the game mechanics are still based around the original COC in regards to stats making it a bit clunkish and OPish in some ares. It might be a good Idea to start switching things of to percents in comparison to their current max stats (with some sort of bonus based on level that get's smaller after a certain level is reached or some other means to balance it) and what they have to even things out a bit more. 

You wanted this game to be more combat based, a bit more 'realistic' and 'balanced' from what I remember reading somewhere. IK I'm dumping a lot on you but if you're going to go that route you going to have to monkey around with a lot of crap... It might be a good idea to save this percentage thing when you overhaul to 8. Sorry I' dumping a lot on you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It was started been worked on using Revamp build that was actual somewhere around end of January. SInce then I not keeping it up to date with all new additions to revamp going mostly my own way. Sometimes some minor things are shared between both mods but it as much as similarity to them would be.

Plus since ideas posted at Revamp Trelo board wasn't all restricted to Revamp some of them in part or completlet may been added to Xianxia some time before Kitteh himself add them to Revamp. For sure I can forseen that next Revamp build wil bring Kaizo mode and possibly Anzu Palace as new content added.

Well on my side there will be another camp mamber by Liadri (maybe 2nd one if I convince her to go back to work on certain lovely octopus girl). Plus some new more new TF items or enemies to fight.

Two class per playthrough seems reasonable. It would give a purpose to new game + and limit overspreading of abilities. I would agree to pc being able to only learn 2 class + 1 hybrid class and gain an extra per NG. Thats just me however because Ormael still is the project leader.

Why two class?

In theory you have bases class then you have the prestige class. For instance unlocking both Ranger and sorcerer unlocks arcane archer. Id supose going the same path unlocking fighter and sorcerer would unlock battlemage.

Guardian doesnt have a associated combination yet but with the religion expension im very likely to add paladin wich would be based on guardian and  fighter. 

On the same level brawler would require soul cultivator and fighter and im very keen on adding Barbarian as the prestige to fighter and guardian.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So i suppose enchanter is going to be sorcerer/guardian?  I can live with that.  How about allowing one basic job selection per life on top of the history/past life jobs, with an ascension perk for a second advanced job available for 20 ap.  If you have all 6 basic jobs from history/past lives, the basic job point becomes a 2nd/3rd advanced job point. 

We have 6 basic jobs: Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, Sorcerer, Seducer, Soul Cultivator.

Currently on advanced jobs we have Brawler (Warrior/Soul Cultivator), Enchanter (Guardian/Sorcerer), Euromancer(Sorcerer/Seducer)

We need Warrior/Guardian, Warrior/Ranger, Warrior/Sorcerer(Battlemage), Guardian/Ranger(Sentinel?), Guardian/Seducer(Escort?), Guardian/Soul Cultivator, Ranger/Sorcerer(Artificer?). Ranger/Seducer, Ranger/Soul Cultivator(Soul Arrow), Sorcerer/Soul Cultivator(Crystalist?) aaannnd Seducer/Soul Cultivator

If we're going to go this way, my only request is for Tank/Mind Over Body/Demonic Desire to be accessible without their respective jobs somehow.  Maybe if you get double their tough/int/libido requirements, you can take them without the requisite job. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
On top of that and the other perks that are not classified under any sort of job... Do you think some one is able to learn both jobs and a hybrid class in about 30 lvls? I already though this out. It's balanced out by the level cap, utilizing it as a limiting/balancing force like it's meant to be. @Zevos If you could draw out the skill trees or if @Ormael could provide them (it's been a long time since I played >.< coc or the mods) then I could come up with a couple things that might make it easier on Ormeal so he has something to work with. I have a vague understanding of how coding works and functions but i can spew out plots, ideas, and other things all day long.

Edit: it seems to me that there are no draw backs when it comes to perks or "jobs" the alter their fighting style. There's only benefits, nothing more. Personally I think jobs should alter max stats not just increase their significance.

Also I haven't forgotten about that Male sphynx/lion from months ago. I've just had other priorities in my life including creating a website and school. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Wicas Nah you not throwing too much on my head. I do see some good points you make like that about still many places in game treating PC having only possible 1-100 in stats not 1-max cap. I always saying that copared to vanilla CoC revamp is revolution while Xianxia is Evolution. And when something evolving effects aren't as we expect them to be.

On matter of some perks from race TF been permable it was due to people showing interest into this been included. If there would be mroe poeple that would start saying it was totaly messed up idea and so on I would back and look over this part to think how to mkae as many as possible people happy (no I not aim for all of them since it was never possible).

As for Job perks their not feel as much as been classes imo but more like starting perks to buy next ones perks depending on related stat (aside soul cultivation line where it al about max soulforce or lvl things than one of main stats). With making PC pick 1-2 job perks of 6 most basic ones it may lead to limiting people builds since some perks form all 4-5 parts of perk tree are used quite often by everyones. Plus with current lvl cap in case of limiting possible to buy perks PC would run out of perks to buy around 1/3 or 1/2 way to lvl cap (thou atm there isn't much content for those lvl ranges yet).

TL;DR version: I read your whole post and it gave me more than few thing to think about so I may not be able to give detailed reply fast.

On perk tree thing: View attachment Perk Tree.txt (But this perk tree will be adjusted in 1-2 days since 0.7e1 would add some new ones perks and change req. for few others)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Wicas Nah you not throwing too much on my head. I do see some good points you make like that about still many places in game treating PC having only possible 1-100 in stats not 1-max cap. I always saying that copared to vanilla CoC revamp is revolution while Xianxia is Evolution. And when something evolving effects aren't as we expect them to be.

On matter of some perks from race TF been permable it was due to people showing interest into this been included. If there would be mroe poeple that would start saying it was totaly messed up idea and so on I would back and look over this part to think how to mkae as many as possible people happy (no I not aim for all of them since it was never possible).

As for Job perks their not feel as much as been classes imo but more like starting perks to buy next ones perks depending on related stat (aside soul cultivation line where it al about max soulforce or lvl things than one of main stats). With making PC pick 1-2 job perks of 6 most basic ones it may lead to limiting people builds since some perks form all 4-5 parts of perk tree are used quite often by everyones. Plus with current lvl cap in case of limiting possible to buy perks PC would run out of perks to buy around 1/3 or 1/2 way to lvl cap (thou atm there isn't much content for those lvl ranges yet).

TL;DR version: I read your whole post and it gave me more than few thing to think about so I may not be able to give detailed reply fast.

On perk tree thing: View attachment 5414 (But this perk tree will be adjusted in 1-2 days since 0.7e1 would add some new ones perks and change req. for few others)

I was already thinking of that... Like lust related perks that control your immunity, nerfing the class related ones and increasing the ones everyone can obtain. Give me about an hour or 2 at the most and I can balance it out or come up with ways to balance it, you know the numbers better than I do, so the fine tuning will be left up to you if you want to got his route. Also the reason Why I was going on about this is because it gives less of that button smashing BS.... If done right and these trees are designed properly then you will get something with a more RPish feel and something that makes you think in long term.

As for the the issue with them running out of perks... I was talking about expanding the tree earlier wasn't I?  

Ik this is dumping more on you but have you considered altering the tease function to something more like tits? Maybe include a revulsion factor in there that's based off of randomly generated numbers for encounters. Like... If a 'monster' or a combative NPC was corrupted they would be turned on more by hyper sized genitalia where as purer NPCS would be revolted and have the tease effect reduced or go into the negative. 


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
On top of that and the other perks that are not classified under any sort of job... Do you think some one is able to learn both jobs and a hybrid class in about 30 lvls? I already though this out. It's balanced out by the level cap, utilizing it as a limiting/balancing force like it's meant to be. @Zevos If you could draw out the skill trees or if @Ormael could provide them (it's been a long time since I played >.< coc or the mods) then I could come up with a couple things that might make it easier on Ormeal so he has something to work with. I have a vague understanding of how coding works and functions but i can spew out plots, ideas, and other things all day long.

Edit: it seems to me that there are no draw backs when it comes to perks or "jobs" the alter their fighting style. There's only benefits, nothing more. Personally I think jobs should alter max stats not just increase their significance.

Also I haven't forgotten about that Male sphynx/lion from months ago. I've just had other priorities in my life including creating a website and school. 

I usually try to have my signature advanced job, enchanter, by lv12.  The power boost i get from grabbing the first set and second set of enchanter perks is only rivaled from gaining grey mage (and by extension, my AoE spells).  If this dual requirements advanced job system were set in place, i would probably focus on grabbing the requirements and otherwise spending perk points sparingly, so i could grab enchanter perks the moment they become available.  Magikarp power.   Its not hard to imagine someone who has access to the perk list acquiring their advanced job at around lv15.  30 is around the level you can expect to finish the first life, but maybe 35/40 might be closer for people who want to defeat Merae before ascending.  

Also, you mentioned racial perks being made permanent earlier.  The bonus from them is often pretty neat, but nothing that would unbalance stuff.  You are able to perm them between lives, but the bonus from your other ascension perks far outweighs the perm'd perk.  There are perks that require a permeable racial perk and a high racial score that are going to have better bonuses, but also some drawbacks.  Just leave that system alone, it isn't really upsetting the balance and its a favorite feature of many old CoC enthusiasts like moi. 
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Aug 27, 2015
@Wicas Heh you not dumping on my head more than Liadri already with having new idea each week  :laugh: It sometimes is fast to add sometimes it takes longer than a week to add. ON Tease adding few more variable to affect final lust dmg could be done but as you siad: it will be regardless dumping more work on me. If you want to come with idea for changes to lust dmg dealing/reciving for PC/NPC's you can write it in gdoc and then after few days or so when you feel all you wanted include is there to send me link so I can look over it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Ormael Could you please put the perks in some form of tree diagram format or something? It would make it a hell of a lot easier to coordinate everything....
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm ok. I would work on doing it over course of the week. Since e1 will be comming during this time I would update perk tree up to this 0.7e1 build.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Yup yup Ormael has a release for 7.e coming up in the next 24-48 hours.  Lets let hir finish that before we bury hir in design ideas/debates. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So i suppose enchanter is going to be sorcerer/guardian?  I can live with that.  How about allowing one basic job selection per life on top of the history/past life jobs, with an ascension perk for a second advanced job available for 20 ap.  If you have all 6 basic jobs from history/past lives, the basic job point becomes a 2nd/3rd advanced job point. 

We have 6 basic jobs: Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, Sorcerer, Seducer, Soul Cultivator.

Currently on advanced jobs we have Brawler (Warrior/Soul Cultivator), Enchanter (Guardian/Sorcerer), Euromancer(Sorcerer/Seducer)

We need Warrior/Guardian, Warrior/Ranger, Warrior/Sorcerer(Battlemage), Guardian/Ranger(Sentinel?), Guardian/Seducer(Escort?), Guardian/Soul Cultivator, Ranger/Sorcerer(Artificer?). Ranger/Seducer, Ranger/Soul Cultivator(Soul Arrow), Sorcerer/Soul Cultivator(Crystalist?) aaannnd Seducer/Soul Cultivator

If we're going to go this way, my only request is for Tank/Mind Over Body/Demonic Desire to be accessible without their respective jobs somehow.  Maybe if you get double their tough/int/libido requirements, you can take them without the requisite job. 

Heres the planned prestiges classes

Warrior/Guardian = Barbarian (master of the two handed weapon and berserking)

Warrior/Sorcerer = Enchanter (self buffing warrior)

Guardian/Sorcerer = Paladin (Holy shield)

Warrior/Soul cultivator = Brawler (martial artist and master of the claw and cestus)

Seducer/Sorcerer = Eromancer (expert of lust magic)

Ranger/Sorcerer = Arcane archer (master archer using magic)

Guardian/Ranger = Sentinel (able to combine speed and defence into the perfect defender)

Ranger/Soul Cultivator = Soul arrow (user of the fabled zen archery)

Sorcerer/Soul cultivator = Cleric (combines the power of soul and magic to create devastating effect such as soulfire)

Seducer/Soul cultivator = Geisha (expert at battle dances and seduction effectively using charms and martial art togueter)

Warrior/Ranger = Tempest (dual wielding specialist)
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Warrior/Sorcerer = Enchanter

Guardian/Sorcerer = Paladin

Ranger/Sorcerer = Arcane archer

Sorcerer/Soul cultivator = Cleric

Can it not be Warrior/Sorcerer for enchanter plz?  Warrior is usually the last class i consider taking because it has the least useful traits, both for magicians and for spellswords(Double attack trumps strength if you're even considering charged weapon, especially if you're using staff channeling).  On the other hand, guardian has a bunch of useful stuff, which synergizes vary well with sorcerer.  You can easily rock everything using a guardian/sorcerer/enchanter build while a warrior/sorcerer/enchanter requires the double huge weapon damage trait to even be in the same league(which also means you probably won't be using mage equipment at all). If and when there is a warrior/sorcerer prestige class, it actually needs to create a balanced playstyle without blaring weaknesses.   (also,) I really would prefer it if you confine the divine prestige classes to non-sorcerer stuffs.  Soul Cultivator, fine, but sorcerer, in addition to my bias against religious classes, is borderline unholy due to focus on black and grey magics, even as Soul Cultivator is borderline holy due to its focus on soul...  cultivation.   Palidan/Cleric far better suits Warrior/Soul Cultivator / Guardian/Soul Cultivator.   And what about artificer instaid of arcane archer, since soul arrow is the arcane archer in the room. 
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Sep 10, 2015

The only thing significant would be introducing mechanics similar to TiTs and remove the randomization effect for tease actions, causing the player to select which part of their body to tease with.

Insert numerical values pertaining around 1 to 100 50 being the neutral ground. Below 50 would cause a reduction in enemy based on the level of corruption and the size of endowments and what is considered obscenely large or "too big". The high the corruption is the more the 1-100 scale would shift. 35 corruption would be a 50 and 100 corruption would be a 1 percent chance for a reduction in lust. I am presenting it like this because it's easier to convert it to a percentage then apply it to the rest of the code (at least how I see it with my minimal knowledge). 

Keep in mind my math does not include the bonus brought about by hyper sized endowments being using during the tease attack (I think I might be mixing up the game mechanics of vanilla CoC and TITs) or the bonus provided by the tease skill. This would be to determine the effectiveness of the tease, another randomly generated variable should be added to determine their preferences and what not, which can increase the effectiveness or cause it to flat out not work at all. I think the failure rate should decrease according to skill level as it is in the original game mechanics. Skill level should be 1 to 100 like in TiTs, per tease option but iw wil only increase per successful tease. 

Is this making any sense?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Well actualy current dedline for 0.7e1 release is when one or two more people would do QC on one scene in game (but it's not huge or long one scene - it's to get perk) and that would mark moment I can release new build. So that is I think withing next 24 hours that moment. Also I never say to not write down for any of you ideas you may have. Never know if some would be so good I would grab it to use. Just sometimes I only look what is posted when I working on polishing stuff right before new build release so at those times all ideas/suggestions I putting on later date to today or yesterday when I was more concentrated on polishing already existing stuff then thinking about new things to be added. During weekend I would be back to more actively working on codding new stuff so then would be more often looking for past few days ideas/suggestion from mod thread. Btw if you even visit fen discord chat you may find me there if I will not be sleeping atm or at work.

@Wicas Given I was inspired in more than few things by solution used in TiTS I may do something as you said to tease. When it would happen... that I can't tell at the moment.
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Sep 10, 2015
Also one last thing before I finally shut up..

In regards tot he PC's preferences. I think it should be based around a ratio regarding specific sex scenes. Basically the gender of the NPC, and what parts are used, breast feeding included. That way from the beginning of the game, you are altering and creating your character's weaknesses and what not from the beginning. Kinda twisted really. All that's needed really is a few new PC flags to keep count, and sex scenes to have an additional flag added to them to add tot he counter. Can't think of how to implement the numbers though beyond this point.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Wicas Yeah it would be some work...but since Liadri made me take work on checking all scenes to see where npc is cocked (that all due to e2 manticore TF) I may also by then add those flags to preferences system too.

@Lost Directions Kitteh is a he and he do sometimes showing up on Fen Discord. Not idea why he not released any new build since...well 2-3 months. Probbaly RL eating his spare time for work on Revamp.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Anzu will probably be added after Revamp got it too (it was written by Coalsack with the other mod in mind so I would wait for some time before talking with Coalsack about permission to include Anzu here too). For others male followers/crewmembers I got some ideas for this but in near future there will be no work done on this. Unless someone came and show interest in write something. For Behe I waiting how would ends up those plans for Revamp (I think recently someone picked this project there again).

Anzu, and any further writing that I'll make are free to use for both mods. I hope that you don't mind if I allow Kitteh to use the Arian's upgrade when he can work on the Revamp again.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Liadri here is more along the lines of what i had in mind for warrior/sorcerer advanced job


Staff training - Staff becomes a melee weapon, deals hybrid (0.7 str 0.7 int) damage (requires staff channeling)

Enchanted Blades - Non-staff weapons you wield deal hybrid (0.7 str 0.7 int) damage

Mystic Momentum - Staves in your hands are considered large, but when attacking your intelligence is lowered to your stregnth if int>str (requires staff training)

Arcane Fortress - Gain 20% wizard's endurance when using heavy armor

Elemental strikes - Gain access to two physical specials that can exploit elemental weaknesses (requires whitefire, ice spike known)

Might and Magic - Gain access to a physical special that executes a normal attack followed by a lightning bolt(requires elemental strikes, lightning bolt known)

Don't Count Me Out - Heal will never fail when health is bellow 30%
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Liadri here is more along the lines of what i had in mind for warrior/sorcerer advanced job


Staff training - Staff becomes a melee weapon, deals hybrid (0.7 str 0.7 int) damage (requires staff channeling)

Enchanted Blades - Non-staff weapons you wield deal hybrid (0.7 str 0.7 int) damage

Mystic Momentum - Staves in your hands are considered large, but when attacking your intelligence is lowered to your stregnth if int>str (requires staff training)

Arcane Fortress - Gain 20% wizard's endurance when using heavy armor

Elemental strikes - Gain access to two physical specials that can exploit elemental weaknesses (requires whitefire, ice spike known)

Might and Magic - Gain access to a physical special that executes a normal attack followed by a lightning bolt(requires elemental strikes, lightning bolt known)

Don't Count Me Out - Heal will not fail when health is bellow 30%

It would be easier to make one perk for weapons instead of making 2 perks.

explain mystic momentum a bit more and more accurately define how it works

I get the fact that heavy armor and battle mages go together but explain how this makes sense.... but oh well

With how CoC is, I've noticed barely noticed a difference in how magic and physical attacks against enemies other than how high the PC's stats are. Why not at spell that involves super heating bladed weapons then add another perk n top of it to auto cast it. It will apply a dot based on a percentage of the attack, stack and remain for a number of rounds, it may be small but if ( I forget if the double attack is a job perk) the double attack is applied it can get quite... irritating for enemies. Great for enemies with a larger amount of health but I don't think golems should be affected due to them being made out of rock, maybe hell hounds too, and any in that lava area... An Ice based version would eat away at their speed and stack without limit but reduce their lust to compensate, and enemies from the glacial rift would be unaffected. I would make a menu to switch between them and that white magic spell I can't remember the name of, in the perk menu.

Huh.... I would give the lightning bolt a 15% chance to stun and have the lightning strike displayed much like a double attack would be. In order to compensate a bit I would have the greater of the 2 attacks, cut by half. Because let's face it... 

Perks like these tend to break the game... instead I would have the chance for the PC's blocking ability to increase or how about "defensive ground" which causes them to switch tot the defense, reducing attack but allowing them to take more punishment.

Arcane shield: an increase in defense by 10% while physical attacks are reduced by 15%

For mage/ sorcerer job I would have a decrease in the physical damage they are able to dish out and the exact opposite for battle mage. When it comes to hybridized classes I would have the draws backs of the first selected be dominant over the other, while the second would be only a 1/4th of what it should be. 

The biggest mistakes I see when it comes to the affects of perks is that they have no.. drawbacks or they have no balancing attributes in equations present in the code. 

Spells are normally used because of the extra effects they can cause, outside of spells meant to directly alter stats... CoC Lacks this.

Stop coming up with OP perks, the point of my rantings is to prevent a "wannabe god" scenario.

To compensate for some perks related to lust resistance being in under the seducer job... why not make lust resistance something that is trainable and limit it to like 1 percent a day, up to a max of 50? The idea for the pc tot train can be triggered after a few days in game (10?) and with at least 25 int. To balance it maybe introduce an effect similar to how the worms monkey with the lust stat in comparison with the other perks or so, creating an "overlapping" effect. 

Also last time I played, haven't checked recently... The threshold involving the types of magics was a pin in the ass. Especially when the minimum lust was raised... was that ever compensated for?... because IK perks were added to increase the total or max lust. maybe base the threshold off of a percentage instead of a 'hard number'.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
  • Staff version is building off Staff channeling from sorcerer tree.  It might get another effect to distinct it from enchanted blades.  Also a prerequisite for mystic momentum.  Enchanted blades is for folks who don't want to take the staff perk line to make use of hybrid damage. 
  • "Large" weapons are boosted by some warrior perks, one of which doubles large weapon attack damage.  Needless to say, double attack is still better if you're going to be using charged weapon. 
  • Lightning bolt is currently meant to be an electric whitefire, no status attached.  This pretty much makes Might & Magic a double attack thats only good if you are greatly invested in both melee and magic combat
  • Generally, elemental damage doesn't have any special effects, but will deal lots of additional or barely any damage depending on if a enemy has perks for weaknesses/resists.  Debuffs are usually their own actions, such as Blind or Terror
  • The game is already rather break-able with the right builds.  This requires a fair amount of planning, and restricts if you want to grab these perks the moment they become available.  My general goal for battlemage is to create a play-style that would be on par with sorcerer/guardian/enchanter, which is inherently difficult due to the warrior's horrendous traits and overall incompatibility with magic-friendly play-styles.  (Edit: In hindsight, it feels vary apparent that warrior/sorcerer enchanter could be meant to put a soft limit on enchanter's capabilities.  But for the love of Merae, I'm certain there are more reasonable nerfs you could made if you thought about it for a bit)
  • Arcane Shield sounds pretty good. 
  • The main drawback for this is you need to balance strength and intelligence.  In theory, hybrid damage is much, much stronger then either the regular pure strength or staff channeling's pure intelligence, but in practice there is going to be some difference between the two.  Pretty much any form that has any major boost to one carries a penalty to the other. This means that to make full use of these traits, you'll need to micromanage two attack stats instaid of one, which becomes more complicated with mystic momentum since your intelligence will be lowered to your strength during attacks. 
  • Another lesser drawback is that even without autocast traits, you'll still be fairly dependent on buffs.  For every serious battle, you'll need to spend a few rounds manually casting the buffs you wish to use, and for the black magic buffs risking the fail chances. 
  • From my experience with both spellswords and mages, the main disadvantage of this combination is survivability.  Don't Count Me Out exists because you'll need to heal more often with this than a sorcerer/guardian, sorcerer/ranger or sorcerer/seducer, as all non-warrior jobs have their own methods for dealing with damage, while the warrior is the only basic class that brings nothing to the table defensively. 

The fact of the matter is that Warrior does nothing for a mage or spellsword that no other basic job can do better.  If my ideas seem overpowered, it might be because this combination would need a much larger injection of power to be considered viable compared to the other class combinations, let alone class combinations with prestige classes.   

If warrior/sorcerer/enchanter is simply meant to be, I'll switch to euromancer and won't look back. Unless, maybe, if enchanter requires zero investment into warrior, in which case i might end up as a two-class sorcerer/enchanter.  Meh. 

This isn't worth having an argument over.

You have my opinion, and my suggestion.  I'm done with this topic. 

Also last time I played, haven't checked recently... The threshold involving the types of magics was a pin in the ass. Especially when the minimum lust was raised... was that ever compensated for?... because IK perks were added to increase the total or max lust. maybe base the threshold off of a percentage instead of a 'hard number'.

I see no problem with magic lust thresholds.  They're mildly irritating at low levels, and with some planning they easy to deal with.
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May 29, 2016
Heres the planned prestiges classes

Warrior/Guardian = Barbarian (master of the two handed weapon and berserking)

Warrior/Sorcerer = Enchanter (self buffing warrior)

Guardian/Sorcerer = Paladin (Holy shield)

Warrior/Soul cultivator = Brawler (martial artist and master of the claw and cestus)

Seducer/Sorcerer = Eromancer (expert of lust magic)

Ranger/Sorcerer = Arcane archer (master archer using magic)

Guardian/Ranger = Sentinel (able to combine speed and defence into the perfect defender)

Ranger/Soul Cultivator = Soul arrow (user of the fabled zen archery)

Sorcerer/Soul cultivator = Cleric (combines the power of soul and magic to create devastating effect such as soulfire)

Seducer/Soul cultivator = Geisha (expert at battle dances and seduction effectively using charms and martial art togueter)

Warrior/Ranger = Tempest (dual wielding specialist)

seducer/ranger = Assassin (uses ranged weapons, bleeds,,poisons, aphrodisiacs, ect.)

warrior/seducer = Rapist (adds lust to attacks and enemy lust increases and pc lust decreases during stunned/bound states)

thnx for the answer btw
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack I'm not gonna oppose at all if you go to Kitteh and talk with him about adding this new stuff for Arain to Revamp. I would only asking for permission to use htme for Xianxia without putting restriction it can't go to Revamp too. That would be a sucker punch to stops you or any other writer to give their written content for coding into Revamp too as long Kitteh show interest in it too.

@Zevos @Wicas Looks like you both ideas sounds like content for 1-2 builds. So Iwrote down you both thoughts and ideas on class related changes and then will come back to those notes when I would put class changes/balancing as one of future builds main point of interest like I putting archery changes atm and then mutations/racial scores. That would probably happen right after mutation/racial changes will be done.
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Sep 10, 2015
warrior/seducer = Rapist (adds lust to attacks and enemy lust increases and pc lust decreases during stunned/bound states)

IK CoC and TiTs involve rape but they can be pretty mind warping when played for long periods. The games tend to mess with your perception of reality. Maybe something like:

  • Dom
  • Slave maker
  • Sadist 

Just something other than that...
May 29, 2016
the two jobs IK CoC and TiTs involve rape but they can be pretty mind warping when played for long periods. The games tend to mess with your perception of reality. Maybe something like:

  • Dom
  • Slave maker
  • Sadist 

Just something other than that...

the two jobs that I described are really more of an itch for that niche kinda thing, more just about the lack of dots and the lack of being able to reduce lust mid-battle, it doesn't really matter what their called (also in coc the term rapist wouldn't really apply as a battle class, as 95 percent of battles are magic induced lust maddened encounters where after the battle it doesn't really count as rape any more.

also those 3 class names you put out wouldn't really allude to being able to self-relieve/channel lust, so here's 2 alternatives:


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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Warrior/Guardian = Barbarian (Master of the two handed weapon and berserking art)

Warrior/Sorcerer = Enchanter (self buffing warrior)

Guardian/Sorcerer = Paladin (Holy shield able to buff its armor with magic at the start of battle gain gain a further increased in its shield bash damage and even gain a healing over time spell)

Warrior/Soul cultivator = Brawler (martial artist and master of the claw and cestus the brawler can gain even greater bonus to using these weapon)

Seducer/Sorcerer = Eromancer (expert of lust magic, gains a magic modifier to the uses of whip and the ability to transfer its own lust to an opponent)

Ranger/Sorcerer = Arcane archer (master archer using magic)

Guardian/Ranger = Sentinel (Able to combine speed and thoughness into the perfect defender, this specialisation allows for player to go one step further and add speed modifier to heavy armors and even your own toughness to weapon impacts!)

Ranger/Soul Cultivator = Soul arrow (user of the fabled zen archery who can deal huge damage at the cost of their soulforce)

Sorcerer/Soul cultivator = Priest (combines the power of soul and magic to create devastating effect such as soulfire and Ki Volley)

Seducer/Soul cultivator = Geisha (expert at battle dances and seduction effectively using charms and martial art togueter)

Warrior/Ranger = Tempest (dual wielding specialist)

Seducer/ranger = Assassin (uses ranged weapons poisons and aphrodisiacs) - We were going to add poison arrow as part of the arcane archer specialisation but it can be moved to assassin when released. Bleed however if any is ever implemented should be universal.

Warrior/seducer = Dominator (Add the ability to deal lust damage to attacks. Can use ropes in battle to restrain its opponent and gain a damage increase based on the amount of lust it currently have)

Keep in mind however all prestige class due to the amount of new class being added will likely have their stat bonus nerfed down from 15/20 to only 10 (+5/+5)
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May 7, 2016
Warrior/Sorcerer = Enchanter (self buffing warrior)

Will enchanter require any investment into warrior?

(I stand by my earlier comments/complaints concerning warrior/sorc, paliadan, cleric)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Will enchanter require any investment into warrior?

(I stand by my earlier comments/complaints concerning warrior/sorc, paliadan, cleric)

The requirement to a prestige class generaly is just to pick the two bases classes and gain levels.

- (Double attack trumps strength if you're even considering charged weapon, especially if you're using staff channeling). I dont know in what dimension you live but double attack has prety much been the worst build since the revamp of strenght modifier.. Right now a strenght build can top the 2k and above easily with BF sword whereas a double attack build has a hard time reaching 1200 witheout a critical even at 200 speed. Maybe you should try a cowgirl and check the difference by yourself because right now Strenght build entirely trolls speed users.

Right now here is the order of build from stronguest to weakest

1. Single attack Strenght/Speed hybrid with heavy of both stat using light weapon (generaly difficult to obtain witheout Fenrir or Cow-Pegataurs)

2. Pure strenght build with heavy weapon (Again top of its class and can be very fun to run if you use heavy armors like the goo armor to just make the regen flow even better)

3. Lust nuker (With the demon update and the various lust based feature lust is one of the best build right after strenght ones as it litteraly ignores the opponent health bar and sometime destroy monsters who would be generaly very difficult to defeat with damage alone.)

3. Magic nuker (can still deal severe damage and even gain the ability to heal itself for a good amount but that's something even Lust users can do)

3. Pure speed build with double attack (Im deeply sorry but even with a buffed weapon double attack has heavy difficulty reaching the 1k damage)

3. Pure speed build witheout double attack (worst of the cathegory... Maybe because reaching 200 speed is difficult witheout taking races that loses a massive amount of strenght the only exeption to this being taurs)
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The requirement to a prestige class generaly is just to pick the two bases classes and gain level

- (Double attack trumps strength if you're even considering charged weapon, especially if you're using staff channeling). I dont know in what dimension you live but double attack has prety much been the worst build since the revamp of strenght modifier.. Right now a strenght build can top the 2k and above easily with BF sword whereas a double attack build has a hard time reaching 1200 witheout a critical even at 200 speed. Maybe you should try a cowgirl and check the difference by yourself because right now Strenght build entirely trolls speed users.

Charged weapon with investment into job:sorcerer inverses this, since the bonus from charged weapon is usually more valuable then the bonus from strength.  Staff Channeling completely cuts strength out of the equation, making double attack an effective double damage tactic.   BFS with charged weapon is technically more powerful by a few attack points, but if you use intelligence forms (to facilitate magic) eldritch staff/staff channeling becomes a significantly better option, and double attack with charged weapon in general is not so less useful then BFS to legitimize the trek through job:warrior.   Although i suppose its a moot point since double attack won't be usable alongside auto-charged weapon. 

Perhaps i'm wrong somewhere.  But i really don't see any value in warrior for magic/melee builds,
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