Baby-Daddies/Mommies: Who do you want?

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, I'm a little confused; wouldn't people find "deadbeat stud" NPCs to be less likeable? I mean, there's a difference between "it takes two to tango; handle the kid yourself" type attitude and, well, being Kelt, but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
So, I'm a little confused; wouldn't people find "deadbeat stud" NPCs to be less likeable? I mean, there's a difference between "it takes two to tango; handle the kid yourself" type attitude and, well, being Kelt, but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?

That's how I feel to be honest, I can see "I want your sperm to breed a menagerie of babies for my collection/army-to-be", but outright guys that just knock up the MC and literally blow the MC off in regards to helping seems messed up. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
...but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?

Nope (in my case). In FoE's world, there's rapey sapient creatures all over the place, and there isn't just one society + rules. Rigard might expect its people to frown on it, but there are tons of other groups around; thinking everyone needs to play by the same rules because they must have all been taught the same values is far stranger. And this is disregarding the existence of portal-accessed worlds completely cut off from the starter land.

As an issue of player/character segregation though, I see a lot of people ignoring this and hating such a character regardless. Ask yourself how many players can play this game without projecting their own world and values on top and forming expectations. If the percentage is less than 60%, it may not be worth weathering the future storm of complaints.

A good example: A lot of animals devour their young. The parents have limited resources to distribute, so this is to be expected. This is the way the world works. Add a character with this behaviour/outlook to the game however, and players will be aghast and condemn them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So, I'm a little confused; wouldn't people find "deadbeat stud" NPCs to be less likeable? I mean, there's a difference between "it takes two to tango; handle the kid yourself" type attitude and, well, being Kelt, but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?

It depends. If the NPC had just been careless and knocked the PC up by accident or got coerced into making babies and then changed his mind after the fact, it would garner some 'asshole points' in my book, but not that much. In the latter case, there is a possibility of making a cool character mini-arc out of him coming around.

If we are talking about a pregophilic character who would want to have PC as his baby-making factory but simultaneously wouldn't want to help at all, then the urge to smash his face in would be real.


Jan 23, 2016
So, I'm a little confused; wouldn't people find "deadbeat stud" NPCs to be less likeable? I mean, there's a difference between "it takes two to tango; handle the kid yourself" type attitude and, well, being Kelt, but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?

So, I'm a little confused; wouldn't people find "deadbeat stud" NPCs to be less likeable? I mean, there's a difference between "it takes two to tango; handle the kid yourself" type attitude and, well, being Kelt, but still, won't most people come to hate an NPC who'll knock your PC up, but won't help you raise the resultant progeny?

I think it depends on the way it's presented, if it's like "You are my slut/cum-dump/beta" guy who don't care about, i think its perfectly OK, even if it's like Kelt, if you don't like to have off-spring with him, don't do it, take precautions, and, in my opinion, i think not that many people really hate Kelt kind of guys.

In the other hand, if it's like "You are my breed-bitch and I'm gonna impregnate you every time I see you" AND the guy doesn't care of the off-spring, it's when it become a "problem".

I think having NPCs dominant-aggressive is not a problem, we already have Miranda, if the "problem" is the NPC being exclusively dominant, without the possibility of being in top position, i think there is no problem.

In addition, if you get pregnant of a random mob, the mob does not care about the off-spring, and nobody is getting a problem with this, if the problem is "knowing where the guy lives", like I said early, you can avoid the pregnancy(assuming we are talking about the first kind of guy i mentioned).

In a game where you rape the hell out of lots of creatures without care about the off-spring you are leaving back, you can't blame if it happens to you, and, if you do, you can avoid it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I think it depends on the way it's presented, if it's like "You are my slut/cum-dump/beta" guy who don't care about, i think its perfectly OK, even if it's like Kelt, if you don't like to have off-spring with him, don't do it, take precautions, and, in my opinion, i think not that many people really hate Kelt kind of guys.

Judging by some comments old forum veterans and devs made, the hate-boner for Kelt was real. Especially since the game's nature can, in theory, allow people to combine their revenge and rape fantasies.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
This is something that's going to contribute to the difficulty in impregnating one's PC, is't it?

Most folks don't like writing random encounters, seeing them as... well, unimportant, but these are the characters who best work for the position of deadbeat dads; you don't hate them because the encounter is so much by chance, and you never see them again, so there's no perceived "salt in the wounds".

Followers make excellent baby-daddies, but are super-complex to write for, especially if you want to give them a unique niche.

And then there's the middle ground of named NPCs. They can be the nicest guys (or dickgirls, if you want) in the world, but as soon as they refuse to pack up and leave their lives because you got pregnant, they become "the jerks". I suppose maybe if their pregnancy content were restricted behind the PC asking to be bred, making it the player's "fault" for wanting to be knocked up so badly they chose to be a single mom, then that improves the impression, doesn't it?


Jan 23, 2016
I suppose maybe if their pregnancy content were restricted behind the PC asking to be bred, making it the player's "fault" for wanting to be knocked up so badly they chose to be a single mom, then that improves the impression, doesn't it?

In my opinion, you doesn't really need the PC to request/ask for it, you only have to make the NPC point of view clear enough about that.

You can simply "force" a conversation where the NPC tells the PC that S/He is not interested in become a Mom/Dad and, if you get pregnant, is you're problem alone, S/He can even ask you if you still want to "get some action", if you answer no, the actions who can impregnate you remain locked.

PD:Excuse me if I made any mistakes, English is not my first or even second language.
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Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
And then there's the middle ground of named NPCs. They can be the nicest guys (or dickgirls, if you want) in the world, but as soon as they refuse to pack up and leave their lives because you got pregnant, they become "the jerks". I suppose maybe if their pregnancy content were restricted behind the PC asking to be bred, making it the player's "fault" for wanting to be knocked up so badly they chose to be a single mom, then that improves the impression, doesn't it?

I suppose that depends on one's own moral principles. It improves the impression between the PC and the father as both knew what they were getting into and consented to it, but what about the child? You could still say they are a jerk even if the PC asks to be bred because you may feel both parents have an inherent moral duty to look after their offspring. (The child's going to want a father after all)

But even so, would it really be so wrong to have a good natured character make a mistake and run away from their responsibility? Seems like this would give the character some depth and make them their own living entity. Shoot, you could even have some sort of character arc where you forcefully bring them onto the Steve Wilkos Show where the booing crowd causes them to reevaluate themselves and change.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
If you're willing to make suggestions/ideas for kid interactions, Akhter, there's a good chance they'd be accepted; the more ideas we have for that kind of stuff, the better we can make playing around with your kids.

If you're willing to make suggestions/ideas for kid interactions, Akhter, there's a good chance they'd be accepted; the more ideas we have for that kind of stuff, the better we can make playing around with your kids.

If you're willing to make suggestions/ideas for kid interactions, Akhter, there's a good chance they'd be accepted; the more ideas we have for that kind of stuff, the better we can make playing around with your kids.

If you're willing to make suggestions/ideas for kid interactions, Akhter, there's a good chance they'd be accepted; the more ideas we have for that kind of stuff, the better we can make playing around with your kids.

Give me 2 weeks I'll try and knock up something coherent 

I feel I have improved over the last 2 years from when (I think it was) gedan wrote, "It makes my brain hurt!"

But don't expect   À la recherche du temps perdu

Well my 2 weeks are up, I hope this adds something

Have a look be critical, but positively so

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Give me 2 weeks I'll try and knock up something coherent 

I feel I have improved over the last 2 years from when (I think it was) gedan wrote, "It makes my brain hurt!"

But don't expect   À la recherche du temps perdu

Well my 2 weeks are up, I hope this adds something

Have a look be critical, but positively so

This is... wow. This is a hell of a lot of good ideas, in my opinion; only way this would have been more impressive would have been if you had actually written the scenes up. I'll pass this on to Alder, see what he thinks, but I rather hope he gives it the approval. You should feel proud of yourself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Well I might have given a few of them a stab, if I knew I was going to get that sort of response.

Please understand I have not yet written anything that has crossed the Quality Control threshold and given that I only took up writing as a rehabilitation exercise following a Brain injury, there is a significant possibility that I may never.

Syntax and Grammar are my primary weaknesses, followed by wooden dialogue, none of these impair my ability to formulate a coherent idea or vision for a scene, but are critical in the delivery of a well written piece. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Very nice! Any chance we can name our kids? I'd assume this is infeasible just because of the sheer number of kids most PCs will push out. But it would be nice if there was a way to handle this.

Dunno about you, but I'd run out of names long before running out of kids. Soon enough I'd be grasping at straws, naming them "Apricot, Berry, Clamato" and the like...

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Dunno about you, but I'd run out of names long before running out of kids. Soon enough I'd be grasping at straws, naming them "Apricot, Berry, Clamato" and the like...

Well, it wouldn't be mandatory to name all of your kids. Just a case of having a few specific kids that you actually care about and want to get somewhat emotionally invested in. Say you actually care about yours and Terry's children and want to view them as more then "6 vulpine children" (or whatever). Just seems like it'd be a nice feature to have if we're going to have interactions with them.

But again, the idea probably isn't feasible anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, it wouldn't be mandatory to name all of your kids. Just a case of having a few specific kids that you actually care about and want to get somewhat emotionally invested in. Say you actually care about yours and Terry's children and want to view them as more then "6 vulpine children" (or whatever). Just seems like it'd be a nice feature to have if we're going to have interactions with them.

You're saying you'd love some of your fictional children more than others!? That's... that's... that makes sense :p.

That'd be one hell of a prompt though: > Congratulations, (character name) and you had a child! Do you feel this child is worth giving a name?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're saying you'd love some of your fictional children more than others!? That's... that's... that makes sense :p.

That'd be one hell of a prompt though: > Congratulations, (character name) and you had a child! Do you feel this child is worth giving a name?

I have problems giving a name for my character alone... No, thanks, I'll use random name generator :) Should be a thing, btw.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
IIRC the woman who gave birth to the most children ever (69) just cycled through 14 names

But don't be too hard on her history didn't even bother to record her name only her husbands

any how surely it would be what ever Moira [and her team] end up calling them is what will stick...lazy eye bunny... precious princess pony... or projectile vomiting chaos beast number 7


Dec 15, 2015
You're saying you'd love some of your fictional children more than others!? That's... that's... that makes sense :p.

That'd be one hell of a prompt though: > Congratulations, (character name) and you had a child! Do you feel this child is worth giving a name?

You could do like George Foreman and name all your kids after yourself. Or after their other parent:

Terry Jr., Terry III, Cale XVII etc.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, I was curious; in general, are folks wanting more pregnant PC content, more pregnant NPC content, or a bit of both?

Likewise, do people prefer to keep such content restricted to females and, if they have to put up with them, herms, or are they okay with the game's support for potential male-pregnancy content?

So, I was curious; in general, are folks wanting more pregnant PC content, more pregnant NPC content, or a bit of both?

Likewise, do people prefer to keep such content restricted to females and, if they have to put up with them, herms, or are they okay with the game's support for potential male-pregnancy content?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Likewise, do people prefer to keep such content restricted to females and, if they have to put up with them, herms, or are they okay with the game's support for potential male-pregnancy content?

While mpreg fans are definitely smaller audience, what's wrong with adding content which is not everyone want, if it is not forced? I personally always appreciate being able to choose, even if some of the choices are totally off limits for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While mpreg fans are definitely smaller audience, what's wrong with adding content which is not everyone want, if it is not forced? I personally always appreciate being able to choose, even if some of the choices are totally off limits for me.

Pretty much this. I have no interest in mpreg myself, but there are others who'd really enjoy having it, so there is merit in adding it. Those who don't like it won't explore that content. Those who do, will. Nothing you do will cater to everyone, and that's okay. Just pick something you enjoy and go for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Etis said good thing. Along adding what people would want adding some other optional thing is okay. And for sure I wouldn't be happy if such "optional" stuff will gate some of the NPC content beyond initial one (well as long whole theme of said npc isn't build upon said "optional" stuff since then it' like this stuff then interact with this npc if not leave it alone aside basic interactions).

As for QB question: definetly more pregnant NPC content (it's cool that MC can now got so many options of been pregnant be it in front or back hole but that slowly making obvious how limited preg content for NPC's becoming (no it's not so visible but if trend will be kept soon most of preg related stuff will be limited to MC been knocked in virtualy every hole s/he have)) as this way playing male MC and still enjoy added Nursery content will be vialable fionaly ^^

(I know about mpreg or been herm/female paths to unlock it but I fell it's weird that path for pure male MC that fuck all females/herms(/and males that have mpreg perk) npc still can't unlock Nursery ^^))

I know FoE is also about fetishes that ppl want indulge into but...why with all of that we forgeting of most basic things (Terry or Layla children still vanishing Aria know where not going to Nursery at all as most prominent things that makes me feel uneasy atm but hey it's all about writers to write needed text to be added and then alder add so nothing I can do much aside from time to time tell them I hoping for this to happen sooner than later ^^)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Etis said good thing. Along adding what people would want adding some other optional thing is okay. And for sure I wouldn't be happy if such "optional" stuff will gate some of the NPC content beyond initial one (well as long whole theme of said npc isn't build upon said "optional" stuff since then it' like this stuff then interact with this npc if not leave it alone aside basic interactions).

As for QB question: definetly more pregnant NPC content (it's cool that MC can now got so many options of been pregnant be it in front or back hole but that slowly making obvious how limited preg content for NPC's becoming (no it's not so visible but if trend will be kept soon most of preg related stuff will be limited to MC been knocked in virtualy every hole s/he have)) as this way playing male MC and still enjoy added Nursery content will be vialable fionaly ^^

(I know about mpreg or been herm/female paths to unlock it but I fell it's weird that path for pure male MC that fuck all females/herms(/and males that have mpreg perk) npc still can't unlock Nursery ^^))

I know FoE is also about fetishes that ppl want indulge into but...why with all of that we forgeting of most basic things (Terry or Layla children still vanishing Aria know where not going to Nursery at all as most prominent things that makes me feel uneasy atm but hey it's all about writers to write needed text to be added and then alder add so nothing I can do much aside from time to time tell them I hoping for this to happen sooner than later ^^)

Yeah, other than gushing a bit over Zina, I've been pretty content to see the stuff that still has place holders be the main focus for the Devs. They have limited time and effort to devote to the game and better to catch up and move forward than to have stuff unfinished littering the updates like a more prominent H-game *cough*roundscape*cough*


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
So, I was curious; in general, are folks wanting more pregnant PC content, more pregnant NPC content, or a bit of both?

Likewise, do people prefer to keep such content restricted to females and, if they have to put up with them, herms, or are they okay with the game's support for potential male-pregnancy content?

1) *cue Quill voice and Jackson 5 music* Bit of both.

2) Restricting content will just make people more vocal about the lack of it. I say don't limit it to one or the other, just add a bit here and there as time allows/as motivation hits.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
1) *cue Quill voice and Jackson 5 music* Bit of both.

2) Restricting content will just make people more vocal about the lack of it. I say don't limit it to one or the other, just add a bit here and there as time allows/as motivation hits.


Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, I was wondering; what're you anticipating the most, in terms of pregnancy content?

Likewise, what character(s) do you think would make the sexiest momma-to-be, or the cutest daddy?

Do you have any speculations about how various characters will take to parentdom? Like, for example, Miranda in act two; how do you think she'll act if the PC lets her put a litter of pups in them, especially if the PC's a boy? What kind of parental figure do you expect Terry to be? How's Kiai going to act if s/he gets pregnant? Stuff like that. I'd like to see people's ideas and opinions for how NPCs will be once the inevitable pregnancy content starts to trickle in.

Finally, do folks think it makes sense/is fair that the cock-equipped prostitutes at the Shadow Lady might potentially be able to get a PC pregnant?

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Miranda in act two; how do you think she'll act if the PC lets her put a litter of pups in them, especially if the PC's a boy?

Finally, do folks think it makes sense/is fair that the cock-equipped prostitutes at the Shadow Lady might potentially be able to get a PC pregnant?

I don't think I could even hazard a guess about Miranda. She seems like she's capable of developing in a way where her character could do a near 180 from what she seemed like at first glance. Especially considering how different she is based on her sub/dom level. She could behave in several different ways or even show emotions we've never seen from her before. I guess what I'm trying to say is that she seems to be written in such a way that the conflict of her becoming a parent could cause her to really grow/ change as a character.

That seems fair to me, after all Roa can already get the PC pregnant? I do think that the option to use condoms to prevent pregnancy would be a plus though, it would also make logical sense imo.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't think I could even hazard a guess about Miranda. She seems like she's capable of developing in a way where her character could do a near 180 from what she seemed like at first glance. Especially considering how different she is based on her sub/dom level. She could behave in several different ways or even show emotions we've never seen from her before. I guess what I'm trying to say is that she seems to be written in such a way that the conflict of her becoming a parent could cause her to really grow/ change as a character.

That seems fair to me, after all Roa can already get the PC pregnant? I do think that the option to use condoms to prevent pregnancy would be a plus though, it would also make logical sense imo.

condoms or maybe magical prevention, heck we already have a potion system in place why not use that so you can craft anti-pregnancy potions.