MMW - My Monster World (Last updated: 26/07/2016)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
@JVal Since you didn't mention anything about the Black Harpy in your reply to me, I'm guessing it's going to be something that the Harpy can turn/evolve/transform into, despite being 2 separate species of the Harpy?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Kyrant I have no idea, maybe! I'm going to stick to what I'm working on for now and plan the rest as it comes. Anything is possible right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok then I suppose aside silently cherring for succes I can only wait to see what new companions will be aded after slime girl. And hope that unlocking some new one later and switching won't be almsot same as needing to 'grind' this new companion for some time to not been more hindarance than help for PC.

Plus I can take that in few weeks we can expect some new stuff or it won't be so fast before new goddies you preparing for us?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
A couple of years past, the game still has same content. I don't get why people spend so much time on interface and engine, while there are tons of them around. Gamers expect a good amount of content and diversity, not just a new UI and mechanic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, are the monster girls featured in this game based on those from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia?

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
I would like to know how the player character will work as far as their class/role. Will there be classes other than Alchemist? Will stats matter? Things along those lines. I'll still play but I'd like to know if the PC will be a force to reckon with him/herself or if we rely on our companions mostly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Ormael I'm afraid so! There are so many monster girls, I just decided to make the engine flexible enough so I don't have to plan too far ahead for each companion. I haven't really decided if I want to make the stats shared, but currently I think the player gains stats and the companion doesn't (aside from stats that chance her personality/affection).

The difference when switching between companion will be the base stats it provides you with (as seen when selecting a companion at the start of the game) and the special perks they give you. One of the slime's perks for example is their insane (potential) "lategame" stats, due to the stance system. Another one is how diverse the slime is in terms of growth; several transformations, personalities based on transformations and player actions.

I'm working on part two of the combat system, after that I'm going to finish the prologue.

@art926 That's why the game isn't presented as a finished game. I think your experience will be more enjoyable if you forget about the old project. I don't entirely agree with what you said, but you are right ofcourse.

The first response I got when I released the game was "unplayable with current interface"; ofcourse I can keep it simple but then I'm just making a temporary interface only to replace it later with something better. Might as well do it right the first/second time, is what I thought.

I wanted my own engine because I want to create my own game, not just another interactive story. I'm not saying it's a good reason, but that's the reason.

@TheDarkMaster Yes, they are a huge inspiration. I think the images used in the Monster Girl Survival Game come from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia too. Can't believe I forgot to add it to my list of inspirations / sources.

@Miscellaneous Forum Viewer There will be multiple classes. One of them is simply Alchemist, the others (names are placeholders) are:

- Fencer, warrior
- Time Mage, mage
- Dealer, trader

I have a lot of plans for all classes, making it worthwhile to actually invest time into them. Fencer gives you access to a unique companion, access to special weapons. Time Mage has spells that can be used outside of combat to finish quests in a different way or get placer faster, etc. Dealer is specifically for things you can do outside of combat, discounts, special offers, more charisma for character dialogs.

Ironically the alchemist class is currently the least diverse (mostly for making items for your companion and combat stats), but doesn't require the player to finish quests to learn new skills.

Whether or not the player can fight depends on the companion you have. I might make it so you can switch between player and companion control. You can use the slime as a "weapon or armor", or not use her in combat at all. You can mount or dismount a centaur / dragon, but I can't think of a reason this would be good for combat. An angel can act as a white mage, a devil can act as a warlock/black mage. I thought about giving both the player and the companion a turn, but then I would have to balance combat around that and that would come with a whole bunch of other issues. To sum it up, it's up to you whether or not the player will become a force to be reckoned with.

Thank you for the interest, everyone! I'm going back to work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You can mount or dismount a centaur / dragon, but I can't think of a reason this would be good for combat.

Heh somehow when you meantioning about mounting centaur for fight and knowing mostly that centaur will be female one I just can't not picture this xD

Well mounting companions big enough to be mounts could similary to slime girl used as weapon/armor buff some of stats during fight or add some unaccesable earlier moves (for centuar something akin to charge enemy during fight).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
@Miscellaneous Forum Viewer There will be multiple classes. One of them is simply Alchemist, the others (names are placeholders) are:

- Fencer, warrior
- Time Mage, mage
- Dealer, trader

I have a lot of plans for all classes, making it worthwhile to actually invest time into them. Fencer gives you access to a unique companion, access to special weapons. Time Mage has spells that can be used outside of combat to finish quests in a different way or get placer faster, etc. Dealer is specifically for things you can do outside of combat, discounts, special offers, more charisma for character dialogs.

Ironically the alchemist class is currently the least diverse (mostly for making items for your companion and combat stats), but doesn't require the player to finish quests to learn new skills.

Whether or not the player can fight depends on the companion you have. I might make it so you can switch between player and companion control. You can use the slime as a "weapon or armor", or not use her in combat at all. You can mount or dismount a centaur / dragon, but I can't think of a reason this would be good for combat. An angel can act as a white mage, a devil can act as a warlock/black mage. I thought about giving both the player and the companion a turn, but then I would have to balance combat around that and that would come with a whole bunch of other issues. To sum it up, it's up to you whether or not the player will become a force to be reckoned with.

Thank you for the interest, everyone! I'm going back to work.

A Time Mage is called a Chronomancer, but I very much like that idea for a class, and another branch for Mage could possibly be Conjurer? Conjurer's summon creatures to do their bidding. Their like necromancers, but they actually summon creatures out of thin air, instead of reanimating the dead. One of the creatures a Conjurer could summon for example, could be a Dragon, an Ogre, an army of Goblin's, a Troll, or possibly an Elemental or even a living Skeleton. Conjurer's can basically summon anything if they have the power, knowledge, and potential to do so, but they can't summon anything that is a person or anything that was created by/from a person's experiments or a disease contracted to a human from an animal. Such as; a Manticore (if they were first created by a human or a person), a vampire, a werewolf, or even a... I ran out of things I could think of, but anyway, I think I mentioned enough examples

Will the game have Base classes that you could start as, and then as you go on  and learn enough, you can advance that class to an advanced class?  Like for example;

Base Classes

  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Alchemist
  • Trader/Merchant

Advanced Classes

  • Berserker (Advanced Warrior Class)
  • Arcane Warrior (Advanced Mage/Warrior Class) (A Mage who practiced the Warrior Arts, or a Warrior who practiced the Magic Arts)
  • Druid (Advanced Mage Class) (A Mage who connects with Nature and uses Nature magic)
  • Conjurer (Advanced Mage Class)
  • Dealer (Advanced Trader/Merchant Class)
  • Knight (Advanced Warrior Class)
  • Chronomancer/Time Wizard (Advanced Mage Class)
  • Necromancer (Advanced Mage Class)
  • Wizard (Advanced Mage Class) (A Mage who connects more with Elements)
  • Blademaster (Advanced Warrior Class)
  • Master Alchemist (Advanced Alchemist Class) (Couldn't come up with a name for an advanced alchemist class)
  • Fencer (Advanced Warrior Class)
  • Paladin (Advanced Warrior Class) (A  Warrior who practices Holy Arts/Light/Healing magic)
  • Doom Knight (Advanced Warrior Class) (A Warrior who practices the Black Arts)
  • Herbalist (Possibly an Advanced Alchemist Class?)

I can probably go on,  but I've done enough, and cause it would take me more time to think up of advanced classes. But this stuff is only if you plan to add Base Classes and Advanced Classes. I was just making a list of branches. Lol. Btw, what's a Fencer? I have no idea what is, but I have an idea that it's sort of a advanced kind of trader/merchant or something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 Btw, what's a Fencer? I have no idea what is, but I have an idea that it's sort of a advanced kind of trader/merchant or something.

In real life, a fencer is someone who plays fencing. In this context, I assume a fencer's a rapier wielding sort of character.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
In real life, a fencer is someone who plays fencing. In this context, I assume a fencer's a rapier wielding sort of character.

A fencer is someone who trains in duelling with a light sword, a rapier is a weapon belonging to classical fencing (primarily Italian) as opposed to modern fencing. If you look across the various schools then there's about 10-13 blades that fencer's have used over the centuries, that said it's not hard to adjust modern fencing to a rapier. I had a few casual lessons with one when I used to fence.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hence why I said "in this context", e.g. a fantasy one which might or might not be influenced by classical fencing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I'm going to be gone for 2 days, starting today. I just wanted to give a short response to the input you have provided! I'll make sure to respond properly when I get back.

There are currently no plans for job advancement. There is always room for that sort of thing, but I think 3-and-a-half classes is enough for now. I'd rather spend a lot of time to make 3 amazing classes than 18 boring archetype-fillers.

Fencing is indeed of the rapier/floret/sabre kind. I have had 6 years of experience as a fencer, thought it could be a fun/unique thing to add.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
I'm going to be gone for 2 days, starting today. I just wanted to give a short response to the input you have provided! I'll make sure to respond properly when I get back.

There are currently no plans for job advancement. There is always room for that sort of thing, but I think 3-and-a-half classes is enough for now. I'd rather spend a lot of time to make 3 amazing classes than 18 boring archetype-fillers.

Fencing is indeed of the rapier/floret/sabre kind. I have had 6 years of experience as a fencer, thought it could be a fun/unique thing to add.

*Droid voice* Roger Roger. But, could be an idea when you make it much much further in the development of the game, no?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
some ability to comment on the saves to differentiate them might be handy 

also maybe a panel showing current health as i could not work out if sleeping healed you


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Kyrant Yea, for sure.

@Akhter13 Will add that soon. I'm working on a time system so I can add a timestamp to slots and a weather system, etc.

Got a little bit of work done on the second part of the combat system, but I'll still be gone until tomorrow evening. Debugger Syndrome is getting to me.

French Bread.png
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Got a little bit of work done on the second part of the combat system, but I'll still be gone until tomorrow evening. Debugger Syndrome is getting to me.

View attachment 3187

Whats Debugger Syndrome? Nevah heard of dat one before... Are you acting like Usopp from One Piece?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Kyrant It just means I'm putting no effort into irrelevant input. I just smash the keyboard when the game wants me to enter a name, and filler text in new scenes gets weird.

@Miscellaneous Forum Viewer Whether or not you are a tank depends partly on the items you wear. Becoming a Fencer gives you several defensive options that may take some time to get used to. If you're up against big enemies, just having more armor doesn't make much sense; you have to switch stance to expect a certain hit to effectively tank it. The current stance system is a very basic version of it to get the player used to it.

Small note, the current stance system is specific to the slime companion. Other companions will generally have a few skills that they can develop that require stamina.
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Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
So there won't be an armored tough guy option. That's fine, I can work with it anyway. What about shields? Do fencers simply not use them? It's a viable fighting style, I just like playing a certain type of character and wanna see how close to it I can get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
There's still a lot of time for classes to get developed. Knights and especially paladins are traditionally very tanky. Even if the paladin ends up with less defensive stuff than the fencer for some reason (which wouldn't make any sense, fencers are quick and agile but frail, generally dying to whatever they don't parry) he can heal himself up so long as he doesn't one shot


New Member
May 3, 2016
My wish is that a Dragon Girl is added (God tier waifu) also is the game considered in the Gentle Femdom area  a bit?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
^ I AGREE WITH THIS MAN!! I LOVE DRAGONS! Though, I prefer to slay them, I do very much like them. I SUPPORT THE DRAGON GIRL WISH!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
What is Monster Girls Survival Game?

Do you have a link to it possibly, so I can look into it?

^ I AGREE WITH THIS MAN!! I LOVE DRAGONS! Though, I prefer to slay them, I do very much like them. I SUPPORT THE DRAGON GIRL WISH!

Shark girls, and Vampire girls are better~ <3


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
There's still a lot of time for classes to get developed. Knights and especially paladins are traditionally very tanky. Even if the paladin ends up with less defensive stuff than the fencer for some reason (which wouldn't make any sense, fencers are quick and agile but frail, generally dying to whatever they don't parry) he can heal himself up so long as he doesn't one shot

You just give the Paladin more defensive talents and balance those with his offensive ones. So you'd consider it an Endurance class rather than a Tank class.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Few weeks passed (think it's already few ^^) since OP show up to drop some hints if progress been made or not.

If that not trouble @JVal can you give some even smallest update on state of game progress (or lack but at least would know you still somewhere in cyberspace lurking :p)


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Few weeks passed (think it's already few ^^) since OP show up to drop some hints if progress been made or not.

If that not trouble @JVal can you give some even smallest update on state of game progress (or lack but at least would know you still somewhere in cyberspace lurking :p)

he puts all the updates on his blog, where there was a post yesterday:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh my derpy mind...I not looked at first post and started all the...why so silent mini-rant. Gracias levant for pointing how lowly it was xD

And another tab to watch for....not like I mind on it.