Cloud 10

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015


It’s the year 2335. At the edge of humanity’s galactic empire lies the Astanten Nebula, a region that defies all attempts to be studied or conquered. Within the colloquially named Cloud 10 are unfathomably ancient shipwrecks, baffling monuments to a forgotten past, rapacious alien lifeforms, and untold treasures. Beings are drawn from all over the galaxy; hunters, cultists, scientists, scavengers, even politicians and royalty, all driven by the hope that, within the Cloud, they'll find their own personal fortune and glory.

You are one such fortune seeker. Left for dead deep within the nebula, you find yourself rescued by a strange AI. With this uncertain partnership, you must explore the cosmos, track down your betrayer, overcome greedy aliens, and ultimately uncover the truth. But how will the harsh realities of surviving in Cloud 10 change you? Will the blissful promises of safety in the infinite hands of a monstrously powerful AI be too seductive to bear? Or will you assert your own authority over her? Only you will be able to decide.


Please read the FAQ on the site for instructions on downloading, installing, and automatic self-updating.

Current Pairings: M/F, M/M, F/F
Current Fetishes: TiTS-like
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Was not expecting an active time battle-like combat system and was pleasantly surprised.

Also, that indentured servant bad end was hot.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Certainly interesting, I'll look forward to seeing how this pans out.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I gave more detailed feedback in Discord, but suffice to say I liked what I played so far (all the way up to the station). Looking very much forward to seeing how this develops!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
The writing's more than a little stiff, especially the dialogue, but it's a very good first impression!

A couple of immediate things: I'm playing it in Firefox and trying to use the mousewheel will crash the game. Since there aren't many spots where you can save I sometimes forget and end up losing everything I did on my jumps. And speaking of those they take up strangely little time. One jump seems as though it would consume several hours but it's a matter of minutes, you can easily jump for quite a while, return to the station, and it turns out you're still on the same day you left. The only way to actually pass time to any great extent for daily activities is messing around on the station.
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Aug 27, 2015
This is on our Patreon, but I'd thought it put it up here too since this is where everything started, in more than one way.

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for the generous feedback and support we’ve received so far. The positive stuff has been great to read, and the criticism has been almost universally constructive and very helpful: our busy codefish Noob Salad has already used it to squash bugs and start balancing the game to a place where we can be happy with it. These are early days, it’s frankly terrifying to throw a prototype out there when we have little to no experience designing a game ourselves, but the response has been inspiring and made us all the more determined to make Cloud 10 the game we see in our mind’s eye.

I intend to use this page to talk a bit about our design goals, both in terms of gameplay and the erotica, so you can get a sense of the kind of experience we’re trying to build. For now though, I thought the most important thing to do is set out a rough roadmap of features we intend to implement, both in the near, medium and distant future.

Near future

  • We know a lot of players are eager to get their hands on non-tutorial based TFing, and that’s one of the first things we’re aiming to get done. Because we aim for the player portrait to always display a reasonable facsimile of your described appearance, we are limiting the player to human-only transformations. But we’ll certainly have feminizing and masculizing procedures, as well as the ability to change your sex entirely, both through Iannan and other vendors. We have a lot of sexy content planned to go with some of the TFing which I think will be a hit with certain crowds.
  • Going hand-in-hand with this will be more content for Iannan. She will not be purely a vehicle for submissive content. If you have the willpower, and ability to convince her, you can choose to dominate her instead - insect-like intelligence that you might be! We’re still working out the finer details of how this will work (her planned sub content is highly detailed in comparison), but for now it will be tied to creating her physical interface platform, and plenty of scenes are planned involving that.
  • We obviously intend to keep pumping out content for Maniward, the first zone. We want each zone to have as many random encounters as possible to avoid repetition as much as possible, and I don’t wish to move on until I’m fully satisfied with each. We’re also looking at ways of refining procs so that certain encounters can’t be farmed interminably; the peril of exploration is increased; and cutting repetition down even further.
Midterm future

  • One of our primary features is the ability to explore wrecks: derelict spaceships out in the Cloud that may have been abandoned for millennia. These will contain great (erotic) risks - and potentially great rewards. This will take some time to produce, but my passion for exploring abandoned spacecraft is a key reason the game is designed the way it is, I have a ton of content lined up for it, and I can’t wait to get to it. This will certainly be done before we move on from Maniward.
  • A codex of sorts, containing lore and information about the world of Cloud 10, will be produced. A lot of stuff has already been written, it simply remains to be presented and coded in an effective, in-universe form. So if you ever wanted to know what the hell a ronavak is anyway, you won’t have long to wait.
  • Some very intriguing crew members, created by writer/editor Mont Trap and writer/musician SoAndSo, will be making your acquaintance. I can’t say when, but they’re well in production now and I’m hoping their initial content will be ready soon. They will be less abrasive than Lara, I promise!
Distant future

  • Pregnancy content is planned, or at least anticipated. We are holding off on it because right now there’s nowhere to put kids. We ultimately want to give the player a base, where a nursery could be placed - and more things to do with all those lovely warm bodies you keep finding could be made available.
  • There will be six zones in total within the nebula, of varying size, each with their own port and set of challenges... and each will advance your pursuit of the mysterious Laurent Antian. The next zone will be Ifriq, a hub of ilzuni piracy and religious devotion.
  • CGIs are planned for some of the scenes we’re happiest with, produced by our excellent artist Kite.
  • Factions are planned that you can earn both the favor and wrath of, and will affect both encounters and your entry into certain ports.
  • Once we have enough encounters to do so, we will be looking at implementing nebula modifiers: zone-wide conditions that make certain encounters more common, or affect your stats one way or another.
  • A ton of other stuff I’m either forgetting or am unable to anticipate at this stage.
So that’s our rough roadmap. I am loathe to set dates on anything because as already mentioned we’re pretty new to all of this, and one thing that writing for smut-games has taught me is that to be as flexible as the busty cat-girl you’re creating. Rest assured though that we do intend to get to all of this in the fullness of time.

That’s it for now. Thanks once again!


Mar 26, 2017
Also if there's any feedback on the music people want to provide (levels/volume, clicks or pops, etc), I'd appreciate it.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2017
Thoroughly enjoyed what content there is already, was sad when I ran out of things to do.

With the AI-Player Sub/Dom mechanic, it makes me wish for a 3rd path of parity- Having the Player convince the AI that there's no need for one to use the other in their relationship, and instead gradually meld together until it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins... Granted that would probably result in quite a bit of extra writing compared to just the Sub/Dom routes, in relation to the rest of the game :p
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
Thoroughly enjoyed what content there is already, was sad when I ran out of things to do.

With the AI-Player Sub/Dom mechanic, it makes me wish for a 3rd path of parity- Having the Player convince the AI that there's no need for one to use the other in their relationship, and instead gradually meld together until it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins... Granted that would probably result in quite a bit of extra writing compared to just the Sub/Dom routes, in relation to the rest of the game :p
Agreed on both counts. I would be amused if Iannan considers such vanilla relationships wildly deviant, as the Saeri do.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
Well, I can't get into any fights. Even in newest version, if I do anything in a combat other than Flee, I get some errors and gameplay stops.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Did you want to post the error? Sounds like you're not on the newest version.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
I went to without local data, triggered the thing in the tutorial. I got the message about downloading an update when I quit. This was confusing, since I was playing online, but what I did was quit and kill my local data, then load the page.

Doing it again now, not killing local data, the game is clearly different. No bug.

So for a while, the public release was actually still the secret public release?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There's no secret release, the FAQ explains how updates work.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
So, do I understand correctly that the goal of the game is to find a way to submitt to Iannan in ways even she does not yet realize? ^^

Joking aside, will there be a way to raise submission in a more direct manner? Or lower it whithout using favors?

I really looking forward how the Sub/Dom relationship develops and how it influences the games progression.
..The world needs more Dommy AIs like this. u_u
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Aug 27, 2015
The game is quite nice starting off and I'm definitely interested in seeing more. Not a big fan of the real time combat but as long as combat doesn't get super complex with a lot of skills/abilities/ect I suppose it works fine. Also I agree with Galanoir it would be nice to have a neutral path for Iannan where you basically merge together in a partnership but yeah it would be more writing.

We obviously intend to keep pumping out content for Maniward, the first zone. We want each zone to have as many random encounters as possible to avoid repetition as much as possible, and I don’t wish to move on until I’m fully satisfied with each. We’re also looking at ways of refining procs so that certain encounters can’t be farmed interminably; the peril of exploration is increased; and cutting repetition down even further.

One thing you could do to get rid of repetition is to pull events from a pool and only refresh the pool when its empty. So every event has to fire at least once before you see it repeat. If you wanted you could further divide up the events into smaller pools for more control so you can grab from various categories combat, distress call, shipwreck ect. Another way would be to add a cooldown for events so they can only fire every x events. Whatever you do hopefully you avoid the biggest issue these games suffer from. Which is finding new content or finding content you want instead of hitting the same event 3 times in a row.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2017
Okay, I absolutely LOVE Cloud 10 so far. The writing, setting, and music are all superb! I especially adore Iannan, and am definitely looking forward to more content for her. And hopefully more submission to her. The thought of reducing ones submission to her is....disturbing.
I do really love the symbiotic relationship that she and the PC have going, it's quite....enticing? Idk, I just love the idea of Human/AI symbiosis/synthesis. ^^

My only complaint thus far is the small number of backer tiers. I'd like to see maybe a $20 tier. Doesn't even need anything special, but something in between $10 and $100 would be nice. x3


Aug 27, 2015
My only complaint thus far is the small number of backer tiers. I'd like to see maybe a $20 tier. Doesn't even need anything special, but something in between $10 and $100 would be nice. x3

We might think about this when we have a few more rewards to entice people with. We're talking to a couple of people about becoming fulltime artists, and that could put us in a position of adding more tiers.

Thanks as ever for your incredibly kind words.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
A few questions: What is the max level planned? How many space stations are planned? Will the hostiles all have busts?
Fuel question: From the last demo i played a week or so ago, i noticed the fuel system could lead to early bad ends. Will any measures be taken to help avoid fuel loss bad ends? (From what i played fuel loss is one of the biggest dangers so far, but the game is new so i suspect that will change soon with tougher foes and what not.) Thank you for your time, and i wish you luck on your venture.


Aug 27, 2015
What is the max level planned?

There are no levels! The max you can reach in each stat is 100, but it will be difficult to reach that.

How many space stations are planned?

There will be six zones altogether. I can't say how many station there'll be at this stage, but there'll be at least 1 per zone.

Will the hostiles all have busts?


Will any measures be taken to help avoid fuel loss bad ends?

Firstly, when you run out of fuel it won't necessarily be a bad end; I intend to write a few events that'll get you out of it, at a cost. Secondly there'll be ways of increasing your fuel efficiency and how much you can carry.

Thank you for your time, and i wish you luck on your venture.

No problem, and thanks.
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Nov 14, 2016
Really been enjoying this. Question though, how do I increase performance? Been trying all the options but nothing seems to increase submission.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
The only way I found at this time would be running out of Nerve.
She "heals" your Nerve and that raises yoru submission.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Congratulations! This seems like an intriguing setup. I just played for a while.

I enjoyed the music a lot. I agree with Sidewinder's comments about the in-game clock seeming to going by slower than I would expect. Also, I just didn't notice the passage of time very often since unlike in TiTS, it seems you don't have to sleep every night.

I chose to start as a man and I was a bit surprised when I saw my body described as burly and musclebound. It wasn't a total turnoff, but I'd have preferred to have a more average build, so it was a bit disappointing when the only TF option that moved the PC closer to the body type that I intended to play as was going all the way to "trap". I'm happy to hear that more TF content is planned soon, and I'm wondering whether that will include any options for average or twinky, as opposed to outright trappy, male builds. (I also wonder whether it might make more sense to have the male PC start out instead with an average amount of musculature, and have an option to bulk up for his initial free TF.) I think the current male portrait is slim enough to be consistent with a lighter body type as well as with the musclebound type currently described in the text.
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Aug 27, 2015
I chose to start as a man and I was a bit surprised when I saw my body described as burly and musclebound.

Oh, I keep meaning to talk to Noob about this. He's got both the stock male and female builds set to max when they should be average. Hope to get that sorted soon.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Here's a teaser, Patrons will get 8 CGs in the September 5th update.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
1- can we get a version and date on title page so we can see when it's publicly updated?
2- Ship has but one gun. We can find a mining laser in on repeatable event. If we part it out and up to ship, shouldn't there be an option for AI to marry it to the ship so you also have a laser? Or is second weapon being reserved for later updates where there are bigger and badder ships attacking or chasing the player?
3- music works. doesn't get annoying. Rare to find that in a game. well done.
4- option to free frozen humancicles we save from ships and maybe make a friend instead of selling a warm body? Potential list of encounters for dance/bar or around the initial station? Some might have skills we can learn or want to hire them later when you are allowed to upgrade ship's crew?
5- if You go DOM path w/AI as a sub later. Perhaps have her ask for a crew member at some point so she can stretch her old legs so to speak again. So she too can have her own subby to play with and stay happy? Potential for voyeuristic events for player - likely similar to when you get to give AI a chance to play with pilots of the attack crafts instead of freezing them for sale.
6- any alien sex planned? other than the harpy-goblin women?
7- Bordello chance to work there to earn data or creds. Work as sub or dom or vanilla? When will bordello allow for negotiating virtue distribution with its workers?
8- when you capture or find a ship. Upgrades /fuel should be available, no? Weapons? Fuel? Data? (home base or at least sector and a comm code you can follow later?) Maybe if you have enough fuel. Tow it back for sale? (tractor beam requirement being the spare weapon slot? or a ship upgrade you can install or make or have AI create?) Maybe for pirates as ship's previous owners might have a reward out for it? Maybe mark it with a nav comm buoy and turn that in to a recovery expert who'll split profits or tell you it's just scrap and give you half... Alien ship where your AI gets to find something she can use or ship? Maybe chance of alien infection? event where AI goes all alien on you and you have to fix her (sex combat or tech trickery?)
9- Hard Data like a location of a base should have more value than just what you collect at random and sell. An asteroid that's abandoned (or crew got cabin fever and blew each other up) but still has unmined resources is worth a lot more than basic data. You could also turn one into a fuel dump so you can resupply perhaps?
10- Rescue craft/patrol craft... run low on fuel and have to call them in is embarrassing, but stray shots happen as do combat maneuvers...or ship damage w/o repair materials can happen and you need a tow truck... cost's you rep w/other pilots. Happens a lot and you'd get a rep for a nav hazard or danger to others out there.
11- personal weapons for exploration seems a necessity. no way to shoot tentacle pods. either fly over or get Hentai'd . You'd think your AI would want one of these pods to examine closely over time. (maybe more so once she has a remote body she can use?)

Like where this space opera is going and its potential. Looking forward to more public updates (bookmarked to check and play when I'm done writing)
-The Dwarf
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