As in the case of selling milk bags/collected sperm?Perhaps Paras could grant a perk that increases the value of the PC's fluids.
Which reminds me that, as unnecessary as it is, I kinda wish we had a "Fluid Tastiness" stat sometimes.
As in the case of selling milk bags/collected sperm?Perhaps Paras could grant a perk that increases the value of the PC's fluids.
As in the case of selling milk bags/collected sperm?
Which reminds me that, as unnecessary as it is, I kinda wish we had a "Fluid Tastiness" stat sometimes.
Which reminds me that, as unnecessary as it is, I kinda wish we had a "Fluid Tastiness" stat sometimes.
There are descriptors for different cum types, fruit flavored, honey; I guess beside that everyone else is left with sizzlin' salt 'splosion.
Unless you mean something along the lines of: fruit-cum would get like an 80/100 on the fluid tastiness stat.
Never hurts to be sure, but that would've been my second guess.Probably as in cum amount values for the PC.
There are descriptors for different cum types, fruit flavored, honey; I guess besides that everyone else is left with sizzlin' salt 'splosion flavor.
Unless you mean something along the lines of: fruit-cum would get like an 80/100 on the fluid tastiness stat.
M3chaw0lf's Snake cock parasite is meant to eventually have a stage where it mindfucks the PC into a bad end.I guess it's kind of too late now, but there's something I forgot to ask for back when you were first spitballing the idea.
It's a lot hotter for something like this to have tiers and slowly creep/infest your character rather than get all of it at once. I know she's sentient and nice, but it could still have been done like this. Oh well.
Well damn, noobie. Way to make a fella feel bad now of all times, haha.I guess it's kind of too late now, but there's something I forgot to ask for back when you were first spitballing the idea.
It's a lot hotter for something like this to have tiers and slowly creep/infest your character rather than get all of it at once. I know she's sentient and nice, but it could still have been done like this. Oh well.
Well damn, noobie. Way to make a fella feel bad now of all times, haha.
I can't say I completely disagree, though.
Don't listen to him, you'll end up writing a bunch of cuddle scenes you didn't intend on making originally.
Do you folks feel like the "Removal" (more like "Sheathing", honestly) process might be too "space magick"y? Do you feel like it gives you enough information to fill in the blanks of how it'd be possible? I had been trying to subtly (as much as possible, anyway) hint that bonding with Paras had basically "soft" TFed Steele, but maybe you guys already picked up on that during the birth scene.
Note how he didn't say 'unwanted cuddling'. It's all just a ruse in order to gain a monopoly on the hugging market, I tell you.B-But it's in your name!
Something like this was already spitballed. But it was more like an equippable item (vaginal bead?) and not a full armor set per se.Dommy Hand So living armor.
Note how he didn't say 'unwanted cuddling'. It's all just a ruse in order to gain a monopoly on the hugging market, I tell you.
I had considered going that route, but I more or less chickened out. Might decide on that since the flavor isn't explicitly stated (yet).It only feels spess magicky because Paras seems to be more of solid symbiote rather than a liquid one. A work around I could see is that the soft TF could of just merged their bodies together so there's no distinction to which body part is who's. Just 2 consciousnesses in one body that can change it's shape and all that junk.
Guyver was definitely one of the influences for this particular project. The inventory slot thing is a good point, and probably the best solution for PC being able to keep Paras on their person while not wearing her. If possible, I'd like there to be both a sheathing option and a separation option where Paras hangs out at the Nursery. It's more scenes, sure, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal.Note how he didn't say 'unwanted cuddling'. It's all just a ruse in order to gain a monopoly on the hugging market, I tell you.
Re: Paras Removal Scene.
It does feel space-magicky IMO, like something strait out of Guyver, but not to a degree I'd call unfitting for the setting of TiTS. About the only real critique I have of this concept is of Paras ending up in PC's inventory and taking up a slot. It'll make much more sense for her to just become available via the Interact button similar to the one Nova has.
Still, the idea of some sort of a temporal host/bio-container Paras will be able to hop on to sounds better IMO, even if it'll limit PC's ability to take her off to being on board of their ship or even specifically in the Nursery.
On another note, for people like noobie, I do have a feeding scene planned where you and Paras roleplay a typical tentacle monster scenario which might get a little out of hand for a moment.
I had considered going that route, but I more or less chickened out. Might decide on that since the flavor isn't explicitly stated (yet).
You also could just embrace the spess magick and just let Paras be a baby/fledgling eldritch horror. Let it hide in a sub dimension the exact same as Steele dimension (maybe it looks like everything is made of flesh or tentacles IDK) and it just follows Steele around, like a ghost.
Here's some cute-dark tentacle monster shenanigans.
These were my thoughts as well.For a moment, I was expecting something lewd to happen, but then it didn't.
Alternative, since he can fold himself into a small grub space magicky, why not let him fold up into a armored chiten gauntlet?
Weapon Ver. Paras might very well end up being the gauntlet. Right now I wanna focus on Paras' interactions and armor (including variants)+perks, plus a couple if variant appearances for when she's unequipped when I'm feelin' froggy. Plus, I've still gotta iron out the actual acquisition event.What about allowing Paras to take an alternate form to fill the melee weapon or accessory slots? I love this idea, but i also really like Nova and if/when FF hits I'm definitely gonna switch to using barrier jackets as my main armor. Maybe Paras could take the form of a scorpion like exoskeleton that eternally piggybacks you, and grants a statistical bonus in something as a alternative to regular armor once trust gets high enough. Or a parasitic scarf made of chitin.