CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I know it was integrated into the Revamp and a few things added to it to make it a little more interesting. Can't recall if an actual ending was written in or not, Prisoner mod is still very much in WIP state with mostly placeholder and quick patchwork fixes to address some immediate issues (like Followers/Lovers' scenes proc'ing while you are imprisoned, especially involving pregnancies and birth scenes). It's been a while since it got any additional tweaks and may still be a while longer before that continues, it's currently ongoing on the Trello and not really slated for any upcoming updates from what I can see. May be a while anyways as Kitteh's slaving over getting an html version off the ground, so updates have had to slow down quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Yeah that link for android definitely doesn't work xD  on another note its good to hear that the prison mod hasn't been dropped completely i really loved mistress Elly there's just not enough of that kind of content out there x(
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
hey can you add more scene with izma's kids when i check it said this"  Some scenes involving Izma's children have been removed as an attempt to keep loli content out of the game "But what is wrong with lolis last time i checked it was not considered Pedophilia so can somebody explain it to me

hey can you add more scene with izma's kids when i check it said this"  Some scenes involving Izma's children have been removed as an attempt to keep loli content out of the game "But what is wrong with lolis last time i checked it was not considered Pedophilia so can somebody explain it to me

and just to be sure let me explain:  The definition of pedophilia is "Sexual feelings directed toward children". The definition of lolicon is "A slang term shared between Japanese and Western culture, for the preference for child-like depictions of women". As you can see, they are two different things. Personally, I believe the definition of pedophile should be changed to something like "A person who molests/rapes/sexually harasses children". (Also I think boys can be lolicon, too.x3) OKAY?! Lolicon (to put it short) is sexual feelings to the child-like qualities in women (or men>:D). That doesn't mean you have sexual feelings to ACTUAL CHILDREN. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
hey can you add more scene with izma's kids when i check it said this"  Some scenes involving Izma's children have been removed as an attempt to keep loli content out of the game "But what is wrong with lolis last time i checked it was not considered Pedophilia so can somebody explain it to me

and just to be sure let me explain:  The definition of pedophilia is "Sexual feelings directed toward children". The definition of lolicon is "A slang term shared between Japanese and Western culture, for the preference for child-like depictions of women". As you can see, they are two different things. Personally, I believe the definition of pedophile should be changed to something like "A person who molests/rapes/sexually harasses children". (Also I think boys can be lolicon, too.x3) OKAY?! Lolicon (to put it short) is sexual feelings to the child-like qualities in women (or men>:D). That doesn't mean you have sexual feelings to ACTUAL CHILDREN. 

Lolicon is generally a word for sexual content with anything which looks like underage girls. And for boys word shotacon is used. And this whole theme is so controversial, that most people prefer to cut out everything even a little bit close to be sure. Currently even drawing original characters with underage appearance is forbidden in some countries.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to let you know that version 1.3.9 has been released with yet more tweaks. But the most important part is that maximum lust has been completely refactored to no longer use magic numbers.

And to answer about Izma's children, the unused scenes had to be rewritten. Your character simply looks away and if silly mode is enabled, you basically crack the fourth wall.

As for the whole lolicon thing, I'm steering clear of them. Such content won't be in the mod at all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably best to leave the whole lolicon/pedophilia thing alone. Thing is that sort of content could have serious, even legal, implications involved. Maybe no one bats an eye, maybe your shit gets shut down and you potentially face criminal prosecution. Because there is no real common, well established ruling on specifically what within the realm that kind of content is deemed safe and what is considered too far to be legally ignored, so most content providers -- especially those affiliated with providing pornographic content -- typically and very prudently avoid testing their luck by avoiding it all together, even to the point of abandoning and/or shutting down their own content for fear of facing legal prosecution. On top of this, every country has it's own independent view on the matter, though many countries' apparent views are still not completely crystal clear on the subject matter. Content providers that offer such content often do so at enormous risk potentially. Until it becomes more clear on what is and what isn't legal or illegal, whether it's real depictions or fictional, it's generally best to not provide that kind of content in any form and avoid it like the plague.

It's like crossing an active minefield; can it be done without incident? Yes, but you better damn well know what you are doing and what you are risking to get across. If you are not absolutely 110% sure you can cross that minefield without loosing a limb in the process, turn around and walk the other way, as it's not worth it to that end.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't been able to play CoC or have been keeping up with the mod's progress, but I have a question about the latest batch of post regarding izma's children content. A while back I read a google doc with a lot of new scenes and yeah there are a few that seem to feature some sort of  lecherous behavior toward the children(e.i shark girl tangles herself in bondage straps pure PCs chastise her about going into their things but corrupt PCs smiles at their misfortune before helping and commenting to themselves that their daughter seems to have a budding fetish for being tied up. While I agree yeah that may be in appropriate the level of "lolicon-ness" doesn't get any worse than a few PC thoughts not actually physical touching or direct forward conversation. 

I could be wrong it has been about a month since iv played and a little longer since reading the document. 

But I do think that some scenes could simply be edited by removing any straight forward sexual acts or any that seem too inappropriate and the loose ends could be patched up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Come to think of it, there's more scenarios involving outright incestuous happenings (Sophie's and Phylla's kids) than what could even be considered lolicon/shotacon type content, and CoC doesn't have anything of the later type anyways that is very obvious or deliberate. Even if it weren't such a big deal legally, it's still a rather deplorable and distasteful subject for some anyways. Using the excuse that, "it's art and not a real kid," is kind of a stretch in any case, so it would likely be very low priority and would have to be gated behind an "opt-in-opt-out" system. Too much trouble and baggage, if you ask me.

Either way, as long as Kitteh sticks to his instinct on staying clear of it, it shouldn't be a problem. And I agree: no sense in playing with fire.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But the most important part is that maximum lust has been completely refactored to no longer use magic numbers.

One simple question: where fix for Phylla Take Stones option was lost? It was added in PR yet it not make it to the 1.3.9


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
can you add actual singing from minerva cuz' she says that her song is only for me but is no singing going on

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Either my DL of the newest version is messed up, or many of the buttons and their locations have changed.  Just curious if this was done on purpose (and, if so, why) or if my file or the game settings got corrupted somehow.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm mostly indifferent to the buttons being rearranged, other than it messing with my muscle memory. Although, I do question why the list of locations was separated into two pages as everything already fit and there were still three open slots available.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh I somehow suprising see patern in rearrange of the buttons (funny that people notice most obvious rearrange and not said a word yet over other two rearranges ^^).

Flexing muscle memory sometimes isn't bad but I noticed also that we can't DL yet 1.3.10. I hope it's just minor overlook ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Preparation for new locations, maybe? Moving specifically Deepwoods, Bog, and High Mountains makes sense kind of given there are all unlocked by visiting the previous page's locations a certain number of times where as the others are unlocked through conventional exploration. 1.3.10 thing may be just a misprint of the thread title unless Kitteh's got another update primed and ready.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Any greater addition planned for 1.3.11?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
its been a while since ive checked this is the savanna zone still being worked on i mainly wish to know becose id love to be a cheetah morph 


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Can I have some small idea. Would you continue on the idea of Behemoth, I really like this character (and his children too). Oh and Ember too, it's really sad to see him/her to be unfinished for so long TvT.

And btw, I never gotten to 365 days yet so I'm not so sure, but will there be a new champion coming to the realm so that we can rape them, I mean, meet them? :3.

And since there are no endgame (yet), but there are Lethecite for us to kill and the choice of dominance the land (you know, rule the Mareth or something). Should we be addressed different  after we kill the bitch, I mean, the Devil Queen? Like you know "Hero" or "Lord" or something? Or at least have a scenes that people (or slaves) in the realm acknowledged of what we did. I mean I just think it would be more fit to see the change after we kill the final boss.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Oh and one more things, until now, there're only the increased of damage between pure and corrupted skills, but there're also fire attack and those who are plant-morph or having icy body (from Glacial Rift), so how about making another increasing of damage based on fire stats vs ice and plant stats?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ember's probably a no-go for further iteration as it would take too long to work out more content (Pretty sure it's on the "Will not happen" list on the Trello). Having a new champ show up after a year is on the to-do list, but isn't that far along I think. So, Soon™. Current end-game for the Revamp is a placeholder for when D3 gets finished up by official devs on the classic CoC side, so further iteration on that end will come about likely after CoC gets officially finished.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
its been a while since ive checked this is the savanna zone still being worked on i mainly wish to know becose id love to be a cheetah morph 

Savanna zone mostly if not whole was worked by Rycharde and he's missing for I think around 4-6 weeks by now at forum. Only thing that is connected to savanna is Carpenter owner since his morph race normaly should be meet at savanna zone. Said that I wish to know what is happening to Rycharde.

Oh and one more things, until now, there're only the increased of damage between pure and corrupted skills, but there're also fire attack and those who are plant-morph or having icy body (from Glacial Rift), so how about making another increasing of damage based on fire stats vs ice and plant stats?

For now we not have any real elemental resistances and so be it vanilla or revamp CoC. Only thing that may be close to that is sandstorm that lower any fire based attacks dmg by 50% (anf that skill is I think only used by Sand Mother in Sand witches dung). But putting some additions to fire skills to deal more dmg to some enemies is good idea (well in Glacial Rift we got 3 enemies and 1 of them should be hurt much by any fire attack - Valkyrie shouldn't and yeti maybe only partial).

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I tried the .10 version out for a while, and after getting into some trouble by going places I had not intended, I think I'll wait and see if the locations return to where they've been for a long time now.  I guess the sort of muscle memory on where to go to click on a spot keep messing me up.  Ah well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
ah ok i hope Rycharde returns to finsh the Savannah zone 
since i can't be a cheetah morph is there a chance of the fairy tf item being added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Oh, by the way, is there any hope of enslaving Akbal in the to-do project in future? I really want to make him my slave.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You want Akbal been slave that can come to camp or just been slave while still been locked in Deepwoods? First...will break canon, while second not. But both is matter if Foxxling wrote all needed stuff for this path for his belowed jaguar demon of CoC ^^ (which I not know so won't try to quess atm over this).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I mean I want him to be slaves in my camp, I even want to put Marae's Lethicite into him or like transform him or something.

Also, I know Ember is a no go but can we add a little bit to Ember? I'm saying about the children, I mean after bearing 26 children for him and nothing being say about that seem to be losing feeling a lot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Canonicaly Akbal can't leave Deepwood as if he would then it would mean bad end for PC and probably bad end for rest of mareth since it's if I recall well he's implied to be a demon of power comparable to Lethice.

For Ember Kitteh when he find time would look over few gdocs that will add some short adventure with some help from Ember. As for children as long no new bits of adjusted dialogue parts won;t be added even having 100+ childern with him/her won't change fell (but Ember is most complicated camp member that almost all got trouble to handle or try change anything to it atm - probably sooner or later there will be some small bits of new content added to Ember so not loose faith yet in this ^^).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Akbal is kinda strange. It really feels like he has much more behind him. Like... He just playing feral beast out of boredom. Would be interesting to talk.