Cloud 10


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I totally misread the situation with Trish. I'd assumed that option on Iannan's dialogue was how all of her submission content started. That losing your free will to her would result in your mind being replaced with that of Trish and that all of Iannan's sub content focused on bimbofication, which in turn was how she made the PC into merely being a method of her accessing her inner functions and extending her will. I glanced again at the dialogue for her again and I still get that distinct impression. I've seen now that raising her submission comes from running out of nerve (or panicking). That option about the inner voice constantly sitting in her menu unless you start the dom path is odd as there's no way to make it clear you aren't into that.

I'd missed Lara on my first run. Initially I was extremely confused about her as she seemed to be random in her appearances. After further play it looks like she has a schedule of sorts? It would be helpful to know that as near as I can tell no one else seems to have them and that's the first time the time of day has actually meant something. It looks like her content is a couple hate sex scenes at the moment? Probably a rival character then? Her note in the safe seems to imply as much.

This run I did completely fill my hold with fuel before departing, which allowed me to explore far more deep than before. In the early game, scrap is definitely the most important resource you're collecting. However once you get your stats up, data is far more readily available and I can quickly earn hundreds of it without firing a shot. So the balance is such that I don't actually care about leaving space for scrap anymore. I made it to Mehra's Fall, then did a second run after that to try and intentionally increase submission to see the event behind it. I was surprised to find that I'd still missed a few events, as I saw the reecher pod swarm only on that second long trip. Also got a chance to see the Chimera sequence if you've got enough deception to avoid an immediate battle and go into the orgy (I'd bought up all my stats by that point off of the 2k data I'd found). By the time I returned from this second trip I had found another 2k data.

I still think that having a fuel timer on your trip undermines the, 'press your luck' aspect of going into the cloud, since you already know exactly how deep you're going in before you even leave. With the ship's hull if you get damaged, there's no choice, you're just going home. Nerve on the other hand does work as a good, 'press your luck' mechanic. It's something that really makes you consider whether or not you should keep going, go back, or attempt a given event. It neither passively decays or recovers and as long as you still have some you can still take your chances and press on. The penalty for running out isn't that big at the moment and the best way to improve it is to just do whatever sex scene you can, but a player actively trying to maintain it on a long trip does have something to seriously worry about and consider their strategy for.

The initial submission event for Iannan is quite dramatic, especially for something that triggers after running out of nerve twice. Since the player cannot reduce submission before returning to the port, this also means that it's very easy to accidentally make her your mistress. You can get out of it by reducing submission and the scene is a bit awkward if done immediately. Perhaps something where the player can instantly spend favor upon returning to reject her? Maybe there should be at least one step that comes before one of you is the master and the mistress? It's very quick and abrupt at the moment. I'm glad I at least looked at the scene to see what was on offer and my original fears of Trish and that dialogue seems to have been unfounded. It doesn't look like there's any scenes for pure submission in this version.

That said, I'm inclined to suggest changing the way that submission is gained and applying a different penalty for nerve running out or some different mechanics in general on them. There isn't a conscious choice here on what you're willing to sacrifice. Instead you're choosing to undo the bonuses you gain from failing by spending favor that you might have gained from the sex scenes that actually drained that nerve in the first place. Rather than having submission be a punishment for failure and domination gained for throwing away resources for no gameplay benefit, I think it would be better if there were key moments in the story that allowed the player to determine which path they go down.

Perhaps points where the player locates ancient tech from Iannan's creators? There can be choices on how to use it that then lead to different rewards on top of the sexual content of your given path. Simply turning it over to Iannan at her demand to finally be able to integrate the player (in this proposal, she lacked the capacity to before then and her control over the player is more limited) will make the PC more pliant and under her control, strongly hinting that the PC is moving towards being locked into the submission path and they will declare her their mistress if they give her complete control of their findings again. An equal partner will use the tech to first create a lock out function on their suit, allowing them at any time to completely cut Iannan off from them (trust goes two ways) and on the second tech cache can give themselves full control of their own suit and body again. Finally a dom PC would use the tech to hack into Iannan and start reprogramming her directives to serve them instead, again after doing so twice locks the path and forces Iannan to become an extension of the PC's will. On the submission path, the AI reign's supreme and your benefits reflect how both the ship and player are highly specialized entities now. On the dominant path, the NI reigns supreme and your benefits are a more jack of all trades with emphasis on adaptability and creativity. If you pursue an equal relationship, the result is something between the two, where AI and NI use their own unique abilities to shore up the other's weaknesses.

This idea isn't intended as a literal suggestion for changing the game, but a way to illustrate how you might make all paths something that you achieve from progress and actually working with Iannan rather than from arbitrary interactions with her or randomly/intentionally losing.

  • The tooltips for actions/tests do not come up if your mouse is over the same button as the previous screen, such as when you're clicking continue after jumping forwards. I just noticed that some events have a skill check immediately with only one option. To see them, you have to move the mouse off and back on.
  • I used a laser cutter on an event about a safe in space, but didn't actually consume the charge. However I later realized I might have just got a single extra charge from another event without noticing.
  • You can repeatedly fail the tests on Mehra's Fall over and over again to grind up your stats until you either complete them by chance or meet the required skill level. You will get the nerve penalty only after you leave.
  • The 'make love not war' option isn't signposted well, I only suspected it would lead to an orgy because I'd already lost a fight to the chimera ship before. This is available after encountering the chimera with sufficiently high deception to avoid an immediate fight and opening comms.
  • Reducing your submission level does not seem to reset the submission score: "Submission: 0 / 40 Submission Level: 0"
  • Reducing submission does not trigger the reduced submission event immediately, only after you fully back out of your conversation with Iannan.
  • You keep any improvements you get from submission after reducing it to a lower level.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Trish has nothing to do with Mehra's Fall, nor does she have a submission meter. Lara has a random chance to appear at the bar.

Regarding your reports:
  • The tooltip thing was done on purpose, because the sudden appearance of it when the screen changes was jarring. In the next patch I'll make it an option.
  • I can confirm that the one place you can currently user the laser cutter will correctly decrease your charges by 1. You likely got an additional one.
  • Was the tooltip for the Poggi unavailable?
  • Everything below this has been fixed in a future version.
Thanks for the reports!

EDIT: By the way, every 5 jumps in new encounters are added to the pool.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Trish has nothing to do with Mehra's Fall, nor does she have a submission meter. Lara has a random chance to appear at the bar.

Regarding your reports:
  • The tooltip thing was done on purpose, because the sudden appearance of it when the screen changes was jarring. In the next patch I'll make it an option.
  • I can confirm that the one place you can currently user the laser cutter will correctly decrease your charges by 1. You likely got an additional one.
  • Was the tooltip for the Poggi unavailable?
  • Everything below this has been fixed in a future version.
Thanks for the reports!

Sorry, I meant the dialogue option for Iannan's dialogue which triggered Trish. Updated that part of my comment to clarify.

There was a tooltip for the Poggi, but it did not say that it would trigger a gangbang. The player just deals with the captain, I didn't see anything in that event that tells you there's more than one Poggi on the ship or that multiple will be coming over if you trigger the sex scene.


Aug 27, 2015
Quick rundown of your other points:

* Yes, data vs. scrap balance is skew whiff at the moment. Once there's stuff to actually buy, I will be looking at locking the amount of data you can off-load at Oppsharr during a single visit, and adding economic variables.

* Tying submission to story events is presumptive of us having those prepared in the first place, which was impossible. The sub meter is a little game-y but, well, it's a game.

* There are and will be ways of recovering nerve/finding fuel/repairing hull in the Cloud, so those are all variables the PC has to take into account when planning trips. Later on they will be able to spec in particular ways which favour one thing over the other, and field-wide effects that will hit one resource harder during particular times.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Naturally there's going to be a lot of placeholder content. Some of the text has jumped ahead of the actual development, such as weapon mechanics tutorials and fleeing from combat. You can also include debug/placeholder commands for changing things that cannot yet be reached so you can do more preview stuff or just focus on other things until you get to them. My main advice here is to not be married to your first idea. This is a lesson that's drilled into CS people pretty hard and is especially pertinent to video games.

Presumably even if there is going to be a mechanics change for Iannna's submission/domination content it will be some time off, so I'd recommend including a tutorial of sorts for that right now. Like I said it wasn't at all clear to me how you actually triggered her main line submission content in game and that Trish is a branch off of that submission path, not the main item. It's all part of signposting and helping players find the content they like.

With the game itself, I'll say it isn't for me at the moment. There just isn't that much sex content I'm into. I plan to keep an eye on it though to see if/when content I will like gets in. I like romantic stuff, transformation for power, top heavy women, monster girls, power struggles, gentle dom, emotion manipulation, and casual/friendly stuff. I'm not into sex machines or masturbation, so Iannan's out in the current version (though the new body is promising as some of her attitudes and behavior do push buttons). Nor tentacles, hate sex, slim bodies, or manly men. So the only stuff I did like was the farmer's daughter and somewhat the poggi content. This isn't a failure, a complaint, or a request/demand, but a statement of fact. The game's simply too early in development for me to really make a call on this account and I'm unlikely to become a patron for any adult games due to a lack of disposable income.

I am happy to give some of my time and try and help other developers though. Especially ones I've worked with before and respect.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Actually, you can get Trish while not on the submission path. You just can't get her on the dom path.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
I really like the game as a start - a bit grindy, but that can be fixed. Hopefully doesn't fall into the trap of adding character after character without making use of the transformation content.

The thing between the PC and the AI is really great. I really have been wanting to see a game like that be built where you are very much linked to another character, and they do things, you do things, they do things.
I really hope most of the work is put into making the AI as interesting as responsive as possible to the player's actions, even in unexpected ways.

Remember: the secret to a good porn game is that the subjects do things by themselves.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Another month, another update!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Changelog explains how it works!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Another month, another update!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I've seen a few people (myself included) ask what pairings and fetishes were in this game, but never anything resembling an answer. Seeing as I just posted about this elsewhere on these forums, I'm going to take the liberty of quoting myself here regarding the topic;

Generally, the best way to address that question is to update the original post or with a simple reply and to make it as informative as possible. For example
Current Pairings: M/F, F/F
Current Fetishes: Pantyshots, voyeurism, light incest, milfs, etc.

More fetishes to be added further in development.

That format is considered the standard on this forum because it's easily readable and informative. Do not assume the reader will know exactly what pairings you have or is willing to guess at this information. People are very unlikely to click links unless they know *ahead of time* what fetishes are waiting for them on the other side.

Also, if people have to hunt for this information or the information can't be found without clicking a link, that's obviously an issue. Personally, I've kept an eye on this since you originally posted it and I *still* have no clue what pairings or fetishes are in it beyond 'ship computer lady wants to make you a sex slave'.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That format is standard? Is that in a FAQ somewhere? Because the only reason the other sites Cloud 10 is posted on have tags is because:

1) They were required there.
2) They had a standard template.

Even then they go outdated every update!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Is that in a FAQ somewhere?

I wish. Instead we end up having to ask the exact same questions in nearly every thread, over and over again. It's pretty tiresome tbh, but w/e. It is what it is. The standard I presented is the culmination of that. It shows the maximum information in a minimal space and for minimal effort on your part.

Being gay, I am perhaps more aware of the issue than some; after all, the amount of M/M content floating around is much lower than m/f and lots of games that do have m/m content either have it buried past tons of obligatory content I'd rather dig my own eyes out than look at or only have like... one scene in the entire game.

So naturally, if things like 'is sex forced', 'can you turn off pairings/fetishes you find questionable' and of course, 'what pairings do you have' aren't answered, and answered well, I have to either assume they've got nothing for me and move on or pester them into giving that information.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
People are very unlikely to click links unless they know *ahead of time* what fetishes are waiting for them on the other side.

Also, if people have to hunt for this information or the information can't be found without clicking a link, that's obviously an issue.

To be fair, the pairings and fetishes are in one of the links. But yeah I getchu, I'll add to them to this thread later.

I'll also throw you a bone and say that yeah, there's M/M content:
  • Tentacles on a male PC in the tutorial.
  • Tentacles on a male Pirate Interceptor in the Cloud.
  • 4 gay scenes with Paltrey's Nephews on Auspice.
  • 3 gay scenes with Commander Narakov on Auspice.
  • There's also an orgy scene in the ITE Moray encounter, but it involves a female NPC I'm afraid.
  • Any scene with Iannan's tentacles on a male PC might count, but I assume it's ruined by her using female pronouns.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
To be fair, the pairings and fetishes are in one of the links.

Remember; if you need to click to find that info, that's no different from not having it listed at all.

It's basically asking people to play the porn version of Russian Roulette. Will you be greeted by scat on the other side of that link? Who knows?! Most people, myself included, simply won't take that risk.

Regarding the thrown bone, thanks for that.


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ugh, I'm probably an idiot whose missing the obvious, but how do I raise Perception and Booksmarts? The others I can find easy enough, but I' just can't figure out where I level those.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There aren't any trainers for those two stats yet (to be added in a future update!), although you can still get increases from stat checks.


May 7, 2018
I came back to this today after not playing it for a while (several months probably) and found that none of my stats were raising through the skill checks, like they did in the earlier version I had played. The only way I could get any stats to raise was through paying the trainers, which was a bit of an issue for booksmarts/perception/mechanics, obviously! I don't know if this was a bug, or something that was changed, but just throwing it out there for anyone reading here.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
They still can, it's just not guaranteed anymore. Except for your primary stat, which you selected in the tutorial.


May 7, 2018
That must be pretty low odds then: after a couple dozen trips out, having made enough cash to pay for guts/discretion/eloquence to be manually trained up to 20, I hadn't gained a single skill point in anything from failing events. That might need a slight boosting up in chance, or am I just exceptionally unlucky?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
According to the tutorial, the formula depends on how high the stat already is, or Luck.

So for example, if you have a Perception roll coming and you currently have 50 Perception and 10 Luck, you have a 50% chance of your Perception increasing to 51. Or, if it fails, then you still have a 10% chance of it happening.

Balancing formulas is an ongoing process, mostly just None doing it to be honest lol.


May 7, 2018
That makes sense then, but I feel like there should be some kind of minimum stat gain chance, because if you start with 1 luck (default) and 1 in a skill (default) your chances to raise that skill are... tiny.


Aug 27, 2015
Another way to increase your stats, including the currently elusive Booksmarts and Perception, will hopefully be added to the game next month... although it won't be an easy way.

More generally, right now it really doesn't take much to max out most of your stats and there aren't all that many reasons to do it. Once we get to adding weapons and shipwrecks in March/April, I will be rebalancing the economy with them in mind, and I will probably look at stat gain at the same time.


New Member
Jul 12, 2019
so, i've just stumbled across cloud10 through tfgames, and i gotta say, i like the presentation, especially the combat. just one question: is there a way to regain Nerve yet?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
so, i've just stumbled across cloud10 through tfgames, and i gotta say, i like the presentation, especially the combat. just one question: is there a way to regain Nerve yet?
Go to the club (Bitter Lake), dance and drink. Pay for entrance to Oppshar Leaves and drink tea. Out in the cloud there's a random encounter with a certain group where you can do sexy times with a certain daughter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Since I don't see complains I guess I'm the one who is doing something wrong, but I'm trying to play in google chrome and the explanation of the choices can't be seen very well. upload_2020-2-11_4-51-23.png

As you see, I'm trying to read what "salesperson" is about but the text appears way too on the far left and the color is very hard to read.

I haven't gone further yet so I can't say anything else about the game. Great expectations tho.

EDIT: Okey so I restarted it and everything is fine now, must have been it not loading properly.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
I started working with Nonesuch and Noob on the 5th of this month, beginning with a pair of NPCs that will be offering a score of services vital to the core game loop by selling Ship Weapons and Modules as well as training Perception and Booksmarts. I hope that as my time frees up from the travails of writing detailed NPC encounters and interactions I'll be helping give the game more depth by following Nonesuch's larger projects and filling out content with him. The ITE Patrol Vessel added some time ago was an example of this, featuring scenes from both of us. Currently, he's finished the first wave of Wrecks - procedurally-generated explorations for loot and misery and eventually sexytimes.

I also hope that we will eventually establish a more centralized and forward hub for the game's information and changelog going forward.

All I can do for now is make sure my output's good so we can really bring this game to life. I can't speak for the implementation of content, but you can be assured that there will be plenty of content ready to drop as the weeks turn into months.

If you are unfamiliar with my work and haven't played Trials in Tainted Space or Corruption of Champions II, you can find a summary and list here. The reason that I haven't posted until now is because I wanted to make some reasonable progress into my project. Currently, Holli and Lorien, two ilzune hermaphrodite sisters, are sitting at 75 pages and nearly 30k words - in only about a week and a half period of work!
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