CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack getting any camp member is quite optional...aside few that are good to have. So if you not much about trying to recruit Etna or Ayane you can always ignore their scenes when their asking if their can come to camp.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well i have a basic plan for how Yggdrassil will work, plus transformation blurbs. Perhaps if its sufficient, @Liadri could finish this?
(Arcane Arsenal)

While your Yggdrassil is interesting as a final part of the male route (something I guiltily admit to having next to ignored) female route is heading toward Alraune wich is pretty much the pinacle of Marae themed TF (girl in a flower with tentacle vines and arousing pollen who can impregnate with seeds and get herself impregnated what's better). I will have a look at the male route for a moment but suffice to say alraune is equiped with both many stamens and and a pistil. Your TF looks fine but I subjest you revise the orthograph of your text a little first as I spotted several error myself (If I spot errors a good QC will likely spot tons).

On a small note I just made an interesting doc about goblin engineering for an actual walker mech (well more like the gremlin of Monster girl encyclopedia) equiped with various cool gadgets. Yes I'm perfectly aware you did something similar but it doesn't include actual engineering and building because yea you actualy get to build said walker mech and customise it like the cabin with various funny weaponry such as a snowball cannon a Lustnade launcher and even a box glove on a spring!

While I do could release alraune preview I dont wan't to get banned for 1 month again for non quality controlled text. Alraune comes around with 2 universal rape scene allowing you to rape both way. as a freebies heres the goblin engineering addon I did today.
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May 7, 2016
While your Yggdrassil is interesting as a final part of the male route female route is heading toward Alraune wich is pretty much the pinacle of Marae themed TF (girl in a flower who can impregnate with seeds and get herself impregnated what's better). I will have a look at the male route for a moment but suffice to say alraune is equiped with both many stamens and and a pistil. Your TF looks fine but I subjest you revise the orthograph of your text a little first as I spotted several error myself (If I spot errors a good QC will likely spot tons).

On a small note I just made an interesting doc about goblin engineering for an actual walker mech (well more like the gremlin of Monster girl encyclopedia) equiped with various cool gadgets. Yes I'm perfectly aware you did something similar but it doesn't include actual engineering and building because yea you actualy get to build said walker mech and customise it like the cabin with various funny weaponry such as a snowball cannon a Lustnade launcher and even a box glove on a spring!

While I do could release alraune preview I dont wan't to get banned for 1 month again for non quality controlled text. Alraune comes around with 2 universal rape scene allowing you to rape both way.

Yggdrasil wise, i was pretty sure one problem or another would come up. Perhaps aspects of Yggdrasil could be integrated into Alraune? One thing i really wanted to see out of plant morphs (and wrote Yggdrasil tfs for) is a more animalistic plant TF. You wouldn't just be a dryad or trent, but a predator of the natural world. (With sexyness and magic stats.) And i pretty much expected it to have a bunch of errors and stuff, i usually end up rewriting a few small bits every time i go through it.

Its too easy to forget that the goblins actually had advanced technology before they became fuck-happy bimbos. My artifice suggestions are steampunk themed, perhaps it could be integrated into the goblin tech. One theme of my artifice ideas is that they're more magical than mechanical, using engineering as a means to raise the glass ceiling on what an enchanted/alchemical object could be capable of. A indirect result of this is that this technology would not exist until the Champian brings the components together, and the academics (Arian, Rath, Eng, etc.) begins to hybridize it. Perhaps the mechanical (Brass tools, perhaps schematics used in creating other stuff) could be salvaged from Goblin areas.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yggdrasil wise, i was pretty sure one problem or another would come up. Perhaps aspects of Yggdrasil could be integrated into Alraune? One thing i really wanted to see out of plant morphs (and wrote Yggdrasil tfs for) is a more animalistic plant TF. You wouldn't just be a dryad or trent, but a predator of the natural world. (With sexyness and magic stats.) And i pretty much expected it to have a bunch of errors and stuff, i usually end up rewriting a few small bits every time i go through it.

Its too easy to forget that the goblins actually had advanced technology before they became fuck-happy bimbos. My artifice suggestions are steampunk themed, perhaps it could be integrated into the goblin tech. One theme of my artifice ideas is that they're more magical than mechanical, using engineering as a means to raise the glass ceiling on what an enchanted/alchemical object could be capable of. A indirect result of this is that this technology would not exist until the Champian brings the components together, and the academics (Arian, Rath, Eng, etc.) begins to hybridize it. Perhaps the mechanical (Brass tools, perhaps schematics used in creating other stuff) could be salvaged from Goblin areas.

Just because I use steampunk technology doesn't mean your artificer won't come out too. As for Yddrassil we ned a male side anyway and this TF seems to fit it perfectly trought I'm worried about it's ressemblance with dragon.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm worried about it's ressemblance with dragon.
Its kinda/sorta supposed to be a dragon. Dragon = instant awesome. But its also kinda/supposed to be chimeric. I probably got a bit carried away, i wrote most of the Yggdrassil stuff in one setting. It is sorta an amalgamation of several natural creatures, except with leaves n bark. Perhaps if the muzzle was changed to canine-ish, it might be less apparent. Maybe bump the hind claw off the roots as well.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Its kinda/sorta supposed to be a dragon. Dragon = instant awesome. But its also kinda/supposed to be chimeric. I probably got a bit carried away, i wrote most of the Yggdrassil stuff in one setting. It is sorta an amalgamation of several natural creatures, except with leaves n bark. Perhaps if the muzzle was changed to canine-ish, it might be less apparent. Maybe bump the hind claw off the roots as well.

Plant Dragon does sound awesome as heck... but I get the feeling that a normal dragon would easily be able to burn it up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nope. Dragon/Grass receives normal damage from Fire, due Dragon resistance to Fire.

Jokes aside, the idea of a REAL draconic creature is quite welcome, since Kiha is a fake-dragon and Ember appearence may vary. It's this Yggdrassil feral-shaped, or biped?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Nope. Dragon/Grass receives normal damage from Fire, due Dragon resistance to Fire.

Jokes aside, the idea of a REAL draconic creature is quite welcome, since Kiha is a fake-dragon and Ember appearence may vary. It's this Yggdrassil feral-shaped, or biped?
The face is a dragon-like muzzle, take from that what you willl. SkinFurScalesChiten are scale-like bark, but i also wrote a TF for fur to turn into moss, and if you have moss it won't be replaced by scale-bark. Hands and forearms gain a layer of bark, for natural armor and claws (the former hidden under the moss if you have moss fur), root feet twist into a reptilian shape more suitable for biped locomotion. Wings/tail are fronds.

I meant for it to be dragon-like but distinctly chimeric, but i got carried away with the dragon influence. So now its a plant-dragon. And, hopefully, another mage race.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There'll be an NPC based on this races (if yes, plz male, they're under-represented in-game), or a enemy mob?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
We sorely need more male NPCs, particularly m/m sextings. Sadly, i doubt it will happen for Yggdrasil. I had a concept for its acquisition as a demigod race akin to Fenrir, hoping that Liadri would write it, but at the moment it looks like it will be integrated into Liadri's own plant project. Witch i'm perfectly fine with, since i didn't expect it to go vary far beyond this point anyways. Here is my idea dump doc. The plant stuff is at the vary bottom.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
I do agree that there should be more male npcs but being straight... I don't really care that much about sextings with male characters personally. Others might though. Female players probably more so.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok, the Arcane stuff seems pretty cool, btw. I'm a fan of brass-bronze steampunk, and those weapons look quite promising.

On a side note, I'd like to add some more suggestions:

Boosts for the Kangaroo TF:
Speed +10
Strength +10

Yes, not unlike FS, some static ending for each lover, follower, slave and meaningful NPC, depending on in-game choices and the ones made on the final battle. A short pargraph for each one, and liminting the maximum number of them to 15 or so, displayed at the Lethice's defeat.

Camp's Garden:
Maybe related to Holli, maybe including a path to purify her, etc. We could even plant peaches from the oasis and "bless" the ground of the camp with a little of the spring's water

MPreg routes
For Arian, Ember and Benoit, mainly. Come on, picture the cute, white (or colorful) lizan sleeping on his tent, protecting his clutch of eggs, of with a newhatched baby lizan on his arms.

Sophie Hermification/Avianification
A personal idea of mine, after messing with Anzu, the Pc could get some avianoid token or something like that that convert Sophie to a more avian form and or change her gender, thus making her a bit less prone to use his vagina and much more eager to use his new "appendage" with the PC and or her daughter. (Obvioulsy, would require the creator original permission)

The last one (pointing that it's only a suggestion, and stating that, as before only would be done after original creator permission), is the Kiha re-draconification/lizanification. Since she stated that she was part of a group of lizans captured by the demons and intended to be turned into a warrior race, the Pc could help her to return to a more reptilian shape, closer to her older self, or embrace a pure variant of the draconic strain.

I'd be happy to lend a hand, and even do the most of the writing on all of them, providing that college allows me, of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack On Arian more been of buttslut there was kinda similar ideas from LD about him that never come to realization. He also had plans for Arian as corrupted follower version too. Would contact LD to get some more info on this things and then ask if someone else could write this stuff for him (well I may risk and ask if LD in spare time if he hacve any would be interested to write this himself).

For male camp members it would be more safe to add few more than trying to modify existing ones. Yes it's msotly cuz it is more pain to look for orginal authors of existing npc to ask them if their are ok or not with some changes to their creations.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I think bonuses for Kangoo seems ok to be included. On ending texts: probably would take some time to wirte for me then been QC'd but also doable.

On camp garden: Holli can be either pure of corrupted one atm so I not sure how to dealw ith purification of the corrupted one. She's literaly like an imp since she was made by Marae that already lost her soul. So that technicaly mean Holli is like an child of succubus or incubus aka imp so this one case seems to be an exception. So purification for soulless dryad would rather req. some sort of atempt to use lethicite on her to try give her any soul. On garden part I got in mind another plant/partial plant npc that would be resposibile for growing trees in camp site. And Liadri had some plans for some garden due to PC been that one version of plant-moprh with flower with tentacles replacing lower body.

Yes definetly camp will have some sort of garden creating option in future.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
To explain simply, alraune has preggo freak issues and love to constantly pop new seeds so PC will need a garden to grow them.

If I wasn't clear enough alraune brings a whole new definition to the expression 'bearing fruits' and 'in season'.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Hmm I do have a suggestion might be a little silly but why not offer a few ascension points for doing as much as you can with expanding/building up your camp as a reward to take into the next cycle? Give someone more reason to build those warehouses, build those walls and the gate.

Other than that I would love an eta for the Kitsune revamp. :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
ET(N)A for 0.7e2 is somewhere between Sunday afternoon to Tuesday evening. (Somehow eta was good place to put lil pun on etna ^^)

ET(N)A for Kisune revamp would be at least 2-3 versions after e2. No closer date I can give so given I lately making it around half month for each build I would say somewhere in last two weeks of December. Unless I put this one part slight earlier but it would be then only Kitsune revamp without Ayane...unless Liadri suprise me and write all needed text in next 2-3 weeks.

On reward for building camp structures you mean just get asc points for all buildings finished in camp or this + getting them moved to the next NG?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Eventually, there will either be a way to make the cabin construction process much faster, or simply carrying it over to the next playthrough. It won't become a thing for a while though.
Although methinks 3 ap for completing the gate, 2ap for the warehouse and 1 ap for the log storage is pretty reasonable.

@Ormael , any thoughts on the consumable ideas in Arcane Arsenal?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Said in VERY slow motion 3 time -unless liadri surprise me......-

Is that a challange?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ormael said he would'nt code it earlier unless I surprise him.. therefore I will surprise him.

Only thing left to write is a few talk text and perhaps a butt fuck scene if I ever feel like it.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Specifically points just for the construction. If you add a way to take things into the next cycle then I suppose those bits shouldn't have points to be awarded? Or maybe they only grant points for being constructed and stop if they are just carried over through some ascension perk or whatever your plans are for camp construction permancy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos There will be new perk from line Job: x that may end up as most costly in terms of gems job that is accesable at lvl 1 already. In short it would be about using consumables during fight either to attack, get some buffs, heal and all other stuff that can help PC in combat. ON consumable some of them I can quite soon add while others req. more work. But surely this one use cons to cast each of grey spells looks like it's good item. I may change cost in spirit stones eventualy if I feel it is not correct.

For each constructed structure giving asc points...yes I can do it.

@Liadri If you want take it as challange you can :D
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
I just hope its a good suggestion. :) I personally felt that constructing the warehouses was always a bit of a waste as you don't really need that much space... unless there are plans for rebuilding other structures outside the camp? Hmm if that is the case then I could see why the warehouses were implemented.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Shade of Zurn Wood and Stone storages would be usefull when otpions to rebuild or build larger structures in camp would be added. for warehouses and granary...their may be still niche building options that would be mostly suited for all those players with Hoarder mentality. Maybe if there would be some actions that req. huge amount of storable items other than materials like wood, stone, nails having warehouses would help. But then making this could lead to making warehouses to be mandatory thing to build.

Neares otpions to build new things in camp would be some sort of training ground (so npc that can spar with PC can train with each other and gains some lvl's and maybe even new skills/specials), some sort of Garden, Shrine and Hot Spring.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Next thing you know, we'll be building proper housing for our companions. The Champion will single-handily build up New Ingram, which will have a population of over 300 not counting the ant children. We'll have acquiducts, farms, sewers. The next champion's kill ten rats quest will be standard New Ingram maintenance!

I'm shitposting, but i pretty much think this might be a thing if we start getting too many construction powers. It would scare the feces out of the next champion.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Damn Zevos how did you know about plans to build housing to give better place to live than bedroll on bare ground for all camp members? o_O

Yeah if there would be somehow made possible to entertain PC in Mareth for such long like 9-15 months it can ends up with a proper small hamlet build around portal ^^
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