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  1. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    There's a whole lot of factors going into this one. People have likely already covered all of them by now, but I'm too lazy to read chat so here's some of them just in case. 1: Tobs is quite the controversial individual who deals with life in the way he does, and his heavy involvement with the...
  2. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I think calling it mindless grinding here is a bit much Melancholy. I hate grinding in games, but this will take you all of about 30 seconds if you want to blitz right through that, it's not a hassle at all. Is it a bit odd that this needs to occur in the first place? Perhaps, I don't have many...
  3. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    So, let's talk about...alissa...

    Personally, I would be hard-pressed to even consider the chance of an eventual redemption worth the risk of just keeping her imprisoned in the first place, given she's now an incredibly powerful and malicious demon. Magic can fail, few things are 100% certain, and risking a rampaging evil...
  4. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    What does giving the Crown of Winter to Etheryn do?

    From what I can tell it looks like there's: +10 Spellpower +5 Magic Resist +10 Mental Resist +25 Focus This is with neither pre-crown or post-crown Ryn having blue balls debuff, mind. (Edit: Looks like someone beat me to it by a literal minute, curses)
  5. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I get where your argument is stemming from Melancholy, it does kind of suck for some of us that we can't have a bit more mechanical/statistical flavor for specific traits/characteristics, I've always been someone who could not care less if I'm playing sub-optimally as long as it gets me to...
  6. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Hey no shame if it's what you like, we're all here for a reason.
  7. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Mad props for you willing to at least give it a shot, even if it's not exactly to your liking.
  8. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Like I said, wanting to get with the villain isn't something I have a problem with, people can like what they like. It was a large portion of my previous post. My problem is when people start actually denying the existence of the more morally repugnant bits to both themselves and whomever...
  9. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Perhaps it's hypocritical of me given how much headcanon I admit to putting into a playthrough, but this right here always gets me wondering what game everyone else was playing when the genuine Kas romance crusading crops up. This scene is mandatory and right at the start, you can't really miss...
  10. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Brint or Brienne?

    The path to the dark side, this is. Clear your mind of hatred and desires for heated cow debates, you must.
  11. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Brint or Brienne?

    There is typically an option to be intentionally play acting with your astonishment in this scene, in which Brint will play along as well, if the other choice isn't your thing. Some of your points are valid here, but this one is not unless there's some prerequisite that will straight up lock you...
  12. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Brint or Brienne?

    Do you have any examples you can remember off the top of your head for the bull qualities thing? I've seen you mention this before in another thread, and it's got me curious as to which scenes you were/are referring to.
  13. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Of course it's possible, and some people already play like that, that's why I ended the sentence with etcetera to imply there's more and then went on to say that we have a huge variety of things that players are striving for. Apologies if the post came off as inconsiderate or ignorant in any...
  14. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Brint or Brienne?

    The term has a harder definition to pin down, there's still quite a lot of discussion and debate to this day over what exactly qualifies as a 'himbo', they're calling him that because I imagine their idea of a himbo has differing levels of kindness/bigness/stupidity than your own. Personally...
  15. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    There's a couple more popular ways people go about making their characters. Some people make the champ a self insert or idealized version of themselves, some want to play as something they just find extremely attractive, others just like throwing together neat transformative options to see what...
  16. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Brint or Brienne?

    Have some problems with Brint's content, but he's my only option for male companion smut and a pretty good lad on his own, whereas Brienne does absolutely nothing for me fetish wise on top of personal gripes with her writing. Frost tank is also a way cooler thematic niche than pyromancer. Plus...
  17. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Duel wielding is kind of shallow...

    Wolf is a bit too nippy in a lot of situations, but right now I think it's justified. Yes, people can just not engage with you and you are free to voice your opinions, these are things I preach myself, but if you're going to stand behind that, you should be doing your part to not shove said...
  18. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    What content would you like added?

    For this person in particular, or are you generalizing? Because while I don't doubt this isn't the first time someone may have seemed a bit too overbearing in their desires for this content, I've also seen more then a few people just say that it sucks that they don't even get any input at all in...
  19. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    What content would you like added?

    Of all characters, Arona is probably the one I can kind of understand wanting to be a rough dominant with, considering how truly awful she can be when she's the one in charge on top of the usual orc conduct. Outright meanness in a dom/sub relationship is not my thing so I'd probably stick to...
  20. CasualAntlerEnjoyer

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I get it, I even mentioned it as being one of the reasons Azzy wasn't higher over in that least liked companion thread, but for me I think the biggest issue is that for it feels like it should just be a little less mean spirited when you try to opt out of the Azzy/Lia scenes, including a...