CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok. That would speed up all changes. I assume instead of been called girl should be femboy. What word to replace slut? Also femboy or maybe ...umm femboy slut? xD

Also about sneak peak I remembered I was musing over adding some stuff from this two gdocs (for all too fiercy people it's not my work and I just found this gdocs long ago and if I add it will be checked to be all proofreaded and etc.)

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Oct 7, 2016
Any new enemies planned? Xianxia or non-xianxia related? I'd personally like some centaur enemies or something


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lili There are meantioned more then planned enemies on my mod trello cards. Here and here. I suppose those from second ne list may be more interesting and there is centaur there too.
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May 7, 2016
Well, i've gone through a playthrough keeping everyone pregged as much as possible, but i don't think i'm getting as many AP as i should be getting

Life 1, lv58, 91 points

Children:5 Amily, 2 Ember, 2 Izma, 4 Marble, 20 Minerva 618 Phyla, 1 Shelia, 2 Sophie, 74 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection)

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Amily, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph

Edit: By my count, i should be getting 140 points.  Using the old Kitteh formula, i would be getting 90 points. 

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Ok. That would speed up all changes. I assume instead of been called girl should be femboy. What word to replace slut? Also femboy or maybe ...umm femboy slut? xD

Also about sneak peak I remembered I was musing over adding some stuff from this two gdocs (for all too fiercy people it's not my work and I just found this gdocs long ago and if I add it will be checked to be all proofreaded and etc.)

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I was just thinking it'd be the regular dialogue a male character gets.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was just thinking it'd be the regular dialogue a male character gets.

Wel if it not gonna be something like jsut words directly used in text not some effect of using code function to pick male/female/erm version of word used it will be easy. Sadly not had much time yesterday to look over this one thing so I would do this today.

Well, i've gone through a playthrough keeping everyone pregged as much as possible, but i don't think i'm getting as many AP as i should be getting

Life 1, lv58, 91 points

Children:5 Amily, 2 Ember, 2 Izma, 4 Marble, 20 Minerva 618 Phyla, 1 Shelia, 2 Sophie, 74 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection)

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Amily, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph

Edit: By my count, i should be getting 140 points.  Using the old Kitteh formula, i would be getting 90 points. 


I assuming you went on this save from the start with using at least version 0.7c. Wel anyway I would look over code to count how many you should get. There is posibility of something that is still not included in code for getting points...I hope I will be wrong.

58 (for lvl) +2 (ember) + 2(izma) +4 (marble) +20 (minerva) + 6 (Phylla), +1 (sheila) + 2 (sophie) +18 (tamani) +6 (dungeons) + 16/17 (camp members - I think valeria need to be not been on pc at the moment of ascension but sitting in camp like rest of camp members) +5 (marble/minerva puri quest+enlighted perk) = 135/136

Ok I looked more closely on code and for children amount beofre it change amount of children to points it calculating square root of the that number. OK so with this thing let me recount what exactly amoint of point will be in this case for amount of children: 51 -> ~7 or 8 ascension points (ouch that a lil hard on Kitteh to make actualy making tons of children not su...helpful to boost ascension points gains.

Ok so once again recounting points: ~93 ( well I took that it not count ted down in square root and with companions you had actualy valeria as camp maber not using her at the ascension moment).

Ok so with substracting this 2 points it does indeed ends up as 91. So I noticed 2 things out of the system I not seen before (counting square root of all summed children amount) and (amily chilrdren actualy not counting to the score o_O )

Seems I will need to make some fast one mini update to make some changes again to how all those ascension points are counted.

Quite ironic situation Zevos that when you showed sheer numbers I sit and counted too t find few interesting thing I not paid much attention before.

A lil piece of code for counting children 'contibution' to ascension points so if somone not see some npc children meantioned it mean...their not count atm to children conunter used to clculate how many points PC will get for them at ascension. As I said will make 0.7d2 release I open to hear which one npc children should be included here too. And knowing it's so hard I may lower value to divide phylla drider or ant children counter too ^^

childPerformance += (flags[kFLAGS.MINERVA_CHILDREN] + flags[kFLAGS.BEHEMOTH_CHILDREN] + flags[kFLAGS.MARBLE_KIDS] + (flags[kFLAGS.SHEILA_JOEYS] + flags[kFLAGS.SHEILA_IMPS]) + izmaScene.totalIzmaChildren() + isabellaScene.totalIsabellaChildren() + kihaFollower.totalKihaChildren() + emberScene.emberChildren() + urtaPregs.urtaKids() + sophieBimbo.sophieChildren());
    childPerformance += ((flags[kFLAGS.TAMANI_NUMBER_OF_DAUGHTERS] / 4) + (flags[kFLAGS.ANT_KIDS] / 100) + (flags[kFLAGS.PHYLLA_DRIDER_BABIES_COUNT] / 5));
    performancePoints += Math.sqrt(childPerformance);
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Glad to see this is being addressed.  I'll just be here in the corner boning Tamini. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think there is some point at which PC weill be unable to fuck Tamani faster or her daughters than their would be dying on their own. You may know or not but tamani daughters if not interacted with them got slowly decline rate which I think (but not sure) would slight increase the more of them are. So not expect been able to have as many of them as...ant children. But then again ant children atm due to easiness of having them so many I put high cap to recalculate their amount into chidren counter.
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May 7, 2016
Tamani daugters die at a rate of 1 per 4 days when population goes above 40.  I can breed 8-12 per week.  So...  pretty much if i keep on going after her, i can get the population as high as i want it to go.  The only real problem is that i need to be on maintenance pretty much always because i'll be loosing one ascension point every two weeks. 
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Spike razor

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Jan 2, 2016
Ascension enhancements. I know we perm and all those but what if we can literally change the physical body.


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May 7, 2016
Any chance of more sources of white and grey books?  I'm drowning in black books, but i have barely enough white books to get my next life started, and no grey books whatsoever. 
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Aug 27, 2015
Ascension enhancements. I know we perm and all those but what if we can literally change the physical body.

Well aside of using special names PC would always set to start as physicaly human on outside. Even with those permed perks it's all internal mutations so on outside PC is still good old human. So...I not sure if there even gonna be a thing like make PC been able to choice nonhuman shape after ascension by picking some options in chara creation at the start of some higher tier NG game.

Tamani daugters die at a rate of 1 per 4 days when population goes above 40.  I can breed 8-12 per week.  So...  pretty much if i keep on going after her, i can get the population as high as i want it to go.  The only real problem is that i need to be on maintenance pretty much always because i'll be loosing one ascension point every two weeks. 

Well but still there is need for PC to proc either Tamani enc if she not pregnant or her daughters. I got in plans stuff to make many people happy. ON one hand it will allow people remove Tamani+her borrd enc form normal pool of forest encounters. On the other hand any PC that will want would be able with special option of using soul cutlivator ability find her or her borrd at AnY time so issue of: omg I can;t trigger her enc will be no existend since she will be always like 2-3 clicks away. So No needing to kill Tamani as Revamp giving option but less bloody way to not keep encounter her if we not wanna.

As for books...did you tired farm bee-girl? She can also drop white book if I'm not wrong. For grey books for now ony Valkyria droping them. Later on there will be certain npc to teach it to pc too siilar like Dominika doing for white/black ones. Ummm maybe will llok into Arian (either gender) to be able teach PC some of white or/and black spells. Amt I trying my concentration keep on archery stuff.
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May 7, 2016
Arian teaching white magic is a good means of doing it.  Bee girls are pretty much unfarmable, as there are more irritants and a law drop chance. 

In any case, i have Tamani up to 150 daughters.  I'll keep the breeding going until the fix comes out.  At which point, i'll put my new score up. 

Edit: Any chance of putting a lid on the Akbal sleep scenes?  They're getting somewhat annoying.  It would be nice if they didn't occour under conditions, like if you whup his ass or get your corruption under a threshold. 
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Well aside of using special names PC would always set to start as physicaly human on outside. Even with those permed perks it's all internal mutations so on outside PC is still good old human. So...I not sure if there even gonna be a thing like make PC been able to choice nonhuman shape after ascension by picking some options in chara creation at the start of some higher tier NG game.

Well but still there is need for PC to proc either Tamani enc if she not pregnant or her daughters. I got in plans stuff to make many people happy. ON one hand it will allow people remove Tamani+her borrd enc form normal pool of forest encounters. On the other hand any PC that will want would be able with special option of using soul cutlivator ability find her or her borrd at AnY time so issue of: omg I can;t trigger her enc will be no existend since she will be always like 2-3 clicks away. So No needing to kill Tamani as Revamp giving option but less bloody way to not keep encounter her if we not wanna.

As for books...did you tired farm bee-girl? She can also drop white book if I'm not wrong. For grey books for now ony Valkyria droping them. Later on there will be certain npc to teach it to pc too siilar like Dominika doing for white/black ones. Ummm maybe will llok into Arian (either gender) to be able teach PC some of white or/and black spells. Amt I trying my concentration keep on archery stuff.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Would look what spells he can teach as I not feel all either white or black one he could teach. Unless I would made sorta of him...becoming better mae himself let call it offscreen during time spent in PC camp and then allowing teach better and better spells that way. Yet this will req. some writing I think would be too much in front of what I want to do now for next version. So some small help like him teaching PC 2-3 first spells could be helpful.

I would surely add more children count too. I been thinking about Amily... her children not live with PC yet... Urta children also not living in PC camp and their count. Tamani children also while minos sons not count. Ehh kitteh made lil mess of which one children count and which not :/ Seems I will need make a check and somehow organize it to count all possible children that are somehow tracked anywhere ingame.

On Akbal dreams. Mkay I would put it to look on it not sound it will be something complicated.

@Spike razor Well it will be really hard to come with some explanation to allow non human looking PC. I think special names already are special since in village of humans all those animal-like PC living like it would be totaly normal to be the one weirdo around.
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Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor So you had in mind jsut super muslcular/bro body type for males or bimbo-ish/amazon nes for females at start? Well if it about this it will be quite simpler matter to add 1-2 new options on chara creator section at body type selection.
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Aug 28, 2015
Mod angel Liadri reporting here.

Its been a while but im back and more eager then ever to deliver the testing lab news. Curently on the work table is the full archery perk line including the fabled arcane archery so expect some magic arrows for the next version. If everything works fine we might even release Etna and the true manticore tf soon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor Well I think with hair colors...I not wanna run into case when next will be all rare skin tones. Liadir should know something about it and nagging me about this "certain" rare skin tone made into skin oil buyable at Rath now ^^

But that all aside...what hair color you are mostly interested in? I bet since you meantioned this you must have something that isn;t pickable at start that you dream about to been accesable at the start.

@Liadri Hehe maybe soon I will needd to rank up you there to something better than merely angel :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Rare skin tone hmmm interested 

Some skin tone could until now be obtained only via a TF. I prety much insisted that Tan, which so far required you to TF to harpy or Kitsune with an abnormal skin color, be added to Rathazul options.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I wonder how big the Tamani Dauger mob would need to be to overpower a lv100 PC? 


Random idea: Can we have a scene where we force a succubus milk on the alpha of the minotaur gang? 
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Aug 28, 2015
Here's a small preview of Etna the manticore and manticore TF content

1. Etna

She's as sadistic as shes playful. Beware around her for she also has a darker side that can lead up to an unique yandere themed bad end. Etna will regularly be ambushing the player in both mountain and high mountain area. If interacted with for long enough you will be able to bring her back to your camp as a lover. Included is no less then 6 scenes from a sweet paizuri to a brutal tailrape.

2. Manticore Venom

This TF will not only allow you to turn into a full manticore but also grant a new universal rape scene availlable only to manticore player... the infamous manticore tail pussy rape!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And speaking about Tan I not sure how many people read ingame change long since there it was for sure meantioned ^^

@Zevos Tamani daugthers get their max stats like max hp, lust or lvl are capped so I think at some really high amount of them any new ones will not make them as group stronger. As far I recall around 440+ daughters is their cap for stat growing giving PC lvl 30 enc with quite much of max hp and max lust too copared to first ones tiems when teir all was treated as lvl 8 enemy (which is their base lvl). So sadly nope their can't overpower lvl 100 chara. But in vanilla CoC and probably in many cases of not fully trained PC on over 30 lvl PC in Revamp their could be then having chance to overpower PC.

As for scene I not good at writing them so if you can find someone to write it I will not be against looking over it and then adding. Otheriwse it may take really long for such scene to be added.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Wel if it not gonna be something like jsut words directly used in text not some effect of using code function to pick male/female/erm version of word used it will be easy. Sadly not had much time yesterday to look over this one thing so I would do this today.

Okay, I really did not want to say this in my previous posts because I don't want to be a dick but I can't make any sense of this sentence.

I'm guessing English isn't your first language so I didn't want to say anything but I can't figure this post out at all. I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Outside of Sand Witches where is another source of black books? I managed to get all the white spells, but lacking in black.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm burnt out for Xianxia now.,  I'm gona wait until the ascension/child fix comes out before diving back in.  Here is meh score

Life 1, lv59

Children:12 Amily, 2 Ember, 1 Izzy. 2 Izma, 10 Marble, 38 Minerva 1323 Phyla, 1 Shelia, 5 Sophie, 290 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection, 300+ pending)

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Amily, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph

What is that,,,  1700 chlidren?  I'd love to see Robomon come across space, time and fourth walls to love each and every one of them with extreme force.

A rough estimation is that i'm approaching 200ish points.  There is a fair chance i'll never grind children for ascension points like this again.  Maybe.  We'll see.   I'll probably make perk plans n grind up to that point, no more, if i start on life one again. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm burnt out for Xianxia now.,  I'm gona wait until the ascension/child fix comes out before diving back in.  Here is meh score

Life 1, lv59

Children:12 Amily, 2 Ember, 1 Izzy. 2 Izma, 10 Marble, 38 Minerva 1323 Phyla, 1 Shelia, 5 Sophie, 290 Tamini (after all forms of natural selection, 300+ pending)

Dungeons: All cleared.  Minerva, Marble purification complete, Enlightenment achieved

Companions: Ember, Sophie, Jojo, Evangeline, Helspawn, Valeria, Rathazul, Amily, Arian, Helia, Isabella, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, Bath Slut, Ceraph

A rough estimation is that i'm approaching 200ish points.  There is a fair chance i'll never grind children for ascension points like this again.  Maybe.  We'll see.   I'll probably make perk plans n grind up to that point, no more, if i start on life one again. 

You will still be missing a lover post 0.7e ? I feel you so much for the hard times you will have trying to recruit her in ng+ and above especialy with the ascension fixes.

If I must say, it would be a shame not to try the new archery spec with a pureblooded centaur or the new manticore TF.
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