CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@CascadeRX It's TF for deer-morphs. Nothing much aside getting their body parts if giving (no bonuses so far...eventyulay will give them too bonuses when I sort out what it suppose to be).

And Evangeline Affection finaly can go up from eternal 3% after she joins camp ^^ One new option will open at 5% and another at 10% (well this first one is 50% done and other...not even started -_-') So much time wasted to find some annoyong piece of code I need rework hehehe.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah it would be much needed for me Spike ^^

Well mood for wrting of scenes I need too do still not comming :/

So maybe some of you will help me on this. About what would PC want to talk with Evangeline? She's so far got not much background revealed (well not for me since I got base of her storyline progression ^^). It's can't be also something that would in one or two scenes reveal all her secrets she hidding.
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Aug 27, 2015
Ahh Eyes (naturaly I thought about some weird topics like her alchemy skills or her past (this would be too spoilerish before some crucial point of her storyarch and not think she would turn out as liar more like she would try to not talk about stuff than lie), some about why she found herself near PC camp, where she come from (that as she looks quite human-like so PC could think from what world otside Mareth she came)).

Dayum that convo gave me idea for some cult place that PC can find. Like some forgotten currently god shrine or smth (not any of already meantioned ingame).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
yay i gave you an idea

Yup you definetly. Orginaly I planned her been fully human looking and later with time becoming less humanlike as her story arc denvelop. As in such case it would be like she's just another human like PC or Izablea that come throu some other portal and just is starved (well she actualy IS starved quite much when she meets PC first time). So later added this unusual trait that will stick to her no matter what transformation her body goes. Like even IF she got spider eyes there would be 4 or 6 eyes that got the same X-shaped irises.

So is there any word about the plant TF? 

It's still on list of to-do TF items but for now as I shifted attention from all time working on new TF items it would be added at unspecificated time in future (probably around 3-4 weeks till I start work on next TF to be added to the game and I think Plant TF is current at first spot to been worked on). I mean for now I need do few enemies that would drop already added TF items like...this scylla enemy I promised Liadri to be added at Lake. Same with unicorn/alicorn/mantis enemies that need to be added somewhere and be source of their TF itmes as now only source is mostly form ripping off form PC merchant  that sells them but at 3 times normal price. All hail merchants that works hard to maximilize their profits *hue hue*

TL;DR I reached almost burnout point working on new TF so I taking a short break from them ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the talk option are written (now quality control of them left) and I suppose this would be for today progress. Tomorrow aim: make spar texts and adjust Eva combat stats
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i can't wait. hmm i should just think of tfs that i like. something to practice some things

Would be interesting to know which one you like. And speaking of TF I got today in work idea how give PC some TF items connected to 4 basic elements.

It would be Ezekiel shrine. Quite ruined atm after all that demon invasions and barely anyone visiting it but still some faithfull worshipers visiting shirne of Mareth god (it's him as statue in shrine even if a little bit damaged will indicate male frame of this god ^^) of transformations and death. So they may be some weak mobs to beat them when exploring or it would be empty. And possible chance for lucky and clever PC to find entrance to secret chamber with some decent stuff to loot. There may be even some spare Ezekiel Fruits laying around (I tempted to allow npc in camp that can spar with PC to use them to get some boost to stats - game code already allow give bonuses to stats when npc got Ezekiel Blessing perk (well for now only Evangeline making use of it))
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Aug 27, 2015
I dunno I sometimes scared of way I think. Like yesterday I looked over some loose ideas for npc I wrote down in various places. Suprising so often repeating words are: female, huge tits, bimbo. I think I need work ont this mander male then to balance out that tendency. And I really do want add male-only camp follower that will work well with female PC and male too (I mean not been all about M/M stuff in case of male PC).

Anyone know if Lusty Maiden Armor should be treated as one of a kind armor ingame? I really, really want put it on one of female camp members to get similar scene like female PC vs imps but with male been here PC ^^
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
i kinda wish to have big strong woman with large breasts and muscles standing 15ft tall and she loves men...but that's me


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh that quite amusing...since I see one of possible camp members that could fill that niche in all aside muscle thing. But that if it been changed that dragon race npc can't actualy with time grow larger than PC limit of 11ft tall. Or have ability to change forms between something like EMber size and some really HUGE size.

Anyway Spike what you think about hybryd of dragoness/cow/succubus/kitsune/maybe few more races so that would actualy make her true chimera that PC could meet and get a chance to know her closer? xD
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Aug 27, 2015
I got actuly few more hybryd npc ideas but this one I meantiond is most heave on mixing up various races to make perfect being that got OP godly stats and mix of abilities. And then I would throw her at PC to play with...question who would play with who? xD
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
hmmm hard choice. but hey wanna hear a weird thing i thought of?

Ok I get used to your weird things (I think) so...amaze me :p (yeah that mean I want to hear it)

Such coctails can end in some good idea or in a horrible abomination

Plan is that PC would have some "control" over how this npc becoming chimera. So I got hope that this gradual process of turning from typical not mutated much native marethan to truly bizare shape with all those abilities and etc. should have few places when I can tune it to keep it on good idea side and not horrible abomination.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
i always and always had this weird thought of some type growth fanatic would capture the PC she was a 14ft human with dark red hair emerald eyes, J-cup breasts with muscles that make her look like the green monster you heard in stories. that came to me just now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Looking at it I imagine her otherwise: 14th ft tall with J-cup breasts She-Hulk that got red hair and emerald eyes. Well 14ft would mean PC is always smaller than her so that would be some starting point how write scens for her. Thou I really thinking if not make PC been able grown a lil more than 11ft.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well what would be if we ends up with coc-ish version of she-hul....err that quite interesting. *runs away laughing diabolicaly*

*many minutes later*

Ohh well CoC goblins are already green but they are small. BUt if one of them get treatment similar to Vala from imps it could make her ends up quite taller. ANd rhen some jokes from her about FINALLY exceeding her race height limit cap xD
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
yes she has mixed golblin ale with Gro+ ,Bro Brew and the ingredients that made Vala  huge but she was missing one key ingredient.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Seems like this talking about gigantess and green skins would flesh out a lil bit more idea I got for some time about one goblin npc. And other thing...goblins not yet giving any bonuses but canon so far set them as quite capable alchemist so maybe some bonus to intelligence would be fitting for htem. Not like they TiTS brothers and sisters that use technoogy to get cybernetics implants. In COC any modern tech would be totaly canon breaking (MAYBE some akin to steam powered technology could be barely accepted if at all - but that interesting idea: a steam-powered power armor with steampunk stylistic xD).
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