Favorite/least favorite character

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
 So far after playing this game I say my least favorite character is Ember. She has no depth at all and is very one dimensional. She had little to no interesting things to say or do and I mostly used her as a punching bag to lvl up. Kiha does the dragon/tsundere thing but better. Even the punching bag part because she gives more EXP than Ember. seriously what is the point of Ember? My favorite one is Marble though. She was nice but she got annoying by constantly talking about suckling and just talking about her "perfect" family. honestly the only reason I kept coming back to her was for the healing milk and the stat boost tit suck. But then her sub plot came up and her character made more sense and i actually got feels from it. the other subplots had feels to but that gave me the most.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Ember would have been way more interesting if all of her branches were done, but honestly I don't blame the authors for not finishing her, that's a metric shit-ton of work. 

Now as to the question, for favorite character I'm not sure really, I like plenty of them for different reasons. Though for least favorite that would probably go to Marble, she's the most possessive of all the characters, which I found terribly annoying, along with the fact she thought it is cool to just sleep in my bed without permission. I mean all the other characters have their own beds to sleep in, why does she need to sleep in mine? Back before they added the option to sleep with a character for the night it meant that Marble permanently shared your bed, and due to the fact she's cranky for the first couple weeks at you for daring to have multiple partners it means no sex either. She treated me like some whipped foo, which I did not like at all, hence why I never bother going through all the effort to recruit her. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
(Current) Favorite Character: Kiha. 

Least Favorite: Marble. At least until Excellia gets added >_>


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In CoC?

Most favorite - Kath (lot of things I like and nice personality) and Arian (only wish he woudn't be lizan, also he seems a bit unfinished).

Least - lots of them a large meh. Marble is prize winner, though. Collected all things I hate. Kelt gets silver for sure. Oh no, he gets coal. Again.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2015
Honestly, I think my favorite has to be Helspawn. I named her Lydi in my playthrough, but either way I love the interactions that you can have with her and the other characters. (i.e. where Kiha tries to teach her how to cook, when Isabella sings while she strums away on a semi-functional guitar) Her attitude just really appealed to me for whatever reason, and I just love visualizing the fight between my character and lil' bow wielding salamander.

Out of the followers, I interact by far the least with Phylla. I wouldn't say she's my least favorite, since she's actually pretty nice, but visualizing the abdomen and the ants just popping out while my character tries to figure out where to put her dick isn't the most appealing thought for me. Even if Shouldra can be a pain sometimes, you can't help but love her. That said, I think my least favorite has to be Sophie. Milf's aren't really my thing, and there really isn't much to her besides that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really love a lot of the characters, I'd say my favorites are probably who I see as Champ's inner-circle of friends: Helia, Shouldra, and Valeria, as well as Sophie as she is a pretty awesome domme [possibly the best in the game].

Least favorite is probably Arian since he's needy to the point of being creepy. Like I imagine he [or her since he gave himself a sex change as soon as I said I don't have sex with men]  is going to kill Champ in their sleep so they can "be together forever".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favourite ones: Benoit, Jojo, Valeria, Dominika, Helia and Izma.

Least favourite ones: Kiha, Raphael, Urta, Heckel, Sophie and Tamani. I suspect Sophie will be replaced by Excellia.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My favourite character is one of the few who are non sexable (and should stay non-sexable)- Rathuzal. I just like there being a character who joins you that doesn't need to be in any relationship further than friend. Also like how you can gain armour, dyes and other processes with him.

Favourite sexable character would be...........ok, to difficult to decide with all the great characters.

Least favourite would probably be Dominika.
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My favorite character has to be Akbal. Buttsex, TLC, and benefits? Sign me up!

My LEAST favorite has to be either one of the two interchangeable dragonish ladies--Kiha or Ember, because honestly, they feel really redundant.

Totally Biased Opinions: FAVORITE: Princess Gwynn (because I wrote her!) and HATED: Shouldra (because I have a grudge against her writer.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My LEAST favorite has to be either one of the two interchangeable dragonish ladies--Kiha or Ember, because honestly, they feel really redundant.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. Shame on convoluted development.

(because I have a grudge against her writer.)

Now I feel very nosy... but I'd understand it if that was kept in the dark.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favorite character would probably be probably either be Helia or Izma, considering both don't really give a flying fuck what prejudice the PC has so long as they're tough enough to beat them in a fight (or easy enough to take their lashings if they're not).

Least favorite character is, hands down, Tamani. Say whatever you want, but I just want to go to the woods to see bee girls, or to the Deep Woods to see the fox girls, and I almost constantly have to deal with this one encounter which I can never opt out of because I chose to have a dick on my character, and it takes about 4+ clicks to get out of it. I realize that sounds like whining, but considering how many encounters are already cramped into the deepwoods/woods area, it becomes annoying when I have to spam leave just to not see her face again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favorite character would probably be probably either be Helia or Izma, considering both don't really give a flying fuck what prejudice the PC has so long as they're tough enough to beat them in a fight (or easy enough to take their lashings if they're not).

Least favorite character is, hands down, Tamani. Say whatever you want, but I just want to go to the woods to see bee girls, or to the Deep Woods to see the fox girls, and I almost constantly have to deal with this one encounter which I can never opt out of because I chose to have a dick on my character, and it takes about 4+ clicks to get out of it. I realize that sounds like whining, but considering how many encounters are already cramped into the deepwoods/woods area, it becomes annoying when I have to spam leave just to not see her face again.

Yes, I like their "let's fight for the top position" disposition, but otherwise... Meh.

Oh... How could I forget TamanI? Yes, looks like Marble is my second on hate list. She can be avoided at least. Even as paragon of light I want to ask Ceraph to take her out FOREVER.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Favorite character would probably be probably either be Helia or Izma, considering both don't really give a flying fuck what prejudice the PC has so long as they're tough enough to beat them in a fight (or easy enough to take their lashings if they're not).

Least favorite character is, hands down, Tamani. Say whatever you want, but I just want to go to the woods to see bee girls, or to the Deep Woods to see the fox girls, and I almost constantly have to deal with this one encounter which I can never opt out of because I chose to have a dick on my character, and it takes about 4+ clicks to get out of it. I realize that sounds like whining, but considering how many encounters are already cramped into the deepwoods/woods area, it becomes annoying when I have to spam leave just to not see her face again.

Yes, I like their "let's fight for the top position" disposition, but otherwise... Meh.

Oh... How could I forget TamanI? Yes, looks like Marble is my second on hate list. She can be avoided at least. Even as paragon of light I want to ask Ceraph to take her out FOREVER.

Ditto for me. at least I can ignore needy lizard, can't get away from that bitch 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Favorite are, for me

1st. Arian;    2nd. Benoit;   3rd. Amily;  4th. Loppe

Coc gave me a thing for lizard boys. About non-sexable, Jojo win the first place hands down. Now with the worst:

Least favorite from less worse to worst

4th.Dom Sophie;  3th. Shouldra;  2nd. Helia  1st. Tamani;

Special mention in the hate list to Ceraph and Kelt. Weird that me, not being a fan of bimbo, prefer the bimbofied version of sophie.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favourite: Pure Amily (Treats sex with dignity, refuses corrupt PCs, cute, self-reliant and plenty of babies)

Least favourite: Kelt (Solely for how much he despises and denigrates feminine PCs)

The rest pretty much fall somewhere in the middle, whether I have an above-average or below-average opinion is irrelevant to this query.

Least favorite character is, hands down, Tamani. Say whatever you want, but I just want to go to the woods to see bee girls, or to the Deep Woods to see the fox girls, and I almost constantly have to deal with this one encounter which I can never opt out of because I chose to have a dick on my character, and it takes about 4+ clicks to get out of it. I realize that sounds like whining, but considering how many encounters are already cramped into the deepwoods/woods area, it becomes annoying when I have to spam leave just to not see her face again.

Don't have a problem with the Huntsman, though?

Least favourite: Kelt (Solely for how much he despises and denigrates feminine PCs)

I gotta say, sometimes some humiliation and degradation feels so good. <3


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I gotta say, sometimes some humiliation and degradation feels so good. <3

That would depend on the individual receiving it. If it wasn't for Bow Skill, I'd tell the centaur to go fuck the only person he seems to love: Himself.

That would depend on the individual receiving it. If it wasn't for Bow Skill, I'd tell the centaur to go fuck the only person he seems to love: Himself.

Why not go with firebreath from Akbal instead, then?

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The thing about Kelt, as has been pointed out time and time again, is that you have to go out of your way to deal with him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why not go with firebreath from Akbal instead, then?

Surrendering to a demon is a little too much for me. With Kelt, I can atleast minimize the damage by begrudgingly agreeing to his terms, thus getting to 100 Bow Skill way before hitting a high enough level of submissiveness.

Surrendering to a demon is a little too much for me. With Kelt, I can atleast minimize the damage by begrudgingly agreeing to his terms, thus getting to 100 Bow Skill way before hitting a high enough level of submissiveness.

But submission feels so, SO good ... <3


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
But submission feels so, SO good ... <3

Bow skill is useless once you get magic anyway. So I just wasted time getting abused only for the bow to do jack shit. But I got to admit Kelt had some funny ass lines. THATS what made it bearable for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Don't have a problem with the Huntsman, though?

I gotta say, sometimes some humiliation and degradation feels so good. <3

Huntsman is not bad. If you don't want to participate - just don't run and he won't chase without any penalties.

Ditto for me. at least I can ignore needy lizard, can't get away from that bitch 

BTW, he is not such buttslut from start, he becomes one over time and experience. Don't stick things in his butt and no problems. Most his other sex scenes are not such good and lack development, though.

Why not go with firebreath from Akbal instead, then?

Fire breath can backfire badly. With missed shot you at least woudn't hit yourself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
In terms of favorites...I really loved the interactions with Helia. Something about her drunken party girl ways was rather endearing, especially the boxing when PC lost the boxing match (one of my favorite sex scenes btw). Once you get past all the Tsundere bullshit, Kiha is also awesome. Helspawn was pretty awesome as well, even if incest thing went nowhere special (Damn the whiny special snowflake pricks ruined that...) I think she's one the best. Minerva gets a honorable mention as well. Again, too bad we couldn't see through her Pure/Corrupt paths either.

My least favorite character would have to be a toss up between Arian and Amily. Arian and his creepy "please love me" attitude are real annoyance to me, and something about Amily just doesn't sit right with me. Probably her bigoted view of herms. Eh...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
But submission feels so, SO good ... <3

I don't see any positive reason, or outcome, for repeteadly saying that to someone that evidently doesn't like submission, at least not in that way.
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Well personally

The Best

Jojo - Whether he's pure or corrupt Jojo is an awesome addition to my camp. Probably because he is the 1st male follower too tho
Akbal - Well... I did write him... 
Hellhound Master - Because he's sexy and awesome, thanks TDM
Whitney - idk i just get happy when i see her. I have corrupted the farm once and i deleted that save, I love this dog person so much i started writing a hunky wolf morph handy man to help her with the farm.
Ember - Since I only recruit men Ember isn't redundant. Also his attitude touches on one of my fetishes tbh.
The Erlking - Great content. My only gripe is that you can't "hunt" him. I've always toyed with the idea of writing a scene where the player, instead of running, can turn the tables on him and either hunt or set a trap for him and his dogs. A battle would be the result but once you best him he gladly submits to the player while retaining his masculinity. Princess G just doesn't do anything for me but the idea of pounding a proud kingly stag... that would be gr8.

The Worst

Tamini - Fuck that little green bitch. I'm trying to get Akbal's perks and she's there throwing her kooter at me.
Kelt - I love putting him in his place so much. The scene written where you trick him, give him his just desserts and fuck his brains out is one of my favorites because i hate him so much but... i feel like he's a good character because you're supposed to hate him...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Its not that he's a buttslut its that he is just so desperate and needy its pretty creepy. He just screams "I'm gonna kill you in your sleep if you ever leave me... Please don't leave me."

Akbal - Well... I did write him... 

Dude. Thank you SO, SO much for writing him!

The Erlking - Great content. My only gripe is that you can't "hunt" him. I've always toyed with the idea of writing a scene where the player, instead of running, can turn the tables on him and either hunt or set a trap for him and his dogs. A battle would be the result but once you best him he gladly submits to the player while retaining his masculinity. Princess G just doesn't do anything for me but the idea of pounding a proud kingly stag... that would be gr8.

D'awwww, you're gonna make me blush!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Erlking - Great content. My only gripe is that you can't "hunt" him. I've always toyed with the idea of writing a scene where the player, instead of running, can turn the tables on him and either hunt or set a trap for him and his dogs. A battle would be the result but once you best him he gladly submits to the player while retaining his masculinity. Princess G just doesn't do anything for me but the idea of pounding a proud kingly stag... that would be gr8.

Gr8 indeed. I felt all kinds of disappointed when I found out that he was taking the Kelta route when it came to turn the tables on him. I guess I am not fond of the "you become a girl = you become a weakling" line. As per Kelt, well... I used to hate him as well and always wished to best him in an archery contest with a female-ish character, but then I assumed he was just meant to cater to those into abusiveness. I am not, but I like to partake in some submissiveness at times, so it was just a matter of trying (not) to comply with "safety measures" after maxing the bow.

Its not that he's a buttslut its that he is just so desperate and needy its pretty creepy.

My thought exactly. I never really fiddled with his bum because I didn't want things to escalate quickly, especially given how the early masturbation scene when he had just met the Champion gave me the creeps already.
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