CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Life 1, lv54, 92 points

Children:2 Behemoth, 1 Ember, 235 Phyla, 3 Sophie, 2 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection)

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Merae defeated, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Pure Holli, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph

Life 2, lv60, 87 points

Children: 2 Minerva, 593 Phyla, 3 Sophie, 4 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection), 10 minotaur

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Merae dead, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph
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Aug 27, 2015
For way game count Ascension points awarded is the same as in Revamp aside levels. So for all rest like childrens/companions/dungeons it not changed (well ok Evangeline as new camp member adds 1 point too and if Holli wasn't aready adding point she should be adding but I think Holli and Kd A already was included in Revamp in counting how many ascenison perks for camp members PC getting).

As for levels for all cases when game wasn't started from 0 after changes PC will already have few more points due to old system of counting alredy during lvl-up of this every 2nd lvl ascension point system. Since I didn't couinted many people would be by the time of changes more than lvl 30-40 that woud be only max of 14-19 more points. So For the game where save was started befroe version 0.7c come out amount of asc pts will be slight higher. For all next one games played from begning to ascension on 0.7c it shoudl all be fine.

With new way of counting asc pts max atm would be: 184(186 - with UrtaQ)+childrens related number of points (150 for been lvl 150, 5 for all 5 dungeons cleared, killing corrupted or beating pure marae for 1, having Enlightened perk (final perk gained from training with JoJo) for another 1 point, Minerva pur/marble purif/urta Q (atm unacessable) for 2 pts each, 23 (state for ver. 0.7c) for all possible camp members and summed points for each minerva, behemoth, marble, sheile (joes + imps), izma, izzy, ember, urta, sophie and 1/4 of tamani daugthers).

So with around at least 15 children of those all that count getting around 200 is possible maybe even up for some particulat bend on using PC to breed maybe 250-300 points xD Heck actualy even more if some would want to spend time on one save many days to get really huge amount of children from all possible sources for the sake of having more asc points.

For purpose of making enough options to choice I kept assumption PC will be getting around 200 pts so only around last ascension PC can be in danger running out for perk points to spend on new stuff ^^
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So basically, keep all camp followers pregged to get max ascencion points.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah that pretty much the thing if PC want have tons of points. Sadly Phylla ant children isn't included here.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Drat!  Any chance it can be changed to sqrt of phyla children?  

Anyways, thinking out loud here...  

3 corruption tolerence: 6 points.  3 hp: 6 points.   3 lust: 6 points.  10 mysticality: 40 points.  Wisdom: 15 points.  Underdog, 10 points.  Hero's Heritage: 5 points.  Nine Tails: 5 points.  Various corruption playthrough perks: 15 points.  Past life: 5 points.  Total: 113

Wisdom and Underdog can be skimped if absolutely need to, but with a bit of extra grinding i can grab them before life 2.  

Any chance past lives can grant job perks?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With past life thing is like that: When PC picking history will get job perk if it history connected to one of 6 jobs or jsut perk point if it diff one history perk.

When PC have past life perk then would be question what if this past life perk wasn't connected to one of 6 jobs. In case of history perk would be jsut 1 spare perk point. For past would mean each such no conected to some job perk past life perk would mean one free perk point gained on top of all other possible gains of free perk points. So question here is if we all agree to make this that past life perks that not granting any job perk wil be then giving free perk point. So in that way i someone hav 2-3 past life perk of such type PC will be granted those 2-3 fre perk points?

I could do this since at best it jsut PC having 1-8 more perks at start with potential to having all 6 job perks too.

On Phylla kids it's doable just keep in mind that it won't be a 1 ant kid = 1 point. Their got the highest grown rate if PC leave Phylla alone to constant give a birth to them. Well what interesting THERE is limit how many ant children she can have at once. Not like thou many people are able to hit this limit easy. SO making it say each 50 or 100 ant children worth a asc perk point will be fair calculation.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Fair enough. Edit: How about every 100 until 1000, then cube root after i.e. 11 - 1331, 12 - 1728, 13 - 2197 etc. 

For jobs, why not scrap the ones not connected to any current jobs, have them only grant an extra perk point if they attempt to add a job the PC already has (like slut, courtisan granting seducer twice or something) and add additional jobs that can only be accessed with the right past lives, styled after jobs like enchanter, euromancer, etc.   Maybe Job: Artificer, Job: Apostate, etc.  A reincarnated PC is assumed to already have taken a level in badass before going into the portal (or so it seems to me,) so why not? 

Perhaps Slacker can grant 3 perk points (for untapped talent), but cannot be made a past life later.  With a big warning label up front. 

Edit: What about each starter job having two history perks and each advanced job having one history perks
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
Hi, sorry to ask this, but how do you ascend? Lethice's throne room is closed off to me. Is it suppose to be open or is there a way to open it?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Hi, sorry to ask this, but how do you ascend? Lethice's throne room is closed off to me. Is it suppose to be open or is there a way to open it?

There is a giant statue miniboss in the fortress.  Beat it, and you get a lethicite stone that can be used to open the final boss battle. 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Small thing i've been forgetting a lot.  Can meditate be changed to 50% lust or something rather then 50?  Its completely ineffective as a lust reduction tool atm.  It also really sabatagues job: religion characters until you get a dildo. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For Lethice throne room to open it needs also beatne all rest bosses in fortress one or toher way as long PC not get Bad End in addition to having lethicite form the statue.

@Zevos For perks...well I kinda want relese 0.7d soon so those much annoying issues with current released build are fixed. Working on some of things you put down ideas sounds tempting but will probably delay for up to few days my work. I must think over it. Plus 0.7c in the ended not had all changes to scension i wanted (sometimes lack of time or mood to work on mod plus too long time since previous release - I would rather release max every 1-2 months than keep new builds for months in work).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Understood.  If i tried to write/program every random idea that ignited my imagination, i would have no time to eat, sleep or study.  And i would burn out a great deal, leaving large unfinished messes.  Like Snakepocolypse.  

In any case, i am vary eager to see 0.7d.  Every update continues to mold Mareth into the ultimate smutty DnDverse.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well maybe will not actualy as I planned release 0.7d tonight. Still want Liadri look over it.

But for sure there will be one or two teasers for what would be much more fully expanded in 0.7e (that was orginaly planned to be in 0.7d). So during this few last check ups I may slip some more stuff that are little work. As for ant children even if I keep 100 per 1 point max amount of perk points will be not so huge. But I forgot earlier to say that PC can make Phylla give a birth to driders too and those type of children would be counter as 1 point for 5 of them (well I may make it 10 if I feel getting drider children may be still much easier than other npc's pregnacies). And do same for ant children (maybe for each 125 not 100).

@Zevos As for lust dispensers that will not involve fucking anyone or masturbating there is another way than using Meditaton actualy. As a hint I will tell you: go with more than 50-60 lust to Rath and even casual try interact with him ;)

Still about perk Religious it was good when lust was capped at 100 - but fer not I may come with some weird/bran new shiny perks that will by byuale only if PC can medidtate to make it better for time spend. Even now I already changed meditate to take only hour.
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Oct 7, 2016
Might want to make it so the Golems at He Xin Dao can't take lust damage from the Demon-Morph racial Magical Special attacks, I managed to become a full Demon-Morph at level 1 NG+, and get the Dark Charm ability, go straight to He Xin Dao, and 3 shot lust attack the level 36 Golems with the lust special attacks. I currently have about 1.3m / 100 Exp at level 1.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lili Afaik all golem enemies should be like staute form D3 been total resistant to lust attacks -_-' Gonna check if something mess up in meantime with this.

@Spike razor and @Zevos Lol you two do thinking much about getting option to not just force JoJo to accidentaly drink Bibmo Liquer but also Bro Brew ^^ Well even if I do this it will take loooooong time till then :( I not wanna been distracted again.

As for amazon I think some later on planned npc could a lil bit fits here (feline gal with more than normal denveloped musculature ^^)
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
@Lili Afaik all golem enemies should be like staute form D3 been total resistant to lust attacks -_-' Gonna check if something mess up in meantime with this.

@Spike razor and @Zevos Lol you two do thinking much about getting option to not just force JoJo to accidentaly drink Bibmo Liquer but also Bro Brew ^^ Well even if I do this it will take loooooong time till then :( I not wanna been distracted again.

As for amazon I think some later on planned npc could a lil bit fits here (feline gal with more than normal denveloped musculature ^^)

That sounds cool


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Is Whispered ever gona be perm'able?  

Also, any plans for rebalencing the physical/special techniques?  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Dang lil late for me to include it for 0.7d -_-' And rebalancing of physiscal/magical special is on my radar but not in next 2 bigger updates (Archery and once again some playing with TF system will be there) so I think it may be sloted as 3rd bigger update in future.

I would add some other needed perks to perm in 0.7e...or if there would be some toubled with version 0.7d in 0.7d2 build ^^

Well back to the point as some may noticed there is new build : Xianxia 0.7d

I have hopes that all bugs form 0.7c was tracked down and squished.

Also added few more permable perks (list fot hem in ingame changelog). Some of suggestiong from people active in this thread was included. Some will be in future ones (probably Whispered then also Akbal fire related perk too probably - I think this time I would wait for you all propositions which one perks that aren't lvl-up ones to be included in permable perks list that got atm around 25-27 perks already ^^)

I looked over late game monster (for now since in future their would fall to midgame tier of enemies) and tried make them slight more tough. Also for beating lust resistant (in theory) monsters I looked at all lust skills and made changes to not allow them work on such enemies. Munchkin Job was renamed to All-Rounder and aside req. 10 more libido it not giving so OP broken boost to PC stats. Fear not Job: Munchkin will come back in future more munchkin'd than before.

@Serathinian That thing I not done for 0.7c I done now. Well I hope you would look at tell if it satisfy you or you still want some more deeper changes to be made.

There is some teaser stuff in this build that as Liadri said: "should make people look more toward next build" or well something along this lines what she said :thejoke:

Plus there is small bonus in form of Evangeline X-pack 1: Recovery Begins - it would allow PC finaly make Eve affection get up from eternal 3% plus giving some chance to cross weapons in spar. She isn't the easiest enemy still and that even under ssumption she actualy going little bit easy on PC ^^ I could talk for a longer moment about all new stuff added for her but I belive letting players find out all her new stuff on their own would be more more satisfied.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Apart from perm'ing both enlightened and corrupted nine tails, what do i need to do to get the combined foxfire?

What are the requirements for Dark Charm?

I've tested various racial perks, probably gona grab Dark Charm asap and lizan regeneration and feline flexibility later. 
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Oct 7, 2016
Was Lethicite armor ever in the Xianxia mod? Where can I get it? Doesn't seem to be dropping from Lethice


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos You need to have also Hoshi No Tama perk. ANd for it PC need to have at least 6 pts in kitsune score (but later on it not req. to have kitsune score so high)

For Dark Charm it's needed at least 6+ demon score (also if you get this perk then before ascension you can spend one perk point to get Black Heart to make sure it will not be lost if PC loose some points in demon score). Also for Back heart req. is 6+ demon score and 90+ corruption (once again that req. to buy perk not to keep those req. all the time after).

@Serathinian Ok well at least it's started moving in right direction. Would now look to make PC stop been called female in scenes too. Porbably would help lil bit if you can give some example of scene where PC is called female (not req. ting but will make my search throu code lil faster to locate which piece of code need t be altered).

@Lili No atm there isn't Lethice Armor accesable in mod. It code pieces are thou scatered all over the code but would req. lil work from me to enable it.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Ormael So Hoshi no Tama is req'd to get fused foxfire?  Any chance it can be turned into a rare ascension perk option?  I really, really love this new foxfire option, but i sorta don't want to Kitsune up at the begining of every life to grab it.  10, even 20 AP is a reasonable cost to avoid this hassle.  Or maybe not, to some people.  Meh.

Also, what is it's damage formula, compared to whitefire? 

Can grey and white ink be changed to req behemoth cum instaid of the unobtainable utra cum? 

Is my eastern dragon idea from the race brainstorm thread on your likely substantial list of things to do eventually?

Can we have a teaser for your plans for 7.e? 

Thanks for humoring my never-ending  questions. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Yes I made it such to somehow make some more reason that this perk is worthy to take over simply making before making 9tails perks permed at ascension to not loos those perks normaly. Now with perming Hoshi perk is reduced to just slight boosting fox fire dmg thus this fusion fox fire was tied up to perk to make it having some worth again. I would wait and see how others would be looking at this thing. If others also came saying: be a human make this as ascension perk not req. Hoshi no Tama perk too I would do it. Or if I just decide it's good idea without needing to wait for others to advocate for this too.

10+(player.inte/3 + rand(player.inte/2)) * 6 <- formula for fused fox fire

for whitefire formula is lil bit more complicated with increasing dmg each time PC int pass by next treshold - as there is no easy way to make this one short will just copypaste it so you could putting int value claculate on your won what would be at such int fox fire and whitefire dmg's

if (player.inte >= 21 && player.inte < 41) temp += (player.inte / 2 + rand((player.inte * 3) / 4));
if (player.inte >= 41 && player.inte < 61) temp += ((player.inte * 2) / 3 + rand(player.inte));
if (player.inte >= 61 && player.inte < 81) temp += ((player.inte * 5) / 6 + rand(player.inte * 1.25));
if (player.inte >= 81 && player.inte < 101) temp += (player.inte + rand(player.inte * 1.5));
if (player.inte >= 101 && player.inte < 151) temp += ((player.inte * 1.25) + rand(player.inte * 1.75));
if (player.inte >= 151 && player.inte < 201) temp += ((player.inte * 1.5) + rand(player.inte * 2));
if (player.inte >= 201) temp += ((player.inte * 1.75) + rand(player.inte * 2.25));

else temp += (player.inte/3 + rand(player.inte/2));

In both I removed part for spell power value since it will be the same effect in both by multiplying value by spell power bonus. As you can see white fire technicaly could be more and more powerfull the more int pc have (atm all spells with scaling like whitefire I capped at not more tiers to attain but in future probably will make whitefire keep growing in power till pc int break 500 points or maybe like with base melee attack 950 int.

Sorry all for lil huge post due to copying fragment of code to calculate both attacks power especialy whitefire.

Ok well I picked it on a whim what cum can be used for making grey/whie ink. Instead of replacing I could as well jsut add another type of cum to it. Orginaly I had thought of PC own cum used but atm it will be making jsut one more item with sole reason to be used to make this two TF items so in this place I started using already attainable bottled cum (mino one oc was ruled out due to still been addictive stuff - Eve wouldn't bother to purify it and thus I not sure if PC want to get accidentaly addicted to mino cum due to using grey/white ink)

Yeah eastern dragons and lighting based attacks is on my list but not for 0.7e version for sure. Maybe something of it would use in 0.7f.

A little tease for 0.7e? Heh wel it wil be more stuff for archers like possibility of PC arrow miss the target to not deal any dmg at all (currently always hitting 2-3 arrows will be like that with each next shoot arrow in turn having deceased chance to hit and if it be below 0 then...either PC need train more with Kelt/Kindra or find some bow with bonus to accuracy..or jsut buy another perk to rise acc). Also Bows...they will be items equipable in it own slot. Also if I manage to solidify her concept Kindra ( a friendly sheep-morph found in only place in game where we can meet sheep-morph). I think that would be enough teasing for 0.7e

I not mind replying to your never ending questions.
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Sep 19, 2015
Goblin battle quote: She says, “Time to get fucked, slut.”

Tamani quote: “Ready for another fuck, big girl?”

Sophie in heat: "Fertilize me NOW, girl!"

Amily during first time sex: “It’s nice to see a woman who hasn’t gone insane about that part.”

I know there's more somewhere like a sex scene with Urta but that's the most I can find right now.