Any update on Psionics?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Also very true. TiTS has the potential for a surprisingly in-depth combat system, what with its damage type-dependent resistances, mixed-damage offensive options, in-battle equipment swapping, and ability synergies, but there's not many situations where that kind of stuff really matters... yet. 

And maybe there never will be. This is a sex game, after all, no matter how much I want to treat it otherwise. :p  
Well maybe it's the main issue...that sex game want to be appealing to people that looking for sex game but with indeep RPG elements too.

I came, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), for the TiTS, but I stayed for the interesting game mechanics and characters. (No seriously. I can promise you I've never been this active at any other forum I've been a part of, even other adult games forums)

It may be a sex game, but it still has "game" in it. Just because its main focus is smut, doesn't mean that there won't be any focus on writing tough and exciting combat encounters.

The game is still a WIP so we may still see battles where such synergies and weapon swaps are either valid or necessary strategies. Or we might not...only time can tell.

On the topic of psionics: I'm looking forward to see content for it in game. There's one of my characters in particular I would love to restart with, beginning as a psionic next time. But I'm guessing this will be pretty late game-ish. So I'll be waiting patiently :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It may be a sex game, but it still has "game" in it. Just because its main focus is smut, doesn't mean that there won't be any focus on writing tough and exciting combat encounters.

Depending if Fen in future will put more pressure to fill "sex" of "game" part of phase "sex game". I would not mind if it ends up much balanced with sliiiightly tilt toward game side xD

On the topic of psionics: I'm looking forward to see content for it in game. There's one of my characters in particular I would love to restart with, beginning as a psionic next time. But I'm guessing this will be pretty late game-ish. So I'll be waiting patiently :D

There is nothing better than smell of a burned with a pirokinesis alien in the morning ;)

Or throwing objects around eventualy others people ala force choke xD


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
I came, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), for the TiTS, but I stayed for the interesting game mechanics and characters. (No seriously. I can promise you I've never been this active at any other forum I've been a part of, even other adult games forums)

It may be a sex game, but it still has "game" in it. Just because its main focus is smut, doesn't mean that there won't be any focus on writing tough and exciting combat encounters.

The game is still a WIP so we may still see battles where such synergies and weapon swaps are either valid or necessary strategies. Or we might not...only time can tell.

Well what makes TiTS a game is not it's combat system. Sure I love to kill things (well not actual things, just virtual things that drop XP and some gold to kill more virtual things).

However it's just not enough. To make killing things entertaining, the player has to have an incentive to do that. From where I come we says victory without risk brings triumph without glory (approximate translation). As a player we want to win, we want a "good end". Give the good end for free and, magically, noone wants it anymore. It loses all interest. That's because we also want to feel that we deserved it. That's what combat are for. It's a very primal and simple "obstacle" so victory can actually tastes like victory at the end. XP and gold systems serve a similar purpose "game is hard, work hard, game becomes easy".

The thing is, in a story driven linear game, you can put other type of obstacles. A recent example is Life is strange. No spoil but if you played this game until the end, you know what I mean.

TiTS is for sure story-driven, and I'm definitely not talking about the probes and the "become CEO of steeltech" shit (that literally fits on a sheet of toilet paper). I'm talking about it's characters. All of them has a story, and if you play more than the 10 minutes  required to finish the main story line, it is because you want to complete those interesting individual side stories. it's a story-driven open world game in a way.

So why can we beat things to submission in TiTS? for the same reason than there is a card game included in The Witcher 3. Because it slows down the progression, it's fun and as a bonus, in TiTS we get to have sex with the thing as a reward!

What I mean with that is: making a game difficult? Sure it gives purpose to the game. Having combats in it? Sure, it's refreshing to do other things, talking with Sera days long would be depressing. But for me focusing on combats would be a complete miss. TiTS is not Diablo nor Dark Souls. If something has to be tough and exiting (and as I said, something HAS to be tough and exiting), it must be the choices between story branches and earning the trust of the different characters. An "hard" TiTS game is not a game where every single zil bring you down and then rape you. It's a game where you can make Anno cry.

Note: I spent an hour trying to explain why I think this game is a game. Concerning psionic abilities, people want that, but it has nothing (or very little) to do with combat. It has to do with character building, and character building is what make TiTS a GREAT story-driven RPG open-world-y game. it makes it so the "R" in this game is whoever you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
An "hard" TiTS game is not a game where every single zil bring you down and then rape you. It's a game where you can make Anno cry.

I disagree. A "hard mode" would be combat that isn't won (or lost) in 3-4 turns. Not the focus of the game, but something for us that like the combat part but think it could use some work.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Game balance is already shitass atm. As to the question of what to do, it would depend on if we go for base class or class upgrade. If we go upgrade, I'd add two other options for the player to choose in addition to psionics; an upgrade to their base class that upgrades all their shit, and an upgrade that gives hefty bonuses and abilities geared towards generating lust physically with teasing/weapons/passives.

My favorite part of this post is how it shits on the dev team's work while simultaneously talking as if the poster is one of us.

My plan for psionics has always been to add a fourth class down the road - as well as some kind of implant/parasitic brain worm that can be used to effectively replace your old class with psionics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
My favorite part of this post is how it shits on the dev team's work while simultaneously talking as if the poster is one of us.

My plan for psionics has always been to add a fourth class down the road - as well as some kind of implant/parasitic brain worm that can be used to effectively replace your old class with psionics.

Sorry bout that, I thought I had typed something far more along the lines of if I were doing something like this. Guess it's what I get for not proofreading my posts enough.

Anyways, it's nice to hear the plan.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Won't making it *possible* starting class kinda contradicting setting of "psionics are end game content*? I mean ok let say it would be still endgame but then what skills would Psi-Adept have on lower lvls that won't be too much psionic-like?

On side not I do wish Psi-Adept been something akin to make PC dual-class. Well I woudl say to be fair 1 or 2 others new classes should be added too to allow people on some more mixing (yeah I know balancing would be even more nightmare) to not make it as sole additional class to pick.

Psionics becoming more common in your encounters are end-game content. There's nothing particularly wrong with the PC getting to be a little special in the early game either.

And that's one of several drawbacks that an "in-the-moment" design process has... :p

Meh. Carry classes don't make any goddamn sense in a game like this and reek of lazy devs.

Pretty much this.  "Starts weak ends strong" and "starts strong ends weak" are bad design paradigms in a lot of games, but especially ones of undefined length: it's not so good in D&D, for instance, because most people don't play one long campaign from level 1 to level 20.  In TiTS, where there's on average about a year at a time between level cap bumps, it would be especially frustrating.

A thousand times yes. Figure out how to make all classes useful at every level. That said, this being a single player game, a bit of imbalance is expected (and present in nearly every single AAA game as well. To point out some over-the-top examples: stealth in Skyrim or alchemy in Morrowind.) We don't have the microscope of PvP and a team of mathematicians to try to balance the razor's edge perfectly, even though we've done 1000x better than CoC.

The primary upside of agile methodology when it comes to designing a text porn game is that people are more inclined to pay for something they can actually play, which means the actual product can be made. :v

That's even worse because it means balance has to be retooled from bottom to top every time you change the level cap to adjust for a new curve. In the end, there's still no point.

This guy gets it. If we spent a year or two in pre-production like an AAA game, I would've lost my mind, and we probably would've blown through all the money without having any income.

I'm not worried about class balance.

Even though the Tech is the weakest class if you play non-lust, and still the most vulnerable if you play lust, I still pick it every time because it's the coolest. Although it's very much focused on energy weapons rather than actual cool tech like I'd hoped when Savin made it, it still has the coolest design.

You still steamroll the game, and no matter what class you are there's never been a problem even beating Lash regardless of how much Fen buffs him.

I want to see the Psi-Adept class since that's sort of cool, but really I just want the Tech class to become cooler. Even if everything still does the same stuff it currently does, I want it to at least change the name and description so it sounds tech-like, instead of just being something literally any of the classes could do.

I'll switch to Psi-Adept if the stuff it does actually seems like Psionics-only stuff. But I'd definitely switch back if the flavor of the tech changes.

Just the other night Savin was regaling me about how OP Tech is against trash mobs. If you want Tech's to be more interesting, we'd need to dial down a fair amount of their abilities to make room for new hotness.

Also very true. TiTS has the potential for a surprisingly in-depth combat system, what with its damage type-dependent resistances, mixed-damage offensive options, in-battle equipment swapping, and ability synergies, but there's not many situations where that kind of stuff really matters... yet. 

And maybe there never will be. This is a sex game, after all, no matter how much I want to treat it otherwise. :p  

There's a few places where swapping weapons can be useful, but foe resistances aren't obviously exposed to players in most places, and demanding they have a special weapon out of nowhere sucks nuts. Also expect big nerfs for lust weapons down the road.

Holy fuck this thread is off topic.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Just the other night Savin was regaling me about how OP Tech is against trash mobs. 

I was actually regaling you about how every class is OP against trash mobs, like I said. I was just using Tech as the example since I play that class the most, but I've been playing my Merc to fuck around with the new EXP and am getting identical results.

Although, again, I'm not sure "OP" is the term we're looking for here, so much as "have no incentive to use active abilities / do anything other than mash 1/2 to clear enemies."
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Adding a 1.5x multiplier on all NPC damage is easy as pie to do. Also if you're using lust weapons, ye, they're broken. Also, one reason Tech Speccies in particular are so great for mashing attack against trash mobs are their boosted shields - shields insta-regen after a fight, so tech specs can afford to take more of a beating before losing "real" HPs.

Also PCs can totally outlevel all the trash mobs in the game atm, and level 8 is a big power boost.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My plan for psionics has always been to add a fourth class down the road - as well as some kind of implant/parasitic brain worm that can be used to effectively replace your old class with psionics.

Holy mother of smut. Ok you caught me here unprepared. I always thought you not had plans for actualy make psionic class as 4th class at start. Now only some already part of know worlds psionic active race as starting races and I wouldn't complain on anything in TiTS anymore ^^


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Just the other night Savin was regaling me about how OP Tech is against trash mobs. If you want Tech's to be more interesting, we'd need to dial down a fair amount of their abilities to make room for new hotness.

My plan for psionics has always been to add a fourth class down the road - as well as some kind of implant/parasitic brain worm that can be used to effectively replace your old class with psionics.

Ignore my quote shenanigans, I have no idea how it turned out like that.

So the brain worm just changes your class to a different starting class? Or is it a different class from the starting class?

I don't mean they should change the mechanics! I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I like the way techs work right now, actually; My problem is that it seems like most of their stuff is just store-bought other items instead of using their usual tech in other ways. I was expecting like, using shield energy to boost weapon power in combat, or reflecting enemy damage.

I'm not dissatisfied with Techs. They work fine!

I just meant their flavor. Like gravidic disruptor or weapon tweaks seems like you could just buy the corresponding item and use it.

I'm not very good with words, or even the english language, so I'm not able to say what I actually mean. This is pretty close but it seems like I'm criticizing but I really don't mean to criticize as even how Techs are right now I like them the best, please don't be offended.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I just meant their flavor. Like gravidic disruptor or weapon tweaks seems like you could just buy the corresponding item and use it.

I'm not very good with words, or even the english language, so I'm not able to say what I actually mean. This is pretty close but it seems like I'm criticizing but I really don't mean to criticize as even how Techs are right now I like them the best, please don't be offended.

The same can said about all classes to some extent. This is a hi-tech Space Fantasy, so with the exception of actual space magic, most things that boost character's performance will come from or can possibly be duplicated by items. Just think about level-gating as obtaining the ability to use those things effectively.

Personally, drone handling, energy redistribution and the ability to HACK THE WORLD are things I would love to see from my Techies, and the basis for all of this is already in their kit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The same can said about all classes to some extent. This is a hi-tech Space Fantasy, so with the exception of actual space magic, most things that boost character's performance will come from or can possibly be duplicated by items. Just think about level-gating as obtaining the ability to use those things effectively.

Personally, drone handling, energy redistribution and the ability to HACK THE WORLD are things I would love to see from my Techies, and the basis for all of this is already in their kit.

Man... what I wouldn't give for the ability to use our classes's specially abilities outside of combat. Techies can hack into equipment to access information/goodies the others can't, psiconics can read minds and/or influence some NPCs, warriors can use brute strength to bypass/intimidate an NPC or break down walls to gain access to new locations while Smugglers have access to the Black Market and partake in unsavory aspects of society (stealing, bribing, etc). Think of Shadowrun + TiTs in terms of mechanics... alas it is but a dream.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Man... what I wouldn't give for the ability to use our classes's specially abilities outside of combat. Techies can hack into equipment to access information/goodies the others can't, psiconics can read minds and/or influence some NPCs, warriors can use brute strength to bypass/intimidate an NPC or break down walls to gain access to new locations while Smugglers have access to the Black Market and partake in unsavory aspects of society (stealing, bribing, etc). Think of Shadowrun + TiTs in terms of mechanics... alas it is but a dream.

Yeah soon as I started reading your post I thought someone had played Shadowrun :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Adding a 1.5x multiplier on all NPC damage is easy as pie to do. Also if you're using lust weapons, ye, they're broken. Also, one reason Tech Speccies in particular are so great for mashing attack against trash mobs are their boosted shields - shields insta-regen after a fight, so tech specs can afford to take more of a beating before losing "real" HPs.

Also PCs can totally outlevel all the trash mobs in the game atm, and level 8 is a big power boost.

Don't know how tall of an order this is, but why not just do the following:

1) Make some trash mobs have actual meaningful damage resistances--Goo-type enemies take damage approaching close to zero from physical/kinetic/etc weapons, for example--while (and this is a more complex thing to do) at the same time making other encounters rely on a combination of player abilities and normal attacks to surmount. You could make it so using the Merc "Headbutt," ability not only stuns an enemy, but is also highly necessary for them to use if they're going up against an enemy faster than they are.


2) Tweak enemies so damage-typing has a more meaningful impact on them. So, like...ultra-tough enemies made out of rocks may not take a lot of damage from Kinetic weapons, but a Corrosive or Freezing attack should be super-effective on them and open up a chance to deal damage. (Think Pokemon, essentially.)

I realize both of these suggestions require tweaking of both in-game and soon-to-be-in-game encounters, and that it also requires additional writing and coding for most every monster in-game to be implemented; but! I also think it's feasible. And that it could be especially more feasible to do if a call for writers was put out on the forum to do it, much as has been asked of the "Simple Scene Submissions," thread elsewhere on the forum.


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
One thing I’m always questioning is why most games don’t match the strength of classes with the difficulty of the point in the game the player is at.

Wouldn’t it encourage a strategic approach rather than just hitting an enemy until they’re dead?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
This is gonna be my new blanket response to threadomancy.

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Dec 30, 2015
Wouldn't it be better to necro a thread instead of starting a new one on the exact same topic, so that people can repeat what was already said?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Wouldn't it be better to necro a thread instead of starting a new one on the exact same topic, so that people can repeat what was already said?
No because necro'd threads tend to have stuff that's horribly outdated and also it's forum etiquette to just not necro unless you have something to actually add to the topic, but even then that's rather sticky sotospeak. (I personally only apply that to creative threads but that's just me)

Really as repetitive as making threads on the same topic is, as long as it's not like a case where everyone blew up Myrellion because of their lack of reading and kept asking about it I doubt it'd annoy as many as necroing would.
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