CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Nov 17, 2016
just an Minor Question. Is there an way to Increase "Wisdom" in Soulforce Option? currently I have 15/185 and I don't know how to increase it ;/ if there's an possibility, an hint or two would be great.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
just an Minor Question. Is there an way to Increase "Wisdom" in Soulforce Option? currently I have 15/185 and I don't know how to increase it ;/ if there's an possibility, an hint or two would be great.
Wizdom is vary new, there probably are little to no ways to increase it. If you know of any scenes that are suitable for a slow increase, point it out.

@Ormael Perhaps the meditate int gain can be changed to wisdom gain?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ugh ok I give up. I was 99% sure there was wis rising item like the ones to rise str, tou, spe, int or even lib. Ok well then my mistake - I will think about some name for wisdom rising item. Probably will put it in Ayane shop and...actualy what would be 2nd place it fit? One of shops in He'Xin'Dao?

I would lok for this way too Zavos you meantioned.


Nov 17, 2016
I checked everything possible way, even in debug options etc(though I did not mess with the code of game itself), but I did not found any WIS ring etc. And yeah - One would be Ayane's Shop and the second would be in He'xin'dao or whatever this place is called. as for the name of the ring...well it could be pretty standard one "Lesser Wisdom Ring" ~ "Greater Wisdom Ring" or whatever the names ;p - p.s thanks for answering the question etc ;>


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps Engvaline can brew calm mint into meditation chai? (as a wisdom increasing item)


Nov 17, 2016
Maybe, quite an good point there. Welp we'll see, what future updates will bring. thanks again for answers and looking forward for anything new <3


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Brofied Izma would be added before I move to work on 0.8e version.

I addded atm wis rise to meditation at shrine (deepwood one or in the camp). Item to rise it would be included when I pick name - aside Zavos name proposition there was 1-2 on discord.

Gargoyle TF will be included over course of next 2-4 version (I should some basic part include in later ones 0.8d builds since it was orginal plan to make Temple findable in 0.8d).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You need pick preset added in 0.8d named Zavos to start with them. Second one armor is as some may quessed first one menationed in changelog after been upgraded with Ebonweave. As for gettign those items other way preset creator would eventualy add other way to get them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
Sooo, with the newest edition, when I ascended I permanized both Kitsune perks, when I got back into it I could not use Foxfire at all, with the exception of glades, I could use foxfire to burn them, but I could not use it in combat.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Can balls over 18 inches really be "hideously swollen" if you're 11 feet tall?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Incombat use of Fox Fire was limited to have at least 7 tails whenever PC got already permed or not any of kitsune perks. As for been able to use it to burn down corrupted glades...I didn't noticed before that it needed only one of perks so now I changes to req. at least 7 fox tails too now to be possible as option.

Those limitation of use of fox fire was cuz earleir it was sorta mess on it regarding what eprk allow, which one not, which one make it better and etc. If any of you got any thought on fox fire and permed enlighted or corrupted kitsune(9 tail) feel free to write them down.

To people that said about difficituly to get new fox tails now: gaining fox tails now additionaly req. some min wisdom score too and with only way so far been only lvl up stat points it may be problematic to get it (thou in general both int and wis req. are lower than int only req. before - instead 20x number of tails to 15 x number of tails).

Nyseron I think those desc for balls was made back in vanilla when height was hard to rise above certian value (8-9 feet I think) so it's now with posisbel to get cap f 11 sorta 'outdated'. But I not sure if making desc for balls and some other bodyparts to check for current PC height too much work for little gain. I eman some fans will love to have proper desc matching PC height but rest...may as well not gaf about it :(

Mudkipz senpai

New Member
Jul 8, 2016
I have a question I've been using the Mara fruit trying to be a fully pollen plant Alraune girl ,but it keep spiting into Treant/Dryad. am I using the wrong item or is it even possible to become a full Alraune yet?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
I have a question I've been using the Mara fruit trying to be a fully pollen plant Alraune girl ,but it keep spiting into Treant/Dryad. am I using the wrong item or is it even possible to become a full Alraune yet?

To become an Alraune, You need to have a plant-score of at least 7, have completed the factory dungeon, and have Holli (fully grown) in your camp. There are different scenes for pure/corrupt marae


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My apologize for the late reply cazadore yes Ceani is in game and can be found at the beach as well as the orca tf.

Etna has been worked and reworked over several time since her original release including extended scenes new features Wedding and off course Etnacub also known as "Etnaspawn". These features likely won't be here before version e because of the many updates Ormael has to apply first namely The full temple expansion, complete Alraune, Patchouli, Pinchou, Siegweird, Alvina, Celess, Diva and the list goes on.

All this to resume that I have all the time in the world to refine Etna to her best.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
To become an Alraune, You need to have a plant-score of at least 7, have completed the factory dungeon, and have Holli (fully grown) in your camp. There are different scenes for pure/corrupt marae

Is He'Xin'Dao the only place to get the mara fruit to become a plant morph/dryad?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Is He'Xin'Dao the only place to get the mara fruit to become a plant morph/dryad?
You get them from Holli as well, for free even, and since you need Holli for the tf you may as well get them from her in the first place.

Also to add to what Voidot says, the actual tf is triggered by visiting Marae with all the conditions he mentioned fulfilled.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I just wanted to add that having Samirah (Desert naga named) in camp will allow pc to train and learn the ability to use hypnosis in battle. Also free belly dancing tease ability and dress to go with it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Atm only Holli giving Mara Fruit for free and the other sourse is for gems in Moga'Hen shop. But with soon incomming 0.8d2 there will other source: three new enemies that are... plants ^^


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
Is there going to be a scene for males turning into alraune? Right now it seems like its just the same as a female and its giving "Error: Invalid vagina number (0) passed to vaginaDescript()" all over.

Also, will there ever be a special interaction between alraune characters and Essy since thats almost what she is?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For alraune x Essy it would be question that @Liadri need to answer as the one that hold alru under her heel xD

On Alru bug..ahh tiny late I seen you post it as I about to put d2 so it will go for list to fix things in 0.8d3

As I said I now posting 0.8d2

Snake tf's shouldn't loop at partial skin tf, some of things already ingame that I not wrote down in previous changelog wrote down in current one version changelog and item to rise wisdom aside using stat points from lvl-up. Ohh and wisdom can be rised also when mediting at shrine too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
Sorry to bother but the kitsune tail are blocked at 6th tail it's certainly due to the perk corrupted kitsune that i still have despite the fact that i have not anymore 7th tail


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Poked around last version some and found a few issues:
Valeria seems to be gathering a clonepocalypse in the glacial rift, even if you have her from before or haven't even been to PTower yet. Unless that's intended...
Forest Alraune seems fine, but Snow Lily and Cinderbloom doesn't seem to be encountered properly, unless there's some obscure flags needed for them (tried with an old post-lethice save and new game, about 50x each region)
Gorgon Oil and Couatl Oil seems to have a small visual issue with the full body scale tf, it seems to cut off just after the boldened word "shiny" (Side note, actually allowing a "loop" between partial scale and full scale for nagas is a fairly nice thing, and allows to choose scaliness based on personal preference).
General things: Some transformations are quite hard to complete due to the fact they don't account for parts of other species at times, leaving them with too little score to account for the full form - this is probably a big job to fix, though... but it's something that makes things pretty hard at times. Some affected are Alraune (doesn't humanize eyes of other races) and Yggdrasil not being able to complete for females (needs tenta/stamen-cock before trying tf). There's quite a few others too, but would take a lot of testing to make a proper list.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
Is there something I'm doing wrong with kitsunes? I can't get past two, I just get Star Sphere Mastery and the star sphere scene and I don't even have Fox Fire.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I will look into 6th to 7th tail issue with kitsunes Virgil.

Serathinian I should soon handle this issue. Now that aimozg jump on train to do some small under the hood changes for both major mods I belive with his help I will succesfully handle this.

@HemiRobo Does your wisdom stat is high enough to progress to 3rd tail? It req. 30 for 3rd tial and 15 more for each next one tail.

I would look into your bug reports too Ravie. And no all alraune enemies should proc normaly without any special req. but I will double check what may be blocking GR/VC ones form spawning.
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