CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would love to see a rework of magic for the revamp mod.  Stuff like heal toned down a lot to cap out around 300 hp at max intel, and moved to white magic in place of whitefire.  Whitefire renamed to something like 'scorch' or 'inflict pain' and moved to black magic.  Blind moved to black magic, and a shield spell of some sort added in it's place to white magic.

White magic should be more support/protection/healing defensive school, and black magic more of the debilitation/pain/lust attack school than it is now.

Per game lore white magic is spells that deal with caster drawn from pwoer of "mind" to create spells thus the more horny he's the harder to cast spell (well if your mind not clear clouded by high lust it make sense). Black magic is lust based since...again loking at game lore it was "corrupted" by realm nature that made it req hig enough lust to cast. And it deal with spell effects that affect caster/others bodies. So white spell charge weapon will only affect weapon hold, which ISN'T part of body. Heal would affect caster body so it can't be white spell unless you want to game lore been futher ruined or thrown out of the window.

Combat formula overhaul might come at a point.

Since I fiddled on it some time (and with succes) that combat formula overhaul is indeed quite earth shaking for PC. Buuuuut at the same time it makes monsters kinda weak especialy at the end game (when one acount that only changes to formula dealing with str and weapon dmg would make PC hit like 2-3 times harder - which won't be much issue with max 100 str but mod allow more than 100 so then things getting really risky....well with revamped 4 major battle stats in any case of stat going over 100 it makes PC become way more strong related to monsters - good thing for lovers of 1 hit 1 kill approach but for those that want some more fun of fight than I press attack 1-2 time and I can get to sex scenes...I not think so).

But then question would be: does this mean that to counter it monsters should be buffed more than PC after this changes to battle related stats or just endgame ones should get some love like getting better stats/some perks/new special attacks to make them more of a challenge.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
I haven't worked much on Ingnam. If you want access to be able to add and edit scenes, PM me.

I may actually do that if I prove to have as much time on my hands as seems to be the case recently. I'll have to do a bit of research before I do anything to make sure anything I put out is up to snuff.

 Heal would affect caster body so it can't be white spell unless you want to game lore been futher ruined or thrown out of the window.

I'm curious about what you mean by "further" in this context. What's been ruined or thrown out?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm curious about what you mean by "further" in this context. What's been ruined or thrown out?

Few things already breaking canon of vanilla CoC but since noone loudly complain nor Kitteh care about we all jsut enjoying new stuff revamp giving us without paying attention to such small details ;) Well as long majority of people playing revamp mod aren't bothered by that I'm not pursue those canon breaking cases.


New Member
Jan 4, 2016
Question for you guys:

Rubi has an 'orifice capacity' stat, and can apparently be trained.

I cannot seem to find mention of what that training does, or what actions count as training.

Are there scenes that unlock as you train him/her? (Like there are for Arian?)

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Question for you guys:

Rubi has an 'orifice capacity' stat, and can apparently be trained.

I cannot seem to find mention of what that training does, or what actions count as training.

Are there scenes that unlock as you train him/her? (Like there are for Arian?)

Rubi's orifice capacity (anal (and vaginal?) capacity) can only be trained if you have a cock bigger than her current capacity. Training it allows her to fit your cock (assuming it's not something like tree trunk sized). To unlock the training option, you just need a big enough cock.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Speaking of large body parts, does anyone know if there's an outline somewhere of what counts as excessively large for the sake of the realistic mode? I can't seem to find any  guidelines.


New Member
Jan 4, 2016
Rubi's orifice capacity (anal (and vaginal?) capacity) can only be trained if you have a cock bigger than her current capacity. Training it allows her to fit your cock (assuming it's not something like tree trunk sized). To unlock the training option, you just need a big enough cock.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks Nebula Fox.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of large body parts, does anyone know if there's an outline somewhere of what counts as excessively large for the sake of the realistic mode? I can't seem to find any  guidelines.

I don't know about other body parts, but if you have oversized balls, you'll get a nasty end where you'll become immobile and starve to death. The oversized point depends on your strength and height.

If your ball size is greater than: (18 + STR / 2) + (Height / 4), you're gonna have a bad time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
I did some flag editing to let me redo Carol's quest and after I completed it I got the achievement but not the perk.  Is there something else I need to do to get the perk?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Thanks hatter. That makes a lot of sense. Even for measurements not listed, it gives me and idea of how they approached it rather than guessing at "if >4 then reduce speed by 10" or something.Think I'mma try this again in realistic mode with the next update.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the savannah kobols and rest of features will be added or not??

Savannah stuff is all Rycharde and the last time he was around he said OK for me using zebra-morphs from savannah to be used as shopkeeper in carpenter shop. Since then I think noone know what happening with him and it was already around 2 months ago. SO I wouldn't have high hope for savannah project as things stands now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Rycharde sounded like he was dealing with IRL medical issues that might have rendered him unable to continue working on the stuff. Hopefully whatever his situation is he's managing to cope as well as possible though. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
It's been ages since I was browsing those forums, and I'm not up with the latest news.

Kitteh's posting a lot in this thread, is this mod back online? What about the HTML version?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Its been a while since i played coc but is there a bug in marble's pregnancy? I just started a new character and after completing her purity quest no matter how many times i "ring her cow bell" i can't knock her up. It wont even allow me to save edit to make her pregnant. All other characters (currently have helia, urta, and edryn prego) seem fine.


Aug 26, 2015
I've been absent as of late and unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to get back online any time soon. I'm running out of money and could become homeless. My problem has become big enough to where I can't stave it off for much longer. I just can't manage to land a new job in any timely manner where I live, I have a distinct lack of valuable skills even though I have some college. I'll perhaps get back here if I can but I might not be able to for a long while, if I'm able to economically recover eventually that is. This is goodbye for the time being.


New Member
Mar 13, 2016
First off, thanks to everybody involved in this mod. CoC is the first game I played in this genre and it holds a lot of fond memories for me. I really appreciate all the folks who've been putting time and energy into bringing it new life.

I'm interested in doing some writing and coding for the game. I have a few ideas, I'm probably a middling-to-mediocre writer, and I'm capable enough to hack together some ugly modifications to the ActionScript scenes. A few things that've been kicking around in my head:

  • Erlking/Princess Gwynn dedicking (partial outline written, some content drafted)

    I was disappointed there wasn't a way to fully fem Gwynn, so I scratched my own itch.
  • New content goals:

    Take her all the way female with Purified Succubus Milk (first draft written).
  • New sex scenes for female Gwynn (rough outline written, some content drafted).
  • Maybe new character background and additional color scenes to flesh out Gwynn a bit.
  • Maybe hermification later if I feel like it (herm is not my preference).

[*]Pure Kelt -> Kelly femification route (partial outline written, some content drafted)

  • Pure PC wants to fix Kelt's corrupt aura. Kelt's corruption is tied to his masculinity (dominance, arrogance), so PC ends up feminizing him in the process of purifying him.

    Rationale is a stupid and forced excuse for feminizing Kelly. Need to work on this. Ideas welcome.
  • Rathazul makes potion. Spring water and Purified Succubus Milk? Something besides Succubus Milk so the feminization ends up being an accident as part of the purification rather than an intended outcome? Spring water too much of a late-game item? Need to think on this more.

[*]Pure Kelly is feminine, but still capable of defending the farm. Agile and fast in contrast to Kelt's brute strength.

[*]Friendly, happy, modest (with occasional shadows of Kelt's more boastful personality?).

[*]Does not trigger Whitney's farm ban, since Kelt's corruption is cleared and pure Kelly can still defend the farm.

[*]Normal/small proportions that don't interfere with archery (B-cup, just-visible muscles), as opposed to corrupt Kelly's excessive ones.

[*]New content goals:

  • Pure PC Kelt -> Kelly intro/planning, alchemy with Rathazul, and transformation (first draft written, might mirror corrupt Kelly TF route too much).
  • Pure Kelly archery training scenes. Varies based on skill level (beginner, journeyman, expert, and mastery) with some randomized flavor text to add variety (first draft written).
  • Pure Kelly sex scenes (first draft taur-taur written).
  • Pull in some of the corrupt Kelly backstory content and rewrite for pure Kelly.
  • Pure Kelly -> corrupt Kelly route for corrupt PCs.
  • Help PC build better bow (idea via @dzonewolf).
  • Probably won't provide a herm option.

[*]Petite Proportions (idea only)

  • Petite Proportions basically the opposite of Hyper Happy.
  • New content goals:

    Reduce the default proportions of many characters (if it makes sense in-universe).
  • Provide paths for reducing proportions of many characters who don't already have it, or move the range limits downward for those who do (if it makes sense in-universe), e.g.:

    Let Reducto work on debimboed characters (e.g., Sophie or Joy, once written).
  • Asset reduction Give Item options for followers/lovers/slaves (not touching the landmine-riddled characters, though, obviously).

[*]Debimboed Joy (idea only)

  • I assume somebody is already working on this given the flavor text in the game, but if not, I'd be interested in looking into it at some point.
  • Jojo's personality with an overlay of femininity and the wisdom/insight on worldview from bimbo Joy.
  • Let PC change most of the bimbo physical traits with Give Item (need new or modified debimbo potion to unlock physical stuff, maybe?).

[*]More demon roleplay scenes (idea only)

  • The Ceraph roleplays are a lot of fun. It would be nice to see more roleplay content from various demon characters.
  • In particular, Sheila makes mention of a squire/lady-in-waiting fantasy for low corruption players. This needs to be written for low-corruption, small-breasted demon-Sheila.

I'm mostly scratching my own itches here, so if any of this is verboten or not likely to make it into the game I'll probably still implement it for myself. Once I flesh out more of the content on Gwynn and pure Kelly I'll stick the drafts up for review.

A few general questions:

  • I understand an HTML port is ongoing. If I'm implementing new scenes (or modifying existing scenes) is it better to target the Flash version or the HTML version at this point?
  • What's the Right Way to get new global variables into the games (e.g., for tracking Gwynn's body modifications)?
  • Has anybody written an outline for all of the sex scene (or any scene) variations that could be considered based on PC transformations (e.g., body type, etc.)? I'd like to flesh my scenes out to consider as many PC transformation options as possible. It can really kill the immersion when obviously incorrect descriptions come up for transformed characters.

I'm very open to feedback and input on any of these ideas, so fire away if any of it interests you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I wish there was some sort of thing were I can turn the tables on Kelt WITHOUT turning him into a woman. Though that sort of goes the same with wanting to bang Benoit without having a vagina/turning him female.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I always wished you could do it by besting him at a shooting competition.

As per Benoit... how much of a gated character (eggs scene aside) is he? I have never played a non-herm male Champion, and I'd really hate it if I couldn't interact with him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd thought I'd take the time to read the posts.

The possibility of alternate method of breaking Kelt is considered.

I've been thinking of a way to be able to alter Kelt without turning him female. Perhaps something like archery competition where the loser has to submit.

As for Benoit, he offers buy and sell services regardless of your gender. Male characters can femininize (and optionally herminize) Benoit. Turning Benoit into a herm re-unlocks the eggs scene.

You can still make scenes for Flash but please try to make sure it's easy for me to port the scenes to HTML. The right way to track Gwynn body modifications would be the flags. Try not to use flags 1261-1900; those are reserved for CoC vanilla. I'm having concerns as 27% of the mod-reserved flags are used up. However, this won't be an issue for quite some time
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
Hey kitteh! looking forward to the big update. Can benoit be feminized and hermaphrodated by a herm character?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey kitteh! looking forward to the big update. Can benoit be feminized and hermaphrodated by a herm character?

Yes, you can.

Do you have any particular guidelines for what to do or not do to make porting easy?

I didn't notice the HTML version's repository before, but I see it now. I can probably take a swing at implementing a patch for both versions once I get some drafts out there and edited.

When using descript functions, remember to put player before descript function. For example: player.cockDescript() if you want to call description of player's cock. I've took the time to make sure all the scenes in Flash use player before descript functions. The refactors in recent versions are meant to make it easier to port and make code more understandable.

You can also check what will come in HTML on Trello.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
Sir, I do say that there could be more TFs of Panda-morph, Bear-morph, Lion-morph.... perhaps there could be more of these available for purchase at the Black Cock roadhouse at the Bazaar?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Is there any way, while using the modded version, it's possible to change or add scenes to the game? I kinda like to some things in the game that wouldn't be otherwise - either because it was canceled/denied or available but not implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Found bug,,, or not,,, Mob of Imps description (Imp gangbang at night):

The imps stand anywhere from two to four feet tall, with scrawny builds and tiny demonic wings. Their red and orange skin is dirty, and their dark hair looks greasy. Some are naked, but most are dressed in ragged loincloths that do little to hide their groins. They all have a ERROR: cockDescript Called But No Cock Present as long and thick as a man’s arm, far oversized for their bodies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Say kitteh do you plan on improving ranged weapon such as bow further in the future by giving it perks and traitline or do you plan keeping it just an amazing tool option for early leveling as it is right now? I think bow could be an actual fighting style in itself if given enought care and work (heck why bow doesnt benefit from double attack already ahahah)


New Member
Mar 17, 2016
I just found this version and noticed I can't save the game, it may be that I'm running windows 7 or that there is a bug not letting me


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is there any way, while using the modded version, it's possible to change or add scenes to the game? I kinda like to some things in the game that wouldn't be otherwise - either because it was canceled/denied or available but not implemented.

If you have knowledge of coding, you can add scenes. All you need is FlashDevelop.

Found bug,,, or not,,, Mob of Imps description (Imp gangbang at night):

The imps stand anywhere from two to four feet tall, with scrawny builds and tiny demonic wings. Their red and orange skin is dirty, and their dark hair looks greasy. Some are naked, but most are dressed in ragged loincloths that do little to hide their groins. They all have a ERROR: cockDescript Called But No Cock Present as long and thick as a man’s arm, far oversized for their bodies.

Thanks for reporting and will eventually be fixed.

Say kitteh do you plan on improving ranged weapon such as bow further in the future by giving it perks and traitline or do you plan keeping it just an amazing tool option for early leveling as it is right now? I think bow could be an actual fighting style in itself if given enought care and work (heck why bow doesnt benefit from double attack already ahahah)

Yes, I want to make some perks for ranged weapons in the future.

I just found this version and noticed I can't save the game, it may be that I'm running windows 7 or that there is a bug not letting me

What version are you running. What method do you use to run CoC?

And oh yeah, I'm getting prepared to move the mod over to the upcoming version, which should land by the weekend. Hopefully!
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