CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Are you a god?: Unlocked - Get to level 100. (Your powers would have surpassed Marae’s by now.) - Shadow Achievement

Currently at 270(743 with might) str, 331(804 with might) tough, 269(861 with blink) speed, 360 int, libido, 19 libido, 23 sensitivity, 15 corruption

13255(30755 with might) HP, 548 LP. 4610 fatigue, 963% spell multiplier. 

This is pretty ridiculous at this point.  On my fourth life, i'm probably going to get the max level and everything just to see how absurd i can get my stats to go. 

Well, i certainly have surpassed Marae in power, if nothing else.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Str 220; toughness 200; speed 260; int 360; libido 100; 10 sensitivity; 10280 hp; 892 Max Lust; 4725 Fatigue
With Might and Blink: str 414; toughness 394; speed 503; 14,572 hp 

Going to max level on my third life and just hold off from ascending until the next major content update.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think i'll stop for now after my next ascension as well.  I only need like 20 or so more points to max my spell multiplier perk.  Once i reach that point my ascensions will begin to show diminishing returns (*gasp!*)
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
I maxed mine out... o_O  Odd.  Apparently taking soul cultivator as your history perk counts as it not being defined in Jojo's chat about you option.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For races bonuses their sclae with each next NG so to explain it easy will take Zevos example of Lizards.

at NG their getting: +15 max Tou, +45 max Fatigue

at NG+ their getting: +30 max Tou, +90 max Fatigue

at NG++ their getting: +45 max Tou, +135 max Fatigue

at NG+++ their getting: +60 max Tou, +180 max Fatigue

at NG++++ and higher (atm ascension is build around plan that PC would play CoC 5 ties in total even if it's possible I think to pay it 9 or 10 times with one chara but that result only in enemies getting slight stronger each time when PC stopping getting more strong after 5th game) their getting: +75 max Tou, +225 max Fatigue

For kitsune perks of 9-tails: it's thing I would work in near future to solve. Similar with other related to races perks. As I see there is comon agreement that race specific perks like kitsune 9-tails, dragon breaths, lizan regeneration should be permable?

As why only kitsune ones are permable at is due to fact PC must choice to got for corrupted or pure version while other race perks not req. such choice.

For Underdog part of desc saying about hidden's not yet added and will be in few next version. I realize that giving some cheasy one power up will be lame and for those that feel good I would need to spend some more time making release of 0.7c delayed even more.

As for Job: Munchkin it does aslo get some more strict than usual req. forcing payer to get all 6 base job perks and get str/tou/spe/int to 100 and lib to 50. I may rebalance it in future (probably emaning more req. perks or higher stat values needed to unlock).

OK for rest...I read all post but today I feeling quite sick so will get back to replying to all other things I not adressed yet tomorrow.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Have a fox jewel; 8 fox tails and the ears... I permed Enlightened Nine-tails... I can't get my ninth tail despite how many times I meditate in the fox shrine... Is this intentional?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Seems Chilly Peppers have a super low drop chance on top of a low transformation chance even with Alchemist history.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I hope you feel better soon Ormael

On note of racial perks...  I think all of them should be perm'able or none of them should be.  When only one (Kitsune) is permable, it sorta unbalences things. 

That being said, maybe perks like Hosni no Tama and Lizan marrow could be permeable instaid.  For a price in ascension points, you can keep a portion of a race's utility...  But this would require a overhaul of racial perks.  Particularly perks like Dark Charm that need to be brought up to par.  An example of this would be Hoshi no Tama granting a version if full strength foxfire if you have no 9Tails perks, that dosn't get any corruption related bonuses.  Alongside the slight boost in fatigue regen.  It would make it vary relevant as an ascension choice without weakening the appeal of Kitsune or 9Tails.  If you're creative, you could probably come up with similer ideas for other perks. 

For underdog's second effect, i would just have it slash level requirements off perks and leave it at that.  Effort that can be gone into unique power sources that you'll want to get anyways takes away from other development issues and makes underdog too important a perk. 

It will be interesting to see what happens to Job: Munchikin. 

@Hardmix898 You gain access randomly while exploring desert. 
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So I acquired Soulforce, and after I tried to use Triple Thrust or Draco Sweep on an enemy and it killed them.

It effectively froze my game.

It will say the Exp, and gems I won after the fight.

But if I press Next, it will give a textless wall with a Next button that does nothing.

The only option is to refresh the game.

So I tested, and it only happened when the Soulforce attack killed said enemy.

I hope this info helps!!

Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Level 10... Dragon/Kitsune Hybrid 385 intelligence... I 1 shot the Ice wolves for 2kish exp; I 2 shot Ice Giants for 12kish exp  I 2 shot Yetis for 2kish exp... (Whitefire) I surprisingly 2 shot Valkyries for 2kish exp as well. Its time for the exp grind to max level. :p
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
With int that high, you've reached the point of instant invincibility, just add might. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Yup just crushed Lethice... looking for Marae to crush now. Before going back to that grind spot.

Might plus Staff Channeling is absurdly awesome at that point. xD

Although being able to get to Marae would be nice instead of hoping to randomly encounter her. Odds seem a bit annoying low.
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Sep 26, 2015
is there a wiki for this mod? also, how do you get your int over 150?
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Well you either overlevel; picking the right perks as you go along... or you take the right perks and become either a kitsune or dragon or some sort of hybrid to get their racial stat bonuses.

Okay wasted hours trying to find Marae after defeating Lethice... she doesn't seem to be around... is the chance of locating her remote?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How do get to the ocean in the game?  Where can I find some sail?

First explore Desert to get scene of discovering Beach. Then after few explorations of Beach will you get scene of finding sea boat. And that's when you can start exploring Ocean. Deep Sea due to not finished any enemy enc for it is only shoed on list of locations so not worry about not unlocking it yet.

So I tested, and it only happened when the Soulforce attack killed said enemy.

That effect of CoC code been...spagetti. And reason I would in future look over how each every single atack/speciall/spell in game is formated to make sure all are looking the same. Atm in code is like 2-3 ways this end of combat situation is resolved and your issue is caused by that. So till then soulforce attacks that would end fight may cause sometimes this weird glitch.

On Transference thing: it supposed to mostly helpful when PC is close to max lust so moving this 5% will help avoid losing by lust. Using it when PC is still on low lust like below 50% or so would be always not good thing to do. BY that time Arouse will be still as good option.

Ok so I woke up lil earlier today due to sleeping yesterday after I posted in this thread till today so I feeling slight better. But ofc work is work so I hope I not be more sick when I come back from it. SO sorry if I again missed someone post to rpely to it would reply to it when I back after the work.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
hey question what does this mean?

"Once again, you approach the island where the corrupted goddess resides and set foot on the island. “Coming back for more?” Marae coos.

(Do you fight Marae or stay with her and abandon your quests? Or you could leave if you want.)You give up on finding anything interesting, and decide to go check up on your camp."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Shade of Zurn Trasference special as it author Liadri desc is meant for cases when PC lust is too high and thus making PC risk to lose. SO she said making it up to 10% seems ok for her. Also as she said additionaly getting perks to get larger max lust bar would help making it more efficient since on 100 max lust ir woul dbe only 5 (or 10 after buffing) while around 500 lust it jumping to 25(50).

Would look over JoJo talks about not meantioning Cultivator history (I think he may missing one reply to having scout history too I fear).

Also added to list of checking chances to meet Marae.

@Kharn If you feel drop rate is too low I not see trouble rise it a lil bit. ALso with next version it will be possible to buy it from Moga Hen shop.

@Zevos On racial related let call them 'event' eprks 9 tails was picked as I said before as it was tied up to pure or corrupted PC route. After giving it a thought for others I would probably think over way to make it eitehr all of them permable or none (this one less likely since then it wouldn;t be possible to get both 9tail perks). As for those like Lizan Marrow or Hoshi no Tama it's lvl-up perks that req. those 'event' perks aside high enough race score to get so will not be permable. What a rouble for PC to get some race score to high enough score then use perk point to get it. future those perks will be comming with some side effects so allowing it to be permed could in some way hurt PC if PC is not able to carry burden of picking those perks (also that why thos eprks like Marrow are lvl-up perks)

@dankmeme420 Sorry to say that but there isn't yet any wiki made for my mod. But if someone would be so generous and want to start making it I would be more than happy to help this person to get needed informations. Or either I could try start making it.

Let's get a FMG potion just a small suggestion

En what that FMG potion mean? I lil confused what you had on your mind here -_-'

ON GENERAL NOTE: SO far I recovering in decent speed so maybe 1-2 days more till I will be no sick anymore. Also by now I think I manged finaly address all issues brough in this thread in last 2-3 days. IF I do still forgot some feel free topoint it up again I will not be angry ^^
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Shade of Zurn You can only encounter her twice.  This means that between the four perks, the lethicite and the various godslayer rewards, you can only get two per playthrough.  With the 2nd tier merae's gifts being mutually exclusive with lethicite and godslayer.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Oh so I shouldn't bother using her to purify Minerva then. -_-  Wait then how are we supposed to be able to get to fight her with her health being boosted? -_-
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
FMG=Female Muscle Growth 

FMG in form of some female/female herm npc undergoing FMG as part of her plotline progression of getting some TF from PC that can cause such effects or as PC been able to meet some over/more than usual muscular female npc's?
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
FMG in form of some female/female herm npc undergoing FMG as part of her plotline progression of getting some TF from PC that can cause such effects or as PC been able to meet some over/more than usual muscular female npc's?



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor Umm you said yes to both I assume not just first or nother. Well in that case at least second one is idea for npc I want to do in one or other form (so it can even result in two npc's about been more than usual muslcular females). As for gaining more muslce mass during game progress female npc...none of ideas I got in an idea text file fits this :/

EDIT: Thou I MAY do have some idea about female npc getting something akin muscle grown over the game progress. Well for sure her innate strength rocketing much till she would probably be able to bend steel bars. I not quite sure if it comes with all those rippling muscles and so on or jsut twisted logic of...her muscle are now more effective and able to grnate her more strength nothing more nothing less ^^
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
@Spike razor Umm you said yes to both I assume not just first or nother. Well in that case at least second one is idea for npc I want to do in one or other form (so it can even result in two npc's about been more than usual muslcular females). As for gaining more muslce mass during game progress female npc...none of ideas I got in an idea text file fits this :/

EDIT: Thou I MAY do have some idea about female npc getting something akin muscle grown over the game progress. Well for sure her innate strength rocketing much till she would probably be able to bend steel bars. I not quite sure if it comes with all those rippling muscles and so on or jsut twisted logic of...her muscle are now more effective and able to grnate her more strength nothing more nothing less ^^

the only one who gains a uber like muscles is from the bro brew.