(0.9.072 Hotfix #2) Storage Bug

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Trying to get caught up on everything since last I played, and recently found a few of these while I was testing stuff out. It seems to be a bug around Storage. The only storage I have access to in my main save is my Spearhead SS, everything else is a hard crash. Some examples being: The storage you get in the Nyrean Palace (But as of testing to get it to come back to get the error code, it seems to be fine?), Any new ship that's not the "Main" one, etc. Even got it to replicate by starting a new save, throwing a pistol into the Casstech and buying a new ship to replace it. It might have to do with the Infinite Local storage cheat, but idk. I'm just going to throw some of the errors here with what I know around it.

The code I get opening a new ships inventory (This happens when I have items in the previous ship storage and without items.):
Version: 0.9.072-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#3901 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLocaleString') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLocaleString')
at o.value (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/main.5db79142.js:1:11934522)
at Za (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549878)
at Va (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549677)
at $s (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:590508)
at Ru (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576730)
at ju (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576658)
at Cu (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576521)
at bu (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:573508)
at file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523246
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:641866)
(06:24:40.678) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(06:24:41.677) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(06:25:50.811) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(06:26:00.980) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inspect".
(06:26:02.810) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:26:02.810) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inspect" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:26:10.966) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Trade".

I've tried turning off Infinite Local Item storage and would get the same error, even when I would remove all items currently in storage.
The first file attached is my main save where I first located the bug incase it is needed to find it on your end, while the second is a completely new character I got to replicate it with minimal effort. In fact, I got it to happen with activating the Infinite Storage cheat? So I'm now stumped how it happens ¯\(ツ)

The error for that fresh save without Infinite Storage cheat:
Version: 0.9.072-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#3901 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLocaleString') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLocaleString')
at o.value (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/main.5db79142.js:1:11934522)
at Za (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549878)
at Va (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549677)
at $s (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:590508)
at Ru (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576730)
at ju (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576658)
at Cu (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576521)
at bu (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:573508)
at file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523246
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (file:///E:/Fenoxo%20Games/Tits/Game/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:641866)
(06:41:27.400) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(06:41:30.294) (Creature) warning: Name input error detected: No name provided.
(06:42:10.970) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Main Menu".
(06:42:15.706) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Menu" to UI state stack, replacing with "Options".
(06:42:28.046) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Options" and setting "Main Menu" as active state.
(06:42:28.108) (Serialization) info: GameOptions have been saved.
(06:42:28.699) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Main Menu" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:42:32.955) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Level Up".
(06:42:55.113) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Level Up" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:42:58.007) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(06:42:59.586) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:42:59.586) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:43:01.998) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Main Menu".
(06:43:03.101) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Menu" to UI state stack, replacing with "Options".
(06:43:22.413) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Options" and setting "Main Menu" as active state.
(06:43:22.470) (Serialization) info: GameOptions have been saved.
(06:43:23.300) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Main Menu" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:43:27.246) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(06:43:35.444) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:43:35.444) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:43:38.229) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(06:43:39.475) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:43:39.476) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:43:42.551) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Level Up".
(06:43:58.509) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Level Up" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:44:08.619) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Rotate Minigame".
(06:44:31.169) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Rotate Minigame" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:44:40.188) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Lights Out Minigame".
(06:45:05.738) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Lights Out Minigame" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:45:14.974) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Combat".
(06:45:19.626) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:45:19.626) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Combat" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:45:24.976) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Combat".
(06:45:24.978) (Core) warning: singleActivation() disabled function execution as it has already been activated.
(06:45:25.365) (Core) warning: singleActivation() disabled function execution as it has already been activated.
(06:45:25.809) (Core) warning: singleActivation() disabled function execution as it has already been activated.
(06:45:26.247) (Core) warning: singleActivation() disabled function execution as it has already been activated.
(06:45:26.886) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:45:26.886) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Combat" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:45:37.835) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Combat".
(06:45:44.807) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:45:44.807) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Combat" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:45:47.692) (Creature) warning: Attempting to call knockUp on a Creature class that isn’t serialized to save data. Better check this shit yo.
(06:45:48.343) (Creature) warning: PlayerCharacter.hasKnot() was passed an invalid argument (Your base won’t be coming down anytime soon, so you spend the time getting to know an Overqueen. You are predictably stonewalled on intimately personal questions, but she’s glad to explain her operations and goals. An ambitious woman who started from scratch in the frontier, fighting tooth and nail to build a legacy back home. It was just getting interesting when you suddenly slid free.)
(06:45:48.347) (Creature) info: New key item applied to TEST BOY: Plasma Conduit
(06:45:56.418) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Trade".
(06:46:03.062) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Trade" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:46:18.607) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inspect".
(06:46:20.073) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(06:46:20.073) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inspect" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(06:46:29.135) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Trade".
A copy of the TEST BOY file is also attached as file 2 (I had to redo it from scratch since I tried getting the error code before even saving it :) But I also found a new bug while doing it so.) While I was in combat with TEST BOY, I was fighting the first boss on FIRST-14 and forgot to equip my Steele Staff that I cheated in to make going through the content easier and quicker for the save. I equipped it mid combat and it showed the text before combat, so I just clicked the same options as I did before but I didn't put me back in combat? It just gave me the option to "Attack" while the test box was blank and the usual combat screen never appeared? Managed to beat her quickly though for the fresh save :) .
Sorry if this bug has already been reported and addressed, I did a quick search in the recent bug reports and saw something similar but without a save and has something to do with ship combat? So I assume this might be helpful in finding the cause? Hope so at least, and thank you for your help.


  • Grey (M) - 16Hrs 50Mins, 294 Days - Sleipnir, Siretta.json
    953.5 KB · Views: 7
  • TEST BOY (M) - 11Hrs 29Mins, 2 Days - Tavros Station, Kalas.json
    594 KB · Views: 4


Aug 26, 2015
The code I get opening a new ships inventory (This happens when I have items in the previous ship storage and without items.):
Hopefully this issue is fixed for the next release.

It seemed that it was just the Buy Ship menu that was causing the bug (or at least from what I could find). It was leaving a temporary value behind that would be cleared in normal inventory/shop/drop/trade screens. Due to the extra information and options that need to be displayed, the ship shop menu is a unique menu using the shop functions and variables so some parts were overlooked when new variables were added/adjusted for the normal shop menu.

The fix should hopefully remedy the issue for any item-related screen accessed after using the Buy Ship menu.

As for swapping the item in combat, I could not replicate the issue. So either the issue was resolved before I tested it, or there is something specific you did to get it that I am not aware of. Accessing the inventory, then equipping the item, should equip the item and spit you right back into combat (similar to using a combat item), taking up a combat turn (bypassed if your character has the "Quickdraw" perk), and should allow you to resume combat with the usual options and text.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
As for swapping the item in combat, I could not replicate the issue. So either the issue was resolved before I tested it, or there is something specific you did to get it that I am not aware of. Accessing the inventory, then equipping the item, should equip the item and spit you right back into combat (similar to using a combat item), taking up a combat turn (bypassed if your character has the "Quickdraw" perk), and should allow you to resume combat with the usual options and text.
I think I already fixed this part earlier this week, it's probably why it seems fine now.
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