A Grand Tomorrow (For BubbleLord)


Jun 24, 2016
Haven Grove and Barshul were both names he had heard before. Selena had wanted to visit Haven Grove and Belle had a brother in Barshul... a blacksmith. It wasn't the blacksmith he'd give to Eleanor, of course, but it had very quickly narrowed down who he would be taking. It had been Barshul where his own master had earned to smith, before he moved and met Orval. Byra and the others would simply have to remain content here for now, it would seem.

"Well, I'll be taking Selena with me. She has an edge for negotiations that should make finding trade routes simple enough. Belle's brother is a smith I plan to find and acquire for myself, but I would bet that he has knowledge on someone who could fill the role for us. In exchange for bringing back this smith, however, I request that we're allowed dual partnership to them if they're enslaved or pulled into a contract. There's some stuff I could use assistants for when it comes to making us proper gear... not blades or tools specifically, but perhaps even magical works and more intricate designs. I'd need others to help. I'd not use their services barring when you had them doing menial jobs, of course, but... my point is that I will fetch us a trade route and a smith. In return, I want to share in our contract or ownership of the smith I bring back."

This was his first job and he'd been told flat out that he was going to be judged based on who he brought back. Without additional collars, it meant he'd have to fuck, rape, convince, or kidnap someone to help them out. It meant his job was going to be considerably hard in a town where many people wouldn't trust him due to being a stranger more than likely. With luck he could make the trip to Haven Grove profitable... but that'd be up for fate to decide.

"I'll need gold along with the supplies for the journey, of course. I have nowhere near enough for whatever trouble might come our way. I can't handle every situation with my cock, sword, or words."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eleanor smirks at him. "Oh Orval, you don't give me enough credit! I think you will find everything ready to go by the door already. Except for this." She hands him a large coin purse. "Five thousand coins to make the deals and hire a smith. I emphasis on HIRE a smith, I need a craftsman, not a slave. If he or she takes the job, then you are free to use their services as you see fit. While he is under my command, you have already been given permission to use my assets freely." She pulls out two envelopes. "Get them to sign these, they are binding contracts that not even the crown can revoke." She passes him the papers.

"This is your first mission Orval, don't disappoint me now. I have high hopes for you to make this a wonderous success." She is about to dismiss him before she remembers something. "Oh Orval, a gift arrived in the mail for you." She hands him a moderate sized box. "From Madam Estelle." 


Jun 24, 2016
Taking the coin purse, he had to make sure he found a way to get a good deal on both so he could spend the rest on his harem and himself. It was a shame that he had to get someone to freely join them, but Eleanor was in this for a business venture as well. Looking legal was important. Pocketing the envelopes in his right pocket and the purse in his left, he at last raised a brow at a gift for him. Estelle had sent him something? Taking the box, he'd start on his way out of the office with all but a final wave back to Eleanor.

"I'll uh... be back soon. Send my thanks for the gift to Estelle!"

While he was certain Eleanor wanted to know what he got as a gift, he was content to tease the herm and head out to his harem. It was going to already be a pain just to demand they not get off in any way while he was gone to preserve that extra bit of control he had on them, but the gift at least had improved his mood somewhat. As he'd near the courtyard where they had no doubt gathered and the wagon had been brought around, he finally opened the box curiously...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Six shining new collars sit in the box, ready to snap around the neck of new slaves. There is also a simple note resting in the middle.

Don't have too much fun dear! Leave some slaves for the rest of us! How kind of her!

down in the courtyard was his harem...and Sirus. The panther man stood next to a wagon, already strapped with a horse in the front, ready to move.

"Ah, sir Orval, I am very pleased to say that your wagon is ready to move! Inside you will find travel supplies for you and two more. A large tent, plenty of food, thicker clothing should the weather turn bad and so much more. I wish you the best of luck on your ventures and hope to see you safely home." With a winning smile the panther man leaves.

Standing off to the side is his six loyal ladies of his harem. They all stand ready and eager to go. Belle has also been gifted with a very large war hammer which she rests on the floor.


Jun 24, 2016
He'd nod as Sirus got off and on his way. The collars had been strung along his waist, his scarf on. While his armor was with their things, he figured he could put it on once they got on the road. The sight of Belle with a war hammer was certainly imposing, but he had doubts that she could use it properly even with her strength. She'd need experience in fighting before he knew she could cover his back. More collars and only two of his slaves, however, meant he would need his strongest slave for sure.

"Alright. Dink, Delilah, Erica, and Byra, you're not to masturbate while we're gone. Eleanor says we need to move fast, which sadly means only two of you can go with me. You three wouldn't be helpful beyond being lovers for diplomacy, so I'd prefer you stay here. Delilah, you should remain here as well... keep an eye on things. I want you to cook the best food for you four and try to keep everyone out of trouble. Selena had wished to see Haven Grove and we're going to be passing through, so she's to come with me as well. Belle's brother in Barshul's Landing means I need her to come with me so we can see about recruiting him, so it only makes further sense she join me."

He'd move over, pulling Byra into a tight hug and spanking her rump before kissing her deeply. Of all the slaves, his recently-filled maid was the one he was going to absolutely ruin once he got back... but for now he could only smile at her and squeeze the ass that she'd trained just for his cock.

"When I get back, I'll tend to all of you to make up for you not being allowed to get off... so just be patient."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dink Erica, Delilah and Byra all looked horribly put down. Their faces fell and not even the embrace of her beloved master could cheer Byra back up. Regardless of their feelings they all nodded and moved away from the wagon. Belle nodded and got into the back, laying her war hammer down. Selena clapped happily and followed her onto the wagon as well.

"Be safe Master Orval. I will do my best to keep things calm and in order while you are away."

"Come back as soon as you can Master! I want to start breeding and I can only do it with you!"

"Master Orval....please come back soon. you finally showed me how to accept who I am...and I sorely wish to repay the favor to you."

Byra just looks sadly at the floor. "...."


Jun 24, 2016
As he looked to Byra, he was feeling more and more annoyed that he couldn't take his whole harem. He'd fit Dink and three others onto a wagon before. Even with how much equipment they had for the trip now, he couldn't help it. As angry as she might be that it might take a bit longer, he lifted Byra up and into his arms and turned to walk toward the wagon. Once she was up on the seat with the other two in the back, he'd climb up and shoot her a look.

"If Eleanor is angry because you slowed us down, I'm going to let her ream you and then put a chastity belt on you for a week... so be thankful, understand?"

He'd look to the trio, knowing full well that Erica would require a hard fuck when he got back. Maybe he'd give the bird-kin some small tits as a reward, but until he finished carrying out his duty that would have to wait. Dink seemed the most patient and quick to recover, so hopefully she would inspire some good mood with the other two. Taking the reigns and with the wagon stuffed nice and full with them and their supplies, he'd finally get them started and on the way out the estate even if it wasn't at their max possible speed.

"While we're on the road, you're going to suck me off Byra... ugh... I'm too nice for my own good letting you come with us..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra was practically vibrating in her seat, the worlds happiest smile on her face as the wagon started to move. Orval only got to say 'suck me off' before she was on her knees, had his pants open and was lovingly sucking on his cock in a manner that only this trained bitch boy possibly good. His lips were kept tight around his favorite cock, soft and wet as the slide up and down Orval's cock. His tongue slowly dragged up and down the entire length, pausing to swirl around the tip a few times before going back down with the motion of her head. Her soft little hands reached into Orval's pants to gently cup and rolls his balls while that heavenly mouth kept on working. 

Belle laughed from the back of the wagon, leaning back to relax as she watched Byra work. "you are far too kind master. Only your first mission and you already broke a rule set by the mistress. Ah, but it is for a good cause, Byra there can't live without you any more. The rest of us are devoted, but she is dependent...if that makes any sense."

Selena lets out a happy sigh as she curled her tail around and rested on top of it. "I am so excited! Finally going to see Haven Grove! A place of peace and quite...where the fast rush of life slows down to a leisurely walk!"


Jun 24, 2016
While he'd been hoping to keep Byra in a more proper mannerism, he couldn't help but feel pride and happiness at how quick she got his pants down and was already sucking him off. It wouldn't take long for the entire length to harden and one hand to leave the reigns as he held her down for longer periods. The idea that this had once been such an innocent virgin he fucked was steadily more and more unrealistic.

"N-Ngh~... w-well, I guess Eleanor would u-understand then. B-Byra has become like my woman. The only exception being she doesn't have a womb to bear children w-with."

Pushing Byra down harder as they passed through the gates, he tried to make it clear he wanted a slow but deep blowjob to properly make use of her throat. Byra had spent all that time sucking dick and, with the gut he'd given her from their morning fun, he figured he could sustain the in-training etiquette maid would at least not go hungry. The amount of cum he pumped out could probably support all three of them without even requiring them to eat. But with Belle and Selena relaxing and preparing for their long journey, he couldn't help but smile back to Selena.

"If you really like it and we end up succeeding in Eleanor's plans, maybe I'll buy or request Haven Grove as my personal town. A place that small and quite would be perfect for a personal estate and land to own... I can already imagine all the kids running around... mmf~... Gods, this is going to be a nice trip, regardless of if Eleanor reams Byra and needs to be fixed for a few days just to calm her down. I hope we find your brother and can get one of these collars on him, Belle... I'm curious to see if we can teach him how to handle something harder and better than steel..." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Byra was quick on the update and slowed down her sucking to a much more casual rate. Instead of rolling his balls she gently cradled them in the warm palms of her hands. Slowly she started bobbing her head up and down on Orval's cock, letting it move slowly into her tight throat before sliding back out to rest on her tongue like a fleshy bed. With this slower rhythm it was more like she was romantically making out with he penis rather than sucking on it. At this rate the blow job could go on for hours without sending Orval over the edge.

"Umm, master. I think you have the wrong idea on Haven Grove. It is no small village to be bought...it is second only to the capital city in size! Dozens of farms line the lands and in the center are the large stone walls that protect the city proper. It is also host to the Grand Chapel for the goddess Alrune." She pauses for a moment before speaking up again. "As for my brother...no offence master, but you probably won't get a collar on him. Male cow-kin normally stand around seven feet tall, so a foot taller than me, and he is rather...bulky. Smithing and combat training tend to build up a strong body. Even with me here I doubt he will come along easily...also, are you talking about your penis? 'harder and better than steel'?" She gives him a humored grin.

"Oh I would love to have a home there! Just growing veggies and spices in a small garden would be lovely!" She stares up into the clear sky, day dreaming of a mellow life.


Jun 24, 2016
"Anything can be bought. And my dick is most certainly what I was talking about!"

Taking a moment, he'd look to Selena with a smile. She really was hoping for a great place, so he could only hope that it would live up to her hopes and ideas. Being told about her brother being tall and bulky didn't intimidate him, however, especially as he pulled free one of the collars and would offer it to her.

"Trust me, Belle, we can collar him. I want you to be the one that does. He might feel betrayed, but by the time we get back the manor he'll at least be restrained. I'll definitely need to have changes made if he's that bulky and huge, though. Not enough so that he can't help me work, but at least enough to make him not a threat to anyone else. Hell, for all you know he might have grown more feminine since you saw him. Maybe he has a mistress or master who have been tending to him while you were gone. All I know is that getting him to join us, willingly or otherwise, will be necessary. I need another smith I can trust without fail... and he's the best option we got. We'll spend some time in Haven Grove as we pass through and get our path to Barshul's landing planned out. No more than a day, however... we're already going to be going slow, after all..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle looked at the collar in her hands, a sour expression on her face. "Master...are you seriously making me do this? Betray my own brother just you can have a smith of your own? I...I don't know how to feel about that." She gives him the collar back "I certainly don't want to hold onto that either. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth and a wrenching feeling in my gut. I don't care about being owned, it is far more interesting than hanging around a brothel all day and night...but that was my choice...I don't like this idea." She looks away from him. a concerned look in her eyes.

"Um, I can sympathize with Belle, Orval. We serve you loyally do we not? Saying you want her to collar her own brother AND make changes to him against his will is...harsh to say the least."

Byra has no opinion to offer as her mind is completely taken by the treat in front of her, gobbling up her masters cock like it was the most delicious thing on the planet...which it might just be for her. Neither of them sound rebellious, just concerned and afraid as performing such an act on someone they care about.


Jun 24, 2016
Seeing just how against it Belle was struck a chord with Orval, causing him to take the collar back with some reluctance. He'd grown used to taking others for his harem by now, but seeing how she wasn't for bringing her brother into the harem spoke that she wasn't willing for her brother to live a life like her own. Both Selena and Belle had yet to truly love their way of living if they both defended the hard work of a smith over being part of his harem!

"Alright, fine... if we can't collar him... then it's your duty to get him to come with us. Without another blacksmith I can work alongside in secret, we won't be able to make anything that can contain Eleanor's magic. One way or another, I need your brother to help us. Just think on it until we see him."

Turning, he moved his hand to pet Byra's head for a moment before taking the reigns back and focusing ahead. The road ahead was long and he was going to probably bust a nut in the pretty boy's mouth once or twice on the road. Letting the topic end on that note would at least allow the air to hopefully mend. It was going to be a long few days...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle smiled at Orval, happy for his reconsideration. "I understand master. If I can't convince him to come along with us...then...then I will use the collar. But I am sure I can get him to come along willingly!" She sounds confident enough, hopefully it will play out as she hopes it will.

The three days of travel to Haven Grove are peaceful and rather calm. Nothing get's in there way, certainly no bandits, as they exchanged pleasent greetings with several patrols on the main road almost every day. Such a heavy guard presence speaks for the cities importance to the kingdom. For the duration of the journey Byra spent the vast majority of her time, on her knees with a mouth full of Orval's cock. When they were stopped for a break the loving little maid jumped to his every command and composed herself properly, while offering herself every night. Belle and Selena were something of the same basket, making willing offers to Orval every time the wagon came to a stop. Selena was particularly affectionate at night, putting on hypnotizing dances with her new clothes before engaging Orval in passionate sex. Finally, just after lunch on the third day they finally come to the lands of Haven Grove.

Great lengths of land are in every direction are covered in farms growing various crops. The most common are wheat farms but plenty grow other crops such as corn, fruits, veggies and some are even cattle farms. surrounding the entire inner city are massive stone walls that reach high into the sky, legions of guards stationed on the top to keep watch over the farms. Equally massive gates stand ready to slam shut at a moments notice with four guards on the ground. Each guard is equipped with medium armor, mostly chain mail and thick leater, while sporting long swords and kite shields. The interior of the city, from what Orval can see, is stone strees and buildings with wood rooves.


Jun 24, 2016
Two nights of sex had done well for Orval, having been trying to distract himself once Belle had resolved to understanding the importance of her brother. With luck she could convince him... but he doubted any man would come willingly with his sister when she was essentially owned by Orval now. But all that had gone out the window as they neared the city. It had forced him to pull his cock-sucker off her favorite friend, but it didn't stop him from keeping Byra in his lap. Discreet sex with his cock wedged nice and deep in her rump, he was thankful for the scarf he had been given, letting it rest on Byra's lap to hide the bulge and dangle down to prevent any visibility of their meeting point.

"N-Nghhh~... it sure is a peaceful place... makes me wonder if anyone here would be worth inviting to our harem or even getting to help Eleanor. Any places you've heard of that we can stay at for the day to plan out the rest of the trip, Selena? You're the only one who'd been looking forward to this place..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Selena is nearly bouncing out of the wagon at this point, her excitement radiating off of her body and infecting the others with positive thoughts. "Yes! Honey Suckle Inn is well known in this city. It is large, friendly and affordable! The large amounts of resources here making it easy for the owners to keep prices low!" She leans out the side of the wagon to watch the farms go by. "It is in the central market district in the middle of the city. A giant circular area full of trading stalls, performers and stores on the exterior!"

Belle just stares at the lamia. "You...really know a lot about this place don't you? I am honestly impressed."


Jun 24, 2016
As he steered the wagon, he couldn't help but agree. Even with his cocksleeve Byra limiting his movement, he was almost inspired to look back and face her. As they'd make their way through the town, he'd keep a look-out for the Inn. After all, once he got them there he could explore the town with Selena and maybe find some potential slaves for himself and allies for Eleanor...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They easily pass down the stone roads, the wooden wheels clacking against the cobble as the wagon passes on by. Orval gets a few friendly waves as they move along but most people are too busy with their own business. Soon enough they come to the central market place which is just as Selena described it, a large circular area full of stalls, shopes, people and performers. A bright lively area that really lfits the mood of the group.

Off to the left is Honey Suckle Inn,  a large three story building with two double doors propped open and the loud noise of merry making pouring out from inside. To the side of the inn is a stable, so they pull the wagon up and a stable boy unhooks their horse and quickly gets her stowed away and the wagon parked to the side, all for a single coin.

Inside the inn is a cozy place. Wooden floors spread out and contrast the stone walls nicely. Tables are scattered about and populated by patrons who eat and drink happily. A bar stands to far left, the barkeeper a sleder human woman cleaning cups. The far right wall has a few booths for more private seating and straight ahead are what must be restrooms and the kitchen. Stairs are directly left of the doors, leading up to what must be the rooms.

"See Orval? This place is great right?"


Jun 24, 2016
It had taken some fast work to slip out of Byra's ass and tug her panties back up when they had left the wagon behind, but he was impressed by what he saw. A stable-boy that seemed prime for fucking, slave or otherwise, had helped them out and the inside of the famous inn had a decent-looking woman tending the bar. Selena's interest in the place certainly seemed spot on. He pulled free the purse and counted out a few hundred coins as they all entered, turning to Byra and Belle before offering the cow-kin the gold. She'd feel his ring work its magic as her clit grew, his smirk growing.

"You and Byra get us settled in, Belle. Tend to Byra for a bit and then explore for a while. I'm going to take Selena out exploring. No reason we can't have a bit of fun... but try to pick up information on the best ways to reach the Landing. Got it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Belle smiles at sly grin as she feels her clit growing to match Orval's cock in size. "Of course master, I will get us a room on the second floor and tend to Byra's...needs. We will be out and about in just an hour." She takes Byra's hand and approaches the barkeeper. After a minute or two of talking Belle hands over some coins and recieves a key, which she then heads upstairs with Byra, the little maid excited by what is to come...still a butt slut it seems but one that can act proper when needed.

Selana grabs Orval's arm and smiles happily at him. "We are going about the town? Yay! I am so excited I could just lift off the ground and fly away! Where should we go first? What do you want to see? What do you want to get?" She it like a child in a sweet shop.


Jun 24, 2016
With a sexy snake-kin on his arm, he was more than happy to patrol the town. Pulling the sluttish-dressed snake into his arm, he turned and led out out into the streets. He knew exactly who he wanted to visit first in this town... specifically, he wanted to find the spider-kin's sister Natalie. A spider-kin certainly wouldn't be hard to find, and not to mention they could possibly find some new clothes to give him ideas or even ones to buy for his other women. As they walked, with one arm around her, Orval looked to her with a smirk.

"After we find this sister of that spider-kin, we can go wherever you want... maybe show you some fun like you showed me on the road." 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Right, Walter said he had a sister named Natalie that worked as a tailor here. That should be really easy to find!" She half leads the way around the city, spouting lore and facts about big name shops and excitedly showing him places that might be fun to visit...mostly restaurants but there was a dancing hall close to the end. Eventually they do come up to a large tailor shop, two floors most likely split between shop and house, close to the back of the market district. "Silken Threads" reads the sign above the door. Through the window Orval can see lines of clothes on display of every shape and color, plenty of cloth laid out for people who want to make their own things and sewing supplies behind the front counter.

"I would say this is out best be Orval. If she had a stall we would have seen it by now and there was no spider girl sewing stall back there."

As luck would have it, there was indeed a spider girl behind the counter. She had light brown hair, gray eyes, soft lips and normal human ears. Her clothes hide much of her features but much like his other kin folk, her animal features start and end on her arms. Shiny black chitin is visible on her wrist and most likely goes to her shoulders. Modest sized breasts, maybe C cups, rest under her blouse and her pencil skirt shows off her shapely hips and soft, if a tad small, behind. slender chitin covered legs head down to her ankles and end in normal human feet. When she sees the duo enter, she smiles and shows off some spider like fangs where her canine teeth should be.

"Greetings sir and madam! Welcome to Silken Threads, my name is Natalie. how can I help you?" Her voice, oh goodness her voice, it is soft and whimsical, if only she would sing the entire town would stop to listen!


Jun 24, 2016
The time moving around town with Selena had been pleasing, but hearing such a beautiful voice on the fanged spider woman was more than enough to come close to trumping it. As they'd enter, his eyes looked around the store to feign an interest in clothes over the woman before him. Setting his gaze back on her, however, he put on a smile and pulled Selena a bit more tightly against his side.

"Well, I was looking forward to meeting a man named Walter's sister... you wouldn't happen to be the same, would you? The one who hates her job?"

While pulling out the collar and slapping it on could have been possible, hearing from Belle and Selena before about their distaste for just stealing people in such a manner had hit him. His intent was to try and seduce her to where Natalie would come with them. If that failed, however, he'd need to get her at least out of the store-front to put one of his six new collars on her without someone interfering. One thing was certain, however, and that was that having her sing for him could be as amazing as having her as his personal tailor...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girl smiles wider as the mention of Walter. "you know my big brother? Oh geeze, he is such a worry wart! I send him one disgruntled letter because my boss skimped on a pay check and now all he does it try and convince me to come with with him under his mistress.!" She laughs happily and shakes her head. "Yes Sir, my name is Natalie and Walter is my over protective older brother. Sure, this job is not the best...but at least I get to tailor things and it is better than roaming the streets right?"


Jun 24, 2016
"A skimped pay check is often a sign of bad things to come. But maybe your brother has a point. A beautiful girl like you stuck in a job like this is hard to watch... but if you were to tailor for a master or mistress, you'd have their riches to sustain you."

Giving a squeeze to Selena's rump as he pulled his arm free, he'd move to more properly stand before Natalie and motion to his own clothes.

"Selena over there has been hoping I can find something more... sexy. She's really excited about being in Haven Grove, so I figure maybe you could help me dress-to-impress her tonight. You wouldn't happen to have that sort of clothing and a place I could more privately get fitted and try them on, would you?"

Using this sort of logic, he could both find some clothing ideas and get away from the storefront. Natalie was seemingly trusty of him to some degree with his knowledge of Walter, but if he was able to slip her off and show off his body and get her going? He could have this sexy spider ready for a romp and make his move then and there... all while getting her ready for the idea of being someone's slave or cared for at the very least by them. It was important to make sure, after all, that she was at least somewhat willing for this role...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The spider girl puts a hand to her chin in thought. "I never thought about it like that. To serve a rich master or mistress would certainly take care of money problems. But it also comes with reduced freedom. I would just be someones possession after all...that is kind of scary don't you think sir?" She pause as his next request comes to mind.

Natalie blushes slightly but nods all the same. "Yes sir. We do carry more romantic clothing for...bedroom desires of both genders." She leads him to the back right corner of the store where they keep more slinky clothing like see through bras, loin cloths that leave the balls exposed from the front and other such naughty attire.

"We also have some fitting rooms in the back for just such occasions. I would be more than happy to help you try them on if you want Sir."


Jun 24, 2016
She thought it was kind of scary, adding yet another goal to this. Following her to the back corner, he'd grab a one of the bras of a similar green design and one of the loin cloths. Showing off just how happy and not scary being a slave could be would be vital, after all. Looking to Natalie, he'd motion her to follow before looking to Natalie with a flirtatious glint to his eyes. He'd take just enough time to motion Selena over and hold up both the loin-cloth and bra.

"I think I'd like for Selena and I to try these on. The bra doesn't fit her current outfit, but it gives me ideas for buying her or making her one specifically for sex. She's a dancer and one of the few to have earned the right to be my lover in my harem... so it makes sense that I spoil her in the town she'd been wanting to visit. You wouldn't happen to have something to match the bra that a snake-kin like her can wear, would you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Natalie's eyes widen as the truth doned on her. Selana was not his lover, she was his slave! Not only that..but she was being treated so well..no, she was being spoiled right now! This seemed to confuse Natalie a great deal but she simply smiles and nods her head.

"Of course sir, we have several sheer skirts for her." She heads to one of the shelves near by coming back with a green see through mini skirt. It would hang just long enough to cover Selena's pussy, but it's outline would be so obvious behind it that modesty would just jump out the window.

"Here you are sir, this should match the bra rather nicely don't you think?"


Jun 24, 2016
So far so good, he imagined. Taking the skirt, he'd look it over then look to Selena. It reminded him that his snaky lover hadn't been checked if she's got pregnant from the other day. If she did get knocked up it'd be fine... but he had to wonder just how hard they'd need to rut to get her filled. For now, however, he looked to Natalie and handed the bra and skirt to Selena to hold.

"That will do... can you take us to try them on? I need to make sure I'm not too big for this loincloth and she needs proper fitting still."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods her head and leads the two of them through a door and into a very cozy back room. The floor is clean, several chairs and two couches are set up for people to wait while the far side of the room has a curtain pulled across for people to change behind.

"Here you are sir, the private changing room. Please feel free to use it as you need. I will wait for you by the front desk." She bows and starts to leave the room.