CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Elfin" ears TF is a Goblin TF, but that's the closest to being elf-like to my knowledge. The Christmas Elf is the only NPC/Char in CoC that has a legitimate elvish appearance. 

thats a shame, i would love to have a legit elf/dark elf race,


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I got it complied... But it wouldn't play in the browser. So I used the flash player debugger, and well... got this.

Try getting a standalone flash player to play it instead of it using a browser. Adobe has one called Flash Player Projector, available here:

Otherwise, try a fresh start. Delete all of FlashDevelop and reinstall it. Load the latest source code, add the latest Flex SDK and choose the platform.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So, if i have some ideas for some new encounters and i am willing to write a lot of material, how do i best go about it?

Get good friends with gdoc's, write content in one of them and then send link to person resposible for coding stuff in, that will allow it to review if quality of the writing is good enough to be coded. After that you just waiting (in case it was good enough or well makes needed edits and again submit it) for it to be added (when it's that former case after revier of quality).


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I hope these games are still around in about 2 or 3 years (not that I doubt their longevity). By then I would have taken my 3D model crafting and animating classes in my junior year in college. I'd really like to design models of a lot of characters from CoC and even TiTs. I feel like it MUST be done.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You never know; most game like this go through that length, if not more, in development before being "finished" and some still are played long afterwards. I still occasionally bounce back and forth between games like CoC/TiTS and games like Slave Maker 3, which has been around for ever it seems and it's still (slowly) being worked on. It all depends on the quality of the game and the level of interest from the dev(s) and community. Rest assured we aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ya know id like to write the salamander transformation so we can finaly get it in game but i have no clue of how to write such a thing... im a great idea foundry but protocol wise im void


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd be willing to look over peoples content, I don't exactly have much in the way of influence but I could offer a second/third perspective on what might need to be changed... also i love to read so it'd be cool to see what people have writen


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
I think I may have completed Carol's quest before the most recent update.  Is it impossible for me to get the perk now?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You could try changing your system's clock to what ever normally triggers the holiday events and try again: save game, close browser, click on your taskbar's clock and change your systems date, open browser, load game, end "turn", profit. I know that is what you have to normally do force trigger date-specific events in CoC/TiTS rather than waiting for that time of the year. 

Nvm. Didn't know there is an actual NPC named Carol and thought you were just referring to the perk. In the case of a quest being done, that may involve changing flags that may have tripped depending on whether or not the same quest is repeatable. It might require messing with the CoCED editor and your save to set the game up as if you never ran the quest, and that's not quit as simple as changing your clock. I don't actually know what triggers the perk, so I don't know if there is an alternative method of getting it either.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've decided I'm going to work on 1 more patch for 1.3.x. If you have completed the quest, you would automatically gain the perk in 1.3.13.

Combat code will also be broken down into several smaller files and moved from includes to possibly a new folder called Combat under Scenes. Spells, abilities, and tease texts will be moved to their own files. It's going to be a fairly big refactor. That will also mean 1 less file in the includes folder.

The file in includes will also be moved as well. If all things go well, I can remove the file and merge the contents of into file.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Any odds we get something special for  the last patch of 1.3.x? Else ill start thinking over perk idea for 1.4


New Member
Feb 29, 2016
I was poking through my backups, and found an interesting CoC-related file; an idea someone had a few years back that had interested me enough to save it (10 pages of event-text, outlining intro encounters with the "Gentleman Incubus", varied by gender). As a bit of poking around suggests that the relevant file has vanished from the internet, I thought I'd sling it your way, see if it generates any interest.

Gentleman Incubus

This encounter will feature an aristocratic incubus with a hobby for alchemy. In his spare time he travels around looking for rare ingredients for whatever crazy potion he’s brewing up lately, but most of the time he ends up bringing home a new slave instead of reagents. He has a thing for frail, feminine men - and with his penchant for alchemy, this results in a potentially perilous encounter for anyone who crosses him. He reacts differently to the player depending on their gender. Victory results in the incubus leaving to lick his wounds after various rape scenes, and if the PC has high corruption they may rape his servant instead. Loss results in the incubus humiliating the PC in various ways, then force feeding them a potion that renders them weak, soft, and reduces penis size.

View attachment gentle.rtf


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Sounds very interesting. Would love to see someone make use of this.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Is there a way to get 'low standards mode' turned on in a game?  The toggle button is only there if there's no game data loaded.  If you toggle it on and then start a new game or load an existing game it shuts itself right back off....and the botton does not exist in the gameplay settings when there is game data loaded.

The only gameplay settings buttons I have after starting a new game or loading an existing one is Silly Mode, SFW Toggle, Autolevel, and Fetishes


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You sure you're looking in the right place? It's working fine for me. It's there both with and without loaded saves. Maybe your saves are corrupted or bugged (or your game file is, maybe re-download).

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
I redownloded it a couple times before posting the question.  Currently using

Corruption of Champions (0.9.4_mod_1.3.12 (Refactors Ahoy II)) Release Build and Firefox 44.0.2 (current)

As I said, the button is there when I first open the game but vanishes once I start a new game or load a save.  I do play it on Brutal HC mode...anything else is too easy :p

I just started a new game on Normal, and all the buttons were there.  The buttons for Hyper Happy and Low Standards are only missing on the Brutal HC mode it seems.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to clarify regarding the missing low standards.

The button is entirely disabled in any forms of Hardcore mode. 1.3.13 will bring more tooltips that explain why the buttons are disabled.

And for the Gentleman Incubus, what about Sean?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, those buttons are intentionally hidden in HC games.

I was just gonna ask the same thing about Sean too.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
I noticed there's some gender confusion going on with Arian's anal sex scene when you've chosen to make Arian a female and you've gotten her to buttslut status.

You sigh softly and stroke her scaly face, telling him it’s not a bad thing that she enjoys himself, it’s just you’re surprised at how “into it” she gets. She doesn’t need to debase himself for you

You tell her you certainly aren’t; you were just making sure that she was really enjoying himself,


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep, he's the guy that sells Numb Rocks and Sensitivity Drafts and the only source of them that I'm aware of. I think he sells some other stuff that's hard to come across, a whip and some other consumable I think. Anyways, he will ask you on the way out to allow him to set up shop there.

Edit: Bam, here he is...
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New Member
Feb 21, 2016
How does one start making the Cabin?  Is there a particular day you decide to do so?  What's the flag?

Edit: And it turns out to be after sleeping in camp after a certain amount of days.  (two weeks?) That teaches me to hack my time of day for infinite first day. Lol
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New Member
Feb 21, 2016
In that case, I'd like to report a small bug.  Wielding the Minotaur's axe at a corrupted glade will give you the command as if you had the axe in the carpenter's toolbox.  It will say you gain +10 wood, but this will not be accessible.