TiTsEd - A save editor (FLASH VERSION ONLY)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Adding options for editor that aren't allowed by game normaly could lead to some issues later. So as long devs not allow having more than one type of tails (which I not think happen) having such thing in editor could lead to later people complain that their saves seems to be borked and forgetting it may been due to having stuff that game not support.

Kinda of crude thing but do we want later on have troubles with out perfectly edited PC due to using something uncovered by game engine?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Adding options for editor that aren't allowed by game normaly could lead to some issues later. So as long devs not allow having more than one type of tails (which I not think happen) having such thing in editor could lead to later people complain that their saves seems to be borked and forgetting it may been due to having stuff that game not support.

Kinda of crude thing but do we want later on have troubles with out perfectly edited PC due to using something uncovered by game engine?


I don't think that it can cause that kind of troubles. Some weirdshit in some scenes is much more likely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah it not much of issue now but: give them thumb and they gonna rip your arm later. By starting with editor editing such not much game breaking thinks in future people could come with more weird ideas what to edit.

So would be nice if this editor would edit all that is normal from game code pov. At least I wouldn't demand editor do much more....am I weirdo or what then? I dunno.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonsense, the whole point of an editor is to mess around. If anything you should know before you use one that you could mess with your save. I mean, CoCEd let you mess with all the flags.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Whooooooops, ranged weapons exist in the data just I made a typo in the type for them.

Can't do anything in the save that the save doesn't have options for. Because one they wouldn't work, and two they wouldn't work, and three your save wouldn't load. Perks, maybe eventually, gonna add a few more base options first (not tonight), and ass stuff (just no real motivation to get in what is literally just a copy of the vagina stuff just relabeled ass).

Anyway, updated to 0.8.2 fixing the ranged weapon issue, the missing demonic horns and the error message when loading certain files. See original post for download. As always use at your own risk.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Large demonic wings are missing. But yeah thanks for this editor man.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also would be good to have

* Vulpine race support for eyes, tongue, arms, cocks and tail genitals.
* Tailcunt flag.
* refractoryRate for balls
* Uniball
* Genital Slit
* Free input for hair style
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
It would also be nice to be able to edit the PC's ass/butthole : )

You're doing a great job on the editor btw, thanks !


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Adding  Vulpine race is easy, except that there are no descriptions in game for these things if I remember correctly, making it somewhat pointless.

Tailcunt was not in the VALID_TAIL_FLAGS array, so I forgot it. Added in my copy, just needed to add '<TailFlag ID="42" Name="Tailcunt" />' to the data file.

I previously did not know what refractoryRate was for.

Uniball is only currently available to NPCs and even if it wasn't it is a status effect which I currently do not support (support is a ways off). Genital Slit is also a status effect.

Free input for hairstyle isn't impossible.

Ass editing is something that has been on the todo list for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There was added fox TF to game so if you know how to look at github you could find what body parts are needed for game to see PC as fox chara and then look for desc for those body parts. Kinda many things you can dig out of github for tits that can be used in editor ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't if this is a bug or the game is just not cooperating but, whenever I make two tails or more of other tail types besides feline it only mentions only one of them in the appearance.

Also with leg descrips, whenever I put other flags like digitigrade, scaled, chitinous, etc on other leg types, there is no mention of those flags in the appearance. Again don't know if it's a bug of some kind or the game is just not agreeing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Only if someone would write corresponding appearance descriptions.

I doubt anyone would be up for that. Cause I'm pretty that the appearance can be frustrating or a nightmare to work on considering how there are so many variables in there and probably even more with the editor letting us mix and match with whatever the hell we want.

But then again, is it even hard to do any of hat?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I not think it would be hard to do this Infa. First game need to check for conditions in code so it would be type of tail and then it amount, then it would be looking if for such combination is set some desc so it mostly for now wirting all those desc as puttin it in code should be easier.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I doubt anyone would be up for that. Cause I'm pretty that the appearance can be frustrating or a nightmare to work on considering how there are so many variables in there and probably even more with the editor letting us mix and match with whatever the hell we want.

But then again, is it even hard to do any of hat?


It's quite easy to do for one particular combination. But a number of possible combinations...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's quite easy to do for one particular combination. But a number of possible combinations...

That's what I'm wondering, if anyone is even willing to do it because of the insane amount combinations that can come from the editor.

I mean I would love to mix and match things from arms, legs, tails, etc. But alas, are not able to because of current game limitations, 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It's just a String, no?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Quick question, can we get Debug items shunted into a different category? Because I tried to edit a save to let me use the Tachyon Beam Laser (Because why not), but it made it so that TiTS wouldn't load the save. Swapping it for Khan's Arc Caster fixed the problem though.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Quick question, can we get Debug items shunted into a different category? Because I tried to edit a save to let me use the Tachyon Beam Laser (Because why not), but it made it so that TiTS wouldn't load the save. Swapping it for Khan's Arc Caster fixed the problem though.


Which version of TiTs are you using? Because the save editor uses the latest backer build and the website uses the public build. Backer builds sometimes have items that public builds don't, so when you try to add them to your game (if you are using the public build) it doesn't recognise the item, which causes errors.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Is it possible to make Platinum 190 available in the items section?

im 10% sure that counts as a key item, so it would be whenever he decides to add key items.