Anusol+ and You

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Nik does have a point. I don't know, maybe I should leave off discussing/thinking about Angel and Zuvi until Afaris and/or Oasis is up - maybe they'd be more easy to work into a new region than in Rigard.

I don't know... maybe it'd be okay to just encourage folks to share their ideas for various NPCs who might be good fittings for this sort of content? No "concrete promises", just daydreamed characters and a bit of spitballing fun, you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Hm... I still kinda wonder how you'll pull off Cale and Adrian with Anusol. But other than them, I dunno.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If the big worry is people being briefly exposed to mpreg, it seems like it would be simple enough for the idol to turn the thief into a herm instead.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If the big worry is people being briefly exposed to mpreg, it seems like it would be simple enough for the idol to turn the thief into a herm instead.

'SUDDENLY! hermaphrodites' is only marginally better than 'SUDDENLY! male pregnancy'. There probably won't be a separate menu for enabling/disabling certain types content, or a way for the game to check if a certain type of kink has been agreed to interact with before. So having clear warnings and avoiding putting kinks into unavoidable content is probably a good idea.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know that I agree that, in the context of the game on the whole, hermaphrodites count as niche content. They're quite literally everywhere. And even then, this presumably wouldn't be unavoidable content, would it? It sounds like if it even got made it would be a smallish sidequest.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
They are indeed very prevalent, but for each one of them there is a clear warning 'herm content lies that way' and PC has an option to back off without screwing everything up. For the proposed Zuvi and Angel quest, the player will go without prior knowledge and will have to abandon the quest entirely (dick move towards the couple AND the thief) or interact with pregnant male/herm. And we can't have a clear content warning, because nobody is supposed to know about the possible extreme side-effects of fertility trinket's power.

Personally, I have nothing against any sort of kink being thrust my way without warning, outside of maybe extremely vile and sadistic non-con. A lot of people do though, as I'm sure FoE writers are well aware.


Estevan is still my number one candidate for butt-babies aside from obvious choices like Roa and Cale. I'd also prefer if for anyone other than characters like Roa who are highly feminine by themselves, mpreg didn't result in things like lactation and breast growth.

Then again, I'm not a proper fan of the mpreg  kink, so what do I know. :|
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
On the "share ideas" thing, I was actually hoping folks might come up with ideas for new NPCs. Guess I should have led off with a couple of example ideas of my own - these are all barebones, but if any of them seem interesting, we might discuss them, see if maybe they can be made more practical.

#1: A shemale minotauress, born male but with an "black splotched white" coat, something he considered embarrassingly feminine. No, the other minos didn't really think any different of him, but he thought it was "girly", so he acted super-macho jerk to try and "make up for it". Eventually, he pissed off a female hedge witch type, so she slipped him a concentrated Estros-type potion. In an amazing streak of luck, she kept her junk exactly the way it was, but got feminine features, a nicer rear end, and a nicely cow-like rack. Bitter and grumbly sort of gal, but with a properly charming, power-bottoming PC, she can grow to like her new body, and even come to find a surprisingly sexual pleasure in giving her little "toy" calves, regardless of who carries; she actually has both kinds of pregnancy fetish, so being pregnant and having a pregnant lover are both really hot to her.

#2: A lecherous gay nobleman. His family is pressuring him to provide them with heirs, but he's an unabashed pervert of a homosexual who keeps a small harem of nubile femmeboi lovers. His initial interest in the PC is mostly as someone to talk to (and fuck, if they're "his type"), but the PC can earn his favor by giving him anusol+ to use on his harem; that way, he can get his family off his back and stick to fucking the guys he lusts after. Depending on how much of an asshole he is if developed beyond this concept, a "tables-turning" where he gets dosed himself and becomes his harem's cumdumpster broodmare might theoretically be on the tables. Have to be a real jerkward to warrant that, of course.

There were also barebone ideas in my head for a pervy guy who wants to be pregnant, sort of a closer shout-out to the spirit of Inari, and a mad female-turned-dickgirl who wants to steal anusol+ so she can carry out a series of babymaking rapes against various guys, but I dismissed those as being implausible (the latter) or too bare-bones.

So, this help clarify what I was talking about? :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
just general Ideas

#1 Jeanne asks you to assist in conducting some discreet inquiries - There has been a sudden out break of gastroenteritis at the Gentleman's Fencing School (a finishing school for the nobility of Rigard). The eleven mage suspects  that some one is misusing her invention to non-lethally alter the paths of inheritance [bearing children out of wedlock has always been a good way to get disinherited, add the stigma of such an un-natural birth for a double whammy]. Your magical mentor believes your knowledge of this potion will allow you to recognize it and establish how it is being delivered and once you know how you are much closer to who. Will you get to the bottom of this and will it bear fruit, is this an attempt to discredit Jeanne herself, removing yet another non-human from the court.

#2 A young plant morph, say a sort of ent of an english apple tree or japanese mapple, so more human size (smoother bark). Much as in LOTR all the entwives disappeared, so no female ents,  could be just their blossom changed/ or is it something in the water, who knows? Now this chap is one of the last sprouted and has never even seen a she-ent, not that that has mattered much when ever the sap rises there is hardly a lack of wood for a supple sapling like him to plug a knot hole. He is inquisitive playful and up for new experiences, so he is blown away when you mention anusol. He can save his people and stop being the baby of the cops. Naive, cute but not so bright a bit of a Himbo (or is that getting too close to BunBun)?

#3 This guy is Act 2 {core themes who is my enemy and who is using who} and more to the point I write as rehabilitation for a brain injury so be kind first page should be all you need look at.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Can't see the google doc, Akhter. You need to make a Gdoc viewable or commentable by anyone with the link before a person can take a look at it - look under the Sharing option in the top bar.

Still, the first two are interesting ideas, particularly the quest. And it even works around the "no surprise fetishism" rule because you can't get it unless you unlock Anusol+ in the first place, so you've obliquely said you're up for this kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not to belabor the point, but I still don't see the idol quest as problematic. You accept a quest from a herm to find a fertility idol to help her conceive. When you find it, the thief has been transformed by its powers into a herm himself. You aren't required or potentially even able to have sex with either of them.

Unless the idea is that even talking to or being aware of a herm's existence is "surprising a fetish on someone", I just can't agree that it's a problem. Do players have an option to have Miranda removed from the front gate, because they don't like walking by a hermaphrodite? They can't, and it would be a bit much if they could. And that is actually unavoidable interaction, as compared to a sidequest one would have to seek out.


Anyways. What you pointed out about the quest idea (which I quite like) being locked being Anusol+ existence seems like a pretty solid idea. That also creates an easy "in" for the potential characters who might want to use it; it's just been created, and hearing the rumors about it has sparked an interest they might not have realized they ever had.

There is something about the concept of nobles and lineage that has a lot of appeal. Here's an alternate take on the Nobleman Worried About His Lineage trope: The young heir of a minor yet well-respected and influential family, the elder twin by a few brief moments, is growing worried about the future of his inheritance. The problem is his slightly younger brother Willis, who is in almost every way his brother's opposite. Where Wesley is standoffish yet clever, Willis is relentlessly cheerful and a bit of a dunce. While Willis is shockingly handsome and built like an Adonis, Wesley is at best lithe and more accurately girlishly adorable, a fact he has been unable to hide through scowls and pouts. Most damning though is the fact that while Wesley, despite the increasingly desperate attempts of his parents, is a total disaster at courtship and shows almost no interest taking a partner, Willis married young and his plump wife has been almost perpetually pregnant since well before they were officially married.

With such a promising candidate so briefly behind their disappointing heir, Wesley knows his parents will take action soon. Maybe they would ship him away, maybe they could bribe the doctor to suddenly "remember" which twin actually came first; whatever the way he knows his position is in very real danger. And that would be a very real danger for the family. Willis is a good man, but setting aside the respective seed sowing Wesley could not be a better prospective head of house and Willis could not be a worse one. And they both know it. Getting rather desperate now, Wesley might listen to the court mage Jeanne if she mentioned there was a way he give his parents the expansive bloodline they require without having to get someone else to carry them for him.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Okay, it works now... I've just skimmed through it, so I'd hope the others hanging around in this topic will also share their opinions, but the very first thing that sticks out to me; the whole "he's a demon" angle. I'm pretty sure that's a no-go. You maybe should check the stickied thread in Event Submissions; there's a doc there that covers all of the game's lore/rules, and I'm pretty sure that "no demons" is on that list.

Yes, I know he's a demon/spirit fusion by this point, but even so, I don't think any demonic love interests or even sex-buddies are allowed in FoE.

The other thing that immediately grabbed my attention was the strap-on thing. Why so convoluted? Why not just go for the "magically binds itself to you and becomes a real cock" angle, as with Roa's strap-on? It's a lot simpler, and KISS is a guiding principle even in Fall of Eden. ;p

Seriously, though, get some other feedback as well, but those immediately stuck out to me as problems.

So, anyone else have more ideas they want to put forth? Or do you want to talk about the five ideas that Akhter, Bravanger and I have put forward so far?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF

 My bad. For some reason I assumed that very little details about Angel's and Zuvi's personal life will be provided to the player, outside of the problem they'd ask PC to solve.

 About your idea: I'm not sure about the viability of any sex and pregnancy content if Wesley 'is a total disaster at courtship and shows almost no interest taking a partner', and sees his future child solely as a way to secure his inheritance. Also, I can't help but feel bad for Willis because of the whole 'loser of the genetic lottery' angle.

@Quite Browser

 1) I like the idea very much on a fetish level, bro-taur in a cow body sounds mighty fine. However, the exact details and the degree of his assholishness will make or break this idea. Some limited power games can be a fine addition.



I must say, some of these ideas are among of the most 'out there' I've found in porn this side of hentai.

 1) That sounds like a very interesting concept for a quest, however I don't see a lot of potential for sexy times there. But since FoE is an RPG first and porn game second, there is nothing wrong with that.

 2) Plant-people aren't that weird by themselves, but straight-up ents is something I never thought I would see in porn. If he will be placed on Eden, what relations would his people have with driads? Himbo is a terrible term.

 3) Lamassu can very easily be a native spirit/demigod who became a turncoat when Uru's legions invaded his dimension, although I'm not sure if servants of demons aren't as big a no-go as demons. The other huge issue I see is NPC's endgoal. His gambit, assuming that PC wouldn't see through all the bullshit, would end up in infanticide. Duping the player into something like this is a terrible idea, no matter how you look at it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, I didn't make it particularly clear, but the reason that he has pulled back from courtship is that, whether or not he realizes it himself, he isn't particularly interested in pitching. His parents have pressed the siring an heir issue so hard, however, that to him finding a partner and establishing his lineage are inextricably linked. As for Willis, as far as he's concerned he's got an amazing, comfortable, and easy life. As far as he's concerned the only thing that could mess it up is his brother getting disinherited and him all of a sudden having to take care of all the mind-turning business and political aspects of being a noble.


Another angle on it could be that Wesley is an out and out confirmed catcher and, rather than trying to find a way to preserve his spot, he's resigned himself to his fate. This has put Willis, who is a good man but if he sees more than one number at once starts getting  headache, in a bit of a panic. He confides in Jeanne, she refers him to the player, and the two of you hatch the scheme to keep Wesley as the heir through Anusol+. Whether or not the player/player and brother discuss it with Wesley first is up in the air; narratively it seems more satisfying as a vaguely comedic plot, but that has some darker elements to it that make me personally a bit uncomfortable. My natural inclination is for everything to be above board and with consent all around, but admittedly I might be overthinking that sort of thing when light-hearted fantasy porn is concerned.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Glad to see some one putting some structure thought into the post brain storm part of this thread thank you Nik_van_Rijn, and so here is my two pen'eth.

@Quite Browser

 1) I like

I have been warming to this, originally I was less keen on the she-male element of this I was hoping for a rugged manly type, but on review I can see the psychology working. I would suggest the cursor designed the potion to do exactly what it did, cause others to treat him as female (let him experience it) but not get the full upgrade. Feminization is only  seen as a punishment by those who aren't feminine (and Germaine Geer), it is more an ironic twist. However people who feel entitled enough to go round dolling out Karma don't tend to take kindly to others messing with there perfect fates. So what happens when they find out, their wrath could generate a nice little side quest or encounter. The minotauress's personality should be come less of a jerk as acceptance grows.

#2: A lecherous gay nobleman. His family is pressuring him to provide them with heirs, but he's an unabashed pervert of a homosexual who keeps a small harem of nubile femmeboi lovers.

I didn't want to say this but I grew up in the 70's and this just plays into all the stereo-types of the predatory gay men and those with power being able to abuse it with impunity. As a tween, on my way to school , I would pass a borstal  that the intelligence services of my country ran as an underage gay brothel to pay off informants. I am so glad you younger generation just don't see the world that way. The other thing is if you are being pressurized over heirs, do what my aunt and her husband did, both were gay they got married quickly knocked out 2 kids and then had a lot of discrete affairs. It was societies way of dealing with it, as long as you appeared "normal" what you did behind closed doors was nobodies business.

So in summary option 2 creeps me and is not a place I think it is good to go.


Your idea Wes & Wills, noble families have had this problem since time in memorial, it was what hunting accidents were invented for (or if you were a weak hearted parent "The Priesthood"). The continuation of a strong family tree is all that matters trimming branches is just good husbandry.

The Zuvi stuff seems the most worked out - I feel it will be how the Zuvi / Angel relationship is written up will be what makes or breaks this


I must say, some of these ideas are among of the most 'out there'

I will take this as a complement, at least I am not trotting out the same old tropes. I also suspect this maybe because I am way outside the core demographic for this game.

1) yes I agree it is more a quest than a repeatable sexable NPC, but probably some of my favorite FOE bits are the side quest eg Asche.

2) I was going more CoC's Holly than Treebeard/Groot [both of whom have really rough bark, who wants splinters]. As for Dryad relationship: Dryad are tree spirits/nymphs, he is more an animate sentient tree. Dryad = magical Ent= mundane (no nature magic). Being able to photosynthesize means little need for an economy so little need for complex social structures (a little Hippy on it?). His people could have sided with the elves against their dark scions and suffered an insidious reprisal, hence no females meaning in the future they can not fight the Dark Elves. Origin - people seem to have sex with things in Eden that aren't normally thing you have sex with.

Sorry about "Himbo" what can I say even as I wrote  it my brain was going "acceptable in the 80's". So what is the preferred phraseology for male cute and vacuous? In a shut up and kiss me way.

3) Lamassu was only put up as a physical archetype - that document was never originally intended for sharing, it was a though exercise on the premise:-

Could I create a psychologically coherent character with the following features: powerful mature "man", physically and mentally equal or superior to PC (so can not be coerced or cajoled) who chooses of his own volition and with complete cognoscente of the consequences to be the subject of male pregnancy with the PC.

I wanted someone charming and that requires more than a middling score for  sociopathic tendencies and once your there those guys are great at ignoring social norms.  The Guy scores less than 10 on an Axis II assessment, which is why he has no problems with doing this sort of thing to get what he needs (which is a way to escape a hell of his making) .   This has been a learning experience for me, not least in that I was unaware of a Demon ban given that you can have sex with Imps, Uru and Magnus/Erodith. I was also curios as to how attractive true bad boys were to the general community, and I discover not at all.

My Recommendation at this time is the  minotauress  is the easiest to deliver, but one should follow you muse which I think is more Zuvi oriented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, I know. The point is that neither twin wants one of them to be pushed out of the way or murdered. Though the situation being presented as "Oh, the family is going to have him murdered if we don't solve this" is definitely not the way I would present it.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
...Um, I'm sorry, but, you did read the context of the thread, didn't you? The discussion was for ideas for characters to make more use of the male pregnancy content potential in the game, not just general character ideas. I'm sorry, but, looking at your post just makes me think you either didn't read the post entirely or took the wrong context from it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
...Um, I'm sorry, but, you did read the context of the thread, didn't you? The discussion was for ideas for characters to make more use of the male pregnancy content potential in the game, not just general character ideas. I'm sorry, but, looking at your post just makes me think you either didn't read the post entirely or took the wrong context from it.

Damn. Well, I DID read the context of the thread, but looking through later posts I thought this became a more general "NPC ideas" type of thread - In fact I was surprised by how offtopic it got (or so I thought). Well, I had some ideas for mpregs as well, might post those later.

My bad, sorry for wasting your time.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
@Quiet Browser

For Zuvi/Angel quest line idea I like it. Maybe not have it start as them having the fertility idol/pendant, but why not make them simply ask Asche with the player simply being in the shop at the time they are inquiring about such an item?

Maybe even only Zuvi being infertile would be a better angle as well, but the couple being adamantly against someone else siring their children. I'd even go and say they've tried Virilium countlessly to no avail.
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