CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Whatever. WIll figure out it later as your explanations only makes it all more muddy for me :( I need to sit and look at it in peace ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Let's just say, I have my reasons for this and it is intended.

I'll try with another example.

Let's assume, that you start off being a fully TFed raptor. You have predator arms with long, thick, ferocious, black raptor claws.

Arm type in player appearance tab reads:

Your arms are covered by smooth green scales and your fingernails are now long, thick, ferocious, black raptor claws.

Now let's assume you start munching whisker fruit and that cats have predator arms, too (details follow)
You have undergone every cat TF with the arms (not needed, already predator arms) and claws not touched by a TF yet..

Arm type in player appearance tab now reads:

Your arms are covered by soft black fur and your fingernails are now long, thick, ferocious, black raptor claws.

Say what? A cat with raptor claws? We need to fix this.

Now let's look on an example code snippet:

if (player.armType != ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR && player.skinType == SKIN_TYPE_FUR /* [...] */) {
// arms are already predator arms, so nothing to do here ...
outputText("\n\nLonger, more detailed description, because your human arms become predator arms and your fingernails TF itchy and painfully blah, blah, yadda, yadda to finally become claws.");
player.armType = ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR;
player.clawType = CLAW_TYPE_CAT;

if (player.armType == ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR && player.clawType != CLAW_TYPE_CAT /* [...] */) {
// you already have predator arms, but the claws haven't TFed yet
outputText("\n\nYour claws TF, becoming cat claws.");
player.clawType = CLAW_TYPE_CAT;

Arm type in player appearance tab now finally reads:

Your arms are covered by soft black fur and your fingernails are now long, thin, curved retractable claws.

Yay, cat claws. Job done ... :)

Clearer to you now?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As I said I would chew on this on my own. And I do chewed it up and realized you were right not me. So sorry for thinking you added some unneded line.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
No need to apologize. You're a nice help and give me ideas, what to implement in the future. ^^

PS: I'm working on RC3 right now. I'll add a link to that, when I'm done.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah keep working. I looking forward to implement as much I can into Xianxia too :D (unless since last time you changed your mind and not want me to do this)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just to make a few things clear:

Parts of my dragon patch I won't file a PR for to be implemented in CoC Revamp in the near future:

  • New Rathazul skin oils for lizan colors.

    While it would be nice to have, Rathazul always sells them without any prerequisites and until I haven't figured that out I won't file a PR for it.
  • Especially obtaining rare lizan colors shouldn't be so easy to circumvent by simply visiting Rathazul once and maybe never again.
  • I have considered even adding more colors to it, but this would require pagination.
  • When I (or lets say: we ;)) have figured out limitations and probably more colors, I'll probably file a PR.

[*]neckLength and neckType:

  • Right now only (western) dragons benefit from that and I don't think that it makes sense to add a body part solely for a single ingame race
  • Another possible race that would benefit from neck growth would be eastern dragons, but they are NYI.
  • If @Kitteh6660 plans to implement eastern dragons in an upcoming version and starts working on it, I'll port that part of my patch in preperation for that new race/TF.


  • Same as above: Only dragons benefit from that at the time of writing.
  • Possible TF, that could make use of it: Behemoth :)
  • And again same as above: I'll file a PR if behemoth TF is planned to be implemented and being worked on or any other race, that would benefit from rearBodyType.

Note, that 'not in the near future' does not mean never, if that isn't already clear :)

About Hummus removing the Dragonfire perk:

  • First off I stand corrected: I was in error, when I believed, that its being kept upon ascension, but anyway:
  • I've added this, because I want to reduce my dragonScore to zero from time to time, to start that TF from scratch. Even if its just to go through the Dragonfire TF part again and again :) Actually I want to be able to start most if not all TFs from scratch.
  • Sometimes I want to get it from Ember her-/himself, but the flower was faster :/
  • Similiar example: Hummus already removes Incorporeality and its the only transformation, that removes that perk, so why not Dragonfire, too
  • I think that hummus should remove all TFs, that add point to a certain race score.
  • Regaining that perk is fairly easy. If you have reached a dragonScore() >= 4, you'll almost immediately obtain it from Ember or the Drake's Heart.
    Just take a look at the requirement code: if (player.dragonScore() >= 4 && changes < changeLimit && player.findPerk(PerkLib.Dragonfire) < 0) {
  • On the other hand: I could add a new recipe for Rathazul to brew something to remove that perk as an alternative to use Hummus. What about that @Kitteh6660?

I have added a new skinType to my patch: SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC and I'll probably file a PR for it.

  • I like to obtain lizan skinColors without needing to remove my scales first.
  • It want to keep the score requirement to be considered being a dragon-morph low (its >= 7 atm). With that PR it could be lowered to >= 6 again.
  • Upon ascension you'll be left with only 5 dragonscore points so you will not be considered having started you journey as a dragon morph.
  • However: With the new eyeType EYES_DRAGON + lowering the score down to >= 6 this would work again.
  • Dragon scales have a different desription (with shield-shaped scales) and I see them somewhat tougher/more effective.
  • Anyway: You can still reject that PR @Kitteh6660. I just wanted to state the reasons behind my PR and why I have added that to my dragon patch
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New Member
Jul 10, 2016
Guys please help me with this question. If I decide to turn Amily into a human, can I do it later? I dont know if I like her mouse or human more, can I switch between or just when I meet her?

Are there any real human female companion? ( no spoiler plz)

will she be stuck as mouse forever?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Afaik rbf Amily can be changed between mouse and human forms as ling you got needed items for it.

As for other if you mean pure pure female as in not TF'd at all then no. If you mean npc that was before female woman but TF'd befre PC meet her then yes.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Kitteh6660: I'm working on yet another PR that does 2 things in the MutiationsHelper-class:

  1. Add the method newLizardSkinTone to determine exactly that, when TFing your skin to become lizard skin.
    This is also in preparation for my PR to add SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC (Reasoning: See here. May need more PRs to get this up and running)
  2. Modify restoreArms to revert your arms and claws back to human when your skin/far/scales become gooey in goo TF.

I'm almost done writing it and I'll debug this in my dragon patch first and then port it back to CoC Revamp, so bear with me ^^
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I wanted to become a (fully TFed) lizan with dragon wings and a snake-like tongue (looking closely at the small basilisk image you'll see that it has such a tongue)  and realized, that this quite a pita especially, without debug mode, since drakes heart replaces your tongue and snake oil removes your wings.

After a bit more thinking a came up with the idea for some modifications to make it possible to revert the dragonScore()-requirement back to its old state in CoC Revamp. To reach this I plan to do the following steps (Not necessarily in that order):
The dragonScore() requirement to be considered dragon-morph starts at "if (dragonScore() >= 7)".

  1. I'll file a PR to implement SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC (See this post). => "if (dragonScore() >= 6)"
  2. I'll file a PR to add TONGUE_SNAKE to lizan TF (No need for a new tongueType) => "if (dragonScore() >= 5)"
  3. I'll file a PR to change dragonScore, so that horns only count once. => "if (dragonScore() >= 4)" Won't do, since that would remove the dragon stat-bonus from lizans with a high dragonScore()
  4. I'll file a PR so that predator arms with dragon claws add a point to your dragonScore() and with lizard claws, they'll add a point to your lizardScore(). => "if (dragonScore() >= 5)" Not affected!
  5. I'll file a PR to implement my two new eyeTypes: EYES_DRAGON and EYES_LIZARD. These may or may not add a point to dragonScore() and/or lizardScore(). => "if (dragonScore() >= 5)" Not affected!

The last two steps are to add more dragonScore-points after taking a point away from them (See step 3). Ok ... and since I'm eager to see my eyeTypes being added to CoC Revamp :p

Starting with the first step, I'll introduce the PlayerHelper-class for the Player-class just like MutationsHelper is for Mutations and add more and more methods to it (without the method hasScales() checking, if a PC has scaly skin would be a pita to implement. Anyway: I'll do the work to wade through all skinType checks and fix them to use hasScales()).

Any objections @Kitteh6660? Of course I'll to the usual debugging and playtest several TFs if everything runs smoothly.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I have a quick question.

I was wonder what will be in the next update?

If it was new content, I was thinking I should wait until that update to start up a new game.

Since I haven't played this mod in a very long time, even more things would be new to me.

Thus increasing my experience, you know..?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I have a quick question.

I was wonder what will be in the next update?

If it was new content, I was thinking I should wait until that update to start up a new game.

Since I haven't played this mod in a very long time, even more things would be new to me.

Thus increasing my experience, you know..?

Your saves from old versions of CoC Revamp shouldn't break. But I guess, that starting from scratch after such a long time is always a good idea ^^.

3. I'll file a PR to change dragonScore, so that horns only count once. => "if (dragonScore() >= 4)" Won't do, since that would remove the dragon stat-bonus from lizans with a high dragonScore()

Small update to my post above. I'll leave it in, so that TFing from full-dragon to all lizan leaves the dragon stat-bonuses intact unless you start removing more dragon-features (e. g. your wings). in other words: I don't see it as a bug anymore, that dragon horns grant 2 points to your dragonScore().


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Your saves from old versions of CoC Revamp shouldn't break. But I guess, that starting from scratch after such a long time is always a good idea ^^.

Actually I was just wondering because of enjoyment sake?

I like to get as much fun out of a game as I can, for as long as I can.

The only game I can think of that has problems loading after new builds, would have to be Flexible Survival?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

1. if you set "sleep with" to be with follower fem Arian, and choose to listen in on her dream, then in the morning you will automatically get a blowjob. This fails to increment the "sex with arian" counter in the statistics page

2. when wandering the desert, if you encounter a mimic and it notices you, then it will (sometimes) say "an hour passed" and THEN start the fight with the mimic afterwards, which doesn't make sense, you should fight the mimic first and then have an hour pass. and there shouldn't be a notification specifying that time passed either

3. some of the early steps of cabin building are just blank pages. (during the clear the grounds phase)

4. during cabin building, in the build walls phase, it says you need "as many nails as can fit in the box",  but that is not true. The box can fit 600 nails and you only need some 100 or so iirc
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May 28, 2016
Hey Oramel, are you in charge of new writings now? When I last asked about it I was referred to Kitteh, and then a week later he jumped ship. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey Oramel, are you in charge of new writings now? When I last asked about it I was referred to Kitteh, and then a week later he jumped ship. 

I just helping point people that want to write to people that may been looking for this help. Yet I'm not person in charge of new writing per se. Well if you want wait for Kitteh reply to your posts then I will in future restrain from relying to your post ^^
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Darth Cthoras

New Member
Jul 13, 2016
Playing the latest CoC Revamp mod. Just found myself an Item of the Material class labelled Lethicite from a hostile mob. No information available on how to use it anywhere that I could find. I found very vague references to some Lethicite Staff but no stats or how to acquire. I presume this item is used in building it?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
New Release of my Dragon Mod
CoC-Mod 1.3.25 Dragon Mod 0.9.4 RC4


  • Starting with this release I'll publish the binary as a zipped file to include the images in the folder img, since they aren't bundled in the .swf.
  • Renamed to Dragon Mod, since there's no patch being released anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
New Release of my Dragon Mod
CoC-Mod 1.3.25 Dragon Mod 0.9.4 RC4


  • Starting with this release I'll publish the binary as a zipped file to include the images in the folder img, since they aren't bundled in the .swf.
  • Renamed to Dragon Mod, since there's no patch being released anymore.

Since it grow out of simple patch to mod I think you should think over giving it proper treatment aka it own thread ;) Well as always that just suggestion.


New Member
Jul 13, 2016
What happened with the new version? I used to be able to screw Cotton just about any time I pleased, same with Edryn, but now I have been playing the updated version and i've only been able to service cotton once and all other times it just gives me "leave" as the only option.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
What happened with the new version? I used to be able to screw Cotton just about any time I pleased, same with Edryn, but now I have been playing the updated version and i've only been able to service cotton once and all other times it just gives me "leave" as the only option.

Just playtested Cotton in my mod an in CoC Revamp 1.3.25 Release and I can't reproduce the problem you're describing. So WFM in both my Mod and CoC Revamp.

Since it grow out of simple patch to mod I think you should think over giving it proper treatment aka it own thread ;) Well as always that just suggestion.

I already consider that since you've suggested that for the first time. :) But I haven't decided yet.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
How do you look at the source code for this mod? Since nobody seems to know the answer to how to get "Urine Trouble" (at least not any that I can reproduce), I figured I could try looking for it in the code myself. It can't be that hard to suss out how it works, even if I don't know the language used.


Nov 25, 2015
Is there any chance on adding some of the written-but-not-implemented character content into the game? Eg Tamani follower, Vala pregnant, etc


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
How do you look at the source code for this mod? Since nobody seems to know the answer to how to get "Urine Trouble" (at least not any that I can reproduce), I figured I could try looking for it in the code myself. It can't be that hard to suss out how it works, even if I don't know the language used.

You can swim in the stream when you have companions and i think enough corruption and you can do a 'prank'. thats how i got it. or you can drink the booze when you meet urta


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How do you look at the source code for this mod? Since nobody seems to know the answer to how to get "Urine Trouble" (at least not any that I can reproduce), I figured I could try looking for it in the code myself. It can't be that hard to suss out how it works, even if I don't know the language used.

For source code of Revamp it's here:

As for files where words "Urine Trouble" shows up are:,,,,,, and


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
How about an option for taking Vala to your camp as a mind broken sex slave if you don't fix her?

Maybe even a way to break her again if you did fix her?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
For source code of Revamp it's here:

As for files where words "Urine Trouble" shows up are:,,,,,, and

Thank you so much! This is perfect!

It seems I need more followers to (potentially) trigger it! However, I can find no references to corruption... As far as I can tell, it's a random 1/3 chance to trigger a prank *if* one of the chosen followers (Izma, Helia, Marble and Amily, I think, though Amily seems to be commented out right now) are also bathing... That is definetly doable!

Say, is it possible to write scenes and then submit them to you guys to be included in the mod? There's a *distinct* lack of female watersports in there... there's some if you're a female yourself, but there seems to be just make watersports otherwise. Well, and one herm, as far as I could tell.

This, of course, should be corrected post-haste... I got a little bit of programming experience, so if I am allowed to, I might try to make a scene myself. Assuming I don't just procrastinate until I forget <.<