CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Next one wil be 0.7e1 followed with 0.7e2 some time after. I would put my utter effort to bring 0.7e1 asap Zevos.

And in next builds may be included possible one more lover than the one Liadri meantioned.

@Serathinian Yes it's not my first lang so I not taking it as offense what you wrote. What I wanted to say earlier is that I not know back then if those words you pointed ut in scenes are just part of text or effect of code function that looking what gender PC have atm and then using correct word from pool of few set up.

If it later than it would be simple matter of just expanding this pool. So this way change made in jsut few places would affect all game texts current and possible future ones.

If former then it mean a quite large amount of needed changes that will make it take some time to do as I would need to go over most of ingame scenes to fix it. And for this case it will not fix any future texts as it will be each time new scene added possibility of making adjustments at the moment of coding scene.
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Oct 7, 2016
What if after NG+5, the ascension allows you to save your characters transformations into a special name slot? like how there are premade special name characters when you choose a name. Or something along those lines?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What if after NG+5, the ascension allows you to save your characters transformations into a special name slot? like how there are premade special name characters when you choose a name. Or something along those lines?

Do consider the maneuver toroughly. Can such a thing be coded, has it been done before. If you think it would be hard to implement then think about the author thoughts on the mather. For myself I think such an idea would be very hard to implement especialy since we would have to create a new save system similar to achievement that tracks stuff over.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lili It would be close to impossible. Even if I made it then one thing is too unbelivable to think of. THink that EACH time player wil reach NG5+ stage his chara will create new special name. Even if we take into account that PC with the same names wouldn't be done into special char aside the first PC of that name then with time each layer could have literaly tons of special name PC temples. Probably would want to share it with others and here I wouldn't be against. And that would lead to people could have tons of tons of all various special names with all possible combinations of TF effects.

I would say: tell what you got on your mins about some special crafted PC and I may reconsider making special name for such case. But not gonna add option to ad infinitum making new special names with this NG5+ option you gave idea. Their special names for a reason ;)

Tl;dr idea wasn't generaly bad but aftereffects would ruin special meaning of the special names in game.
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Aug 28, 2015
Starting closed beta on the "Accuracy" system soon. Shooting is fine but when shooting several time in a row it's to be expected shots will become harder to land. Archery is determined by two stats which is speed for damage and inteligence for accuracy. The more inteligence or bow training you have the better your odds of landing those hits up to a total of five consecutives strikes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It actualy work in it base form. And what some of you may noticed about been able to get up to 3 shoots per combat turn added in 0.7d is this teaser for next version.

@Serathinian Looking over code I found those places you meantioned in one of posts. There is put check in those places that would only pick between word to desc male or female. So it would take me some time to think over doing something to change this situation.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What about saving a particular form, then using soulforce to revert back to that form later if you TF out of it, or ascend n stuff?  A lot of really cool chimeric forms require excessive savescumming to acquire, this would alleviate that.  
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Once again when I load the game and wait while I'm wearing the Fenrir Collar I get “How dare you throw away my gift...”

Thankfully it's nowhere near as annoying since there's only one notification.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This will only happen if you try and get rid of one of fenrir body TF. The moment you wear the collar some of your body part will be TFed to fenrir forever. Bug isn't about this message showing up but about it showing more then once.

Daily log from your favorite rogue writer: Created an upgrade to plant morph wich is the Alraune bottom body. This unlock the Alraune pollen and Vine attack as well as an extra scene with bee girl involving 1 vs 5 yuri. PC also get to be eligible for scenes requiring a cock thanks to cock-vines wich in the case of Alraune moved to leg level.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ormael Ohh okay, that makes sense. Just trying to throw around some ideas, guess it seemed better in my head lol

Yeah sometimes idea sund cool when you think about it but when crashed into thing cvalled reality it not good anymore. I hope you not too sad about knowing this idea wasn't much possible from technical reasons.

What about saving a particular form, then using soulforce to revert back to that form later if you TF out of it, or ascend n stuff?  A lot of really cool chimeric forms require excessive savescumming to acquire, this would alleviate that.  

You know that is almost exactly what would be perk Metamorph that I plan to work on after 0.7e2 build? xD

Once again when I load the game and wait while I'm wearing the Fenrir Collar I get “How dare you throw away my gift...”

Thankfully it's nowhere near as annoying since there's only one notification.

That notification is in this case it working as intended. For now having collar will make PC always have wolf eyes and wolf back spikes. For back spikes it use rear body slot so aside this one version there isn't any other one to force this scene. Well later on I would move shark fin into rear body section plus add dragon body part for this slot too just as Stadler planned for his Dragon mod. Also Manticore mane will be there treated as rear body slot TF effect. I think actualy all TF effects giving PC mane of any type will ends up been put into rear body slot.

As for eyes there is now more versions of this body part aside wolf/fenrir ones so I assume you had massabe about this body part when you TF your PC eyes into some other type than wolf/fenrir.

There was reason for game asking if PC want to put collar on. Maybe would counsult Liadri about adding iname bolded text to warn PC that his rear body and eyes slot will be locked to fenrir version after putting on collar to not make feel people suprised about it later on.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For TF related permable perks it's those (@seventhsword tell if you need for each listed req. for getting those perks too)

Cat TF: Flexibility

Demon TF: Dark Charm

Dragon TF: Dragon Fire Breath, Dragon Ice Breath

Kitsune TF: Corrupted Ninetails, Enlightened Ninetails

Lizan TF: Lizan Regeneration

Scylla TF: Ink Spray

Salamander TF: Lustzerker

Others atm permable perks: Feras Boon Alpha, Feras Boon Breeding Bitch, Feras Boon Milking Twat, Feras Boon Seeder, Fire Lord, Hellfire, Magical Fertility, Magical Virility, Maraes Gift Buttslut, Maraes Gift Fertility, Maraes Gift Profractory, Maraes Gift Stud, Milk Maid, One Track Mind, Pure And Loving, Purity Blessing, Sensual Lover

As @Zevos some time ago menationed about some other ones perks I once again repeating that I pen to hearing what other perks I should reconsider to be added to permable perks. For sure none from the lvl-up perks will be possible to be permed.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Well hopefully i'll get a chimaric metamorph down the line that i can use to pick up Hoshi no Tama at the start of every life...  

I would say: tell what you got on your mins about some special crafted PC and I may reconsider making special name for such case. But not gonna add option to ad infinitum making new special names with this NG5+ option you gave idea. Their special names for a reason ;)

Are you offering for the chance to create new special names?  


The two perks off the top of my head that should be perm'd are whisper and brood mother.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well hopefully i'll get a chimaric metamorph down the line that i can use to pick up Hoshi no Tama at the start of every life...  

Are you offering for the chance to create new special names?  


The two perks off the top of my head that should be perm'd are whisper and brood mother.  

It would be taking 'a few' TF first to unlock Metamorph perk (but I do plan for ascension eprk to shorten this amount of transformations).

As for special names...yes I do plan beofr end of the year add some new special names. I jsut...well not have time to think about what will their be giving since there is always more important stuff to do with mod. So if someone would come with decent written special name with short history for pre-portal life and what should be given to PC at the game start I would give it high chance to be added to the game.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It would be taking 'a few' TF first to unlock Metamorph perk (but I do plan for ascension eprk to shorten this amount of transformations).

As for special names...yes I do plan beofr end of the year add some new special names. I jsut...well not have time to think about what will their be giving since there is always more important stuff to do with mod. So if someone would come with decent written special name with short history for pre-portal life and what should be given to PC at the game start I would give it high chance to be added to the game.

If we gave you our idealized starting characters (within reason) what are the odds they would eventually get in?  


Methinks a good way to go around this is to split it up into bodies and skills that are not available with the current presets.  For example, the vanilla names lack masculine presets.  Mostly.  Also, there are none that involve job: soul cultivator in the initial skillset.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If we gave you our idealized starting characters (within reason) what are the odds they would eventually get in?  


Methinks a good way to go around this is to split it up into bodies and skills that are not available with the current presets.  For example, the vanilla names lack masculine presets.  Mostly.  Also, there are none that involve job: soul cultivator in the initial skillset.  

Actualy since I was changing 3 special names due to archery rework there could be or just PC with set of perks/starting items/set stats/TF effects and etc. without any back story or one with additional short history from times before going throu portal. There isn't any preset chara with cultivation nor scout history perk since I not yet touch special names since start of the mod. So with changes to archery I can add 2-3 new special names.

Given you always have been reasonable I think chances for your idea for special name got...80-90% of getting into the mod unchanged, 80-99% if I will modify it in case I fell it needs some modifications (but would still consult if those changes still are within your plans for this special name).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Well, next time i get bored i have something to do.  First of which will be finding a list of generic names.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You mean generic names for been used to make special name or list of already existing special names to not duplicate them accidentaly?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Regular names that have not been used already.  For each one, a form and a skillset.  For reference, whats on and off the table for including a preset?  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For each one, a form and a skillset.  For reference, whats on and off the table for including a preset?  

Usualy special name can be setting up PC starting stats (still not smething too high so no all 4 first stats 100 point, I think somewhere around 30-40 in one two and 20-25 in rest wold be enough), then setting cock/breast size, heigh, in case of beard it type. Then body parts that aren't human (I think only wolf eyes and fenrir spikes may be out of question since their are connected to fenrir collar @Liadri what you think on this? Could those two body TF version can be used in preset characters?) so PC can be even totaly chimera. Next perks from...welll all that aren't lvl up tier o ones (those are that not have lvl req. to get are called in code tier 0 perks), there could be also added some stuff like piercing. On the end giving PC items like weapon/armor/underware - all type of items that PC can wear so no giving PC 5 bottles of some TF item. Only items that PC can wear on itself. None of itmes that are classified under Key Items (well not anymore sicne I reworking Bow and Kelt Bow to be be jsut normal items possible to equip - also no starting with Sky Poison Pearl either)

THis all I think would be rough outline what is possible for PC to have.

what about the other holiday perks?

Which one holiday perk(s) you got in mind?
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
For TF related permable perks it's those (@seventhsword tell if you need for each listed req. for getting those perks too)

Cat TF: Flexibility

Demon TF: Dark Charm

Dragon TF: Dragon Fire Breath, Dragon Ice Breath

Kitsune TF: Corrupted Ninetails, Enlightened Ninetails

Lizan TF: Lizan Regeneration

Scylla TF: Ink Spray

Salamander TF: Lustzerker

Others atm permable perks: Feras Boon Alpha, Feras Boon Breeding Bitch, Feras Boon Milking Twat, Feras Boon Seeder, Fire Lord, Hellfire, Magical Fertility, Magical Virility, Maraes Gift Buttslut, Maraes Gift Fertility, Maraes Gift Profractory, Maraes Gift Stud, Milk Maid, One Track Mind, Pure And Loving, Purity Blessing, Sensual Lover

As @Zevos some time ago menationed about some other ones perks I once again repeating that I pen to hearing what other perks I should reconsider to be added to permable perks. For sure none from the lvl-up perks will be possible to be permed.

One track mind,pure and loving where are they?

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Usualy special name can be setting up PC starting stats (still not smething too high so no all 4 first stats 100 point, I think somewhere around 30-40 in one two and 20-25 in rest wold be enough), then setting cock/breast size, heigh, in case of beard it type. Then body parts that aren't human (I think only wolf eyes and fenrir spikes may be out of question since their are connected to fenrir collar @Liadri what you think on this? Could those two body TF version can be used in preset characters?) so PC can be even totaly chimera. Next perks from...welll all that aren't lvl up tier o ones (those are that not have lvl req. to get are called in code tier 0 perks), there could be also added some stuff like piercing. On the end giving PC items like weapon/armor/underware - all type of items that PC can wear so no giving PC 5 bottles of some TF item. Only items that PC can wear on itself. None of itmes that are classified under Key Items (well not anymore sicne I reworking Bow and Kelt Bow to be be jsut normal items possible to equip - also no starting with Sky Poison Pearl either)

THis all I think would be rough outline what is possible for PC to have.

Which one holiday perk(s) you got in mind?

Elven bounty,pilgrim bounty,


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok so for now I see 4 more perks: Whispered, Brrod Mother , Elven Bounty, Pilgrim Bounty.

@Spike razor For those you proposed look at possibility to make it stackable. I mean for Magic Virility/Fertility it was made that each of them despite been permable can be stacked up to 2 more times after it (well not much tested it so I not attest it's bugproff) so it' sposible to have those two perks have been 3 times taken (but each after 1st time got halfed effect). Made changes compared to how it was in Revamp for them in perk text so it should reflect actual bonuses their giving.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Development lab news: Currently we having a few issues compiling the files so update might be delayed slightly. An assistant coder would be appreciated in the future.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Ormael What about possessing spells to start with if the int grant is enough to qualify?  Are perm'd perks allowed (for purpose of allowing racial perks, like flexibility, not otherwise initially available without the specific form)?   Also, multiple history perks?  I'm probably gona draft some forms, equipment setup, perk setup and stats setup, post them here (maybe as a link to a gdoc) and let people mix and max with a name of their choosing.  After a while, we'll grab some random names and add some more presets for underrepresented choices.  

At the moment, my kina idealized preset for my own use is a human/east. drag hybrid without the whiskers yet (down the road, not yet at the destination), with 50ish int, spells, rest floating around 30, dark charm perm'd, purity blessing, whispered, jobs: sorcerer, seducer, maybe lv5ish with goodie basket of low hanging sorcerer perks, wizard's staff, ordinary unmagical robes.  


Its probably a bit too unreasnoble on multiple aspects, and needs a bit of weight to be brought down to reality.  Or, whatever passes for it.  

In any case, i want to create a sort of system for generating cool but not overpowered characters, maybe using a point system like ascension, so people who follow Xiania can just make the preset themselves without risk of anything completely overpowered coming along.  
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Aug 27, 2015
I would try to say more optimistic thing. There is some issue I stuck at jsut as Liadri said. But that not stopped me from keep writing some new code that is something I done many times so I know it will be no trouble with it. Like now there is up to tier 6 or 7 perks for libido and toughness. So that ean PC at lvl 36 will still get 2 new perks as long stats will be high enough and prereq. perks buyed out. And that perk like still not finished coding...with few more perk waiting to be added to extend it to somewhere around lvl 60-72 with last one perk. Well perks itself maybe aren;t interesting (adding max lust or fatigue) but those ones aren't gated behind having job perk but only behind having all previous perks of the line and enough point s in either lib+int or tou+str. And current one added already are around 200-150 points in those stats :p

If starting int would be hign enough I not see issue to add to such preset PC spells from any of base schools (base as in white or black).

Making system to create preset characters may be lil hard since I seen those already made are already from sut minor addition of few thing to...quite much almost all aspect we set in char creation altered. So it's matter of person coding it it wuld be added or not.

On your chara: maybe lv5ish - I not sure if it mean PC would start at lvl 5 or something else, in case it's that it can't be as all PC starting at lvl 1. But there is possible to give PC few spare perk point (some special name can give even 10 spare perk points) and with stats, int is fine but maybe other stat will be need to lil lowered. As for perks aside dark charm and all rest seems to be fine to ba added. With charm thing is that only it need to be permed to not vanish after even one hour pas ingame since it would vanish due too low demon score and lack of Black Heart. But...I think I may consider trhowing up to the mix that Black Heart Perk too :D

So in short your chara design is interesting and I not any major issues to not include it (aside that I would need to make those eastern dragon body parts if their aren't those that aready existing and are used for dragon). On spells I may in future make some changes (mostly by lowering slightly each spell req. min int so at 45 int all white and black spells could be learned - no promises but I reconsidering making first spell learnable at 25 int, then each next req. 5 more int).
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