Best weapons and armor to use in TiTS?


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Ok I have this weapon idea, it's kind of complicated but I think it should be fun:

<Placeholder name>

From the outside it looks like a small buckler, about the size of Steele's head. Inside is a handle you can grab and wield it like a regular shield. However there are more functions:

1. Gladiator Mode: In this mode, a beam blade extend out of the underside of buckler, and the weapon becomes a sword, the buckler retract itself into a smaller disk, becoming more like the hilt guard. In this mode, weapon grant a small defense bonus and deals kinetic and heat damage. 

2. Chainsaw Yoyo Mode: In this mode, the handle of the buckler can detach from the buckler itself, the two connected by a cable. A internal motor will start to spin the buckler like a top, you can launch the buckler from the handle and it will be send flying toward enemy, when fired, the underside of buckler will extend chainsaw like tiny laser blades, making the buckler a truly terrifying weapon, (imagine Krillin's kienzan friom DBZ) what's more once it slice through the target, you can use the cable to swing the spinning laser saw in whichever direction you choose, capable of hitting an entire group of enemies. This mode deals ranged heat and kinetic energy.

3. Aegis Mode: Energy barrier extend from the edge of buckler, making it a full size shield. This is a pretty simple mode, it grants huge defense bonus but only does small kinetic damage when you bash enemy with it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was thinking something like the Gyan's shield might be kinda interesting and would lead to a very interesting head-canon of how your Steele fights with one. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Speaking of which, if anybody has ideas for Uveto-appropriate weapons, feel free to throw 'em at me. Started tooling out an inventory this morning. 

plasma fire thermal based blasters fire vs ice  since electricity only gets amplified in water would be a bad idea I think. flame throwers, thermal grenades, laser blasters, plasma thrower weapons, freeze rays, flame arrows for bow users, other than magic flaming swords can't think of a decent melee weapon to combat ice  environment  with. Based on physics id  with water vs electricity id steer clear of electric  items.  Except maybe  electric hockey puck  disable grenades.  Toss like a puck it slides to feet of enemy delivers an area shock blast to stun them. That's just off the top of my head. I can probably come up with more if you want.

particle beam rifles/cutters  cutters for drilling though ice. Thermal dampeners system for acc slot keeps you warm. plasma ejector option for fenris class assault drone dog. thermal blade upgrade for the shock blade increase damage and change damage type from electric to fire/thermal based

icicle launcher fires  frozen bolts  for kinetic damage melts after penetration leaving no shell behind for weapon match up.

ok I probably went a bit over board there on some of them  lol 

wait did you just want weapons or gear in general as well?  like armor inventory item  use weapons like grenades.
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Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Speaking of which, if anybody has ideas for Uveto-appropriate weapons, feel free to throw 'em at me. Started tooling out an inventory this morning. 

Tentacle based melee weapon with a chance to grapple the enemy instead of just strike them, dealing melee damage or lust over time while restricting movement. Like the snake move where you can tease or squeeze.

Ranged energy weapon that attaches to gloves. Kinda like the electrogun, but gloves. ZEUS HANDS!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I still really want a Rocket Punch


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Plasma bayonets that take up the melee and/or accessory slots? (boosted melee damage for the kind of gun? Example, low on shotgun, but high on rifle?)

maybe? Just me? ok...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really love bayonets, but it'd have to be a melee slot for me to like it since I can't ditch Tam-Wolf


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I really love bayonets, but it'd have to be a melee slot for me to like it since I can't ditch Tam-Wolf

There should be separate slot for drone. We already have 2 options for it - Cargobot and Tam-Wolf.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
25th letter of the alphabet
Ok, I gotta admit, that was pretty good.

But in all seriousness, there's a reason the nobody uses the thread anymore. The discussion ended, and it's no longer relevant. If you want to say your bit, make your own thread, or wait until something comes up in which it would be appropriate to speak up.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wow... omfg wow... this just ain't your normal thread necro... I mean I can understand a new person to the forums doing it... but... just wow...
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New Member
Apr 11, 2019
QUOTE="natdup12, post: 8577, member: 357"]I'm looking to get some better gear for my character, what's the best armor and weapons to use?[/QUOTE]
Honestly, I haven't played the game that long and so far played as only the tech class, but if you get the double ranged attack perk as well as the strmbull shotgun, it can do some serious damage, and other specials like shield hack can help as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Was there any need to necro a thread that was dead twice over?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
This isn't your average, everyday necro. This is...advanced necro.

(Okay, but actually though, he is new. Don't start bullying the guy. He probably just found this on google or something and wanted to help)


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2019
Hey this place was dead for awhile, I think considering the nature of the thread a necro isn't out of the question. What is the best armor and weapons has changed significantly since then.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Hey this place was dead for awhile, I think considering the nature of the thread a necro isn't out of the question. What is the best armor and weapons has changed significantly since then.
If you're curious, the answer varies greatly depending on what kind of build you're running.

The best ranged weapon build would easily have to be a Mercenary with the Saurmorian Railgun, while the best melee build would most likely go to the TechSpec with either the Custom Shock Gear or Dancing Flashblade (DF has significantly higher damage and accuracy on paper, but the CSG has the potential to stun opponents as you attack and a small bump to evasion. Considering that the Charge Weapon skill makes your weapons deal absolutely ungodly damage no matter what you choose, I personally give the edge to the CSG, but they are both very close in ranking and easily surpass pretty much anything else in the game). There are some other niche weapons like the Petra Whip variations, Tweaked Vamp Blade, or the Royal Shard bow that can sometimes do some cool stuff against specific enemies, but these two builds are going to give you the best DPS with the most survivability and the least weaknesses 99% of the time and will absolutely OBLITERATE the entire game with almost no chance of defeat whatsoever.

In terms of armor, however, the discussion becomes significantly more complicated because there are a wide variety of builds for each class that take advantage of evasion, fortification, shield boosts, and defense in different ways in order to accomplish different goals. Overall, however, I would say that the Augment Weave Armor is the best all around armor piece in the game because of its admirable base defense, sizable boost to evasion, massive boost to shields, and extra ability to let you recover faster, but when you start looking into specific builds, there are other armor pieces like the Pump-King's Platemail, Modded Yellow Clothes, Slutty Jumper Jumpsuit, and Gray Goo armor that have value in other areas like raw defense, shields, tease, adaptability, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Something to keep in mind: Charge Weapon is Electric, so while it shreds Shields and Robotic enemies (and there are a lot), anything with significant Electric resist is a pain (not that there are many, granted).

Smugglers do even better with a Stun Chance weapon. You benefit from Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot on a Stunned enemy and, near as I can tell, the bonus damage isn't typed, so you don't run into problems with resistances. Custom Shock Gear is good for melee, but the Shock Bow is really your only choice for ranged (but if you're relying on Aimed Shot, base damage doesn't really matter that much).

I'm pretty sure Armor resistances only apply when taking HP damage, so if you're a class that doesn't want to take HP damage, i.e. not a Mercenary (or aren't using the Hirudo Devourer), they don't matter that much. Ironically, I suspect the Shelter Drone (60% resistance to everything but Kinetic) may be best used by a Mercenary because they don't care as much about Shields and have the ability to recover HP.

In general, Tech Specialists want to be maximizing Shields, Smugglers want to be maximizing Evasion, and Mercenaries want to be maximizing Fortification.

Additionally, now that Wings or the Light Jetpack allow Melee attacks to hit Flying targets, your choice of Ranged weapon may be primarily for stats like bonus Evasion or Shields, or a damage type you wouldn't otherwise have access to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Smugglers do even better with a Stun Chance weapon. You benefit from Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot on a Stunned enemy and, near as I can tell, the bonus damage isn't typed, so you don't run into problems with resistances. Custom Shock Gear is good for melee, but the Shock Bow is really your only choice for ranged (but if you're relying on Aimed Shot, base damage doesn't really matter that much).
I’m pretty sure stun chance WEAPONS don’t trigger anything for Smugglers. When you stun an enemy with a standard weapon like the CSG, it only lasts for that one round and doesn’t create a status effect pop up on the target. As a result, you’ll never get the chance to perform a sneak attack or aimed shot against them because their stun will have concluded by the time your next turn rolls around. You need to rely on skills like Mag Binders or Flash Grenade to trigger those powerful effects, and the downside of doing so is that they cost your full turn to activate, meaning that your average dps (can you even call it “dps” in a turn based rpg?) suffers greatly. I’ve only ever played one Smuggler character and it was mostly for the backstory I had created, though, so please correct me if I’m wrong.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Weapon inflicted Stun does persist into the next round, so your next attack does benefit. You're also not taking into account Second Attack/Shot, the second attack that round will get the bonus damage if the first Stuns. In addition, you get an extra boost if the target is both Blinded and Stunned.

The formula is:
Level*3 + Intelligence/2
If you have Take Advantage:
+ Level*2
If target is Stunned and Blinded:
+ Level

Charge Weapon:
+ Intelligence

Charge Weapon is more reliable, since it always applies, while weapon Stun chance is random (1 in 5). However:
10*3 + 50/2 + 10*2
30 + 25 + 20
75 bonus damage/hit. 85 if you hit with a Flash Grenade beforehand.

In before null_blank, +10 if you're a Cum Cow for Dumb4Cum (70/2 = 35).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Weapon inflicted Stun does persist into the next round, so your next attack does benefit. You're also not taking into account Second Attack/Shot, the second attack that round will get the bonus damage if the first Stuns. In addition, you get an extra boost if the target is both Blinded and Stunned.

The formula is:
Level*3 + Intelligence/2
If you have Take Advantage:
+ Level*2
If target is Stunned and Blinded:
+ Level

Charge Weapon:
+ Intelligence

Charge Weapon is more reliable, since it always applies, while weapon Stun chance is random (1 in 5). However:
10*3 + 50/2 + 10*2
30 + 25 + 20
75 bonus damage/hit. 85 if you hit with a Flash Grenade beforehand.

In before null_blank, +10 if you're a Cum Cow for Dumb4Cum (70/2 = 35).
Can you tell me what kind of build you're using to get results that surpass the TechSpec and the order in which you're supposed to use your abilities in combat? I trust your math, but I just dug out my old Smuggler build and save edited it to max level with max stats for testing with the Custom Shock Gear and it still feels incredibly inconsistent against enemies like Lash or even Shizuya because of how often I need to refresh my abilities like Flash Grenade and how easy it is for those abilities to miss. I can definitely see that Smuggler does more damage than TechSpec against enemies that are blinded or stunned (and significantly more if it's both), but the damage you lose by constantly needing to reapply Flash Grenade makes me question whether it's worth it. I'm wondering if there's something important that I'm missing to get everything to click into place because I really do want to give this build a fair chance, as I normally do enjoy playing the rogue-style build in these kinds of games and never really got the chance because I assumed Smuggler was too weak to really compete with the others on a serious level.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Also, I would like to point out just how unbelievably overpowered ranged Mercs are. Most people know this already, but considering the topic at hand is what the best weapons and armor are, I feel like it deserves a mention.
While I was doing some testing against Dr. Lash to see if I could get my Smuggler to a point where it could compete with my TechSpec (who doesn't have Dumb4Cum, despite the advantages it would give), I found that, at best, I was able to get the Smuggler to take him out in 7 turns if he landed his Flash Grenades every single time, triggered the Shock Gear's stun effect twice, got a random crit (not Alpha Strike), landed all of his melee attacks, and dodged almost all of Lash's shots. This took me about 6 attempts to achieve this outlier run and the average number of turns was far closer to 9 (there were some other outliers that even took up to 12 turns) due to just how often things would go wrong with the sheer amount of randomness involved with the character. In comparison, it took my TechSpec 7 turns on AVERAGE, with them occasionally breaking into 6 depending on if they landed a crit or two or taking up to 8 or 9 depending on how many attacks they missed.
And then I just loaded up my ranged Merc on a whim to see how he would do in comparison. It took him 4 turns to kill Lash entirely by spamming Rapid Fire with his Saurmorian Railgun and literally nothing else. Four turns. First try (and, no, this was not an outlier). After all that math and testing I did for the other two classes, the Merc just kicks open the door to Lash's shop, whips out his dick to piss him off, and then guns him down in a tide of bullets like a 1920s gangster when the poor shop owner stands up to sternly scold him for public indecency. It's ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
My claim wasn't that Smugglers do better than Tech Specialists in general, but that they benefit more from Stun weapons.

What's your passive Evasion?
(Slutty) Jumper Jumpsuit (18) + Jumper Shield (3) + Light Jetpack (10) + Queen Taivra's Spear/Hardlight Dagger (6) + Zil Champion Bow (6) + Agility (Level 4, +10 or +50% from items), + Improved Agility (Level 6, +10) = 76%.
Swapping to Custom Shock Gear and Shock Bow drops to 69%.
You could also use the Lightning Rod. Lower base damage, but 4 Evasion. Cloak and Dagger gives +5 after a 'basic attack hit'. Stealth Field Generator gives +80%. From what I see on the Wiki, Evasion is capped at 90%.

That said, Dr. Lash is level 15, and so not really representative of general combats. If anything, melee Techs and ranged Mercs may be overpowered.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
My claim wasn't that Smugglers do better than Tech Specialists in general, but that they benefit more from Stun weapons.

What's your passive Evasion?
(Slutty) Jumper Jumpsuit (18) + Jumper Shield (3) + Light Jetpack (10) + Queen Taivra's Spear/Hardlight Dagger (6) + Zil Champion Bow (6) + Agility (Level 4, +10 or +50% from items), + Improved Agility (Level 6, +10) = 76%.
Swapping to Custom Shock Gear and Shock Bow drops to 69%.
You could also use the Lightning Rod. Lower base damage, but 4 Evasion. Cloak and Dagger gives +5 after a 'basic attack hit'. Stealth Field Generator gives +80%. From what I see on the Wiki, Evasion is capped at 90%.

That said, Dr. Lash is level 15, and so not really representative of general combats. If anything, melee Techs and ranged Mercs may be overpowered.
My evasion was only about 60% at the time, but that wasn’t really what I was testing for. They easily survived the encounters with Lash the vast majority of the time because they’re basically invincible as long as you chain blind/stun the opponent in combination with that insane evasion. My real issue with them was the lack of consistency with their chance to do basically anything across the board. The fact that they rely on evasion to avoid damage is kinda just the icing on the cake of a much larger consistency issue. I was focused far more on their dps because I misread your comment and assumed you were suggesting that Smugglers benefited more from stun weapons and thus that they were better wielders of the CSG than TechSpecs, but you just clarified things so there’s no longer any problem. I definitely do agree that Smugglers gain much more relative benefit from Stun chance than the other classes because they have abilities directly designed to take advantage of it, while it’s mostly just an extra defensive tool for the other two classes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I think what happened was Stun got nerfed to last 1-2 rounds instead of 2-4. 2-4 rounds of Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot (4-8 hits) would greatly increase their damage output.

If the AI wants to Stunlock you, there's nothing you can do about it. I've had fights against female Raskvel and Amara Faell that went bad that way.

You really do have to wait until Zheng Shi or Uveto to get passive Evasion high enough to matter. Of course, once you have ~70% Evasion, Stealth Field Generator is becoming obsolete, and Disarming Shot isn't much better.