Your tone seems rather harsh.
It is.
So basically she doesn't give two shits about the PC which is why she'll never go into Pale Flame? Well, that's disappointing.
As I said, falling in love with a wandering vagabond, which the PC is, is not a good life choice and she was raised better than that.
Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping something could be done with Gemstead and hiring her as a blacksmith... I mean, that place basically becomes a home and a place of operations right?
And this is an example of the problem I speak of, which is pretty much on the level of another guy who asked if Cassidy would give the PC the beautiful sword. The beautiful sword, which, I don't know, is a treasured family heirloom and a noted symbol, or at least a replica of such, to her people, with considerable history behind it. Yeah, she's just going to pack that up and give that to you.
The first instinct when a lot of people write characters for TiTs (and CoC in the past) is to try and make that character a follower, at the very least. The impulse for this is completely understandable - followers are on the highest "tier" of characters seen to be close to the PC. Everyone wants their character to be important. Everyone wants to have the most excuses to write a variety of situations for their character.
The shop was carefully bought and paid for, a reputation established over years, and carefully handed down to her...and you think she's going to spit in her dad and grandma's eye to pack it all in and go traipsing around. You want to be serious, then be serious; not everyone is going to toss out their lives at the drop of a hat. People have responsibilities. Note that the people who tend to join you are already out for their own reasons, or don't have anchors rooting them to something else.
This is an example of what I meant earlier on when I said some actions would be, I don't know, "out of character".
And creating her as a middle finger? I hope you'll forgive me for saying that's rather childish, about as childish as the constant clamoring.
Savin rather enthusiastically approved it all, and his opinion is the only one which matters on this issue.
I mean it remains really just friend with benefits and nothing more serious? No matter how hard you'd try to woo her?
At the very least, there will be no pregs, and she will not abandon the shop. Cassidy's document is already over 200 pages; the only bigger projects that I've had are Cveta and the Air Plane.
If it won't be preg content - BOOOO, that's my fetish, yo - then I certainly hope there'll be something else.
Go bother Cveta, or Isla, or the gryphons theme room. I've already catered enough to that.
Oh, well then: Helspawn is Cass's grandmother, which makes Helia her great-grandmother. That makes Cassidy only 1/8th CoC Salamander.
Cass herself theorises that eventually her line will stop resembling humans together, and end up more like this: