CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For Flintlock Pistol you decide how much it will cost Zevos. Since it will be changes soon I not wanna make people wait for this moemnt so even if it ends up been lil better than now it will still be accesable by your previously set point value. Call it lil gift from me :D

On work front I worked today to add crossbow working same as bows so all perks that will be useable to bow should work with crossbow. Then I looked over adding something that Revamp handled quite simple and lil brutaly: Tamani. Here as long PC got perk Soul Apprentice and over 250 soulforce max can get some new perk to deal with Tamani (and her lusty brood). Not by killing but by making them encountered on demand rather that by effect of RNG gods mood. It would req. meeting her after getting this new perk 4 times but after this no more annoying Tamani keep trying to ambush PC. Same with her daughters if we meet them 4 times after accuring this new perk will also remove them from enc table for forest/deep forest thus allowing other enc to be more often proc. Oh right I also made left some ingame teaser on possible new camp member ^^

And some info on what was asked about presets. I would wait a few more days to see if there will be or not some new preset posted. Then would make short brainstorm which one would pass tribulation and get in.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Glad we can actually manage Tamini.  Since she is the biggest source of children ascencion points, i'll probably end up as breed hungry as she is. 

Any ETA for next release? 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well it's technicaly after midnight here so I'm already in Monday when most of forumies are still in Sunday (well those that lives in USA or other countries in north/south america) I would say ETA is before this week ends (so yeah that still up to almost 7 whole days).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I will look at this issue Zevos and see if I make it before time to release nearest next build.

Also on thing that one of posters asked about: How all of you feel about way perks to increase inventory space are gained now? Should be be changed to be always gotten at the game start? Or in some way changed to not waste perk points on those? Or it's cool enough as it's now?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Strong back is sorta obsolete by the time sky pearl and backpacks become available.  It would be more suitable of these perks doubled and tripled your inventory space, backpacks taken into account. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In out of combat moments thier are kinda of little use but in combat only those perks and backpack expand inventory to which PC can access to use some items. Peral can't be accesed similary like bag of cosmos during fight. Maybe I should put a point on things to think over about making pearl and bag accesable even in middle of combat.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The big problem in that is there are not really any consumables worth using in combat at the moment. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ouch...well that was much on point observation. There is not many items to help PC during fight in mod. Wind stick, items to lower fatigue, pills to restore soulforce... well I think that would be pretty much all that got any use during fight. On Strong Back 1 and 2 - what about idea of making them permable so after first game it would be not trouble to deal with getting them again and again?

On items I would think over make using items in fight more significant than it's now.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Maybe if i'm feeling inspired i'll put some ideas for actually useful consumables in my idea doc later.  The big problem methinks is pretty much every stat has the potential to inflate beyond all reason.  This makes all static consumables fall off the curve vary quickly.  I think i'll work on % based ideas and static ideas in alternation, there needs to be some connection how they have different levels of usefulness at different stages of character development. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You could use similar idea I made for pill there. As in making low grade, mid, high, superior grade of items to be usable in combat. Trying to make some of those items work as % rather than flat value may lead to odd situation when for some early game PC it would recover say 100 points but for endgame the same item would be recovering 3000 points. So for static consumables making them having few grades with stronger ones been somehow limited by PC getting to higher lvl's could be a way too.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Consumables!  Kind of.  I put a few attack items, a few satiety items, and a reusable hp/lust heal item...  with a twist! 
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
I have a question.
Is this mod based around The Revamp Mod (Meaning that it has all the content added to said mod), build around Vanilla COC or an entirely different thing?
I wanna know mostly because save files and save editor usage and if everything will explode if i try to do anything


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I have a question.
Is this mod based around The Revamp Mod (Meaning that it has all the content added to said mod), build around Vanilla COC or an entirely different thing?
I wanna know mostly because save files and save editor usage and if everything will explode if i try to do anything

Its built around Kitteh's mod, but not the most recent version. 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Unlikely.  The only thing thats noticeably missing are a few consumables.  Engvaline alone is more content. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is this mod based around The Revamp Mod (Meaning that it has all the content added to said mod), build around Vanilla COC or an entirely different thing?

It was started been worked on using Revamp build that was actual somewhere around end of January. SInce then I not keeping it up to date with all new additions to revamp going mostly my own way. Sometimes some minor things are shared between both mods but it as much as similarity to them would be.

Plus since ideas posted at Revamp Trelo board wasn't all restricted to Revamp some of them in part or completlet may been added to Xianxia some time before Kitteh himself add them to Revamp. For sure I can forseen that next Revamp build wil bring Kaizo mode and possibly Anzu Palace as new content added.

Well on my side there will be another camp mamber by Liadri (maybe 2nd one if I convince her to go back to work on certain lovely octopus girl). Plus some new more new TF items or enemies to fight.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It was started been worked on using Revamp build that was actual somewhere around end of January. SInce then I not keeping it up to date with all new additions to revamp going mostly my own way. Sometimes some minor things are shared between both mods but it as much as similarity to them would be.

Plus since ideas posted at Revamp Trelo board wasn't all restricted to Revamp some of them in part or completlet may been added to Xianxia some time before Kitteh himself add them to Revamp. For sure I can forseen that next Revamp build wil bring Kaizo mode and possibly Anzu Palace as new content added.

Well on my side there will be another camp mamber by Liadri (maybe 2nd one if I convince her to go back to work on certain lovely octopus girl). Plus some new more new TF items or enemies to fight.

I want to mention that Anzu is very likely to make it into Xianxia as well and even get an extra presence in the temple module.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Small progress on new content (working on crossbows) and some QC done by Gidget. That one huge hero to do the titanic work of QC texts for mod.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
You know there is something I would like to see.... The option to buy multiple items. You can sell multiple items but what about buying multiple ones?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You know there is something I would like to see.... The option to buy multiple items. You can sell multiple items but what about buying multiple ones?

I think with some work spend on that I could make it possible. You got on your mind multiple items buying ANYWHERE or just in some specific places? I feel like some places got items that not need to be bought in larger amount than 1 so for sure places where some consumables are sold it should be a Giacomo potions section but not books or toys section of his stall.

Whats the status of the next release?

In around next 48 hours it will go live.

Anything up?

Well preparing to release e1 doing final polishing and then would move on to work on Etna/Manticore TF coding but this wouldn't be included in 0.7e1 yet. And making Eve recruitment less stresfull mainly about the curse part. Etna and me ironing out solutions to this but time limit for stuff to be still added to e1 is over. Also from e2 stuff there will be small additions to Arian (I contacted LD - author of Arain) and he agreed for adding stuff that Coalsack wrote. Plus I got from LD few more interesting bits of info on Arain that I suppose aren't so widely known. So expect e2 to be with some new content about next art of archery changes plus new TF and npc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks, by the way. I didn't knew Arian's author, so having green light to add the description is great.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I think with some work spend on that I could make it possible. You got on your mind multiple items buying ANYWHERE or just in some specific places? I feel like some places got items that not need to be bought in larger amount than 1 so for sure places where some consumables are sold it should be a Giacomo potions section but not books or toys section of his stall.

I'd make it available for all consumable items, excluding the ones that need to be 'created' using other items. I'm not much of a coder but.... If items are "flagged" as consumable you could just have another menu pop up asking for the amount you want to buy. Would that make it easier to code it into the game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack Yeah till recent I not been aware that LucaDoc is only one who created all for Arian. And he seen gdoc with your work leaving some corrections there even. With such situation I more than happy t add it to mod (but that in e2 since e1 would be in next 24 hours from now comming out...I jsut trying to check a few (few few) more times if there isn't any glancing issues witht hat version) ofc not forgrtting to credit LD for his work on Arian and you for this additional content for our lovely lizan mage.

@Wicas That I could say exactly my line of thoughts for what to make buyable in bulks. As for crafted consumables it could be technical be made also with option to ask npc to craft more than one at once item as long PC got enough space to store materials and crafted items at once (otherwise game can be lil derpy saying we got no space for frresh crafted items :/ ). So if people would be able to accept for craftable items to only have option to craft at nce up to 2-3 items at once I would not mind add this one option too (after making naturaly normal consumables buyable in larger amount).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The probability of Anzu getting in and femmenization of Arian aside, are there any developments concerning male followers/potential love interests?  Behemoth, in particular. 

Is the magic relearning ascension perk gonna be a  part of e?

In general, whats your take for the various synthicite stuffs in the later half of my equips gdoc?

Will behemoth cum replace utra;s for white ink in e?

ETA for when we start seeing new special names get implemented. 

What are you thoughts on Foxxling's Hellhound companion.
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May 29, 2016
The probability of Anzu getting in and femmenization of Arian aside, are there any developments concerning male followers/potential love interests?  Behemoth, in particular. 

Is the magic relearning ascension perk gonna be a  part of e?

In general, whats your take for the various synthicite stuffs in the later half of my equips gdoc?

Will behemoth cum replace utra;s for white ink in e?

ETA for when we start seeing new special names get implemented. 

What are you thoughts on Foxxling's Hellhound companion.

ive been wondering, can arian get pregnant/have kids, or is he sterile or is his one of those place holders that never got filled?

it also feels like its been a few months since kitteh stopped working on his mod, did he/she die?
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