
  1. R

    [Version: 0.9.010-BACKER#2247] "Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy."

    Currently unable to progress my character due to getting the above error after about 4 hours of in game time from the point of the save. This seems very similar to behaiviour described in , however I do not remember...
  2. Sparks

    Crash in crew after getting Dizzy.

    I bought Dizzy and went into my ship and went to my crew to see if I could talk to her and the game just crashed. Version: 0.9.010-PUBLIC#2246 Message: chars[t] is undefined Stack: db/c<@
  3. T

    [0.9.005-PUBLIC#2156] Downloaded Game Crashes Immediately on Open

    When opening the new downloaded version, the window opens, displays a window with the title "tits-html-electron" and blank, white content for a couple of seconds, then closes. I can still see TiTs process running in task manager after the crash. I'm on Windows 11.
  4. O

    [Game Version: 0.9.003-PUBLIC#2131] Problems with converting Hardlight Undergarments while they're in storage

    Kinda just posting my findings after fixing these two threads. It seems that when converting from TiTS 0.8.160 to JS version any undergarments bought from Aliss' shop that had the Hardlight flag and then stored in storage that isn't the player's inventory will crash when opening the storage in...
  5. Toxicc

    [0.9.002-BACKER#2105] Chance's anal sex crash

    Everytime I try to have anal sex with Chance this crash occurs.
  6. O

    [Game Version: 0.9.001-PUBLIC#2064] [Crash] Any item with hasDynamicProperties = true crashes menus

    If you've got any items with .hasDynamicProperties = true the game crashs upon opening most item menus. So, this pretty much effects anyone with the Gray Goo armor in the inventory the game doesn't crash if you open these menus while wearing the armor. Menus which crash the game: Storage menu...
  7. Sparks

    Crash When Opening the Tika's Shop in First-14

    Decided to finally try out the new version and talked to Tika after restoring gravity and opened her shop and got a crash. Version: 0.9.001-PUBLIC#2057 Message: t is not defined Stack: value/ value/<@
  8. T

    Adding bellyrating to a nullpregnancy

    "Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy." This is the error message I get after passing some time, which I get cause these things are on a timer. I'll include a save file, but I manually imported it from the flash version, because I'm lazy.
  9. O

    [Game Version: 0.9.001-PUBLIC#1986] [Crash] Most TFs Crash the game when changing tail Gentials

    When Siren's Bounty attempts to change a tailcock into a Suula one the game crashes with this error message: I think this is because SirensBounty.js uses the function shiftCock() instead of shiftAnyCock() While I haven't personally tested it I would also assume that Siren's Bounty changing a...
  10. G

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1814] Critical Error/Crash talking to Quinn after RK Lah fight.

    Description: after challenging and defeating RK Lah in a fight the game will crash if you try to talk to quinn a second time after departing the hut and before you turn him in to Darnock at the Snuggle plantation. It appears to only happen if you have RK Lah with you, after turning him in and...
  11. G


  12. Blacklightsky

    [Fixed][0.69.420-PUBLIC#1692] Crash due to pregnancy; moveToRoom was given a null parameter

    ISSUE; Game crashes due to pregnancy. Does not matter location, crash has always occured due to moveToRoom. Has left game in a state unable to advance from. I believe the pregnancy occured from Renvra. A copy of the save file is provided below. To replicate crash; Rest (12 Hours) Next (3-4...
  13. M

    Fighting void grunts.

    Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1668 Message: Cannot read property 'bustDisplay' of undefined Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'bustDisplay' of undefined at o.value ( at o.value...
  14. T

    first scene with Gray Goo Armor in ship crashes game.

    Having recently started a new save i am playing the game through and after recruiting the gray goo armor when i had headed back to the ship the the armor has aproached my character in the ships helm of the casstech z14 ship. I discovered that engaging the Goo Armor would always lead to a scene...
  15. A

    [Fixt] Bug in Kiro quest

    Fighting Doctor Illustria Po, the game crashes with this error: Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1324 takeArmor() deprecated. Call inventory.takeArmor() instead.
  16. E

    [0.69.420-B#1183] Crash on load of save

    ISSUE: Immediate crash when attempting to load .json save in Opera GX 82.0.4227.50 on Windows 10 x64. Error message as follows: Message: window.majinHere is not a function Stack: TypeError: window.majinHere is not a function at FT...
  17. V

    Tamwolf Mk.2 crash

    Cheat Menued myself Tamwolf mk.2 > Tried to equip > crashed. Error message: Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1107 useFunction must be overriden in a child class!
  18. TimD

    Mail crash

    I can no longer access mail, every time I click on it, the game crashes Message: window.prettifyMinutes is not a function Stack: TypeError: window.prettifyMinutes is not a function at at () at a.value...
  19. I

    game crashes when trying to make a new game.

    As title suggests I get this error when i attempt to start a new game.
  20. Alliebutt

    Been crashing a lot recently.

    Well, as the title says I've been experiencing a lot of crashing recently. This is mainly a problem with bosses, and has happened in so many places that I've quite frankly lost count of the number of times it has happened. The error code seems to be similar regardless of where it happens, and it...