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    Hello my name is Luma! Like Ace Hangman said, I've written a pregnancy expansion for Clementine (100 pages and 50k words). It's finished, I'm merely waiting for strawberry_tea to give their thoughts on it before submitting for review. I have commissioned art for the expansion, all the busts are...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Thank you everyone, for the kind words I would like to thank A1teros and TheIrishOtaku for leaving a fair amount of comments on the doc. It really means a lot. I know the doc is rather long, and many mistakes are bound to pop up. In hindsight, they were obvious mistakes that I should've gotten...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    After a long year of college, being financially fucked over by friends and family alike, and working a soul-crushing minimum wage job. The Clementine Pregnnacy expansion is finally finished. At 100 pages and around 50k words. Just a note about my health and the future of this doc. I know most...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Hello everyone! It's been a while, so I'm just doing a quick update. My job has been kicking my ass, but I'm still working on the doc. Most importantly, Strawberry_tea has approved all content and was very supporting. The mating press and pregnant cowgirl scenes have been finished (plus...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Quick Update: I've rewritten a few scenes, improved some others and finally after a year of working on this doc. I added a proper introduction to the beginning. I wrote a new sex scene, Mating press and added preg variations. I also tried to rewrite and improve an older scene, but I'm not too...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Quick Update: I've rewritten all the "sleep with" scenes and I've gone through the doc and fixed/improved the tooltips. Hopefully, it looks much better now. The next things I have to rewrite are all the sex scenes and the post sex scene. Unfortunately (only for me) Clementine now has a cowgirl...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    I apologize for the lack of news. I've sadly been busy with important matters this entire month and unfortunately getting sick as well. Looking at the recent patch notes, Clementine has gotten a new scene (congratulations to the author!). I was planning to have a cowgirl scene in my doc but I...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot. My apologizes for the confusion, I'm rewriting the entire doc. It seems you just now read my expansion for Clementine, after I've rewritten most scenes. Before, the end product was rushed and very sloppy. Currently, I'm rewriting the "sleep with"...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    People greatly prefer Moira's art, at least based on the reactions I've seen around the community when different artists are used. I will still try to recommission art as I want all the stages. But if they reject the commission offer, I'll just give up on getting art. Either way, the doc gets art.
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Moira's art is very good, it really adds to the cute factor of Clementine. The reason I commissioned art was because I wanted to make sure the doc had art to go with it. Some preg content doesn't have art to go with it, like with Wynne and Matiha. Sadly, not many people were fond of the art I...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    The sentiment is much appreciated, however I would like to politely decline. Right now I just want to focus on getting every scene rewritten and commissioning art. I would much rather have advice when the whole doc is overall better, because as of now. The parsering is non-existent and I still...
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    Mayternity 2024

    My deepest apologizes, the Clementine Pregnancy expansion won't be happening anytime soon. Rushing and poor execution of the entire doc led to its overall quality not being great. I've hit many roadblocks with this project, with my editor essentially quitting on me after paying them a large sum...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Hello everyone! I've come to show the updated art, the artist has worked very hard to improve the quality. A massive thank you to them and to Mr. Jstar for helping us improve on the original (Apologizes if I was annoying). Myself and the artist are still new to making NSFW stuff so if you have...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Expanding on my comments above. I would like to apologize and clarify that the images above aren't the final art, but rather unpolished art that are currently having improvements made to them. I naively thought originally they looked fine enough to be called the final, but both I and the artist...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Thank you for kind words everyone! It will probably cost more money but I'll see if they can fix the criticisms Mr. Jstar brought up. Now I see some people don't like the art, that is understandable and I respect your opinion but the artist has been very flexible and understanding. Personally I...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    The art is final, do you have any problems or suggestions? We are still waiting on review, but if the doc does get in the game the art will be used.
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Hello everyone, I hope your having a wonderful day. With this post I wanted to show the art I commissioned and give thanks to the artist and my editor. This project would have never been possible without either of them, I'm so thankful for the both of them. They want to remain anonymous, I...
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    What content would you like added?

    Hello! I'm the writer for that thread/doc. It was taken out of view because it needed approval from a a moderator. It is now up, so you can go view it.
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Apologizes for the late response, The thread was taken down because it needed approval from a moderator. Thank you for the kind words! Me and my editor are still working on improving the overall quality of the doc. I recommend anyone to check back in a week to see the changes and new scene we...
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    Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]

    Hello, My name is Luma. I've been writing this for the past month. If you wanna check out the doc, link is below. If you have any questions, please dm me on discord my username is Luma#2025. Apologizes about the parser, We weren't sure how to do it. Any help or tips with would be appreciated...