CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
IIRC, the Beautiful sword is stronger by about 3 or 5 attack points but the Scarred Blade has a higher critical hit rate. 

You can acquire the Scarred Blade after getting Sheila's corruption to 100 and obtaining her lethicite. She'll warn you that she wont be able to control herself once she reaches 90, so I recommend you select the "listen" button so that you don't have to fight her to corrupt her. Afterwards, make sure your corruption is at 100 before you meet her again, have sex with her, and then the transformation scene should occur where she gives you her lethicite, which you can take back to Tel'Adre's Weapon Shop to have the sword made after 14 days. Bear in mind, if your corruption is below a certain amount w/o the tolerance perk, the sword will retaliate against you and try to kill you if you attempt to pick it up again. If you win, you will break the sword, causing it's attack value to be 1/2 it's original form, becoming the Broken Scarred Blade.

Oooh okay. The Scarred Blade requires you to corrupt Shelia, that makes sense, being that you need to actively corrupt her to make that a possibility.

That being said, I have to wonder if you can't have other options of obtaining it. I mean there is other lethicite's in the game. The one you can get if you corrupt Marae for example, or the one that you get from the giant statue in the Fortress... maybe it just hasn't been added yet?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Oooh okay. The Scarred Blade requires you to corrupt Shelia, that makes sense, being that you need to actively corrupt her to make that a possibility.

That being said, I have to wonder if you can't have other options of obtaining it. I mean there is other lethicite's in the game. The one you can get if you corrupt Marae for example, or the one that you get from the giant statue in the Fortress... maybe it just hasn't been added yet?

Well, each lethicite has their own uses; Marae's lethicite has 3 different functions, one being to build a thorn canopy around the camp's perimeter (the original wall in vanilla CoC), another is to obtain the Hellfire from the Hellhound Master in the Mountains (you have to be a dog morph 1st w/midnight black hair&fur), and the last one is to create "Tentacle Jojo". The stone statue lethicite is only used to purify Lethice if you haven't corrupted Marae at all. Other than that, there's the Lethicite Armor and Scepter, which can both be obtained after defeating Lethice, although the scepter was replaced by the whip, so you'll have to play one of the previous releases if you want that...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If there would be added soemwhere free to find lethice (well that knowing all demons attraction to it shouldn't happen in first place) then it could be used as other way to get scarred blade. I would say finding in some way lethice in Blight Ridge would be totaly fine (since it location where PC can find ONLY demon type of enemies like imps, incubus, succubus or omnibus). Or find it in Demon Mine.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
If there would be added soemwhere free to find lethice (well that knowing all demons attraction to it shouldn't happen in first place) then it could be used as other way to get scarred blade. I would say finding in some way lethice in Blight Ridge would be totaly fine (since it location where PC can find ONLY demon type of enemies like imps, incubus, succubus or omnibus). Or find it in Demon Mine.

The only way I could see the Demon Mine idea coming into action is after you've corrupted Marae. Since the is the main goddess over all of Mareth, corrupting her should corrupt the world itself. Realistically speaking, however, the planet itself doesn't have an actual soul, so according to the game's lore about lethicite, that couldn't work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The only way I could see the Demon Mine idea coming into action is after you've corrupted Marae. Since the is the main goddess over all of Mareth, corrupting her should corrupt the world itself. Realistically speaking, however, the planet itself doesn't have an actual soul, so according to the game's lore about lethicite, that couldn't work.

Well I think you not entirely quessing what I mean by Demon Mine ;) But that will hopefully someday added Dung for Xianxia...


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
If there would be added soemwhere free to find lethice (well that knowing all demons attraction to it shouldn't happen in first place) then it could be used as other way to get scarred blade. I would say finding in some way lethice in Blight Ridge would be totaly fine (since it location where PC can find ONLY demon type of enemies like imps, incubus, succubus or omnibus). Or find it in Demon Mine.

I'm almost positive lethicite is the crystallized soul that's expelled once a creature is fully corrupted.  If that's the case there's no way it can just form spontaneously in the ground, you need a living being to be corrupted first.  In other words, a lethicite mine would contradict the game's established lore.

Edit:  Oops, didn't realize Jiffler already made that point.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I'm almost positive lethicite is the crystallized soul that's expelled once a creature is fully corrupted.  If that's the case there's no way it can just form spontaneously in the ground, you need a living being to be corrupted first.  In other words, a lethicite mine would contradict the game's established lore.

Edit:  Oops, didn't realize Jiffler already made that point.

It's cool.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm almost positive lethicite is the crystallized soul that's expelled once a creature is fully corrupted.  If that's the case there's no way it can just form spontaneously in the ground, you need a living being to be corrupted first.  In other words, a lethicite mine would contradict the game's established lore.

Actual that Demon Mine I got in mind is totaly fine with game lore but I can't till it actualy happen explain it to you -_-' So sorry but I can't spoil the suprise on this one :/


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, now you've gone and peaked my interests, Ormael. Sounds like you've got a plot twist to make the Mine a thing.

Truth is you can never run into too much story content, even in a porn game like CoC; the story is a part of it and partly what makes CoC CoC, just like it does for the mods, TiTS, FoE, and others. Anything to make the game world seem more organic is always a good thing. Having an event or location pop up in game that seemingly defies the expected rules of lore, but in a surprisingly legitimate way is a good way to building more story to the game. It's a surprise that can throw people for a loop.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I got planned plot twist that will I hope people gasp in suprise about: It can be done that way? :D

I would try ad dit in one of 0.7 versions so to not make people wait for ages now it attract attention.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I recall the stash has an extra box found in glacial rift


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Glacial rift and bog was tow laces for additional chests. Thou I not sure if Spike meant those chests or some way to extend storage beyond those three chests so my reply was for that option of going for more than 14 slots of storage.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Due to the way storage is working in CoC, extending it is quite difficult.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's indeed little weird but aftr one get a gist of doing it extending storage space is puny easy ^^

Question is after havingg like...let me see 14+24+9+12+60 storage space slots aside 10 inventory slots it's point you ask...ummm do I got so many items to store in those all slots? Unless some want gather tons fo TF items then yeah it's way too small storage space still.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bro Body perm perk like moving between each NG tier?

I dunno if it good thing. Ascention supposed to clean PC almost fully letting you do even all exactly oposite from last game. Some event perks are allowed to been kept but other one perks not. But it could be done something like add new option to spend ascention points to buy Bro/Bimbo/Futa Body perk for next NG tier so PC would start with this perk already. I think best solution as you will need spend those points if you want keep it.

EDIT: Speaking of this it gave me some not bad idea that would I think soon try put in use in xianxia mod Spike ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Kitteh6660 Would you be against I look over some of the things you got put on Revamp trello and possible code it in my mod? Ofc after that as long you come and say you want code I would do asap PR at Revamp github.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Brawler perk is still in code it just that only Urta use it during UrtaQuest. There is note in code about possiblity of Urta teaching it to PC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@Ormael Go ahead.

I'll be working on 1.3.24 patch. This will include revamp to cabin construction texts. In addition, Ember will become harder the more you beat her in a spar. She can even go up to level 30! Good luck. That's not all. There will be more tweaks and fixes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok. Then for sure I would look at Town ruins things (this with scavenging for materials) and when I got to Owca X-pack that would be know mroe widely as Archery X-pack will look at Vapula expansion.