Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
This guys words.

You seem like a person who is loyal to his friends.

So I'm sorry for snapping on a forum at you.

I tend to be a bit of an asshole when I'm sleep deprived?

Otherwise I'm a happy go lucky, bundle of energy!!! :D

Anyways, back to the subject at hand.

I suppose after reading the entire blog post from Hbomb (btw I tend to not believe anything without written facts).

My general conclusion was that, holding off on supporting a game by either of them with actual money is a good idea.

Since I don't know if the other person will fuck with said other persons new project.

You know, as some petty revenge.

And I don't see Hbomb as being mature enough, not to do said thing.

I don't take sides, since I prefer to stay in the neutral party area.

Because you know...we have snacks at that party. <3


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Aside the whole drama that just happened with Breeding Season, S-Purple has a notorious background for abandoning his projects halfway through... and NOBODY in their right minds want to see that in videogame developer, specially the kind that is asking for public funding through Patreon. So now I ask myself - what guarantees do I have this guy won't do it again? What are the chances of him actually delivering a decent, finished product? Even if his loyalty and resolve were no issue this time around, there's another problem in the horizon - S-Purple and H-Bomb are on the verge of starting a legal dispute over the art assets used on Breeding Season, that were his works, but because of a contract signed between the two, are now stalled on a tug-o-war-like stance. Until that is settled (if ever) I would abstain from supporting this guy and any projects that involve using BS's assets (or similar).

And if his past transgressions aren't enough to dissuade you... well.... good luck. I'm on the fence about it because, if I support him, knowing full well what happened, then I'm basically saying what he did is right and there's nothing to be worried about... but on the other hand how long should a grudge last till the guilty party learns their lesson? Its not fair beating a guy forever and ruin his entire business (and life) over past mistakes... that is, assuming he learns. Its a shame because 'Cloud Meadows' is basically Breeding Season... but with more interesting features.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I'm approaching this game with one phrase in mind. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

He burned once before and just did it again. That proves to me that he is a high risk of not giving me any return for a dollar. The risk factor alone should make even a gambler pause. So I'm not giving that project one red cent because I'm going to err on the side of taking smart risks with my well-deserved money. No matter what happens, I'm not touching cloud meadow even if it's the last game on earth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I still stand by my opinion Cloud Meadows is Breeding Season with Blackjack and Hookers, but I will play the game at least once if there is ever a public release of it. That is as far as I will go for playing it. If it only becomes available for backers for some reason, I'll play an older version of Breeding Season out of spite. xD


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
I know I get indirectly paid by it every now and then but what amounts to paying for a MMO subscription every month for game development is just the most mind boggling thing for my poor and irish self. 

Fuck... I never thought about it like that, but then how can one justify TiTs' crowd-funding and patreon? And it's just CYOA text game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Fuck... I never thought about it like that, but then how can one justify TiTs' crowd-funding and patreon? And it's just CYOA text game.

Crowd funding is a way for people with money to burn to fund things that would otherwise never see the light of day.  It's a way to create things that publishers and investors would never support or without compromising the original vision.  The main downside is that these are usually very high risk projects and it's best to assume that you'll never get back the money you put towards any form of crowd funding.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For those who are interested, S-Purple is doing a Livestream for some of the stuff or Cloud Meadows. They recently announced it on their blog: (Livestream has ended.)
P.S: I sadly didn't post the Livestream link on time.  What I saw in the Livestream was that they were working on a few monsters, and there was a little talk about a demo being launched soon. I have no idea if it'll be a public launch, or a backer's launch.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Aside the whole drama that just happened with Breeding Season, S-Purple has a notorious background for abandoning his projects halfway through... 

Name three projects he's abandoned outside of Breeding Season -- and, no: Broquest doesn't count. He was never "part" of the project in any official capacity outside of supplying concept art for it. (This isn't meant to be mean; i'm honestly curious if people actually have details -- outside of Broquest -- that make any of this "notorious background," true.)

So now I ask myself - what guarantees do I have this guy won't do it again? What are the chances of him actually delivering a decent, finished product?

The fact that he's completed his contractual obligations to three other games, one of which was published last year in its entirety?

For those who are interested, S-Purple is doing a Livestream for some of the stuff or Cloud Meadows. They recently announced it on their blog: (Livestream has ended.)
P.S: I sadly didn't post the Livestream link on time.  What I saw in the Livestream was that they were working on a few monsters, and there was a little talk about a demo being launched soon. I have no idea if it'll be a public launch, or a backer's launch.

News from the Patreon and elsewhere says the following:

  1. They've found and are going to pay a temporary programmer to help them get things going while vetting/negotiating with a permanent programmer they've recently found.
  2. They plan to have a demo of the game -- presumably for backers -- out by July 30th.
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Oct 14, 2015
If they can actually produce a reasonable demo before their deadline I'll accept that this is a good faith effort to produce a game and not an attempt to milk the last few pennies out of BS's corpse. Even if it's not a project I'd be interested in backing myself - I don't think they realize the scope of what they're attempting.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Why does it matter? Stop a second, here, let's sound this one out;

People aren't going to read. They never rear, by all means trust me I know people don't read based on this one little crevice of the internet alone. They aren't going to research, they aren't going to care. It doesn't matter if people don't have faith in the person day one, or day ninety. If Cloud Meadow gets under way and looks good and promising, people will flock to it. They don't need to flock to the developer. It's a waste of energy trying to defend him, people gonna nay-say. They'll come around later. Shrug.

Fuck... I never thought about it like that, but then how can one justify TiTs' crowd-funding and patreon? And it's just CYOA text game.

I am not sure I would ever fund something via patreon, so. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Why does it matter? Stop a second, here, let's sound this one out;

People aren't going to read. They never rear, by all means trust me I know people don't read based on this one little crevice of the internet alone. They aren't going to research, they aren't going to care. It doesn't matter if people don't have faith in the person day one, or day ninety. If Cloud Meadow gets under way and looks good and promising, people will flock to it. They don't need to flock to the developer. It's a waste of energy trying to defend him, people gonna nay-say. They'll come around later. Shrug.

I am not sure I would ever fund something via patreon, so. 

Quoted for truth.

I aired my concerns before but really it all comes down to this - deliver the product as promised and I'll be happy. Whoever the developer is and what they've done in the past is of little significance after that. We all have our own problems to deal with so whatever little drama you have to deal with as a developer it doesn't really matter to us so long as you keep delivering results. I know it sounds selfish but for the most part its the truth.
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Did you like the idea of Breeding Season? Well good, because Cloud Meadow is S-Purple's new project. I saw that someone couldn't find it, and that's it's name. Stay Cheeki Breeki!

After what he did to Breeding Season why do you expect anything better from this?

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
After what he did to Breeding Season why do you expect anything better from this?

what did he do to breeding season cuz i assure you the mass exodus and the fact it wasn't getting developed wasn't his doing, he just made it so dumb people shoveling money into nothing would at least be dumb and shovel money into his thing which could be something, maybe??

Probably not, as it's still a video game being made over the internet. I wish I got 4k a month. (I wish Sierra Lee got 4k a month, geez.)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Breeding season made a lot of questionable decisions aside from hiring Purple.  It was already going downhill before Purple rekt it.  

Lets not play the assign the blame game

Instaid, lets agree to NEVER contribute funds to Cloud Meadow

and if it actually produces a half decent game, judge it on its merits. 


May 4, 2016
I agree that it is hasty to give anything/anyone money on patreon, but why should CM in particular get no money ever?


Jun 24, 2016
I agree that it is hasty to give anything/anyone money on patreon, but why should CM in particular get no money ever?

I wager that it's an attempt to see if S-Purple can use his own funding and produce work. It's a far too harsh method, however, as it's the sort of mentality that will almost certainly ensure it dies or takes years to push out.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
I dunno if I'd recommend pledging anything to their project yet though. There could be legal fallout between the two warring parties that might put a kink in this new project.

Dealing with all of these in order, sorry, I'm new to this particular forum and not used to making the edits on other things. Sorry it took me so long to come around here and see this thread.

Anyway, on the first comment. There is no chance of legal fallout, period. There is nothing to sue for, except, perhaps, defamation, and that would be against HBomb. He took down the assets, we aren't using his writing, coding, or any of his original designs or names. It's a null set, and the contract insures that no lawyer will possibly take his case. If anything kills this project, it will not be that.

Aside the whole drama that just happened with Breeding Season, S-Purple has a notorious background for abandoning his projects halfway through... and NOBODY in their right minds want to see that in videogame developer, specially the kind that is asking for public funding through Patreon. So now I ask myself - what guarantees do I have this guy won't do it again? What are the chances of him actually delivering a decent, finished product? Even if his loyalty and resolve were no issue this time around, there's another problem in the horizon - S-Purple and H-Bomb are on the verge of starting a legal dispute over the art assets used on Breeding Season, that were his works, but because of a contract signed between the two, are now stalled on a tug-o-war-like stance. Until that is settled (if ever) I would abstain from supporting this guy and any projects that involve using BS's assets (or similar).

And if his past transgressions aren't enough to dissuade you... well.... good luck. I'm on the fence about it because, if I support him, knowing full well what happened, then I'm basically saying what he did is right and there's nothing to be worried about... but on the other hand how long should a grudge last till the guilty party learns their lesson? Its not fair beating a guy forever and ruin his entire business (and life) over past mistakes... that is, assuming he learns. Its a shame because 'Cloud Meadows' is basically Breeding Season... but with more interesting features.

I'm approaching this game with one phrase in mind. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

He burned once before and just did it again. That proves to me that he is a high risk of not giving me any return for a dollar. The risk factor alone should make even a gambler pause. So I'm not giving that project one red cent because I'm going to err on the side of taking smart risks with my well-deserved money. No matter what happens, I'm not touching cloud meadow even if it's the last game on earth.

The idea that S-Purple has a trail of dead projects to his credit isn't true. Broquest died because of reasons entirely unrelated to S-Purple's work. In fact, all of his work is what made Broquest famous on /v/, and further, the reason he was left holding the bag for that particular thing is that he was the most vocal and prominent supporter of the project for so long. But you can't make a game if there's no programmers working on it. That's just fact. And when the less senior members of the team, who kept bloating the design documents, demanded that they switch to full 3d? That's when S-Purple and the other senior members on the project jumped ship and closed the whole thing down. He has other completed projects to his name, and ONE incomplete project which him leaving probably did kill, but he left it because he had to choose between it and Breeding Season at the time. So make of that what you will? Is he wrong for pulling out of a project that wasn't paying him money to work on the one he was accepting money to work on? That's up to you.

If they can actually produce a reasonable demo before their deadline I'll accept that this is a good faith effort to produce a game and not an attempt to milk the last few pennies out of BS's corpse. Even if it's not a project I'd be interested in backing myself - I don't think they realize the scope of what they're attempting.

We actually do. I work in the professional industry and 'scope' is all about figuring out exactly what the resources are that you have on hand, and then applying a gradiated set of goals. We have the things we must have, the things we'd like to have, the absolutely unessential things that would be nice to have, and then the bloat goals which are "if we have the spare time and it's easy to put it in without any effort" goals (for example: Princess Carry Yotten)

If they can actually produce a reasonable demo before their deadline I'll accept that this is a good faith effort to produce a game and not an attempt to milk the last few pennies out of BS's corpse. Even if it's not a project I'd be interested in backing myself - I don't think they realize the scope of what they're attempting.

That's our goal. If we can't make that, then we don't deserve your patronage.

After what he did to Breeding Season why do you expect anything better from this?

That's what we're trying to prove by putting out a working, base line, demo on July 30th.

Breeding season made a lot of questionable decisions aside from hiring Purple.  It was already going downhill before Purple rekt it.  

Lets not play the assign the blame game

Instaid, lets agree to NEVER contribute funds to Cloud Meadow

and if it actually produces a half decent game, judge it on its merits. 

If that's how you feel? Then yeah, you should never contribute funds. I hope we can prove you wrong though. We know we have ground to recover on trust, but that's what we're going to do.

accidently quoted this one sorry >_<;


New Member
Jul 21, 2016
One thing I'll give it is at least they decided to not make the harpy look like a child again. But, on the other hand, damn if they didn't lower the cup sizes on everyone by a huge degree.

Well, i admit that using the excuse of making harpies to look like childs while using their capacity to fly with a body like that something absurd, i can't imagine a harpy with a body of the size of a regular human with a regular or huge cup size because it would be as equally absurd for the same reason (size aside normal or/and huge jugs on monster girls are petty decoration to lure male audience since it would obviously be a burden to them (except the non-fighting holstaur the only exception is when the monster girls have childs)

As stated before, people are jumping too quickly to the wagon ignoring the possible conflict that might or might not come later, if S-Purple cannot keep the game alive (if) after everything is ok then he is the one that has to deal with those who paid (if he does); admitedly games like this and even TiTS are never a stable business since the games are just projects in eternal developement until several years (or decades) later when the game is finished or when it fails/has to be abandoned, is not just a company that dedicates to constantly make games and sell them, formed by a considerable size team to later expand them with extra content.

Although the people paying right now are the ones that are keeping the project alive.

Expecting for Cloud Meadow to be an exact clone of Breeding Season would be just dumb since it appears that Cloud Meadow aims to turn into something greater that just mating a with b to get c or just harvest from a to obtain b to sell it to c with some special events.

I find the whole argument of who is right and who is wrong is petty pointess, errors were made, it was done in... not the best way and we still have to see how the things will develop, anger and hate due personal reasons is something that doesn't have to (and it shouldn't) affect the game being made..

Also, if you don't like this kind of game then please don't bother coming here just to make a post about not collaborating on a game or supporting them because you never liked it because doesn't look like a smart thing to do (something like willingly eating a sample of a food that you don't like just to complain because you don't like it).

It is sad to see what happened to Breeding Season but there is this new game being made and we still don't how it will even turn out to be when the demo is out, it would be dumb to just not play it because you are angry about what happened, so let's just chill and hope for the best, then enjoy when the demo is out and decide if you want to support it or not.

Also for those who wonder, i scrolled a little on the patreon page and Male MC "might" be implemented on alpha 1.04
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Oct 14, 2015
We actually do. I work in the professional industry and 'scope' is all about figuring out exactly what the resources are that you have on hand, and then applying a gradiated set of goals. We have the things we must have, the things we'd like to have, the absolutely unessential things that would be nice to have, and then the bloat goals which are "if we have the spare time and it's easy to put it in without any effort" goals (for example: Princess Carry Yotten)

Personally, I'd call the proposed farming sim element to be the first instance of bloat. I don't think very many of your backers have a turnip fetish, and I think it'll be a time consuming feature to design and implement in a way that's rewarding and entertaining without bogging down the rest of the game. I'll remain skeptical for the time being, but hey, you've got 9 whole days to prove the doubters wrong.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2016
Personally, I'd call the proposed farming sim element to be the first instance of bloat. I don't think very many of your backers have a turnip fetish, and I think it'll be a time consuming feature to design and implement in a way that's rewarding and entertaining without bogging down the rest of the game. I'll remain skeptical for the time being, but hey, you've got 9 whole days to prove the doubters wrong.

Well a counterpoint to the whole farming sim thing is the successful stardew valley. People ate that up like it was their last meal, granted though it is a very specific audience. It's all about finding those niches, Personally I'm hoping this is like a harvest moon game except with tons of unnecessary sex.


May 4, 2016
Personally, I'd call the proposed farming sim element to be the first instance of bloat. I don't think very many of your backers have a turnip fetish, and I think it'll be a time consuming feature to design and implement in a way that's rewarding and entertaining without bogging down the rest of the game. I'll remain skeptical for the time being, but hey, you've got 9 whole days to prove the doubters wrong.

What made you think we would be harvesting turnips?

I kinda expect something that is just as smutty as everything that is going on in the barns (or wherever the monster is kept). I'm pretty sure people can come up with pervy fruits and vegetables that can be used for *ahem* improper activities


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Well a counterpoint to the whole farming sim thing is the successful stardew valley. People ate that up like it was their last meal, granted though it is a very specific audience. It's all about finding those niches, Personally I'm hoping this is like a harvest moon game except with tons of unnecessary sex.

personally hoping to see something along the lines of Harvest Moon: Rune Factory w/ sex. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I always thought the appeal Breeding Season was people wanted a porny farm sim game and no other existed.


Apr 2, 2016
I think people are viewing this completely unreasonably. A patreon isn't a purchase, it isn't a kickstarter, and honestly though it's pretty close it isn't even a donation.

Yes it's a crowdfunding website, but at no point are you paying for the creation of a completed project, you are only paying for the next ____ listed on the project. I believe in the case of Breeding Season this was the MONTH. You are not buying a completed work, you are not paying for a work to be completed, your money only exist to fund the work FOR THAT MONTH, S-Purple owed no obligation beyond what is mentioned in his contract with HBomb which because of HBOMB'S own mistakes left S-Purple with basically no obligation, risk, or responsibility.

Backers paid a group of people who didn't have much to show for themselves a lot of money as an incentive for them to keep working. S-Purple as a person whether he was right or wrong looked at the situation the project was in, just as a lot of backers did and believed there wasn't much that was going to come out of the project, he made the decision to do with HIS time another project he felt had a better chance at success, who knows why the project took the downward turn it did, but it did.

And here is where people are probably going to disagree with me but, Breeding Season has ceased production, and that wouldn't have happened if S-Purple 1.Sold the assets 2. Continued to work on it. But ceasing production and being dead are two completely different things. The project was dead for a long time, and had he not made the decisions he did the game would have continued to flounder and drain people's money for something he believed that was never going to produce anything of worth.

And honestly it wasn't S-Purple's game, the failure of the project can't ever be solely on him, he was given 50% of the income as an art contractor, which is the most retarded financial decisions HBomb could have made, even throwing away his ability as the creator to have the complete and final say over it's development which patreon gave him the ability to keep for basically no reason when another artist could have done better for half that. As a leader it was his fault for giving S-Purple that contract that kept him from firing s-purple the moment he failed to produce work that HBomb wanted. The two people are an artist and a coder, neither of them are leaders or even competent project managers but 4000(?) people thought that they were worth giving thousands of dollars to.

If you don't believe in Cloud Meadows or w/e that is perfectly fine, but don't pretend like "it's high risk" "or I won't see any return" YOU WILL NEVER SEE A RETURN on any patreon. You aren't investing, you aren't going to get any money out of backing you are throwing money at a group of people on this internet whether it's for TITs, Carnal Souls, Breeding season or w/e for them to give them incentive to create that update that puts a check in their account.

TL;DR Breeding Season was doomed long before S-purple left, S-purple's art isn't that great but he got a shit ton of money and that's Hbomb's fault. Patreon/Kickstarter is a money dump for people with disposable income.

This was way longer than it should have been for a game I never played.

If you are going to back something on patreon... at least see if the person running has done ANYTHING to completion, even being a part of someone else's thing.
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Oct 14, 2015
What made you think we would be harvesting turnips?

I kinda expect something that is just as smutty as everything that is going on in the barns (or wherever the monster is kept). I'm pretty sure people can come up with pervy fruits and vegetables that can be used for *ahem* improper activities

I think you could make a fun farming sim with sex. I think you could make a fun dungeon crawler with sex. I think you could make a fun breeding sim with sex. I think doing two of the three at the same time would be challenging but doable. I think doing all three at once is a terrible idea.


Oct 9, 2015
--Game looks good though and I'm seriously hoping S-Purple can get it off the ground without having to deal with HBomb's shit and the fallout caused by it even more than they already have.

How the fuck it looks good if there's not even a game? You can just make pretty art and call it a "game". 

Anyway, hope it's a serious thing this time, for all of those people that got fucked. But I wouldn't back, not a cent to this. I would actually play the public release. I do hope, for peoples sake, that you are right on defending this guy and that whatever you see to put even your own word for the man, actually exists, and the project gets finished, because you have been defending him pretty heavily.

Besides the point, and what I keep saying I know, I'm sorry, is that how does S believes he is entitled to more money. That's not showing honesty for the cause when he can't even use part of the thousands he got to fund his project. The man can't even cash out a lil bit before starting his new project. Fuck, his first post, his annoucement was a big fucking Ad for his new non-existant game. The only way he could have done this worse is if he said he found this new project, and that he decided to start with 69 drawings, and that it was the best feeling ever.

I don't know how the hell guys in USA do stuff, but in most places, and related to engineering you have to obtain a large sum of money to atleast create your prototype, to go beyond a proof of concept before even thinking of asking for money. And even then, for example in most of the cases for 3D printers and several kickstarter projects, it doesn't even pay off for a lack of many, many things. And I'm baffled to see it has a fuck ton of money right now.

I knew we were thirsty, but damn...
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
I disagree with the idea that creators do not owe their patrons a game, I think it depends entirely on the circumstances of the Patreon. If they state from the beginning that the money is only a donation, fair enough, the patrons can expect nothing from the people involved. However, if the creator tells the supporters that the money is going towards the creation of content, then they enter into a good faith agreement, and have a duty to provide said content. This duty does not come solely from maintaining good business relations (maintaining / gaining pledges), but the duty we have to be honest and forthright when dealing with others. Take, for example, Kant's famous shopkeeper in the Groundwork. If he charges everybody the same prices out of selfish motives because he wants his business to do well, and not because it is the fair thing to do, his actions have no real moral worth.

However you feel about S-Purple, whether you are a supporter, his new project manager, or a hater, he has acted in bad faith by any imaginable standard. He had a moral imperative to act a certain way, and did not do so. He may not have actually defrauded people, but he has certainly acted unethically; this is beyond doubt. Whether you want to give him the benefit of the doubt is completely up to you, and while I'm certainly not suggesting everybody should suddenly take up the categorical imperative, I would remind you of the old adage, 'a man is only as good as his word'.
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