Breeding Season is DEAD!


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Put yourself in HBombs shoes: He trusted S-Purple for the most part and now he has to face that fact that 50% of the game are simply gone (and one of the biggest selling points THE ARTWORK). I imagine that he has lost much of his motivation to even try and salvage what is left of it. Even if he tried to make it open for the public to use he would have to first strip ALL the content S-Purple has provided out and would only have code-skeleton that most ppl won't even touch (because they won't have any experience to work with it)

Not to mention that fan trust is at an all time low, after the many disappointments with the direction the game went. I think it would be borderline impossible for this game to be revived.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Yeah, this was... kinda dark for me. I mean, I don't know what to feel, laughter at how painfully predictable this was gonna play out, frustration and anger out of losing one of the VERY FEW FUCKING MONSTER GAMES where you could play as a male protagonist (for how few and fleeting it was), or joy and relief that while I was hopeful and supportive of this game I didn't give any of my money to this fucking shambles.

Now if Spurple's game is even half the game that BD (including a male pc) was but more competently handled I'd consider "supporting" it,  But how he thought this was a good idea fucking astounds me.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Yeah, this was... kinda dark for me. I mean, I don't know what to feel, laughter at how painfully predictable this was gonna play out, frustration and anger out of losing one of the VERY FEW FUCKING MONSTER GAMES where you could play as a male protagonist (for how few and fleeting it was), or joy and relief that while I was hopeful and supportive of this game I didn't give any of my money to this fucking shambles.

Now if Spurple's game is even half the game that BD (including a male pc) was but more competently handled I'd consider "supporting" it,  But how he thought this was a good idea fucking astounds me.

I agree. There are not enough Monster Games with male protagonists. Seriously, what is up with that.


Jun 24, 2016
There was male content. But then it got removed with the art-style change.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I can't fault Purple for abandoning what he felt was a failing business.   What i CAN fault him for is rescinding assets essential to the game's function, walking away with half the development money for doing vary little work and starting up a rival game when he had obligations to another one at the time. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
A lot of smutty monster themes involve MC noncon and bad ends, and seeing that happen to female MC's is overwhelmingly more popular than seeing that happen to male MC's. It's just a numbers and "fetish appeal" thing.

By far not enough Monster-games where the MC is the dominant one...


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
That's really the big thing, I think. If there were more games where the player went around, beat monsters, and fucked them, you'd see a lot more male MC's. But the vast majority are "meant to lose" games.

There definitely are not enough of those. It's a largely untapped market.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
That's really the big thing, I think. If there were more games where the player went around, beat monsters, and fucked them, you'd see a lot more male MC's. But the vast majority are "meant to lose" games.

There definitely are not enough of those. It's a largely untapped market.

Yeah, it was basically their main selling point to me: Play as the male breeder, breed and raise your growing harem farm of monsters and live the life swimming in monster pussy... and dicks.

Other than that, I couldn't give a particle of ant shit for the game itself. The games title page could having the winning lottery numbers, the secret to bagging hot higschool girls, and the recording of your long lost/dead father saying "I'm proud of you, son. And I'll always love you." AND i STILL WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCKING SHIT. Because monster on girl sex games are a dime a dozen of even great quality.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
What i CAN fault him for is rescinding assets essential to the game's function, walking away with half the development money for doing vary little work and starting up a rival game when he had obligations to another one at the time. 

I agree - while I never followed this game, this is EXACTLY what I have been concerned with on Patreon campaigns - and this will be a huge ripple impact to support for indie games this way. At the least, people should avoid S-Purple and H-Bomb like the plague...they have blasted this whole adult gaming community between their incompetence, greed and pettiness...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
To any and all artist, I don't care what art profession you're in, music, visual, writing, dance; this is literally career self-destruction! No one will want to work with this guy after this. That is all I can say, art communities are like cliques, and you have to always move carefully in them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm more worried this will hurt some of the porn indies that I'm following that do release content. Anytime a massive clusterfuck like this happens, no matter how much we saw it coming, it always hurts the confidence people will have in the system.

It's going to be a lot harder for a lot of other patreonites thanks to this.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow. I'd always been pretty critical of Breeding Season, but I did not expect this level of dysfunction. :|  

On the one hand I feel bad seeing something collapse in such a dramatic fashion, but on the other, I feel like it was inevitable. Breeding Season struck me as nothing but disorganized and mismanaged from the day I first heard about it, and the actual game itself left a lot to be desired. I never understood why it garnered so much attention and, more importantly, so much funding...

Pretty much exactly this. I am honestly shocked it took this long for BS to explode.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Pretty much exactly this. I am honestly shocked it took this long for BS to explode.

Same, BS was already the by word for "Projects that get way more money then the quality of work merits." I didn't hate the game, but the sheer amount of issues, restarts, delays, backtracking, and general issues just baffled me on the amount of money being made by the makers. In investment terms, it was about as safe a principle to invest in as a pig farm in the Middle East.

I found it 3 years ago, back when it was starting and got a bad feeling after playing it for a bit...after about a year and change I accidentally found it again and it was almost exactly the same...literally next to no progress had been made on a serious level in terms of content, characters, monsters, or even story. I've followed the blog a bit and after the revamp it was starting to improve, but that's still a year and a half at least of effort made completely redundant and money lost.

I just...this is why I'm glad projects like TiTS and CoC, The Last Sovereign, FoE, and a few others exist. With you guys Savin, Fen, Gedan and the others (no ass kissing here.) I know that when I spend put myself down as a Patron, I'm getting my money's worth. CoC, for all it's faults, is still a very enjoyable game and the prototype for future awesomeness if the second version becomes a reality. With TiTS, sometimes the updates are small, or they are strictly matters of code and other fiddly bits...but they matter and they show consistent dedication and competence for a project that I am invested in, not only financially, but in terms of investing in the characters and seeing how the story plays out, even if it's just my head canon and so on. FoE, likewise, the updates might be rare, but they are never wasted and the project is never forgotten. As for others, games like TLS show that even one person on their own can create a story that with little to no visual art nevertheless leaves a vivid mark upon one's imagination.

So, to all the devs here, both for the Fenco games and otherwise who read this: Thank you. Thank you for showing that while there is always going to be BS out there, there are also going to be TiTS and CoCs out there, for which we are all grateful.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm more worried this will hurt some of the porn indies that I'm following that do release content. Anytime a massive clusterfuck like this happens, no matter how much we saw it coming, it always hurts the confidence people will have in the system.

It's going to be a lot harder for a lot of other patreonites thanks to this.

This is what I'm worried about too. This might make it more difficult for the new creators to get initial funding.

I silently rooted for breeding season mainly because I had seen it's first build, with the very sucky art, and then later stumbled upon the upgraded game, which was a vast improvement. But it didn't take me long to realize how little progress they made over time...


New Member
Sep 26, 2015
I was actually a supporter for two-three months or so, then pulled out because there wasn't enough progress. Reading this hurt a bit, because it means that a massive amount of money and work has just been flushed down the toilet. Believed that the project was doing fine-ish, but that was mostly me thinking that they actually hired a project manager.

BUT! It's double-trouble for me, since Carnal Souls is suffering from Brexit. Reading about both of these problems this morning back to back made me thankful of what little money skills i do have when it comes to Patreon.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I was actually a supporter for two-three months or so, then pulled out because there wasn't enough progress. Reading this hurt a bit, because it means that a massive amount of money and work has just been flushed down the toilet. Believed that the project was doing fine-ish, but that was mostly me thinking that they actually hired a project manager.

BUT! It's double-trouble for me, since Carnal Souls is suffering from Brexit. Reading about both of these problems this morning back to back made me thankful of what little money skills i do have when it comes to Patreon.

The British Pound is off a staggering .19% from its record high last December. 

I'm sorry, but if someone is using the excuse that getting .19 percentage points less in exchange is hurting their business, they they weren't managing their business properly. 

For comparison, the USD was down 4.39 % against the British pound when Obama took office, and we never made that back. 

If you open up the windows a little farther than 6 months, you will see the Pound is still up 3.9% against the USD from 8 years ago, even at this current 'desperate' level... 

No worries, by end of year Pound will be back where it was or higher than pre-Brexit.

Standard market knee-jerk reflex to anything new.  Or noteworthy.  

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's really the big thing, I think. If there were more games where the player went around, beat monsters, and fucked them, you'd see a lot more male MC's. But the vast majority are "meant to lose" games.

It's a good thing we have some games like that right here on the site. <3

BUT! It's double-trouble for me, since Carnal Souls is suffering from Brexit. Reading about both of these problems this morning back to back made me thankful of what little money skills i do have when it comes to Patreon.

That project is still going on? Huh, I thought it had been abandoned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I do wish that H-Bomb handn't said that final paragraph and essentially asked people to attack S-purple.  I hate it when people do that sort of thing when emotions are boiling over.

Knowing what I do now, I'm not surprised that the project collapsed on itself.  With a project that size and a budget that big, you absolutely need the company/owner to have complete control over the content inside it.  Fenoxo implementing that policy when he moved on to TiTS was hugely important and this event only further cements that.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
since Carnal Souls is suffering from Brexit. Reading about both of these problems this morning back to back made me thankful of what little money skills i do have when it comes to Patreon.

Carnal Souls has a lot more problems than Brexit money going on, IMO. I would be genuinely shocked if we ever see an actual, playable game come out of that project... which is really sad, because I got ultrahype when it was announced.


New Member
Sep 26, 2015
Carnal Souls has a lot more problems than Brexit money going on, IMO. I would be genuinely shocked if we ever see an actual, playable game come out of that project... which is really sad, because I got ultrahype when it was announced.

Eh, i didn't back it on Indiegogo for great sums of moolah...So i am not set to really hurt if/when it falls apart. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have always disliked how little protection patreon gives patrons. Essentially BS was a cash cow that the developers milked for as long as possible. Patreon causes people to put far more money into a project then they would normally be comfortable doing. Its like the pay to win free to play models. I think setting a amount of money you are willing to put into a game and then cutting it off at that is the best way to go. Say between $30-$60 or the price of a new game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have always disliked how little protection patreon gives patrons. Essentially BS was a cash cow that the developers milked for as long as possible. Patreon causes people to put far more money into a project then they would normally be comfortable doing. Its like the pay to win free to play models. I think setting a amount of money you are willing to put into a game and then cutting it off at that is the best way to go. Say between $30-$60 or the price of a new game.

And that is why I don't back projects on Patreon or any other site. If I want to donate money, I'll donate to MSF.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
It is disappointing because when this sort of thing happens, it makes the rest of us look bad. Unfortunately, the writing has been on the wall for a long time with BS, which has been suffering from easily avoidable problems since they decided to do the first re-haul.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
from what I read the contract that s guy had was 50%... what is down right insane
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
from whati read the contract that s guy had was 50%... what is down right insane

Maybe they came up with the idea together? If not the only thing I can assume is that H-bomb did not want to have full control when they started. He wanted to share responsibility to lesson the load and stress, which really backfired. I hope all the other artists who are creating good products will not be harmed too terribly, they will take a hit obviously but we can hope it will not be to bad.


Jun 24, 2016
Let's just hope this doesn't really fuck up other games that look promising on Patreon. The bubble bursting for Breeding Season, regardless of whether or not it was huge or not, is likely to have some effect on how people trust the service now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's far from a first time when a crowdfunding project failed. Patreon is more about "pay for what artist is doing now", not "pay for what artist is promising to do".