CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Akbal is kinda strange. It really feels like he has much more behind him. Like... He just playing feral beast out of boredom. Would be interesting to talk.

That's the same vibe I got with him. Sure hope there's more to come down the pipe for him in the future, even if it doesn't involve bringing him back to camp. I heard Foxxling might have some more stuff for him, though I could just be thinking of the hellhound companion and getting the two mixed up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well here and there Foxxling does dropped hints he would be willing write few more lines of content since he DO loves this chara of his. So as long we not gonna bother him as much as some other writer about other chara(s) it would be quite possible we could see more of Akbal in future. About Hellhound I think he's close to finish/finished and then would wait for coding in.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I asked this question before, but never got an answer. I was wondering if there could be a way we could put a collar around Zetaz after beating him in the cave, and keep him sort like a corrupt slave companion. Sort of like how you can capture the demon in the sheep village.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was wondering if there could be a way we could put a collar around Zetaz after beating him in the cave, and keep him sort like a corrupt slave companion. Sort of like how you can capture the demon in the sheep village.

Well if you want have Zetaz tamed like Vapula (that this demoness gained from beating Owca invading demon horde) it would require someone to write all related contest for Zetaz slave path. And that already entering territory of people with evil smile saying: you want it, then write it. So I wouldn't hold a high hopes for this to happen unless you would write it. Then as long it meet Kitteh standard it would be coded.

Just like many other ideas for mod that sound really cool but require some new writing: all want them been added but noone is jumping in to actualy write it. And their all mostly ending as unfulfiled wishes/dreams from fans :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Honestly, I WOULD write it. But I'm not too familiar with CoC's writing code, plus I'm a bit too self doubting on my writing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ormael pretty much nailed it on the head. Find someone willing and able to write the material behind scenes involved if you are not that person and present it to Kitteh.

It's also probably a good idea to be willing to accept that even well written material, regardless of quality or the writer, might not make it past consideration for coding in due to one reason or another...code constraints or complications making it take too long or impractical to code, lack of agreeing interest in the material or if it falls in the "will never add" category, busy with other things that are already in progress or higher priority, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Perhaps when I get the money and when he's free, I'll try Foxxling.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
hey i know it is a strange thing to ask but still can you add a petting option(pat on the head)for minerva,hellspawn,Katherine and phylla cuz sometimes i just want to pet the crap out of them


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Dual-wielding not exist as function in mod atm and it would req some work to be added (well mostly to not mess up more than needed code since most messing up thing for this feature would be already existing Double Attack perk).


Sep 10, 2015
I was mostly joking. It just seems like something that somebody, especially a fan of this mod, would have suggested already, and I was kind of amused that it doesn't seem to have been suggested at any point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's an old request (before Revamp I think?) actually. It has been a while since it was last brought up from what I can remember.

Double Attack kind of renders it a mute point really; I know it has stat constraints, but you can also use Double without needing two weapons, and with the Revamp, can use Double with a shield. I've never seen a character with Double do bad as far as DPS.


Sep 10, 2015
Well, double attack + double wielding = quad attack, right?

Something like that would be crazy overpowered. You'd have to neuter it down to using maybe 40 strength at most, and maybe include a penalty to agility unless a special perk is taken.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
So is the captured prisoner content ever going to see unwilling transformations? It seems like if any place should have it, it would be there...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Honestly if i understand well what we need right now is a writer for the salamander TF? Else what is planned for the next update?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Updates for the mod seem to be sort of put on hold while Kitteh is working on getting the HTML version caught up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
the great question is will HTML even be usable on a android to begin with... at least SWF was with reader... but what of html


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
the great question is will HTML even be usable on a android to begin with... at least SWF was with reader... but what of html

Correct me if I am wrong but, would not you be able to run anything html-based in any normal web browser? (Assuming it is posted somewhere) Unless the way the save data was stored was incompatible with mobile, I can not see any major issues occurring. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ya there was never option for killing strongest imp enemy and get his skull. I think Kitteh explained it at some point in past maybe even at old forum. Otherwise that this I have no idea why only this imp can't be killed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to explain why that particular imp can't be killed. He is a unique imp and I want to expand his lore at a point. That means he might possibly have a name, just like Priscilla the highest-level goblin. And if you kill the imp overlord, you'll never be able to encounter him again and that might affect your level progression.

I'm currently working on 1.3.11 and then 1.3.12. There might be no content changes but it'll contain some big code refactoring that will make it easier to port the scenes to CoC HTML. It will also significantly reduce the amount of content in includes folder with the holiday events moved to a subfolder in Scenes.

I'll also remove descript functions in 1.3.12 from file and then update the existing descript call. For example, code that invokes cockDescript() will be changed to player.cockDescript().

I also want to get rid of choices and simpleChoices functions at a point since they make the code look ugly.

Edit: 1.3.11 has been released with code cleanup and refactors! I've also added a new undergarment: Fundoshi. You can buy it from tailor.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well i know you diligently work for .12 but is there a stat to bunny girl at the moment also it would be cool to add laquine as a cathegorisation for bunny girl with a horsecock xD

Honestly we are super quick bunnies so id think a massive bonus to speed and a decrease to strenght would fit. Likely +15 speed -10 strenght or -5 strenght (laquine is just aestetic truly but just the idea of the cathegory in game would be a fun addition)
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New Member
Feb 22, 2016
Hey-o, big fan of this mod.

I noticed today that under Inventory, Mistress Elly's Slave Collar is under Key Items after you escape.  Is there any way we could have that display under Appearance at the end of the first paragraph, if you've been collared?

An example:

You are a 5 foot 9 inch tall hermaphrodite human, with a narrow frame that shows off your muscles. You are currently wearing your comfortable clothes, comfortable bra and comfortable panties and using your fists as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with mahogany skin. It has a gorgeous profile with full lips, a button nose, and noticeable eyelashes. Your shoulder-length, sandy blonde hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. A small pair of pointed horns has broken through the skin on your forehead, proclaiming some demonic taint to any who see them.  Mistress Elly's slave collar weighs on your neck at all times, reminding you of [your service to her / the training she's given you / your time in bondage / etc].

A future expansion idea might be to add a 'neck' equipment slot that the player cannot equip/unequip directly - and allow other NPC's (namely, demons like Ceraph or Vapula) to collar the player after x number of losses.  (Said collars would always be shown under Key Items, since they're probably used internally as flags, but whichever collar is 'active' would always be listed as equipment both in the Inventory and the Appearance screens)

Anyway, thanks for keeping this mod alive.  Keep up the good work!


Feb 23, 2016
Hey guys! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I was playing and I'm at the point where my character decided he wants a cabin so I cleared out soem rubble and he decided he needs an axe, so I went to the city and bought the carpenters toolbox and now whenever I try to do anything to build the cabin he goes ''You realize you don't have the toolbox to work on your cabin. You let out a sigh.'' so I tried going back to the story to buy the toolbox but then it says I already have one. Did I mess something up somewhere along the way or do you need some trigger when it comes to exploration / followers to build it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey guys! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I was playing and I'm at the point where my character decided he wants a cabin so I cleared out soem rubble and he decided he needs an axe, so I went to the city and bought the carpenters toolbox and now whenever I try to do anything to build the cabin he goes ''You realize you don't have the toolbox to work on your cabin. You let out a sigh.'' so I tried going back to the story to buy the toolbox but then it says I already have one. Did I mess something up somewhere along the way or do you need some trigger when it comes to exploration / followers to build it?

Ckeck your key items, is it really there?