
  1. A

    List of Body Part Types and Flags

    So, I've always liked editing my characters first thing to look how I want from the start using the old TiTSEd for the pre-js version, and I've been using an online JSON editor to edit my character in the newer javascript versions. After a while, I got tired of checking what was what, and made a...
  2. S

    TiTS JS Save Editor

    Save editor for TiTS. How to use The editor is hosted on a website on GitHub. You can click here to open it. From there, it’s pretty self explanatory. For more in-depth information, please see the wiki. Since it’s hosted online, the page will always display the latest version of the editor...
  3. Chase

    TiTsEdJS - A game state editor (for javascript version)

    So here we go folks. A new thread, a new beginning. Things have come a long way since 2016 when I timidly posted that first post with a very basic save editor based off CoCEd. Just to preface this, this is NOT a save editor. It does not in any way, edit the 'save' of TiTs. This is rather an...