CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Jun 24, 2016
I'm a big time android user as well and I just use the CoC app and manually replace the swf file inside the appdata works like a charm and has no save file bugs; however you need to have your Android rooted to access the appdata folder. 

If you have your Android rooted you can just replace the swf file in the appdata folder. 

Rooted? What is that and how does that work?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
ok can somebody just give me the file to delete the achievements I spent the last 2 days trying to get it 

First find folder where your CoC saved are stored. There should be file CoC_Main.sol that keep all unlocked achievements inside. After delating it from there whole list of achiev will be reseted to default state. I think I made in some earlier post here in thread SS linked showing where it's so you could also look in last few pages here for it.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Only thought I had about gargoyle and stones was...that she could have teach some minor magic to make from stones similar guardians to her but we not have camp attacks yet aside those night imps so no point to make guardians for nonexistent threats.

Work well on those ideas of your (at least you not seems perosn that only talked much and not showed anything as you already showed you would do work aside talking :D )


Hopefully the key word there is yet. I really did like the idea of your camp drawing attention as you take out the Demon Factory... even post-game content with before looking for your head to become the new lord of Maerth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hopefully the key word there is yet. I really did like the idea of your camp drawing attention as you take out the Demon Factory... even post-game content with before looking for your head to become the new lord of Maerth.

Technically XIanxia Mod got one huge reason why anyone would attack camp. IF PC would start his/her carrier as soul cultivator that is cruel comunity which wouldn't fall short of attack PC camp just to stop it progress or rise to fame/power ;)

Some more fitting to orginal setting is...regional demonic overseer. I mean Zetaz was just an imp that was suppsoed to drug each new champion and drag it to factory. I not belive he was directly commanded by Lethice so...where the hell is that inbetween demon officers? Especialy after Zetaz failed his task why none of them send anyone else to check portal? That another reason why we could get some camp attacks.

Factory could be either start of them or breaking point for increasing rate and power of each attack. There should be card on Revamp Trello about attacks on camp.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016


  • Modified the dragonScore()-requirement (from >= 4 to > 6) Implemented in Kitteh6660's Mod now
  • Dragons with 4 legs and dragon lower body are now displayed as being a dragon-taur Implemented in Kitteh6660's Mod now
  • Added ARM_TYPE_DRACONIC derived from ARM_TYPE_SALAMANDER so players now gain clawed dragon arms from Ember
  • Ember has 2 pairs of horns now instead of just one (Didn't sound logical for me to gain 2 pairs, when Ember only had one)
  • Added Lizan-color skin oils to Rathazul (No more Hummus-Reptilum juggling until you have your favorite scale colour)
  • TFing to a dragon doesn't remove the oviposition perk anymore (However: You won't gain this perk from Ember. It simply doesn't make any sense to me)
  • Implemented the neckLength-feature. player.tallness is modified by its length above 2in (I assume, that 2in is the normal neck length for humans; Ember and player-appearance only for now. TF TBD)
  • Added REAR_BODY_TYPE-constants for future changes (See code snippet blow)
  • If you've enabled the metric system, your tallness is being displayed in metres rather, than centimetres
  • When your legs transform to lizard or dragon-legs, you will remain being a taur now (Note: Driders don't count as taurs!)
  • Lizans with 4 legs and lizard lower body are now displayed as being a lizan-taur Implemented in Kitteh6660's Mod now
  • Ember TFs updated to require a dragonScore above 6. Affects gaining the Drafonfire-perk and going into rut/heat (See Notes).
  • implemented player.isDragon(softCap = false), which checks for dragonScore() > 6 or >= 4 with softCap = true. Should make things easier, when checking for being considered a dragon-morph/-whatever.
  • Implemented some more helper-functions: hasReptileArms, hasReptileFeet and hasDragonRear
  • Hummus now removes the Dragonfire Perk unless its permanent.
  • Fixed the mander-tail only Tail Slap being applied to other tails (missing break-statement). Now manders get both tail attacks and others only get the Tail Whip. Implemented in Kitteh6660's Mod now
  • Finished the dragon neck TF so far.
  • Finished the dragon rear body TF so far.
  • Save/Load works now with the new player propertys.
  • SKIN_TYPE_SCALES and SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC transition is finished now.
  • SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC is now fully implemented and looking fine now.
  • ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR is finished now, too (Dragons and lizans can get them now).
  • dragonScore now requires dragon scales and lizardScore requires any scales to get a point for the skin.
  • Neck TF update (length raised from 24 to 30)
  • Since claws may differ in predator arms, I've implemented clawDesc and clawAdj.
  • Most, if not all skinType checks should now play nicely with SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC.
  • Salamander Firewater now restores human skin and skincolor.
  • Implemented new eyeType's: EYES_DRAGON, EYES_LIZARD and EYES_BASILISK (NYI, maybe later and from benoit)
  • lizans with Basilisk Womb Perk now show up as basilisk in the player appearance tab or as dracolisks, when they have dragon wings and dragon tongue.
  • EYES_DRAGON now grant a point to your dragonScore()

Snippet of the Rear body type constants:

// rearBodyType
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_NONE:int = 0;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_MANE:int = 1;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_SPIKES:int = 2;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_BEHEMOTH:int = 3; // NYI, Its just there as an example.


  • Changes from the previous diff-file are, that I've implemented the methods player.hasNormalNeck() and player.hasDragonNeck and that your tallness depends on your neck length above 2in
  • It doesn't make any sense to me to gain the oviposition-perk from Ember. If Ember is a female and you are a male, you can't get pregnant. Same thing, if you TFed from male to female. If Ember is an ovipositor and you are female or herm, you'll lay dragon eggs by default, meaning: you don't need the perk for that.
  • About the dragonScore requirement: Since you could TF to full-lizan while still being displayed as a dragon-morph/.man/-girl/-taur in the appearance tab, I've raised the dragonScore requirement to be above 6.
    I've changed that as well in the emberTFs()-method where the comments say, that they require being considered dragon-morph.
  • player.isDragon() has a soft cap, which checks for the old >=4 requirement. As of now its only used for the max stat bonus requirements. Softcap not tested, since I'm not in the mood of waiting for Benoit to sell hummus (again...) to test, if the softcap works properly. Update: Found the debug menu. Tested and working as intended.
  • The dragon neck TF will require Ember's blood in the future. Same goes for the rear body TF, so you better not destroy his/her egg, if you want it ;)
  • TODO: Saving and loading won't store/restore your neck length (Shouldn't break your saves, after I've implemented it) *DONE*
  • TODO: Make it possible to reduce neck length and/or restore it to normal size, when TFing away from dragon and/or using hummus *DONE*
  • TODO: Implement ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR as a new arm type with feral claws and add it to lizan, dragon and possibly salamander *DONE*
  • TODO: finish the SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC skinType implementation, implement the transition between the two scale type,, add them to player.skinFurScales() and fix *DONE*
  • TODO: Discuss, if the ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR should add points to lizan- and dragon-score *DONE*
  • TODO: Implement new eye-types for reptilic eyes *DONE*
  • TODO: revert the change, where the dragon and lizan lower body tf now leaves the tauric feet intact. There is Taurinum to restore your tauric lower body. *DONE*
  • TODO: make the neck TF and the rear body TF Ember's blood only, after I've finished debugging it. *DONE*
  • If you find any mistakes or think, it could be improved/expanded, tell me. I'm terrible, when it comes to creativity. Took me roughly 2+ hours to write the text for the dragon neck TF. Okay, with some pauses to think, how the short story should go.
  • I mentioned once, That a full grown neck + dragon tongue won't give you the opportunity to give yourself a BJ or should I say TJ, when you are a taur. Heres my reasoning:

    1. Somehow I like to be able to continue my journey and/or doing whatever in my camp without the need to masturbate or having sex with your lovers.
    2. I think, that no TF should give taurs the option to masturbate.
    3. I'm terrible, when it comes to be creative and you don't want to read any sex-scenes written by me ;)
      However: If anyone writes the respective sex scenes, I probably add them to my patch ignoring point 1. and 2. :)


  • 25.06.2016 22:10 CEST

    Lizan-taur upgrade

[*]26.06.2016 00:47 CEST

  • dragonScore requirement > 6 in emberTFs, too

[*]26.06.2016 01:56 CEST

  • Hummus now removes the Dragonfire-perk
  • Implemented player.isDraconic(softCap = false)

[*]26.06.2016 06:13 CEST

  • Added the methods hasReptileArms, hasReptileFeet and hasDragonRear
  • Started working on the dragon neck TF (mostly debugging for now)

[*]26.06.2016 13:26 CEST

  • Fixed Tail Slap gained from salamander tail always being added, when a tail enables the Tail Whip

[*]27.06.2016 00:52 CEST

  • Hummus removes the Dragonfire-perk only, if its not permanent now.
  • Finalized the dragon-neck TF so far.

[*]27.06.2016 02:32 CEST

  • Small update for the dragon neck TF description

[*]29.06.2016 00:42 CEST

  • the neck TF is done so far including reverting the TF (See
  • added the neckType player var, so its possible to have different limits to the neckLength for future races which have an elongated neck
  • fixed a small copy&paste-error in

[*]29.06.2016 01:27 CEST

  • Remaned isDraconic to isDragon and hasDragonRear to hasDraconicBackSide

[*]29.06.2016 01:43 CEST

  • Moved some of the helper functions to the new class PlayerHelper

[*]29.06.2016 21:12 CEST

  • Finished the dragon rear body TF so far
  • Added the rearBodyType property to
  • The rear body TF now occurs at a chance of one third, after you've gained a dragon neck and disappears, when your neck gets restored (See
  • Added two more methods to hasDragonRearBody and fetchEmberRearBodyType
  • TODO: Make the dragon neck and the rear body feature TF Ember's blood only, after a bit more debugging

[*]30.06.2016 00:37 CEST

  • Save/Load working fine now and doesn't seem to break any savegames.
  • neckLength is now of type Number
  • added a setter for the neckLength
  • Removed the comment from REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_SPIKES, since its implemented now

[*]01.07.2016 02:39 CEST

  • Applied SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC to player.skinFurScales()
  • The skin TF in the dragon TF now correctly uses SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC
  • Finished the ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR implementation (uses player.skinFurScales())
  • lizans gain an ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR now, too
  • SKIN_TYPE_SCALES transition works now
  • dragonScore() now requires SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC
  • lizardScore() now requires hasScales() meaning,any scaly skin adds a point to the lizardScore
  • Added hasPredatorArms() and newLizanSkinTone()

[*]01.07.2016 06:08 CEST

  • moved hasDragonNeck() and hasNormalNeck() from to
  • made the dragon neck slightly longer (from 24 to 30 inches)
  • specified the final position of the neck on your head (at the backside)
  • updated the texts (TF and appearance of the PC and Ember) respectively

[*]01.07.2016 17:13 CEST

  • Fixed a copy&paste-error causing scales not counting to the lizardScore()

[*]02.07.2016 03:58 CEST

  • Fixed 'skinType >=' and 'skinType >'-checks to play nicely with dragon scales
  • same for the 'skinType == SKIN_TYPE_SCALES'-checks, except the one for Reptilum, since lizan scales differ from dragon scales.
  • added the methods hasGooOrUndefSkin and hasFurOrScales

[*]02.07.2016 12:20 CEST

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/Kitteh6660/master'

[*]03.07.2016 04:37 CEST

  • ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR improvement (clawAdj and clawDesc implemented)
  • making rearBodyType and neckType private was kinda stupid. Made them public now.
  • hasReptileArms is different from hasPredatorArms, now (See comment in for details)
  • claws may vary from race to race, so I've implemented clawAdj and clawDesc along with their transitions.
  • new PlayerHelper-methods: hasLizanArms, hasLizanClaws, hasDragonArms and hasDragonClaws
  • lizan arms with lizan claws now add to lizardScore
  • dragon arms with dragon claws, as well as a dragon neck and dragon rearBodyType now all add to your dragonScore
  • gaining a dragon neck now requires, that your scales are draconic, too. Losing them, will remove your neck + dragon rearBodyType, when some time passes ingame.
  • Fixed a bug in Kitteh6660 mod version 1.3.24 where many taurs show up as 'minotaur-taur' in player appearance.

[*]03.07.2016 05:25 CEST

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/Kitteh6660/master'

[*]03.07.2016 20:55 CEST

  • Savegames now include clawAdj and clawDesc.
  • <mod name="..." author="...">-tags added by me are just informational. Feel free to remove them or leave them out, when patching them into your mod/game.

[*]03.07.2016 23:17 CEST

  • Fixed Carpenter's Nail Box doesn't apply to desert exploration

[*]04.07.2016 05:51 CEST

  • Made hummanus tallness changes to be on par with character creation (hummanus (old behaviour): 60-84, char creation: 48-96
  • The conditionals in line 4594 and line 4596 never return true, so I removed them

[*]04.07.2016 11:12 CEST

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/Kitteh6660/master'

[*]04.07.2016 16:04 CEST

  • Deprecation of SKIN_TYPE_UNDEFINED (Probably a relic from older versions of the game)
  • Silently discarded, when loading a savegame
  • I'll leave it in and for now.

[*]04.07.2016 20:50 CEST

  • Fixed Mander Tail Slap applied to all tails, that get a Tail Whip
  • I moved the `case TAIL_TYPE_SALAMANDER:`-part above the others so manders get both attacks now and other only get Tail Whip

[*]04.07.2016 20:54 CEST

  • Manders get Tail Slap and Tail Whip now

[*]04.07.2016 21:10 CEST

  • Grammar fix in the *Tail Slap*-description

[*]05.07.2016 00:02 CEST

  • Fix for Salamander Firewater leaving skin and skincolor untouched

[*]05.07.2016 01:38 CEST

  • Don't change skinAdj for dragon scales and fixed borked liquidDesc im

[*]05.07.2016 01:42 CEST

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/Kitteh6660/master'

[*]05.07.2016 16:08 CEST (Reptile eyes Update + Hooray for dracolisks)

  • Added EYES_LIZARD, EYES_DRAGON and EYES_BASILISK (example for now) to
  • Updated Embers appearance (second set of eyelids for Ember, too)
  • New TFs and transitions between them: dragon and lizard eyes
  • added hasDragonHorns() and hasReptileEyes()
  • now includes dragon and lizard eyes
  • Any reptile eyes now add a point to lizardScore()
  • player.race() for lizans with BasiliskWomb perk => basilisk (will probably require Basil eyes later) and with dragon wings and tongue => dracolisk
  • Added patch version to the version string

[*]05.07.2016 20:59 CEST

  • Fixed: An elongated neck should now properly revert, even if its not fully grown
  • EYES_DRAGON now grant a point to your dragonScore()

Patch file:
View attachment cocmod-dragon.diff Outdated. Go to GitHub for an up to date version of my patch.

GitHub Project:



  • How do I apply the patch?!?
    Download the mod source from GitHub (It's free) -> Patch the .diff into it -> Compile and run it.
  • How do I use a .diff?
    Linux: Use the built in command 'patch'. Windows: I use GnuWin32 diffutils and have added the bin-dir to my PATH. As for compiling: I use FlashDevelop to code and compile it.
  • And how can I compile it?
    hatternumber0 has written a nice guide about how to mod and compile Corruption of Champions
  • Can you share your compiled file?
    No. At least not, until its finished and its likely, that I make a pull request on GitHub, when I'm finished. Update: Binary release coming soon on GitHub.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Technically XIanxia Mod got one huge reason why anyone would attack camp. IF PC would start his/her carrier as soul cultivator that is cruel comunity which wouldn't fall short of attack PC camp just to stop it progress or rise to fame/power ;)

Some more fitting to orginal setting is...regional demonic overseer. I mean Zetaz was just an imp that was suppsoed to drug each new champion and drag it to factory. I not belive he was directly commanded by Lethice so...where the hell is that inbetween demon officers? Especialy after Zetaz failed his task why none of them send anyone else to check portal? That another reason why we could get some camp attacks.

Factory could be either start of them or breaking point for increasing rate and power of each attack. There should be card on Revamp Trello about attacks on camp.


Yeah, I voted and commented on the Camp Attack Trello Page.

I should actually do some of the writing stuff I said I would do soon through... I'm guessing its best that I work on what is being asked for, like the quality control, rather than anything new, like Camp Attacks?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I don't get why but lactaid wont grow my champion's nipples?

Or the size of her breasts for that matter and her breasts are EE and from what i read it should stop at H not at EE


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Looking at the code lactaid doesn't affect your nipples. And it expands your breast size only, if your average breast size is below 8 (big E-cup). However: If its below 8 and you have only one row, It would grow your tits by 1-5 sizes. So the maximum would probably be 12 (7+5), meaning big F-cup.

Personally I use Shouldra, when I want to alter sizes of whatever :)

Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
First find folder where your CoC saved are stored. There should be file CoC_Main.sol that keep all unlocked achievements inside. After delating it from there whole list of achiev will be reseted to default state. I think I made in some earlier post here in thread SS linked showing where it's so you could also look in last few pages here for it.

its not there! Screenshot 2016-06-25 at 12.49.51.png



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I accidentaly turned my decorruptor into a bimbo, any mode to turn jojo to normaly, it refuses to take Debimbo and i need a jojo at a day to keep the demon away


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

It's not where your swf files to play CoC is located but where your SAVES are located. Unless you keep Swf files with saves but then...any cleaning of web content and your swf files will be gone with saves. Look below I showed where my file with achievs for mods is. Not showed whole files list there but I assure you my swf files for all flash games I keep in other folder than this one.


@Partysan Afaik there is not other way than using save editor to change back Joy into JoJo. But as far it goes about guarding camp having walls with enough amount of imp skulls will also work as protection from those night quests.
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Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
It's not where your swf files to play CoC is located but where your SAVES are located. Unless you keep Swf files with saves but then...any cleaning of web content and your swf files will be gone with saves. Look below I showed where my file with achievs for mods is. Not showed whole files list there but I assure you my swf files for all flash games I keep in other folder than this one.

View attachment 3987

@Partysan Afaik there is not other way than using save editor to change back Joy into JoJo. But as far it goes about guarding camp having walls with enough amount of imp skulls will also work as protection from those night quests.

flash? I am on a Chromebook I don't have that 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
well I can't freaken find it anywhere 

Try search your comp for files named CoC_1.sol (or any other number of slot you used to save your game instead 1). That file for achiev would be in smae folder as save you will find (I hope you find them).

Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
Try search your comp for files named CoC_1.sol (or any other number of slot you used to save your game instead 1). That file for achiev would be in smae folder as save you will find (I hope you find them).

that ss was the only place where my files are


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Tsui Xingjuan Oh that 2 pics of google drive (I'm 99,9% sure its not a save location) and last one is download place (again 99,9% sure it's either not saves location). IN which slot you saves your game? Easiest will be searching on your computer hard drive where you play CoC for files named CoC_(number of slot you used to save).sol so for ex. if you saved in slot 1 then CoC_1.sol or if it was say...slor 7 then CoC_7.sol. Try look for those saves this way and tell how went search.

Tsui Xingjuan

Active Member
Jun 10, 2016
@Tsui Xingjuan Oh that 2 pics of google drive (I'm 99,9% sure its not a save location) and last one is download place (again 99,9% sure it's either not saves location). IN which slot you saves your game? Easiest will be searching on your computer hard drive where you play CoC for files named CoC_(number of slot you used to save).sol so for ex. if you saved in slot 1 then CoC_1.sol or if it was say...slor 7 then CoC_7.sol. Try look for those saves this way and tell how went search.

Screenshot 2016-06-26 at 13.07.46.pngyou mean this place?


New Member
Jun 26, 2016


  • Modified the dragonScore()-requirement (from >= 4 to > 6)
  • Dragons with 4 legs and dragon lower body are now displayed as being a dragon-taur
  • Added ARM_TYPE_DRACONIC derived from ARM_TYPE_SALAMANDER so players now gain clawed dragon arms from Ember
  • Ember has 2 pairs of horns now instead of just one (Didn't sound logical for me to gain 2 pairs, when Ember only had one)
  • Added Lizan-color skin oils to Rathazul (No more Hummus-Reptilum juggling until you have your favorite scale colour)
  • TFing to a dragon doesn't remove the oviposition perk anymore (However: You won't gain this perk from Ember. It simply doesn't make any sense to me)
  • Implemented the neckLength-feature. player.tallness is modified by its length above 2in (I assume, that 2in is the normal neck length for humans; Ember and player-appearance only for now. TF TBD)
  • Added REAR_BODY_TYPE-constants for future changes (See code snippet blow)
  • If you've enabled the metric system, your tallness is being displayed in metres rather, than centimetres
  • When your legs transform to lizard or dragon-legs, you will remain being a taur now (Note: Driders don't count as taurs!)
  • Lizans with 4 legs and lizard lower body are now displayed as being a lizan-taur
  • Ember TFs updated to require a dragonScore above 6. Affects gaining the Drafonfire-perk and going into rut/heat (See Notes).
  • implemented player.isDraconic(softCap = false), which checks for dragonScore() > 6 or >= 4 with softCap = true. Should make things easier, when checking for being considered a dragon-morph/-whatever.
  • Hummus now removes the Dragonfire Perk.

Snippet of the Rear body type constants:

// rearBodyType
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_NONE:int = 0;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_MANE:int = 1;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_SPIKES:int = 2; // Maybe later and if Ember has no mane.
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_BEHEMOTH:int = 3; // NYI, Its just there as an example.


  • Changes from the previous diff-file are, that I've implemented the methods player.hasNormalNeck() and player.hasDragonNeck and that your tallness depends on your neck length above 2in
  • It doesn't make any sense to me to gain the oviposition-perk from Ember. If Ember is a female and you are a male, you can't get pregnant. Same thing, if you TFed from male to female. If Ember is an ovipositor and you are female or herm, you'll lay dragon eggs by default, meaning: you don't need the perk for that.
  • About the dragonScore requirement: Since you could TF to full-lizan without being displayed as a dragon-morph/.man/-girl/-taur in the appearance tab, I've raised the dragonScore requirement to be above 6.
    In the emberTFs()-method where the comments say, that they require being considered dragon-morph, so I've changed that as well.
  • player.isDraconic() has a soft cap, which checks for the old >=4 requirement. As of now its only used for the max stat bonus requirements. Softcap not tested, since I'm not in the mood of waiting for Benoit to sell hummus (again...) to test, if the softcap works properly.
  • Maybe I'll add some more methods, like this. e. G. hasDragonWings(), hasBatWings(), hasLeatherWings() combining both and so on.
  • TODO: Saving and loading won't store/restore your neck length (Shouldn't break your saves)
  • TODO: Make it possible to reduce neck length and/or restore it to normal size, when TFing away from dragon and/or using hummus.


  • 25.06.2016 22:10 CEST: Lizan-taur upgrade
  • 26.06.2016 00:47 CEST: dragonScore requirement > 6 in emberTFs, too
  • 26.06.2016 01:56 CEST: Hummus now removes the Dragonfire-perk and implemented played.isDraconic(softCap = false)

Patch file:
View attachment 3989

I know i'm gonna feel really dumb to ask this but, how do i put this on the game?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I know i'm gonna feel really dumb to ask this but, how do i put this on the game?

Get mod source (it is open), apply a patch, compile.

I've created a fork on GitHub yesterday. I'll add the link to the main post about the patch soon.

PS: Please refrain from full-quoting my main post about my patch. I don't know, how the mods here see this, but IMHO this is useless bloat/spam.

btw: Here are some screens of the Neck TF-states:

If you find any mistakes or think, it could be improved/expanded, tell me. I'm terrible, when it comes to creativity. Took me roughly 2+ hours to write the text. Okay, with some pauses to think, how the short story should go.