CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Aug 31, 2015
Magic is still waaaay stronger.
Is magic really that strong? I was under the impression that it was quite weak in comparison to soul skills. Ice Fist being an OP 2 turn stun that has not diminishing returns and works on everything except golems. Thrust skills will melt higher level enemies in combination with Crino's Shape, and if you stack on dwarf rage and might before activating it your do even more. I tried doing a magic build as a kitsune but it just ended up feeling like I was intentionally gimping myself. Kitsune obviously looks to be built for magic based on it's perks and the way it nerfs your strength stat and yet I've still had way more success with it just spamming soulskill than trying to chain elements and using elementals. I can do 10mil+ per hit with thrusts in the late game, magic on the other hand I have struggled to reach over 100k in the late game.

I feel like I must be missing some key element for a good magic build because I keep seeing people saying magic kitsune is OP.


Mar 2, 2020
I feel like I must be missing some key element for a good magic build because I keep seeing people saying magic kitsune is OP.

I don't know about the kitsune part, they seem more SF oriented to me, but magic is completely broken! Just dump all of your early points into intel and use M.Bolt to one shot most things at lower difficulties (might take 2-3 shots on higher, depending on your NG cycle and enemy lvl); other spells are weaker at early levels.

But the thing that really breaks it is a perk called "Fortress of Intellect", which causes might to increase int+tough instead of str+tough. It ignores your int cap and can very easily push the stat into the thousands early on. It is also affected by magic modifiers from perks/equipment, meaning whenever you get a magic effect+ perk, you don't JUST get a % boost to a spell, but also an equal % increase to might's int boost. Whenever you cast a spell, it takes the boosted int from might as a base, then factors in your spell effect multiplier.

After all of that is applied, it doesn't matter what spell you use: M. Bolt, fire, lust, etc. Everything just dies. The only time you'll be in danger is when the crazy spell% boosts catch up with your mana reserves, as they also increase spell costs, but the inquisitor robe/corset can negate that completely (the book is useless to a pure mage).

As a bonus: Charge armor makes you invincible. That's it. You take negligible damage while it's active.

If anybody can clarify why kitsune are better, please do, as I have no idea how they can push these limits in a meaningful way.
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Aug 31, 2015
Ok so I tested with an elderitch staff and foi and I can see how you can get exponentially higher damage. But I think I would need someone to to tell me the best equipment you can get. Using just an elderitch staff I took my int from 910 to 1300 (hit for 1.6m with magic bolt on level 80 kitsune elder). But it still doesn't come close to the strength gain I get from stacking might, dwarf rage, and Crino's shape taking me from 480 str to 1630 (hit for 10m with nonuple thrust on level 80 kitsune elder). If I play as another beast race I can remove the kitsune str handicap and my numbers burst through the roof (770 str werewolf gets bumped to 2392 after buff still same character). My testing character is on xianxia difficulty with new stat scaling, damage overhaul, and no secondary stat mods on opponents.

Now I'm sure I can take my magic damage even higher with the right equipment (already have all non-racial magic related perks I can get). So if you have any equipment suggestions or racial related perks I'd love to hear about them. There are frankly so many perks, racial specifics, and equipments/etc in this mod combined with the wide variety of difficulty modifiers and ng+ stuff that it's quite time consuming to properly test it all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
Shaky if you want damage, Jouster is the way to go, with a Duan Gao you can buy in He'Xin'Dao will hit for 5X what you would have with the physical test you did if you have and meet the requirements of Jouster and I am pretty certain there are stronger lances out there that would give even better results, in fact I dare say Jouster is by far the most damaging effect in the game, capable of destroying anything with ease.

As for Magic damage output Yuki Onna have a pretty solid Int scaling but is frail as all hell, epitome of glass cannon but spamming ice spells with her will deal tremendous amounts of damage even to stuff that are normally resistant to ice, your physical defense and Max HP will take an absurd hit in response though, so keep that in mind.


Aug 31, 2015
Ok so the *Guan Dao is pretty insane. I did 264m with one nonuple thrust (tested on level 80 kitsune elder with my kitsune setup from previous test). Now I'm feeling even less convinced that magic can match against a crino's shape soul skill build.

As for the yuki onna, I really don't like the handicaps on that race so I never touched it, but I will give it a try later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
Yuki Onna are actually the most durable spell casters of them all. Since you get HP from int with them.


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Succumbing to your skill in battle, the aether golem slumps backwards against the wall, unable to stand. You loom over it, grinning as you contemplate what to do with your helpless opponent.

“Wait!” the voice resounds in your head. “You much better than this souless golem. So i decided to come back with you from this boring and dark place. So shall i come with you or wait at 'that camp' you thought moment ago?”

“Well alright then, Robin!” Aether (Dex) says excitedly, “Let’s go!”

You gain 1085 XP from the battle.You tell the voice to come. With a giggle the gasunlet that was covering golem arm start to literaly flow form it to the floor then over it till it reaches you and climbing over your body reforms into gaunelt on your right arm and half of the forearm. “That will a blast!”

There is no room for a Golemancer Rod in your inventory. You may replace the contents of a pouch with a Golemancer Rod or abandon it.

I know the game's not perfect.. but.. um.. what is this?


Aug 31, 2015
Yeah the twins are a bit lacking in general. imo what makes this mod good is the gameplay enhancements. The writing leaves much to desire, some stuff is pretty decent, but others are in some serious need of work. Anything tied to the guild and the mod exclusive dungeons feels very much tacked on and unfinished.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yea the guild as a whole is VERY placeholderish. I intended the guild to be used as a place for player to submit their custom dungeon creation but since nobody took up on the offer it ended up as Ormael mini quest area. The Hexindao dungeon wasn't written by me either. As a rule content made by Ormael is generaly in need of extra work/incomplete. By the by, I finaly added the option to call out on Luna after catching her twice in order to stop her from disabling camp npcs.


New Member
Jun 14, 2020
None of the new transformations from the last few updates (plant, yeti, centipede, Scylla, etc.) seem to be saving in the genetic memory. I can't find them on the metamorph list. Do I need the Ex. page? If so, how do I unlock it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
None of the new transformations from the last few updates (plant, yeti, centipede, Scylla, etc.) seem to be saving in the genetic memory. I can't find them on the metamorph list. Do I need the Ex. page? If so, how do I unlock it?
Not every transformation is on the metamorph list yet.


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
I'm struggling to find content post stronghold - there are perks for level 100+ and some transformations I can't find (yuki onna) and locations I can't reach like deep ocean, is there any content for level like.. 60+ ? ebon lab is the highest I can find


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Yea the guild as a whole is VERY placeholderish. I intended the guild to be used as a place for player to submit their custom dungeon creation but since nobody took up on the offer it ended up as Ormael mini quest area. The Hexindao dungeon wasn't written by me either. As a rule content made by Ormael is generaly in need of extra work/incomplete. By the by, I finaly added the option to call out on Luna after catching her twice in order to stop her from disabling camp npcs.

I'd be willing to help out, I'm not an amazing writer(Can't go into the level of detail needed for CoC) but I could go through and spell/grammar check content and make it look more polished, not sure where to post bugs/major errors I've found (most noteable being the hexindao dungeon just flat crashing/freezing)


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
I'm struggling to find content post stronghold - there are perks for level 100+ and some transformations I can't find (yuki onna) and locations I can't reach like deep ocean, is there any content for level like.. 60+ ? ebon lab is the highest I can find

Yuki onna is a pretty damn rare encounter in the glacial area for 60+ there is the caves and the endless dungeon which you can find in the.. high mountains and endless is found in the caves themselves


Apr 7, 2019
I just found out if you are a female goblin you could have goblin daughters.
Is there content available for this, like does it unlock something? What can i do with them?


Apr 18, 2020
I just found out if you are a female goblin you could have goblin daughters.
Is there content available for this, like does it unlock something? What can i do with them?
They goblin daughters are useful for upgrading the goblin mech you can buy from lumi


May 21, 2018
Bug/mistake in the code: I'm playing the most recent mobile version. Soul Sense doesn't seem to be working properly. It works for Tamani and the kitsunes, but Tamani's Daughters seem broken.

They don't get removed from the encounter list. I get told I found them enough, and that they are removed from the encounters, but 2 forest explorations later, there they are.

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asking again about the newer versions (8n7 and 8n8), both of which now have the stats information in a double-width area to the left, as well as another new column for level, xp, etc on the right, instead of (as in 8n6) everything in one neat column on the left side.

The current versions make the window take up notably more space, as well as the information being spread out instead of all where you can see it in one glance to the left.

Is this as intended? I've been playing still on 8n6 because I don't like the layout at all, and am not sure what the reason is for spreading character information around like that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
The reason is that it gives you 2 places to show the spprites of your char and enemies in MUCH bigger format then they ever where.
The lower left is for your PC and the upper right for enemies. Sadly viewing your PC constantly is a setting that needs to be activated, but 2 pics + stats it certainly looks neat!

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If those large areas are just for the old sprites that are enlarged to fit that area, as they seem to be when I checked, I'm not seeing the benefit at all. Low resolution is okay when it's small, but doesn't look good at all when it's that large.

I'm sticking with 8n6 for now I guess.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
There's no link to the github on the OP, like I said.

Were the link above not there, I'd still not have a link to it.

A silently (hopefully as if not...fists and kicks have no eyes after all ^^) corner for CoC mod inspired mostly by chinese light novels.

Shameless plug now ^^ I need writers so if some of you want give a try at writing some stuff for this mod just PM me or reply in this thread ^^

To shortly explain what is chinese light novel: it's paper version of stories that we can see in Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger or similars movies with flying in air/running on walls people pulling all weird/nighpossible stuns while fighting.

So picking few wuxia novels I started to work on mod that would bring this crazy stuff and CoC closer to each other. Effect of this is mod to which link is in this post. It's still growning project that in future I wish to become good enough to not be ashamed of been mod of such great game as CoC is.

WHatever this mod is it isn't created from void. As base of it in most part I used one of older versions of other existing mod for CoC (I contacted his creator about this and so far he not said no about using code he added to orginal version) so in some way it's mod build on other mod yet it's already slight different codewise so I'm afraid saves may not be compatibile between both modes (but still saves from vanilla CoC can be imported without crashing).

Below few useful links:

Xianxia_0.8n7 - pc ver

Xianxia_0.8n7 - pc ver (MEGA)

Xianxia_0.8n2 - apk ver

Xianxia Mod Trello

CoCX Discord

List of changes I so far made would be a little bit long and too boring so would point out few I think more important:

-Soulforce (new resource to be used for few things - currently mostly used to use new type of attacks during fight: soul skills)

-Changes to combat menu (Bow moved out of p. special to main combat menu, soul skills, almost twice more spells including AoE ones)

-Group enemies having equaly more HP than before (also all attacks listed as AoE type would deal increased dmg to those enemies)

-Str, Tou, Spe, Int stats are now more important allowing to make PC even stronger than before (aka battle stats rework)

-All enemies got now increased max lust (depending on enemy it can be as low as additional 10 or even up to 100-200 more max lust)

-Most of battle stats related perks are now all gated behind picking first one of Job: x perks (so if PC want be OP melle fighter with high str need to pick Job: Warior) - still some of those perks aren't gated behind one of those 5 perks

-Multi-rank lvl-up perks (perks that got ranks that could be gained only buy starting NG after beating game - they cover ranks up to NG++++)

-New city for soul cultivators (still under construction -_-')

-New area with only demonic enemies (strongest imp, pack of imp, incubus, omnibus, succubus)

-Each lvl giving +5 to max fatigue (so even lvl 1 chara would have already 105 fatigue)

-Some of morphs now giving slight more of bonuses (but also req slight higher racial score - no worry now player can track all morphs scores ingame) while few other would be giving now bonuses to max stats

-Few new build options for camp (req. quite a bit of wood, nails, stones and in some cases much fatigue to even try build them)

-New options to store items along with minimal changes to storage menu (around 30+ new storage slots)

That would be more or less all more noticable changes I made.

Ohh right I added few achievements including 7 new shadow ones. Person who would first find at least 5 of those achiev could count on me contacting him/her about thing to be added to this mod (so pretty much it's make-a-wish reward altough within reason as on some things I would still not agree to do).

So nothing more to say for now I suppose. Time to see what future will bring to this and better play fast match of League of Draven ^^

Friday 13th May 2016: A mod name change due to new word more fitting to describe what I want to attain with this mod.

Literally the first link in the OP.
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