The greatest pirate crew on Dhaal is back.
Okay, they're the only pirate crew on Dhaal, but whatever.
This is a new adventure featuring the Crash Landing girls. They got a message from one of their former crew, something about their ship getting attacked. Monika and the others can't go check it out themselves, what with their old ship being taken apart and made into an underground milk bar, but maybe Steele can go take a look.
This is mostly a dungeon crawl and some additional story content for the Crash Landing girls. It's still massively WIP, so everything's subject to change, and I just figured out some story stuff tonight as I was working on the thing. But I think it's pretty good so far. Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading.
Oh, right, there's gonna be threesomes too. And bonus porn.
The Mastodon: a Crash Landing Adventure
The Mastodon: a Crash Landing Adventure - Slab Bulkhead Version: 0.I Overview After becoming a regular and favorite visitor at the Crash Landing, Steele gets a message from the bar girls, asking for help. Seems that Monika and the others have received a distress call from one of their former p...
Okay, they're the only pirate crew on Dhaal, but whatever.
This is mostly a dungeon crawl and some additional story content for the Crash Landing girls. It's still massively WIP, so everything's subject to change, and I just figured out some story stuff tonight as I was working on the thing. But I think it's pretty good so far. Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading.
Oh, right, there's gonna be threesomes too. And bonus porn.