Anusol+ and You

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Heh, that would be amusing.

I literally just realised something. With the current pregnancy mechanics in the game, one of the biggest reasons for the dearth of mpreg content is that there's a lack of viable sex, isn't there? Having the mpreg trait lets you trigger pregnancies from anal sex, but most be-cocked enemy encounters lack anal sex options, as far as I'm aware. I'll list the ones I think lack anal sex below; can anyone confirm that? And, of these, which ones are you wanting the option to get knocked up by?

The Stallion-morph (Wild Horse-morph Swingers, Crossroads)

Brute and Herm breed bunnies (Bunny encounter variant)

Naga (Desert)

Male Lizan (Desert)

Wild Cats (herm and male variants)

Zebra (Hills


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh, that would be amusing.

I literally just realised something. With the current pregnancy mechanics in the game, one of the biggest reasons for the dearth of mpreg content is that there's a lack of viable sex, isn't there? Having the mpreg trait lets you trigger pregnancies from anal sex, but most be-cocked enemy encounters lack anal sex options, as far as I'm aware. I'll list the ones I think lack anal sex below; can anyone confirm that? And, of these, which ones are you wanting the option to get knocked up by?

The Stallion-morph (Wild Horse-morph Swingers, Crossroads)

Brute and Herm breed bunnies (Bunny encounter variant)

Naga (Desert)

Male Lizan (Desert)

Wild Cats (herm and male variants)

Zebra (Hills

Lizans have "Powerbottom" scene. But yes, generally there are same "no vagina - no victory ride" rule CoC/TiTS have. Catboy have no scene for male too (non-humiliation scenes for femboys and shemales would be nice to have).
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Dec 15, 2015
Heh, that would be amusing.

I literally just realised something. With the current pregnancy mechanics in the game, one of the biggest reasons for the dearth of mpreg content is that there's a lack of viable sex, isn't there? Having the mpreg trait lets you trigger pregnancies from anal sex, but most be-cocked enemy encounters lack anal sex options, as far as I'm aware. I'll list the ones I think lack anal sex below; can anyone confirm that? And, of these, which ones are you wanting the option to get knocked up by?

Both feline double team scenes should have mpreg chance, but are currently not working. I think Alder said he's on it for next release.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Lagon wants nothing to do with his renegade son, and only cares about Ophelia because she's brave enough to actively challenge him to his face.

That's not exactly true though. If you side with Lagon, I'm quite sure he asks you to bring Roa back to him. Just looked to make sure and yeah, if you ask him about Roa, Lagon asks you to go and fetch him so he can "talk to him about disobedience."

Although it's not yet possible to complete this quest.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
That's not exactly true though. If you side with Lagon, I'm quite sure he asks you to bring Roa back to him. Just looked to make sure and yeah, if you ask him about Roa, Lagon asks you to go and fetch him so he can "talk to him about disobedience."

Although it's not yet possible to complete this quest.

Ah. I see. Well, I don't side with Lagon, I think he's an asshole, so I was unaware of this. Yeah, I think the only way a follower Roa would work is if you side with Ophelia; Roa wouldn't want eanything to do with you after he finds out what you helped his dad do, even if Lagon could be sweet-talked into giving him to you as your cum-dumpster as a reward.

Hmm... I'm still open to ideas/suggestions for mpreg-related dreams, but if folks don't mind, I could try to post the few ones I've been able to cobble together in my head?
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Let me think, then... I listed some Cale seeds before, but as for others... I vaguely recall something with Adrian, maybe his becoming Gwendy's brood mare? Tending to a hyper-pregnant Roa. Post-overthrow Lagon as a more assertive Vena's new favorite baby-maker... that's all I can recall. I'll write the dreams up and post them here when I can. I'm just a little distracted by this nagging urge to do that pregnant Roa fanfic my comment above has spawned in me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As has already been somewhat established, there is some interest in mpreg stuff when it comes to shemale or futa girls.  I've looked up a fair number of stuff where shemales or herms peg guys and a common theme that gets tied to them is male pregnancy.  It usually isn't a central feature, but something that gets tagged on as a part of them sealing their control over the guy or as an add-on to the content.  I've also seen lots of content involving futas and shemales impregnating regular women along with the standard female x futa fetish.  It's all something that adds onto the existing fetishes and pairings.  Take any NPC who has a significant interest in breeding or fucking (or an enemy for that matter) and give them the option of taking full advantage of an upgraded PC and you should be fine in that regard.  

In fact, you might be well served by having an enemy designed for exactly this purpose.  It would take a lot less work and wouldn't need as much story reasons for her existing.  She beats the PC, then abducts them (leaving the party behind), fucks their vagina pregnant if they have one, and then their ass if they've got the mpreg perk.  Afterwards she lets them go, satisfied they've been knocked up.  Heck, she might not even attack you if you're already pregnant.

An alternative character could be something similar to a very old bunny herm idea from CoC who just wants to knock up as many people as possible.  The reasons for which could be benign or malicious, it would come down to the design of the character.  One joke I do remember from that character was that their seed was so potent that they could impregnate a hyper fertile character through oral sex (the child would still exit in the usual manner).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I vaguely recall something with Adrian, maybe his becoming Gwendy's brood mare? Tending to a hyper-pregnant Roa.

I do remember there being something about a horsecocked Gwendy scene Fen wrote, and from what little Arian is in the game he does seem pretty enamored with her. What's the idea here, he buys a potion to try and man himself up for her, but she gets it by mistake and they both roll with it? If so, that's pretty interesting.

Post-overthrow Lagon as a more assertive Vena's new favorite baby-maker.

I had assumed that was where post-overthrown Lagon was headed, though I had also assumed it'd be accomplished simply through the hermbunny potion. That plus Ansoul+ would make him twice as efficient though.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Afraid not. Lagon's post-overthrow is underway, but suffice it to say that he will not be reduced to a mindless breeder slut; he will stay male, but he will also stay his old self, so no anusol-plusing him. Only preg content from Lagon will be the PC letting him fill them with bunnies. Besides, Vena is willing to use her cock, but she prefers to be fuckee over fucker.

Also, keep in mind, those concepts I mentioned are purely dreams. They're based on stuff that pretty much can't exist in the "reality" of the game, as with the other dreams already in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kinda relieved. While I wish I'd be able to do such like taking him along as a cumdump, I'm glad you're not going down the route on making him go female or something. Don't really like forced gender transformation, even if he is a giant prick...

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Also, keep in mind, those concepts I mentioned are purely dreams. They're based on stuff that pretty much can't exist in the "reality" of the game, as with the other dreams already in the game.

Speaking of dreams and reality, do you know if Mother Raven is planned to be sexable? Maybe she wouldn't mind seeding a male pc.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
As far as I'm aware, there's no plans for sexing Mother Raven. I'll try to ask Alder when I can, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Also, what, nobody has any mpreg dream ideas? Or any opinions on that fanfic I put up yesterday?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmmm...Roa is really the crown jewel of all this, so it can be a bit difficult to see beyond him sometimes. What about the royal twins? I know that in some cultures, the matrilineal line is the prefered one because you can much more easily prove the babies' parentage. Maybe both the male twin sees the benefit in that and elects to do the carrying himself, discovering in the process he loves it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Terry is too obvious choise. But still good one (only makes sense if he is male).
Kiai - is only open to anal since he/she considering it as safe option. Can play around this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Kiai - is only open to anal since he/she considering it as safe option. Can play around this.

"Don't worry Kiai you won't get pregnant from anal, now take this potion to make it more fun. .... Whoops! It seems you CAN get pregnant from anal!"

Roa is number 1 for such stuff and overshadows most other characters in that aspect. But I would love to have Terry/Kai (without turning them female first ofc), Cale and the male royal twin getting mpreg (tbh I wanna bang both twins).

Also I would love for a character/follower like you proposed "the Shemale broodmare"

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, I'm curious; between Adrian or Cale, which character would you most want to have the option to knock up and cuddle as his belly swells and comfort him as he births... and then do it all over again?

Also, who do you think would wear "broodmarification" (widening hips, plumping ass, girlifying features and growing tits as a side-effect of repeated pregnancies) better, in your opinion?

As always, these are just queries, not indications of requests/plans. I'm just making conversation and seeing how players think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
With Adrian and Cale, why not both? :p But as much as I like Cale, I think Adrian would be the better option. Not only do cute shy muscle guys turn me on a lot, but I feel he'd really try being a good dad. A nice farm guy like him would probably have a lot more experience on being kind and gentle and loving, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
With Adrian and Cale, why not both? :p But as much as I like Cale, I think Adrian would be the better option. Not only do cute shy muscle guys turn me on a lot, but I feel he'd really try being a good dad. A nice farm guy like him would probably have a lot more experience on being kind and gentle and loving, ya know?

seconded and more over it would mean we had some Adrian content, I must admit to have been hoping some progress on the farm would hove into view.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To me, Adrian would be the better "broodmare" while Cale seems like he'd fit better as a guy who enjoys a good knocking up from time to time.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Oh? Why do you feel that way, Bravanger? In particular, what makes the mental image of Adrian blossoming into a more feminine physical form as you give him your foals more appropriate than the same for Cale?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Honestly I'd rather them stay male as we give birth too. Not a fan of feminization and such.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Part of it might be that Cale is a more fleshed out character at the moment than Adrian. From what we (or at least I) have seen from him so far, Cale doesn't come off as particularly feminine. Slutty for sure, and subby when you take him in the buttslut direction, but still quite a "guy". Obviously that could change if he was shifted into a new direction, but as it is I could see him more easily as a character who may very well be into a bit of mpreg action but would also be interested in keeping the "M" part of it rather solid.

Adrian, on the other hand, is a bit of a cipher at the moment. All we know is that he is shy, a horse-morph, and seemingly infatuated with Gwendy; unless there is a big store of unreleased content for him, he's pretty unworked at the moment. So, he could more easily be taken in any direction. There are a couple factors pointing him towards potential shemale broodmother status, though. One, horses are petty synonymous with breeding (in my mind, at least), so he's at the very least a candidate for this. Two, his shyness could easily be used as an explanation for him being used for more "out-there" content like this; he has bigger desires that he either isn't aware of or isn't able to come to grips with, which may be keeping him in his shell. And three, his infatuation with Gwendy. Assuming her futa-expansion is still a thing, and how breed-hungry she seems to be in said content, he could go along with and then become a very willing participant in becoming her broodmare in order to get closer to and be with her. Could even be something almost entirely fueled by Gwendy; the player talks to both of them and gets the ball rolling, and then as the player visits the farm they find Adrian progressively more and more of Gwendy's mare-boy with each visit.

Ultimately I think it comes down to this: Some characters can get pregnant, and even enjoy it, but aren't all about getting pregnant. Zina and you can have children, and she even seems to relish it a good amount, but that's doesn't make it her primary thing. Buttslut Cale's thing is going to town on that wolf butt, and him being such a buttslut that you can even stuff puppies into said butt could definitely add to that. But his main thing would still be his buttslutt-iness. Adrian, on the other hand, could potentially be easier to mold into a breeding-focused character.

Just my two cents.
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Hmm. While I can't say I understand where you see futa-Gwendy as being "breed hungry", the rest of that is a very intricate and well-thought out reasoning. Thank you for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think that thought originates from that short bit that Fen posted of the futa-Gwendy having sex with the PC? It's been a while since I read it, but I seem to recall her talking about her scent making all the girls around her extra wet and breedable. It's more than possible I over-extrapolated; much like Adrian there isn't a huge amount of info to work with so it's obviously all up to interpretation outside of the creators' circles.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of futa-Gwendy, since FoE is going to have its share of cock-equipped or optionally-cocked girls in the game - I can think of Gwendy, Miranda, Terry (yes, I know he starts as a girlyboi, but still, he's got a herm/shemale option), Zina, Layla, Sissy and Vena, off the top of my head and between the ones in the game or submitted to Event Submissions - anyone have any opinions on what various such girls are going to think about the option to knock up their boyfriend? Do you think Miranda will be all hot to trot at the idea of breeding her boytoy, maybe even develop into a full-blown maiesophile (fetish for pregnant partners)? Do you think Vena will find it fascinating at watching you do the birthing instead of her? If you got any opinions, I'm interested in seeing them; I like seeing opinions shared and discussed.

Also, I have a strong urge to ask people what their "dream breederboi" character would be. Just to find out how people would like to see a newcomer added to the game for to truly support anusol+, instead of making it a predominantly PC-focused sexpansion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Gwendy- Probably in favor of not disrupting her farm work with pregnancy (so mildly positive)[Personally I would like the 2 of you to double team Adrian]

Miranda- I could see her really getting a bone on for the idea of stuffing your ass full of pups, but then being  consumed with regret and guilt when she finds you are pregnant and then the PC is going to have to have a chat with her

Terry- I would suggest would be a little cool on it he prefers pussy and it's not very "whispering Shadow"

Zina- don't know? Her wanderlust doesn't seem compatible with having kids regardless of who pops them and the not knowing parents is likely to provide other baggage

Layla - would probably view it the same as any other form of you having kids [having no real social norms and a presumption of body fluidity].

Sissy - would view it as a good way to avoid those egg problems, just so long as the hatchlings don't cramp the style

Vena- is very pro kids and would probably agree to it out of politeness ["If that's what you want sweetie?"], but she would find it weird and she prefers to catch

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Thanks for sharing your opinions, Akhter13. Nobodyelse have any opinions on the questions I asked in my last post?

Since the positive reception this topic gets me pleasantly surprised and a little extra motivated, I thought I'd try give it a jolt of life; do folks think that there's room in FoE for side-quests related to anusol+?

Like, I found this pic and it reminded me of my aborted Fertility Cult project, with Sebastian's Angel and Inari the breeder-boi fox, and it made me think of a small side-quest where a fox and his dickgirl/barren herm skunk wife want to have kids and are offering to pay anyone who can help. The player can either surrogate for them, or offer a dose of anusol+ to the fox, at which point he seems to be perpetually pregnant as he and his beloved set to making up for lost time on their dreams of having a big family. I don't know if such a quest would actually fit in FoE or if anyone would be interested in it.

Actually, really, if you're into the mpreg content, how would you like to see more of it added to the game? I personally would like to account for followers reacting to the fact the PC is bearing their children without a pussy, but I don't know how much I can really do with that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've made no secret of the fact that the Fertility Cult project and Inari in particular is absolutely in my top two or three pieces of content, including things that actually made it into the game. Anything related to that would automatically get a big thumbs up from me, and this in particular sounds, if I can be a bit cruder than I normally aim for, hot as fuck.