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  1. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly


    ^ Definitely some good additions to the conversation. OP (Lawfulgoodpaladin) seemed to be looking for a Orc DPS warrior, so I've omitted spellblade gear for the moment. @ OP I would make the argument, a Smiting Paladin is a better DPS build than pure Melee/Range. Holy damage is by far the...
  2. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly


    Some recommended equipment: For melee DPS. A smiting paladin/spellblade might want to include spell power/spell penetration If you aren't going to use tease attacks, go to Nelia the Goblin clothes merchant. Buy a [Linen Tunic] and [Silk Underpants]. Gives you +7 Focus (aka armor vs lust...
  3. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly

    What content would you like added?

    This could be some sort of fever dream, but I recall somewhere there was a plan for Etheryn to eventually get a Druid themed set and a Valkyrie themed set... aka "Valk-ryn" Considering the fact that we get the Wyldkin set for her after finishing the Quest: , Valk-ryn might not be too farfetched.
  4. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly


    For clarification, I'm recommending that you don't spread your stats - you always want to boost the same 3 that's best for your build. If you're going for a DPS warrior, then that's probably going to be Strength + Agility + Cunning. You can buy a drink from Garth the bartender in Hawkthorne to...
  5. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly


    To reinforce the good advice already given, it is optimal to concentrate your attribute points into 3 stat lines. You can quite literally max out a 4th stat for 24hrs at a time by getting a drink from bars. Garth sells his drinks for 100EC a pop, so it doesn't exactly break the bank, If you are...
  6. TheJellyWobblesMenacingly

    Build advice

    Quick primer: Skills (Powers) that scale with attributes are color coded. Red = Attack power (Strength + Equipment + Buffs) Blue = Spell power (Willpower + etc...) Pink/Purple = Sexiness + Libido (Presence + etc...) Green = Toughness Orange = Cunning IRRC [Aria of Waves] and [Grand Finale] are...